A/N: I have decided since I'm still working on the two AU stories to start the Omega!verse one since the idea has been pulling at me. NOTE: THE OTHER STORIES WILL BE PUBLISHED DON'T WORRY!

Pairings: Sabriel, Destiel

Notes: Alpha!Dean and Alpha!Sam, Omega!Castiel and Omega!Gabriel


Little fledgling Castiel sniffled and shifted a little in the small cardboard box he and his older brother Gabriel were in. The sounds and smells of the Angel Mill had been left behind, but Castiel was still terrified and on edge. Gabriel, his older brother but not by much, sat by him in the small box and wrapped three of his six little golden wings around Castiel and nuzzled his cheek against Castiel's head. The mean streets of the city were all around them now and they shook from a mixture of exhaustion, cold, and in Castiel's case from sickness.

The little black haired angel let out a tiny sneeze and jumped within the box. Worry and fear shot through Gabriel as he looked down at his little brother. The poor little angel was only a few months old and he was so scared. Castiel heard a crash somewhere off in the distance and squeaked nervously, flapping his two little black wings.

Castiel clearly wasn't healthy. He and Gabriel both were very skinny due to a lack of substantial food, Castiel's feathers lacked a certain luster that healthy angels had, his eyes were glassier than a pond on a winter day, and his forehead was burning hot. Kennel Cough had been running ramped throughout Crowley's Angel Mill. Alphas lucked out in that department, Kennel Cough only affected Omegas and unfortunately Castiel had had the bad luck of catching it before they'd escaped.

The escape hadn't been easy, the guards had walked around hourly watching the cages and monitoring their occupants. Gabriel had had to wait patiently and bide his time in order to work the rusty lock on the cramped, dirty cage and he'd had to bust his sickly, weakened brother out as well. That hadn't been a breeze, but here they were alive and thankful for that.

Gabriel looked around, sniffing the air and suddenly he started to growl. Castiel opened his tired little eyes and looked up at his brother worriedly, Gabriel merely nipped his ear to comfort him, a common custom amongst Omegas who were littermates and even sometimes those who weren't. Either way Gabriel's growl was menacing.

"Now c'mon little guy," the gruff voice of a human male said. "I'm not gonna hurt yah."

Gabriel whined and curled in closer to Castiel to protect him. Castiel whimpered and sneezed again before going into a small coughing fit.

"Aw little guys," the man leaned over and picked up the box. "It's ok. I'll get you somewhere safe, they'll help you."

The man started walking off to wherever he was taking them. Gabriel growled a couple of times, but he looked over the box at the ground below. The man was wearing hiking boots, old beat up jeans, and a flannel shirt. On his head was a very old baseball cap. Gabriel stared up at him wide eyed and scared. The man held the box close to him and with his free hand he reached into it and gently petted Gabriel's head.

"There, see its ok." The man smiled. "You're gonna be ok little guy. I know a place where they'll fix you up. What's your name little guy?"

Gabriel didn't respond, he looked over at Castiel who was curled up in a ball and sweating out his fever. He coughed again and shivered. Gabriel chirped and then curled up next to his little brother.

"Guess you can't talk yet huh?" the man chuckled. "Must be a late bloomer, anyway not that it matters but since I basically rescued you from the street I guess you should know mine. Name's Bobby."


When Gabriel awoke again he looked up and was greeted with a glowing sign. The sign read: Harvelle's Pet Shop. Gabriel scrambled over to the edge of the box and gripped its sides with his little fingers. He looked around nervously. The "pet store" whatever that was, it was painted lots of funky colors, it had much more character than the mill. He chirped again to show his approval and Bobby smiled.

"Yeah little guy," Bobby said. "Welcome to your new home."

Gabriel heard Castiel whimper again and watched as his little brother tired sat up and rubbed his tiny feverish eyes. He coughed again and Gabriel's shoulders drooped. Castiel wiped his snotty, runny nose on his arm and coughed again. It was a harsh barky cough that scared the hell out of Gabriel. Many angels at the mill had died of Kennel Cough and he didn't want Castiel to join.

