Out For Good

She was pacing that was never a good sign Gina wasn't in the living room she had made herself scarce the minute we got home. But, I was sure she was listening at the top of the stairs just like Derek and possibly Ethan were listening to us from somewhere probably my room.

"First off," Her voice is cold and deadly. "Who was that boy?"

"Ethan. He's just a friend nothing more."

"Boys are never just friends."

A giggle escapes my lips "Mom he's gay?"

"How do you know that?" She spits out her anger needle rising like a soufflé that could at any minute burst.

"Well, he has a boyfriend for one and two I don't like him in that way."

She's lost this round, which only makes her madder. "Fine then wants this I hear about you and Derek Hale."

"I don't know what did you hear?" It's a legitimate question but she screams anyway.

Then though her teeth she said "That you are sleeping with him."

"That is true." There was no sense in lying about that.

"So, you're not a virgin anymore." I expect her raving now but she isn't this time she sit in a chair close enough for her long nails to grab me but far enough for me to run. But, she just looks frozen in shock.

"No but I was safe." That problem won't help but it could my whole goal is stay in this house just a little longer.


"Why Derek?"

"Yes, I'm sure there plenty of boys out there you have your pick."

I giggle again "I don't want a boy I want a man." Even as I say it I know that Derek is smiling and Ethan is laughing.

"A man he's ten years older than you," There's that rage.

"Its seven years," I say it just a little too sarcastically.

"You are my child and you will not see him again."

"I'm eighteen Moms I can go with whoever I want."

She stands "If you want to stay in this house you will not see Derek Hale again." That was my choice was make and her fate was sealed now I would do I always did take care of Gina.

"Okay," I stand "I'll be back for the rest of my stuff at the end of the week.

"What stuff?"

"My birth corticated and college paper and rest of my cloths and Gina I won't leave her with you alone."

"I am her Mother."

I smile "This is true you did give birth to her but with temper and the stories of I have of the past nine years yeah no court would let you keep her. I walk to door "So, I'll work everything out and be back at the end of the week."

She grads my arm her nails digging into my arm that's when Derek shows up from wherever he was. "Take your hand off of her I will call the police."

"Fine," She said knowing what will happen if she tries anything her hand retracts leaving me with welts that will turn into thin scars like something you get from a cat.

Derek all but carries me away "How that good."

"Kinda," I say walking on my own now.

I don't know how it happen maybe it was both of us thinking are own thought that lead us to a park but at this point I was ready to just sit. So, I sit in a swing Derek sits next to meet.

"What now?"

"I guess I should talk to Stiles or his Dad."


"I want her to finish the school year here." I always had this plan "But, after I think she should go to Sacramento with our Grandmother."

He smiles "Right a fresh start."

I nod "Where she can be her and not what Mom wants her to be."

Leaning in close he said "We could go back to my place."

"I should go back to Argents place," I say kissing him.

"You can't be a grown-up all the time." He said placing a trial of kiss on my collar bone.

"Isn't that Derek jacket?" Alison asked sitting her tray down.

"It sure is Derek scent," Aiden commented putting two trays down on the table. One day I will thank Peter for giving me these wolves and by thank I mean kill him quickly.

I nod smiling "I have no regret is Stiles here?"

"Yeah Stiles." Stiles said.

Good-bye happy after sex feeling "Good I need to talk to you."

"About getting your sister out that house."

"Who told you?"

"Ethan, so I talked to my Dad and he said you should come and make a statement but the biggest thing is where you both are going to live?"

"My Dad said both you and Gina are welcome to stay with us," Alison volunteers.

I knew she would say that "Gina yeah I would love for her to stay here and finish the rest of the year here. But, after I want her to stay with our Gram."

Stiles has his deep thinking look on he going through this plan is his head "That could work."

"So how soon would she be out of the house?"

He looks at my head, then to the thin cat scratch scars on my arm "She'll be out of the house before dinner time."

"Okay," I pull out my phone. Mom had taken her phone so Ethan gave her his phone Friday night.


"Yeah what's wrong?" She texted back with lighting speed or maybe she was just as ready as I am.

"Nothing," She was worried about me and herself. "Look when you get home I need you to pack a bag a weeks' worth of cloths and anything else small that you can take without Mom noticing."

I can feel her relief and Dredd "It's happening tonight?"

"Yes, if you still want out then it can happen tonight."

"The place I'm stay will you be there?"

"Till you get settled," I saw no sense in lying to her about where I would spend most nights.

"Okay then let's do this."

"She's in."

Stiles stand "Good I'll take you to the police station."

"Right now?"

"Yes," He said "I can miss school and you defiantly can."

"Right." I say standing.

Gina sends one final text "Don't be scared I want this too. I'm just not brave like you."