Calleigh awoke to the obnoxiously loud ringing of her mobile phone, vibrating on the bedside table beside her. She grabbed it impatiently and flipped it open. "Duquesne," she answered, her voice croaky from as it was so early in the morning.

"Calleigh, it's Ryan. We've got a body outside Jackson Memorial Hospital, we need you to lend a hand."

"Yeah, sure Ryan. I'll be right there," she said, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Also, have you seen Horatio? He's usually in the lab early but I haven't seen him."

Calleigh heard the rustling of sheets beside her and she glanced over her shoulder, still holding her phone to her ear. There she saw her boss lying in bed next to her, his red hair messed and putting on a pair of underwear. She pulled her sheets up to her neck to cover herself. "Uhh…no, not today. Maybe he's – stuck in traffic, or something? Anyway, I'll see you there," she said, snapping her phone closed.

Horatio stood up and turned round to face Calleigh, running his fingers through his hair and giving her a slight smile as she lay shyly in his bed. "Uh, hey. Good morning. I guess we better get ready."

She nodded, "Yeah. I'll just go…take a shower."

"Meet in the Hummer in twenty?"

"Sure," she replied, watching as he left the room in just his boxers. What have I done? She thought as she gathered the sheets around her and walked into Horatio's ensuite.

Once she had showered and dressed, she left the house and got straight into the car where Horatio sat waiting patiently with the engine running. "Aren't people going to talk? When we arrive at the same time, I mean."

He put took out his trademark sunglasses from his pocket and shook his head. "I don't think so. I picked you up from the lab on my way to the crime scene, remember?" He chuckled, then donned his shades and hit the accelerator.

"What do we have, Frank?" asked Horatio.

"We've got woman found dead outside in the bushes. Her ID says she's Amy Bowen, a nurse. It looks like she's fallen from one of the windows – we're waiting for Alexx to tell us what story she might have fallen from."

"Or was pushed from," Horatio replied. He walked around the edge of the building, seeming to examine every individual blade of grass with his expert eye. Calleigh walked a few paces behind them, carrying her kit. She couldn't help but look at him as he had his hand on his hip, drumming his fingers as he did when he was deep in thought. They passed under the police tape, and Horatio held it up for Calleigh so she could pass through. "Ma'am," he said politely. "Thank you," she replied with a half-smile. This is going to be more difficult than I thought she worried.

As they made their way to the bushes where the body lay, and Ryan couldn't help but notice how the two looked at each other, and that Calleigh was wearing the same clothes from the previous day. Horatio would glance her way every now and then with a smile, although it was hard to tell what he was really thinking through those dark sunglasses. Meanwhile Calleigh would notice him looking, and sheepishly turn away and try to make herself busy. He was puzzled, and didn't really know what to make of it, but brushed it aside to focus on the case at hand.

Horatio bent over the body, examining the position in which she landed. Noticing blood on her back, he turned her over slightly. "Frank, there's a gunshot wound here," he remarked.

"Well, I guess it doesn't take a doctor to work out what our cause of death is, then."

"No, it doesn't," he agreed, just as Alexx made her way over to the body.

"Did someone say doctor?" she joked, kneeling down on the ground to examine the body. "Well, she was definitely shot before she fell as there isn't much of a blood pool here. There's one entry wound…but no signs of an exit." She turned the woman again onto her back to examine her limbs. "Well honey, you sure got beat up down here, didn't you? It looks like both wrists are broken, Horatio, along with a few ribs. I'd say she probably fell from the third floor, although I'll be able to tell you more after the post."

"Thank you," he replied, "Frank, will you go to the hospital and do some research into Amy, find out if she might have any enemies in the hospital. Calleigh, will you go back to the lab with Alexx to examine the bullet."

Frank nodded and set off towards the main entrance while Alexx led the body away on a gurney. Horatio turned to go back towards the Hummer, but Calleigh caught his arm quickly. "Horatio, wait… I think – I think we need to talk about, uhm, about what happened last night."

He turned towards her and took off his glasses, his ice blue eyes deep with concern. "Sure, Calleigh. Whatever you want."