NOWWWW it's the last chapter. I hope everyone who said they were sad it's over sees this new chapter!

"Are you done getting ready yet, Rose?" Draco calls from the other side of the door, banging his head against our bedroom door.

"Almost, it's kind of hard to find an outfit when I don't know where I'm going," I shout back, pulling my hair back and smiling. It's January six, the first Sunday of the new year, so Draco says he's planned a huge date night for us. It's suppose to make up for the fact that the last four days he's been running around with George in Veneficia Lane to talk about the new joke shop while I've watched over our shop. "You can come in now," I call, turning and smiling as Draco walks in. "You're going as yourself? Should I change?" I ask, noticing the lack of the glamour charm.

"You know, I don't notice if you look different unless someone points it out anymore, I'm going to call you Rose in each disguise," Draco says planting a kiss on my cheek. "I'm going to need to find more synonyms for gorgeous, it no longer has the same effect."

"Thank you," I tell him, turning my head so I can kiss his lips. "Now, where are we going?"

"Not telling. Put this on," He hands me a bandana, and chuckles when I raise my eyebrows. "Alright, I'll do it," he says, walking behind me and putting the bandana over my eyes. "Trust me?"

"Yes," I say, grabbing his hand tightly as I'm pulled into side apparation. "Now?"

"No," Draco says, pulling me through a room and out a door then down five steps. He let's go of my hands and steps back. "Now,"

I pull off the bandana and stare at the house in front of me. It has a large front porch, with the stairs I had just walked down. To my left is a two car garage and on my right a gorgeous front lawn. It's completely brick except for the second story extension on the top of the house. I walk to my right a little and see it has a back porch and a fair size pool. It's a gorgeous house.

"Who's house is this?" I ask, looking to Draco who is smiling at me.

"Ours," he says.

"Shut up, it is not," I say looking back at the house that has to be thousands of pounds or galleons depending on how far he apparated. "Seriously, whose house is it, Draco." He takes my hand and kisses it.

"It's ours. George and a few other of your friends that actually like me helped fix up the abandon house and put up charms to keep muggles from seeing a house that just popped up out of no where. Ginny and Daphne did most of the designing. We're just a few blocks away from the Wilkins," Draco explains, looking at the house in appreciation.

"Our house," I whisper, a smile slowly reaching my lips. "YOU GOT ME A HOUSE!" I scream, throwing my arms around his neck and kissing him.

"Draco! We're going to be late!" I shout up the stairs, looking at the clock in the kitchen.

"We are not going to be late, Rose," Draco says, walking down the stairs in a muggle suit and tie. "You sound like Circe again."

"Who wants us to come for dinner next Saturday," I tell him, straightening his tie as he kisses my forehead. "You look handsome."

"You look gorgeous," he replies. "Ever since we moved some things into this house she thinks we are living in England again."

"At least we don't have to stay in their house every time we come to visit," I remind him.

"No instead we stay in your other parent's house," he says. I smack his arm.

"You can go stay at your mom's house if you don't like this house, but it is under my name so-" he cuts me off by kissing me.

"I am just joking, I was the one to suggest buying a house in London so we didn't have to stay with Circe and Felix anyways," He takes my hand and walks towards the front door.

"You only suggested that because I refuse to have sex with you under my parent's roof," I smirk at him as he locks the door and gets ready to apparate to the restaurant.

"That is so true," he says before pulling both of us into side-apparation. We arrive at our destination, but it is not a five-star restaurant like he told me. It's a meadow with a picnic blanket and basket. The meadow he brought me to three years ago after we first saw the marriage contract.

"Draco..." I say as he let's go of my hand. He kneels down on the picnic's blanket. I'm about to sit down too, but he moves to kneel on one leg. My eyes widen and I step back with a gasp and tears in my eyes.

