Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or inFAMOUS and if I did I wouldn't need to write this fanfic. "Whoa". That word just kept going through Uzumaki Naruto's mind about what just happened. Apparently when Naruto was 'stealing' the secret scroll he found a scroll that said 'to Uzumaki Naruto'. Believe it or not Naruto hid behind an emotional mask, playing as an idiot when he was really a genius. The scroll read 'Naruto you don't know this but I am your father Minato Namikaze (Yondaime Hokage) I'll first say sorry for making you a jinchuuriki, second I want to let you know that you have a conduit gene and it allows you to use cool lightning powers from or ancestor Cole Mcgrath. These powers include the lightning tether, thunder drop, ice launch, alpha bolt, alpha grenade, alpha rocket, etc. including his weapon known as the Amp. Time is short now for me and your mother but know this, we love you Naruto'. After reading this note Naruto cried because what his father had left him (Naruto changed into Cole's inFAMOUS 2 clothes because they were left too) only to be shocked when Mizuki showed up (Timeskip 1 day.) Naruto walked in the classroom with his Cole style clothes and the Amp. Kiba then walked up to Naruto. " Oi Naruto, this is for graduates only." He said with a smirk. Naruto then cocked his head slowly and said back "Check the headband dog breath." Sasuke then turned towards Naruto "Oi dobe where did you get that weapon, something like that shouldn't be with you." He finished it with the ever famous Uchiha glare. Sakura who just so happened to be sitting in between Naruto and Sasuke came out of nowhere and bit-I mean said "Sasuke is right for all we know you could break that weapon so you should just give it to him." Just then Iruka came in and started to announce teams "Team 7 will be Sakura Haruno, Uchiha Sasuke , and Uzumaki Naruto." "NO WAY AM I WORKING WITH EMO AND BANSHEE! " yelled Naruto "Sorry Naruto but because of your turn around last night making you have the best results in 10 years Sandaime thought you could give these guys some pointers." Iruka said with a sigh scratching the back off his head with the nervous smile. 'Best results in ten years?!' thought every student besides Naruto, and Shikamaru who was a able to see through his emotional mask. After everyone left leaving Team 7 Sakura screamed "WHERE THE HECK IS THAT GUY!" nearly busting everyone's ear drums. Oi Banshee, keep it down I'm trying to take a fox nap (he's sleeping like Kuruma)." He barked at her clear that he and the fox were pissed. "SHUT UP YOU BAKA!" She then attempted to hit Naruto. Keyword: attempted. Naruto then moved out the way and made Sakura go face first into the wall. Then out of knowhere a man with a mask on showed up in a leaf shushin.