"Why Bobby Singer," a cheerful woman's voice echoed loudly through the store and both Castiel and Gabriel jumped in fright. They both shook, terror in their eyes as a young blonde haired girl looked into the box and smiled big. "What is this? Where did you find these little sweeties?"

"On the street Jo," Bobby explained with a sigh. "Most likely mill runaways, the littler one's got Kennel Cough, older one seems healthy for the most part except for his weight."

"Well," Jo took the box and both little angels whined, flapping their wings like most angels did when they were scared. "We'll just have to fix you up won't we, precious little babies."

Gabriel chirped nervously and Castiel coughed.

"Thank you Bobby," Jo nodded and waved as Bobby walked off and out the door. Gabriel chirped loudly and peered over the edge of the box at Bobby who was on his way out and across the street. "Hey it's ok little one. It's ok. I won't hurt you."

Jo walked into the back where Gabriel and Castiel were bombarded once again by another woman who identified herself as Ellen. She petted each of their heads and smiled. Jo then whisked Castiel and Gabriel both off towards an unfamiliar sight. It was a small bathtub filled to the brim with water and bubbles. Gabriel cocked his head and chirped once again as he looked from the tub up to Jo who only smiled before picking him up. Gabriel squirmed and shrieked.

"Sssh, sssh little baby," Jo held him close to her chest and petted along the middle of his back where his six golden wings connected to the skin. Gabriel, as much as he'd been repressed from doing so, purred. "It's not going to hurt you. It's not. It's just water. I'll keep you safe."

Gabriel eventually allowed Jo to put both him and Castiel into the water, he purred and chirped happily when Jo worked the soap gently through his feathers and his hair. Castiel probably would've been more enthusiastic if he hadn't been so sick. Jo noticed how tired he looked.

"Poor little baby," Jo wrapped Castiel in a towel and dried him off soothingly before leaning him against her chest and kissing his hot little forehead. "Not feeling good."

Castiel coughed and tried to snuggle closer to Jo for warmth. She sighed and rocked him for a few moments, Gabriel keeping close watch over her and then put him down on the table next to the tub. She rinsed off Gabriel and took him out as well before pulling out two pairs of sleeping pants. She slipped them onto both Castiel and Gabriel, taking off and tossing their old raggedy excuses for clothes in the trash bin. She then picked them both up and strolled towards the cages.

"Now don't you worry little babies," she smiled. "I'm gonna put you in nice warm pens for the night. You'll have to share, but the other little angels are very nice."

She walked over to a cage and set Gabriel down in it, he protested when Castiel was placed into another one very close to, but not next to his. Gabriel sniffled and started to cry.

"It'll be ok," Jo said. "I can't put you two together, not until your brother heals. I'll start him on medicine tonight, I just need to fix it up. Sam is very nice. You'll be sharing a cage with him."

Jo walked away towards the back and Gabriel looked around his new enclosure worriedly. The inside of the pet store's lights were dimmed signifying they were closed for the night so it made it hard to see around him. In the pen, as Jo had called it, there was a small play tower, a bowl of food and water, and lots of warm hay to lie in. Gabriel shifted a bit, trying to bury himself in the place he assumed was designated as his bed. He closed his eyes, but not for long for he heard a rustling from inside of the play place and another little angel much like him emerged.

The other little fledgling had mousey brown hair that went down to his shoulders and deep chocolate brown eyes. His two little wings matched his hair color. He wore the same issued sleeping pants Gabriel wore and no shirt. He was an alpha, Gabriel could tell by his physique. He sat down and cocked his head at Gabriel and smiled.

"Hi." He said. "I'm Sam. What's your name?"

Gabriel frowned and snuggled into his bed, facing the other way.