"Hermione Rose Zabini," I chuckle at the name he gave to me a few years ago. "I've fallen in love with you twice, but it feels like every morning when I wake up to lay my eyes on your beautiful face, I fall in love with you all over again. Then when you speak with your pretty voice I just want you to continue talking forever. I love the way you don't realize you make small movements when you are reading depending on what the main character does. I love how you don't hesitate to give love to others and to talk to anyone so everyone feels welcome, but that you always look for me in a crowd." He pauses and takes my hand as a tear drops down my cheek. "I want to spend my whole life with you, and I knew that five years ago when I re-met you as Briar Rose. If I knew I wouldn't have scared you off, I would have asked you to marry me three months after we started dating. But I waited until I knew both of our lives were calm and nothing, not family, friends, or a stupid contract, would pressure you into giving an answer that doesn't come from your heart. So Hermione Rose Zabini, will you marry-"

"YES!" I shout, loving his speech and knowing I've already memorized every loving word he said, but I can't hold myself back anymore. I tackle him to the ground and kiss him. He pulls away before I can get his shirt off and pulls a box out of his pocket, opening it to show a ruby with a silver strip wrapping around it to hold it to the band. He puts it on my finger, smiling more than I have seen him in a really long time. "It's beautiful," I gasp.

"I think you mean it's magnificent, or appealing, I already used beautiful today," Draco says, talking about his New Year's resolution to only use one word that means beautiful a day.

"I love you," I whisper, leaning in to kiss him again.

"I love you too."


"When are the flowers arriving? Did the band call back yet about their drummer?"


"Did you hear from Merry? Is she apparating with Flora or flying by plane. I need to know by tomorrow. And I haven't heard back from the chef about the food."

"Rose!" I stop in my tracks and stare at Draco. He's smiling at me in amusement, but Monica and Circe look worried. "Breathe." I do as I'm told. "We still have a whole month before the wedding. Everything is planned, we could get married tomorrow if need be," He walks forward and takes my hands when I stiffen at that thought and how it would be so rushed and nothing would be planned. "These are all last minute things that you have a month to deal with," Draco says. He leans forward and kisses my head.

"Why don't you two go out for your Sunday date tomorrow?" Monica suggests, taking a seat on the couch. "You've canceled the last two for wedding plans."

"Yeah, Hermione I think that's a good idea," Circe sits next to Monica.

"Okay, but Monday it is back to work," I say as Draco leads me out of the manor's living room and towards the fireplace. "Thank you," I say.


"Calming me down... again," I say, Draco chuckles.

"You don't have to say thank you, I'm still in debt to you for agreeing to our engagement," He kisses the side of my head before helping me into the fireplace. "Home or to the G house?" He asks, I lean forward and kiss him before saying:

"You need to find a new name for that house."

Hermione Malfoy's life is no fairy tale. It is loud, hectic, and often has explosions in it. You would expect the owner of a small bookshop to want peace and quiet at home, but at the end of the day, when both her kids are in bed and the house is finally quiet, she craves for them to be up again and making noise. Hermione wouldn't change anything in her life, especially on days when everyone she loves is in one place just because they all had begun to miss each other. On days like these all she can do is smile at everyone giving love to everyone else.

"Lily, you have to put your bathing suit on before you can get in the pool!" Ginny Weasley says, grabbing her nine year old, red head before she can jump in the pool. "See, Lyra has her bathing suit on, and Hectate just went in with Blaise to put hers on,"

"Lyra always has her bathing suit on, she lives here with this pool," Roxanne says, following Ginny and Lily into the house to get changed too. As they go inside, Susan Weasley née Bones carries out her five year old son, Hugo. She makes her way across the patio and sits down at a table with her husband, Neville and Hannah Longbottom, and Angelina Weasley who is looking around the party for her husband.

"I think I saw George talking to Al and Louis by the tree," Ron offers his sister-in-law when he notices her looking around.

"I'm just praying he's not planning to set off another firework, the charms we put up around this house are at least sixteen years old, I don't want him freaking out a bunch of muggles if they fail," Angelina says, but her worried tone doesn't faze anyone. She came up with George's newest idea of a welcome mat turning into a firecracker every time a new person comes to the owner's house.

