Hello, my little peeps. So, basically, after my second story, my friends were all like "Oh my God, write more!" and one of them was seriously pushy about it, being all like "And it has to actually have chapters this time!" and I was all like, "Gem, chill,". So, this story will have chapters. I'm debating on whether I should make it Soul x Maka or Kidd x Maka. I suppose we'll see as the story unfolds... Goodbye my little friends. And enjoy the reading! And PS: I'm English. So sorry, my American pallies! And before I forget, a huge thank you to my two best friends, Gemma and Sophia. Love you, guys!

Disclaimer: I wish I owned Soul Eater, but I don't

You're My Obsession

Chapter 1

Maka and Soul walked side-by-side under the scythes, cloaked in silence.

'So,' Maka said, 'what do you think he wants us for?'

Soul shrugged, his jacket slipping slightly as he did. 'No clue. You're the smart one here, bookworm; figure it out.'

She glared at her partner. 'I don't know why he called us. It could be for anything. Maybe he wants us to take extra classes again. Maybe it's something to do with my father. Or perhaps it's to check up on our progress.'

This lightened the Weapon's shoulders. 'Yeah, that would be cool.'

'We're almost there, aren't we? We have 96 Kishin souls.'

'We'd better not screw up this time. I don't want to go through all of that again.'

Maka grinned. 'I promise we won't. We win this time. I promise I'll turn you into a Death Scythe.'

'Don't worry, Maka, I know you will.'

At this point, they had arrived into the Death Room, where Lord Death himself stood, towering over two of his most trusted students.

'Hii! Heeey! How ya doin'?!' he greeted them, waving a huge gloved hand. His voice carried his regular cartoony voice, which he used so he didn't frighten his kids. 'Bet you're wonderin' why I called ya here today!'

Maka smiled at him. 'Afternoon, Lord Death. We were, actually. Right, Soul?'

The boy mumbled something and looked at his shoes.

'Well,' Death chirped, 'one of our newest teams took a mission, but they're very, uhm...'

'Crap?' Soul suggested.

'Weak?' Maka spat.

'Inexperienced,' Lord Death decided, nodding his huge head. 'Quite. Anyway, I want you two to follow them and help them out just in case.'

'Just in case what?' Soul asked.

'They end up...'

'Dead,' Maka grinned, nodding her pretty head. 'I get it. We'll keep out of sight. Leave it to us.'

Lord Death patted her on the head. 'They just left. The Kishin is on Middle East Street. Go quickly.'

Maka nodded and she and Soul turned and ran from the room, down past the scythes, and through the school. For some strange reason they hadn't brought Soul's motorbike that morning, so they were left to run. But that didn't matter. Middle East Street wasn't too far from the DWMA.

'Come on, Soul!' Maka hissed, dodging through the shadows. It was dark, the street lamps fluttering to life, and it provided them with the perfect cover. Suddenly, Soul grabbed Maka's arm.

'Careful. They're up there.'

She looked carefully and saw two small kids, a girl and a boy. The boy was shaking as he walked up and yelled at a huge Kishin towering above his puny head.

'Hey! Look at me!'

The Kishin looked, confused, but not seemingly angry.

'We're here to kill you!' the boy yelped, holding his arm out. 'Mary, transform!'

The young girl trembled as she shone and was replaced by a war hammer. It looked too big and heavy in the boy's little hands, but he managed to lift and smack the Kishin with it.

This angered the monster, a huge skeletal thing that grinned. It's claws reached out and swiped at the boy, sending him flying into the building opposite.

'Maka,' Soul growled.


Together, they stepped from the shadows, stuck close together. Maka's familiar black trench coat fluttered around her ankles, and her ash-blonde hair was in their regular bunches. Soul grinned at his Meister, who glared at the Kishin.

'We're your opponents now. Leave the kids alone.'

The boy was slumped on the ground, Mary quivering at his side. 'Who are you?' she whispered.

'Your seniors. Now shut up and stay still.'

'Soul! Let's go!'

The Weapon shone and hurtled up into the air before landing neatly in his partner's gloved hand. She spun him around her shoulders, feeling her arms warm, before she stopped in a defensive position.

'Let's get this finished.'

'I couldn't agree more,' Soul put in, his reflection gleaming in the blade of the scythe. 'One blow?'


'Let's go, then.'


Maka swung Soul high over her head, and jumped above the Kishin's head, before burying the blade in between the monster's head. With one skilful slash, the monster dropped to the ground, writhing in pain. Then he was gone, leaving a single Kishin egg behind him.

'That was easy,' Soul bluffed, back as a human. Reaching out, he plucked the soul and looked to Maka.

'Go ahead,' she giggled, and nodded as her partner swallowed the soul with a loud gulp.

'Delicious.' He turned and grabbed his Meister. 'But not as good as your cooking.'

'Soul!' Maka protested as he kissed her cheek.

'Be quiet!' he grumbled. 'I didn't hear you complaining last night!'

She flushed a deep red and hugged him around the waist. 'This is the most you're getting, so deal with it.'

'Uh, excuse me...' a small voice mumbled. 'But... who are you?'

Maka turned her head against Soul's chest to look at the two small kids. With a hesitant sigh, she pulled back, hanging on to her partner's arm instead.

'Scythe Meister Maka. Nice to meet you. And this is my Weapon, Soul.'

He grunted at them.

'Let's cut to the point. We were asked by Lord Death to follow you. He knew you would need help. Come with us; we need to go report to him.'

Mary gulped. 'Isn't Lord Death... scary?'

Maka looked at her. 'Of course he isn't. Where did you get that idea from? He's a lovely person. To us, at least. But maybe it's because we're best friends with Kidd.'

'Or maybe,' Soul grinned, taking Maka's hand in his, 'it's because soon I'll be a Death Scythe. 97, Maka.'

She grinned back at him, eyes sparkling. 'Just three and one left to go.'