"Ok then…" Sam felt a bit dejected. "Goodnight I guess…"

Gabriel waited until Sam crawled away back into the play place to close his eyes.


Castiel curled up on his stomach and whined. His fever was raging and his chest felt super tight. It was hard to breathe, but somehow he was getting a few good breaths in. Castiel had tried sleeping, but it wasn't working. Every bone in his tiny little body hurt, even his wings hurt. He whimpered again and curled up tighter, wrapping his little black wings around him. He was only awoken by the feeling of someone watching him. He cracked open his glassy eyes and looked up at the fledgling staring at him.

The fledgling had blondish brown crew cut hair and piercing green eyes. His cheeks housed a mess of freckles. He stared curiously at Castiel and then leaned down, sniffing his head. Castiel squeaked, scared as the fledgling smelled from his chest and eventually moved down to in between his legs smelling his sex. Castiel didn't feel violated so much, this was common with alphas and omegas in fact most of the alphas Castiel had had the "pleasure" of meeting early on in his short little life had always poked their nose down in between his legs first. The fledgling eventually stopped sniffing him and nuzzled his forehead. Upon realization of realizing Castiel had a fever he jumped a bit, shocked.

"Are you sick?" the fledgling asked, before nuzzling him again. Castiel's body went rigid at the foreign contact.

"Y-Yes…" Castiel coughed, the first words he'd managed since the mill.

"It's ok." The fledgling suddenly lay down next to Castiel which surprised the young omega even more, usually alphas at least all of the ones he'd dealt with, they weren't this friendly. Castiel took this as a good sign. "Ellen and Jo are nice. They'll take care of you. What's your name? My name is Dean."

"Castiel." Castiel choked out, Dean could see in his eyes he was terrified. Dean leaned closer and Castiel closed his eyes, shaking from being scared, but he suddenly felt yet another foreign feeling. Dean's tongue was running up the underside of his downy feather and all the way along them up to the tip. Dean was grooming him. Another trait not commonly seen in alphas upon their first meeting with an omega. Castiel chalked it up to the fact that he was sick though.

"That's too long," Dean said in between licks and preening Castiel's loose and sickly feathers. "I'm just gonna call you Cas."

"I-I like that…" Castiel nodded and then coughed again, so hard he gagged. Dean's expression turned from content to worried in an instant. He watched as Castiel struggled to breathe and raggedly coughed until the fit was over. Castiel looked up at him one more time before groaning and laying his head back down and closing his eyes. Dean bit his lip and continued cleaning his feathers. Jo came by moments later.

"Ok little baby I'm just gonna give you this little shot ok?" she picked Castiel up, Dean protesting a bit and staring up at Castiel in her arms. "It'll help you get better."

She stuck the needle into Castiel's arm, giving him the medicine and Castiel squealed in pain, flapping his wings and trying desperately to get out of his grasp. Dean paced back and forth in his cage nervously and glared at Jo. She held Castiel close, rocking him and kissing his head until he stopped crying. She set him back down into the cage and Dean ran over and snapped at her fingers until her arms were out of there.

"Dean," Jo scolded. "What has gotten into you?"

Dean glared and protectively stood in front of Castiel who was more tired than ever and laying belly down in the hay. He lifted his tired little head only when Dean nuzzled it. Dean spun around and growled at Jo to leave.

"I'm glad you've taken to him," Jo smirked. "Just be gentle Dean, he's very sick."

Dean nodded and motioned for Jo to leave before he too settled down into the hay and continued cleaning Castiel's wings. Castiel sighed contently and even though his arm hurt excruciatingly badly somehow sleep found him. The last thing he felt was Dean's head nuzzle his cheek before Castiel fell into a deep sleep.

Read and Reviews are awesome! :D

So? What did you think so far? Worth continuing?

They all met yay! And Dean likes Castiel a lot :3 Sam and Gabriel will need some time though.

More to come soon guys!