By the tree they are referring to, George Weasley is giving tips to a group of young boys. "I would suggest finding a way to empty all the pool water on the girls, but none of you are skilled enough yet for that trick yet."

"We could throw firecrackers at them," Louis, the oldest of the group of boys besides his uncle, suggests.

"To unoriginal," George shoots down the idea, thinking it sounds like an idea Louis's father, Bill, would suggest.

"We could charm mum's books to chase them!" Scorpius says, George grins.

"Brilliant idea," George says, ruffling Scorpius's blonde and brown hair.

"Except if you do anything to those books that will harm them, mum will kill you." The boys look outside the circle and Scorpius groans when he sees his little sister standing there, tapping her foot and pushing her wild, blonde hair away from her face. She got her mother's wild hair while Scorpius got his father's silky hair but Lyra has her mother's tan skin so she doesn't look deathly pale like their father does.

"Beat it, Lyra," Scorpius hisses, pushing his little sister a little.

"Ow! Scorp, that hurt!" Lyra shouts, just loud enough for her dad, who is passing by, to hear.

"Scorpius..." Draco Malfoy says, picking up his ten year old daughter even though she is too old to be carried for long. Lyra smirks as her dad starts to reprimand his son. "Why did you push your sister?"

"She's bothering me and my friends," Scorpius says, gesturing to the group of boys around him which is now mysteriously missing Louis and George.

"She wasn't bothering me!" Alastor Shacklebolt says, smiling at Lyra who is just a year younger than him since he is the youngest of Scorpius' friends. Draco stops himself from smirking at the boy who everyone knows has a crush on his daughter.

"Scorpius, your sister is allowed to play with you and your friends when everyone is here, remember?" Draco says sternly, and Hermione, on the other side of the pool, looks over and notices him talking to Scorpius and holding her daughter. He only held Lyra when her older brother did something wrong, so Hermione makes her way over there, excusing herself from her conversation with her parents, Ginny, and Ginny's parents. Monica Wilkins sits down at the table and takes her place in the conversation while Wendell Wilkins sits down and starts a new conversation with Arthur Weasley about their favorite topic, muggles. Felix and Circe Zabini stand up and walk over to their daughter-in-law to watch Hectate swim.

Albus is the first to notice Scorpius's mother heading towards them, and he and Alastor quickly run away before they get yelled at too. As they run, James Potter steps out of no where and tackles his younger brother to the floor. Their cousins, Fred the second, Lucy, and Dominique, watch the brothers roll around on the floor. James begins to tease Albus about his house in Ravenclaw. Lucy turns a bit bitter because that is also her house and her best friend/cousin notices.

"You guys are so immature," Dominique says, looking around to try to find her older sister Victorie. James gets off his brother when Fred tells him Harry just walked out with his little sister, Roxanne, and James' little sister Lilly.

"I wouldn't look for your sister, Dom. I heard from my dad that Teddy is thinking about asking her out," James says, standing up and leaning on Fred's shoulder who pushes him off. Lucy chuckles.

"No way! Teddy would never think of any of us more than cousins even if he isn't related to anyone but Scorpius's dad," Lucy says, but James shakes his head in disagreement. "What would you know anyways? You're only fourteen, I bet you haven't even had your first kiss."

"Neither have you two," James shoots back. He turns to Dominique who is the oldest out of the four of them at fifteen. "It's worse for a fifteen year old girl not to have had her first kiss." Dominique smirks and raises an eyebrow. Lucy snickers and walks away towards her sister, Molly, by the pool.

"Who says I haven't?" Dominique questions, turning around and walking away. Fred and James look at each other with wide eyes before chasing after her. They turn the other way when she stops and picks up the toddlers Maleficent and Hugo while talking to Flora and Merry. "Where's Uncle Ron?" Dominique asks, smiling at her cousin Hugo and at Flora's six-year-old Maleficent.

