Graceful Defeat

Together Mark and I ran through the streets, heading towards the port. I almost wanted to pull my hand from his, feeling so scared at the thought of facing the evil Undertaker. Then…it occurred to me….Mark never once blinked an eye at the thought of something bad happening to me or the baby. He was ready to take me aboard the ship and launch me into battle without a second thought. Something wasn't right here…and I needed to figure it out.

"Mark wait!" I yelled as we came to a stop.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

I touched my belly, "I can't face the Undertaker like this…you should know that."

He glanced over his shoulder at me for a moment before saying, "I do know that…you're also the reason that I couldn't face him before…"

I raised my eyebrow in shock, "And what is that supposed to mean?"

He looked ahead at the port that was still far off, and then started laughing. I backed away slowly as he started to change form. His hair became longer, a hat formed on top of his head, and a black trench coat appeared over his wide shoulders and long arms. It flowed down to his ankles just as it did when I first met him….

"It means….you weakened my brother…and now he's a prisoner aboard my ship once again."

I gasped, "Undertaker…"

"In the flesh love…Now be a good girl and come back aboard the ship. I promise that nothing will happen to you."

I shook my head and backed away, "No."

He leaned his head to the side, cracking his neck fiercely in the process. "Excuse me?"

"I said no!" I screamed before turning to run away.

"I would really reconsider that my dear. You see…if you don't come with me I'll not only kill you where you stand but I'll make sure that brother of mine joins you and your rotten child in the darkness pits of hell!" he growled. "The choice is yours deary."

A tear fell from my eye as I held my belly, "I love Mark that is true….but even he would expect me to run…not stay and fight."

He laughed and pulled a sword from his trench coat, "Then I guess hell is your choice!"

I gasped as he stepped towards me, ready to pierce the blade into my lower abdomen….only to see him stopped dead in his tracks. A blade about the same size of his own was pushed through his back and out through his chest. I screamed in terror as he dropped to his knees and fell to his side. When I looked up to see who attacked him, I wasn't surprised to see the real Mark standing there.

I ran into his arms and was about to kiss him before he picked me up in his arms and began running towards the ship.

"M-Mark what are y-you doing!" I screamed.

"I told you before Mia, this is MY ship and now that I have you back I can reclaim it and be rid of him forever!"

"I don't understand…"

He didn't say another word until we got to the ship. We climbed aboard and he ordered the crew the pull the anchor aboard. They did as he told them without hesitation working together to get away from the island. I took a seat on the stairs that lead up to the wheel that controlled the ship and watched as the ship began to move away from the island. Once we were far enough away the crew all looked towards Mark and yelled "All Hail the new captain!"

He smiled and then looked down at me. "Come to me,"

I smiled and went to him like he asked. When I got up there he looked at the crew and said, "This is my new first mate…and beautiful bride…if you'll have me."

My mouth fell open in shock as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a diamond ring.

"I got this from Blackbeard himself…right in the heart of his ship…I'd be honored if you wore it as a symbol of my love…"

I nodded, "Yes of course….although you'll have to tell me what happened once we separated."

"All in due time love…for now…I only want to celebrate everything we've gained from our patience of being separated. There wasn't a moment when I didn't think about you."

An approving nod was how I responded. "Can I get that kiss now?"

He smiled and pulled me in for a long passionate kiss that got the crew cheering. Once it was over he turned to them and announced that none of them were to put their hands on me in any way shape or form.

"Anyone who doesn't heed my warning…will walk the plank…" he told them. "And now my lady, and gentlemen set sail for new land! America!"

They cheered and ran into their positions to begin the journey to America. As for us, we headed off to the captain's cabin to enjoy being reunited. He was especially gentle with me since I was carrying his child but still sent the message that he missed me terribly. I wondered if the crew could hear my cries of ecstasy and pleasure.

"So tell me…what happened when we got separated?" I asked him.

"I went aboard the ship thinking that I would regain my power once I was there….but that's not what happened. In fact, I was ten times weaker once I got there and my brother was able to capture me. I was a mortal…"

I turned onto my side and gently touched his stomach. "So how did you lose it?"

He smirked and glanced at me, "I lost it the night we made love….it's all inside of you right now."

"Oh no…I'm so sorry,"

"Hey, it's not your fault. I should have known something was off when I felt weak the next morning."

I bit my bottom lip, "So…am I able to use the power?"

"No. It protects you…and keeps our child safe." He said with a smile. "I can use it as long as your around me."

"And what happens when our child is born?" I asked.

"My power will return to me, but some of it will remain with our child." He said proudly.

I rolled back onto my back, "Wow…that's so magical."

"It is."

"Is your brother dead?" I asked.

"Yes." He said. "It's ashame though…he'll never meet our son."

I gasped. "It's a boy? How did you know that?"

"My powers remember?" he asked.

I smiled and kissed his strong lips, "I love you Mark Calaway."

"And I love you…future Mrs. Calaway."

For many years we sailed the ocean seas seeing new lands and going on many adventures. I was so happy to have finally found where I belonged…even though I was amongst the most evil men in the world and on the most dangerous ship in the seas…The Deadman's Voyage.

The End