A/N: I DO NOT OWN RWBY AT ALL! Anything RWBY related belongs to Monty Oum. Any other references made to popular games, I also DO NOT OWN.

Just like everyone else, I am inserting my OC into the world of RWBY! This will be written in Third person. I have a lot in plan for this, so let's get started!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Prologue: A Slow Morning- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Damn it..." Dev mutters as he slowly wakes up. He always hated waking up early in the morning. He turns and checks his clock, it reads: 4:47 A.M. "Great..."

He shifts himself upward to a sitting position and glances around his room. Still dark, he got up and slowly made his way to his bathroom where he got ready

for his day. After he got out of the bathroom, Dev sat in his chair and turned on his computer. "Let's see what's going on in the world." He thought, booting up

the computer. Ten minutes passed and he realized he fell back asleep in his chair. He opened his eyes an stared at the screen. 'Welcome Deveraux.' The

screen reads as the default start up menu. He typed in his password and it logged him in instantly. He scanned his desktop for the browser and it clicked on it

and watched it open. As it did, he went over and read the overview of the homepage it brought up. "A terrifying accident occurs?" He read aloud. "A mother

and her two children were killed in a car accident..." He continued to read and then sighed. "It's too bad things like this have to happen to good people..." He then

exited the browser and opened up Steam and see if any of his friends were online. Turns out, only a few were online, but he didn't want to play their games so

he decided to play Devil May Cry. The game opens up and as he begins playing, he starts to feel a small wind coming from his monitor and blow towards him.

"What the hell?" He says out loud, starting to feel a bit uneasy. All of a sudden, the wind was blowing harder, then it stopped. He sat there, and began

wondering what in the world did that. After about two seconds, the wind came back and he began sucking him toward the monitor. "Oh shit!" He screamed as

he held the sides of his monitor. "What the hell is this?!" He noticed that there was in image of a high prestige school now on the screen, which looked very

similar to Beacon from RWBY. "Wait...is that what I think it is?" Yup. It was, and the atmosphere started to begin glowing purple around him, and this time,

sucking him into the screen entirely. "Oh crap, OH CRAP!" He yelled as it felt like he was being sucked into a different dimension.

Dev was watching as he was traveling through the purple space he began to change, his clothes began shifting into a black long coat, and a blue collar on the

inside of it, dark blue jeans formed out of his shorts and dark brown combat boots out of his normal sneakers. "Ahh! What the-..." He said as his right arm

began to feel an excruciating pain and to change and form into a blue arm that he recognized. "Is this Nero's Devil Bringer?" His arm slowly raises up to his

chest and a cast and a sling forms around it. "Am I turning into Nero or something?" He thought as Nero's sword; the Red Queen forms and latches onto his

back into a sheath. He doesn't know whether to be freaked out or to think this is awesome, but just as he thinks that, Yamato; Dante's brother's sword also

forms in front of him and lowers into it's sheath and onto his back. Then, two .44 magnum revolvers, similar to Nero's Blue Rose, form in front of him. "Woah,

I've always wanted these..." He says as he tries to reach for them with his left arm, but they both slowly move down into two holsters on his thighs under his

coat. Then he looked forward as an image of him reflects from the purple space. He had darker blue eyes, and his hair was the same. "Heh, I looked pretty

damn good." He says as he smirks. He flinches as his right arm stings a bit. "I'll have to get used to that." He looks forward and sees the same image of what

he saw on his monitor. "If that is what I think it is..." He finally escaped the space and realized he was falling really fast into the courtyard of the school. At

that moment, he saw a girl in a red cape getting yelled at by a girl in a white dress, with white hair. "Just like they were on the show...oh God, don't tell me I..."

Realizing what was happening, he started to yell as he approach the two girls. "LOOK OUT!" He screamed at them.

They looked up and gasped as he finally hit the ground with his right arm, surprisingly protecting his fall and then popping back up in the air into one of the

pillars which he grunted as he slammed into it hard.

"Oh no, hey are you alright?!" The girl in the red yelled as she ran over to see if Dev was okay. The girl in the white, walked over a bit shocked from his


Dev grunted and slowly opened his eyes, at her. He tried to sit up but his body started to feel like a thousand pounds as he tried to lift himself with his left arm.

"We should get you to the hospital, that looked like it would have killed you!" The girl in the red explained.

"Ruby, it looked like he landed on his right arm, the one with the the injury." The girl in the white stated. "We should rush him to the hospital." She crouched a

bit next to him and looked at him.

"You're Ruby, right?" He looked over to Ruby and asked, as if he didn't believe the girl in the white.

"Yeah, my name's Ruby, what's yours?" She smiled a bit, but still concerned for his condition.

"M-My name's...D...De-" He didn't finish and felt a darkness rush over him, and passes out.

"Weiss! We need to get help!" Ruby yelled as she stood up. "I'll go, you stay here!" With that, she began running towards the school.

Weiss watched her as she ran, then back over to Dev. "Hey, can you hear me?" She brought her hand to his neck to make sure he had a pulse, which he did.

"Hang in there, alright?" For as cold as she was, she was worried a bit, for a guy who she didn't even know.

A/N: Quite an entrance, hmm? Seemed like it hurt. :P Well, this is my first fanfic of anything. So, give it a review and tell me what you think so far. ^_^ I should update often, unless school gets in the way. But overall, I can see some potential in it myself. :)

"Turns out, I think of myself as not someone who praises himself, but hey, why shouldn't I? I am pretty damn bad ass!" - Deveraux Mercer. A line from my RP with a friend.