"Sitting with your dad, I think," Flora says, looking over her shoulder towards the table with mostly red heads except for Audrey's black hair. Flora looks back and helps Dominique put the two kids back on the floor to play with toy wands and brooms.

"I still can't believe Ron had a kid," Merry comments, looking at Hugo.

"It was five years ago, you still haven't wrapped your head around it?" Dominique asks, smiling at her five-year old cousin.

"Hey, I'm still getting use to the idea that I'm surrounded by wizards," Flora jokes.

"You two adopted Mal from a wizard orphanage right?" Dominique asks.

"Yeah." Dominique smiles and nods, then excuses herself when she notices her friend sitting with her sister and Dominique's sister. Teddy is no where in sight. "Hey!"

"Oh Merlin no, please leave us be," Victorie complains, not opening her eyes while she tries to take in as much sun as possible. She was Dominique's only sibling who had their mother's blonde hair and skin so she could tan unlike the other two red heads.

"Come on, Vic!" Dominique complains, "I don't want to hang out with James and Fred anymore, they are so immature."

"Well you are too immature for us," Victoire says, opening her eyes, looking around and then closing her eyes. "Go hang out with Luna or something, she loves talking to us teenagers."

"She's busy with Lorcan and Lysander who want to search for nargles in the house," Lucy says, glancing at the odd nine and seven year old boys pestering their mother and father.

"Helllloo Ladies," all four girls turn to look at Teddy who is swimming towards them, his hair blue today. "Care for a swim, Vic?" He asks, lifting an eyebrow at her as she blushes slightly.

"She probably won't, she just wants to tan so it looks like she isn't related to a bunch of red heads," Dominique says before her older sister can say something. In return she gets a nasty look.

"Shut up, Dom, go and -" Victorie stops before she says something bad to her sister as Emmeline and the former Minister of Magic walk by. She pushes herself up a little and dives into the pool, Teddy watching her every move. Molly, Lucy, and Dominique roll their eyes.

Emmeline and Kingsley make their way around the pool, Emmeline kissing her son, Alastor, as she passes who is getting into the pool with Albus and Scorpius. They head towards a table with George, Draco, Hermione, Neville, and Daphne.

"Hey Kingsley," Hermione says, being the first to see the pair she takes full credit on bringing together. "Hey Emmeline,"

"Hello Hermione," They both say, taking a seat and joining the conversation about the new Minister of Magic's policies, Kingsley keeps his opinions to himself, but Emmeline makes it known that Kingsley was much better at running the wizarding world.

"Yes, but family matters more," Kingsley reminds her, smiling as Susan sits down, placing Hugo in her lap.

"Speaking of family, are you and Hannah thinking about having kids, Neville?" Daphne asks, looking at Neville then glancing at the pool to make sure all the little kids are still afloat.

"We've talked about it, but we agreed we didn't want kids. With me working nine months out of the year and us living in Diagon Alley, we aren't really set up for kids," Neville explains, he leans over and kisses Hugo's head. "Besides, we have all had a little touch in raising these kids. That's enough for us."

Hermione and Draco chuckle, Hermione leaning back into his chest. "I think I've lost count of how many there are now," she says, but still smiles because she loves all the kids and teenagers who intentionally or unintentionally wreck her house whenever they visit.

"Eighteen was the amount the last time I counted," Draco says, watching the group of little boys who listened and hung on to every word his son said in the pool. A true leader Scorpius is.

"I think you forgot to count Teddy, but I guess him, Victorie, and Little Molly aren't going to be kids for much longer," Harry Potter says, taking a seat next to Neville. "It's amazing they don't overrule us."

"We still have nine more than them, I think we are safe," George jokes.

"Not with you teaching them all of your tricks," Daphne accuses him, but continues to smile. At these get-togethers, a child has to get hurt or in trouble for someone to not smile.

"Scorp's a natural, it's amazing since his mom is 'mine who tried to stop Fred and I her first year," George says, laughing and standing up to go find his wife.

"He gets it from Draco, not me!" Hermione calls after him, Draco just kisses her head. His favorite display of affection. "Hey Daphne, where is my brother?" Hermione asks after everyone stops laughing.

