Fandom: Free! Iwatobi Swim Club

Pairing: Haruka Nanase/Makoto Tachibana/Rin Matsuoka

Summary: Monthly 'drabble-a-day' with simple word prompts around the threesome of Haruka, Makoto and Rin years after their high school days.

Disclaimer: I don't own this series or these characters!

Author's note at the beginning and the end!

So I decided to do a drabble a day for the month of November! Just something simple, involving Marinka, taking place years after school. Haruka's an author and part-time aquarium worker, Makoto's a literature teacher, and Rin's still swimming (even though I mention that in this first chapter, figured I should say it here too!). The rating will also vary as well! And...I really don't know what else to add other than happy reading!

Day One: Home

"I'm ho~me," Makoto called, taking off his jacket and setting down his suitcase. It had been an unbearably long day and he was more than happy that it was a friday, along with his students. And he was sure that his Haruka and Rin were excited, too.

Weekends were precious to the threesome. When they were in high school, it was the time where they had the most time to spend with them all together because Rin would come down from Samezuka, and they would all stay at Haruka's. Even after graduation, between Makoto getting his teaching license, Rin continuing to swim to get to his Olympic goal, and Haruka working part-time at the aquarium and writing novels that were fairly successful and sold well, they all had something going on to keep them busy and to then look forward to the weekend to be with each other without having to do any work at the time.

He felt a pair of hands squeeze his hips as he loosened his tie and warm lips press against his neck. "Welcome home, dinner will be on the table soon." Haruka.

"That goes for you too, lazy shark. Did you hear me?"

"Oi, I heard you loud and clear." Rin came into view, lifting his arms above his head and stretching. Grinning, he brought his hand down with one swift motion and swatted it against Makoto's ass, making the tallest let out a 'eep!'. "Smells good, Haru."

"Maybe I should just let you fend for yourself because I asked you to help with one thing and you complained about it," Haruka said from the kitchen to grab plates from the cupboard.

"I did not!"

"Ohhh, filling a pot with water and then putting it on the stove is soooooo haaaaaaaard," Haruka did his best to imitate the whiny redhead, making Makoto laugh.

"You guys are mean..." Makoto ended his laughter with kissing his pouting lover. "At least Mako loves me enough!"

"Yeah, yeah..." Haruka hummed and grabbed Makoto by his loose tie, pulling both him and Rin towards the table that had their meal on it.

Dinner was filled with talk about what everyone's day was like, just like every other day for the trio. Makoto's class was doing well for his first year of teaching and was excited that the next subject to cover was Romanticism after the upcoming exams, Rin was getting more people wanting to recruit him, and Haruka got inspiration for another book while he was doing his rounds at the aquarium. There was also excited talk that the two would be meeting Rin at the pool after his practice tomorrow afternoon so Haruka could go swim, because baths only did so much and going into the tanks at the aquarium to feed the aquatic creatures and to clean the tanks weren't the same as swimming in an actual pool.

Afterwards, with Makoto and Rin thanking Haruka for yet another wonderful meal, they all helped with dishes and took their places on the couch. Rin had found a random movie on tv to watch (more like background noise), as instead he switched between watching Haruka type his ideas away and Makoto going through and grading papers with a pen in his mouth. It was peaceful, and they all found comfort even when no one was talking aside from the low volume from the television.

An hour later, Rin was sound asleep, head resting on Makoto's shouler and snoring softly. The sound of Haruka's typing slowed and he yawned, saving his work and closing his computer with working enough for the evening. With a final mark Makoto was done grading his papers, and he sighed happily, looking at a sleeping Rin and a very tired Haruka.

"Alright...bedtime, boys."

Makoto shook the redhead awake, set his papers on the coffee table along with Haruka's laptop, turned off the tv, and the three made their way down the hall (with trying to not let Rin stumble into any walls) to get ready for bed. Teeth brushed, clothes changed, and they all got into the large bed, Makoto being in the middle.

"Goodnight," Makoto kissed Haruka, then Rin, a smile never leaving his face.

The redhead just mumbled something and turned on his side to go back to sleep (which didn't take long), and Haruka wrapped his arms around Makoto's middle, pressing his face against his collarbones and gently kissed the warm skin. Ruffling Rin's hair and returning a kiss to Haruka's forehead, Makoto closed his eyes.

"I love you all, so much."

Additional author's note: aaaand here's the first addition! Hopefully updates will be semi-consistent (at this moment I have about...eight days to be re-looked through/edited/whatnot), but the time between updates shouldn't be all that long! And to be honest, I'm still a bit iffy about thinking my writing is good, but with the response of my other stories, it really makes me happy to see such a pretty big positive response! I should also mention some might be longer than others, due to the topic or how I tend to write sometimes. But with that all said...

Happy reading!