Chapter 10

Something was wrong with Castiel. Dean could hardly help but notice. First there were the weird dark things the tom had over his eyes. Also the slightest noise from Dean and Cas gasped and clutched his head as if in pain. Then there was the most obvious clue, the way Castiel looked like something dead and pulled from the bottom of the river six months later. He even smelled off.

Dean circled Castiel rubbing his body against his legs insistently. He was trying to offer comfort. But Castiel just swayed a bit unsteadily and grunted at the effort it took to stay standing.

The rubbing had a secondary purposes as well. Underneath the sour rank scent of Castiel, was the distinct odour of a sexual mature female. It was a scent Dean didn't like muddling Castiel 's own, even though it didn't smell that sweet today.

What had Dean's tom been up to yesterday after he left? Dean's only consolation was that Castiel was clearly suffering for it today. The pain was writ large in the scrunch of his thick eyebrows.

As Castiel sat on a rock by the stream, clearly contemplating his life choices, Dean considered the tom from some distance away. Today was not the day to continue his mating display. On a day like today, such a display would be entirely wasted on Cas.

For the hundredth time, Dean wondered what Cas did when he left. Obviously, Cas went to his own den, but what then. Based on the new female scent Dean had detected, it seemed that Cas might not always go there alone. Maybe he was searching for a mate when he left? Maybe one day when he left , Cas wouldn't return, he'd be to busy raising a litter with his new mate.

What would Dean do in this weird sterile jungle without Cas' daily visits? Reply they were the highlight of his days. There was really nothing for him here, no critters to hunt, no new areas to explore. Without a mangy strange tom to break up the monotony, Dean would surely die of boredom.

It wasn't Dean's fault that Cas was feeling poorly. He was still going to have his fun. With that in mind, he climbed a nearby boulder and wiggled his butt a bit in anticipation. He howled as he pounced on a bewildered Cas, toppling him from his perch.

Green eyes met fathomless blue. Dean just stared, unable to help his grin. After a moment, Cas' pained expression was wiped clean by a smile, like the sun breaking through the stormy clouds. He even laughed a little. Dean let out a yowling of pure joy. He bent down a bit to rub his downy cheek against Cas'. Cas out a whimper and Dean was esctatic to feel something hard prodding his backside. Cas as turning the most becoming shade of pink.

Cas grunted and shoved Dean off his chest, hastily climbing to his feet. Dean just filled over on the ground and liked up at him with a cheeky smirk.

Gabriel was worried about his little brother. He may have overdone it with his strict fun-enforcement last night. Castiel had just been more of a loner than usual lately and it had Gabriel worried. Can just needed to loosen up and he definitely needed to re-enter the dating scene. Gabriel was just tryiNg to give him a good-natured shove in the right direction. The get-out-and-sniff-some-new-butts direction.

Now Castiel was being a terrible brother by not answering his texts. There was really one option. Castiel had given him no choice. Gabriel would have to barge into his lab to check on him. He needed to see with his own two eyes that Cas hadn't fallen into a bottle last night and drowned.

It occurred to Gabriel as he headed out to the lab that Cas never talked about the lab anymore. Time was when Castiel would torture him with endless detailed biological descriptions of his latest project. But now Gabriel couldn't remember the last time Cas had given him disturbingly detailed scientific info dumps of some poor creature's digestive system. Cas just seemed so withdrawn lately.

Seriously, it was good he was going to check on him, Castiel needed to be reminded that he had people that cared about his well-being. Gabriel's sports car swerved around the corner into the lab's parking lot a bit dangerously. Stupid little brother making him get all emotional and worried.

Gabriel was a bit surprised to see the reception area was so empty and quiet. The intern's desks were too clean to be currently in use. Did Castiel fire every single one of his assistants?

Gabriel's peace of mind wasn't about to let him wait around to find out. Instead he headed through the swinging double doors and down the silent corridor. Honestly, the eery sterile stillness of the place made it look like the opening to a horror movie. But no demonic clowns jumped at Gabriel as he pushed open the big does at the end of the hallway.

Gabriel was confused. He was standing in a massive fake woodland. There was even a false brook babbling in the corner. What on earth was Castiel up to? What the hell was he hiding in this forest?

Gabriel's thoughts were interrupted by a fierce growl. He turned to see that weird catman thing that he had showed Cas, standing in front of his dazed-looking brother protectively. No wonder Cas hadn't wanted to go out last night. Clearly he was having to much fun, playing with this sexy man-beast.

"Castiel you dirty dog!"

Castiel was still staring at him gaping like a confused fish out of water.

"Too busy playing with your pussy to find a date, huh?" Gabriel smirked as he watched Castiel 's expression transform to pure indignant rage. This had better be one hell of an explanation. He almost wished he had a bag of popcorn.