"In the pool with Bill and Ron," Daphne says, pointing at the men horsing around with the little girls. "Do you have your bathing suit on under your dress?" She asks, standing up and stripping down to her bikini.

"With these kids running around, I always have a bathing suit on," Hermione says, getting up and doing the same as Daphne. She throws her clothes at Draco's face, but he catches them and pulls her closer to kiss her before she jumps in after Daphne.

Seeing more parents getting into the pool, more teenagers and children pour in. The Wilkins and Flora sit on the patio furniture and watch the wizards in the pool, needing some muggle contact. After a few minutes of people pouring into the pool, Hermione and Draco expand it a little so it can fit all forty-three people with extra room to swim around.

"Hey Sis," Hermione turns around to say hi to Blaise, when he lifts his arms and dunks her under the water. Near them, their father and mother watches, Circe Zabini wearing a slightly worried smile and Felix Zabini grinning broadly like he always does when surrounded by the many grandchildren. They both loved their children, and loved their children's children, but they are both aware that it would not be much longer before they would have to refrain from playing with the little kids like Draco's mother does.

"Blaise!" Hermione exclaims, splashing him when she comes back up. She swims away from him, but he grabs her foot, so Hermione grabs his daughter. "Hi Hectate, you want to help me fight your daddy?" Hermione asks the blonde. Hectate flashes a bright smile and nods.

"Now, that is not fair at all," Blaise says, backing up to the wall as his sister and daughter approach. "I'm sorry I dunked you, Hermione, no need to take drastic-" Before he can finish his apology and Hermione and Hectate can splash him with water, loud explosions are set off by the tree, making so much noise that everyone stops to watch as the familiar product of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes the 'Peace Disturbers' goes off. Everyone at the party knows that there are exactly three rockets in the small packet, but only two reach the sky, the other flies into the tree, causing it to catch fire.

"Draco!" Hermione calls, but her husband is already out of the pool and fixing the tree. All of the men and boys start laughing at the failure.

Ginny, Fleur, Hermione, and Emmeline get out of the pool, pulling their boys out with them.

"Ow!" "Mom!" "It was just a prank!" "Uncle George said it was okay!" Of course it is the Malfoy boy who ratted out his favorite Uncle who is now being pulled out of the pool by his one good ear. "Ange! ow! THAT HURTS!"

While Hermione Rose Malfoy née Zabini reprimands her son for setting their tree on fire and disturbing the peace of the party, she succeeds in hiding her smile. Because who doesn't love a good get together with all the people you love, whether you are related to them or not or if things catch fire or not.

So while Scorpius is angry he has to clean all the bathrooms without using magic after the party, Hermione goes back into the pool, swimming up to her husband and kissing him, all kids in the area making throw up noises that they have become accustom to over the years.

"I love you," Draco says, smiling at his wife as she smiles up at him after looking to make sure their tree is still alive.

"I love you too,"

And they continued to live,

Happily Ever After

The End.

Okay, what was your favorite part? Least favorite part? Tips for my next fanfic? OR vote for

Lion King 2


Little Mermaid

OH! and I know how confusing 46 names and relationships can be so here is a summary of that :

Teddy= 19

Bill- Fleur = Victorie(17) Dominique (15) Louis (13)

Percy-Audrey= Molly (17) Lucy (14)

George-Angelina=Fred (14) Roxanne (12)

Harry-Ginny= James(14) Albus(12) Lily(9)

Draco-Hermione= Scorpius(12) {Draco chose his name} Lyra (10) {Hermione chose her name}

Ron-Susan= Hugo(5) {Ron chose the name} [Susan was good friends with the Trio in school even though she was in Huflepuff that's canon]

Kingsley-Emmline= Alastor (11) {named after mad-eye}

Luna-Rulf=Lorcan(9) Lysander (7) {All canon}

Blaise-Daphne= Hectate (9)





Merry-Flora= Maleficent (6) *smirks*