Chapter 2

Jack opened the door to his apartment slowly and carefully. He had spent the rest of the day filling out applications at various restaurants and businesses. He hoped he'd get a call back and have more interviews. He wasn't under any delusion that his interview with Mr. Pitchiner went well.

His sister was on their tacky floral couch watching a DVD. Or at least jack assumed it was a DV since they didn't have cable. Her brown eyes were locked on the screen and she didn't notice her brother come in at first. When she did notice she gave him a toothy smile, and pushed her strait brown hair behind her smiled at her and hoped she hadn't gone into their mother's room. Only two things happened when Elizabeth enter their mother's room, there would be crying or yelling. Either their mother cried over the lost childhood of Elizabeth, or yelled at the girl for being cheerful and optimistic. He in his sister where alike in that aspect, nobody would guess that their mother suffered from chronic depression.

"You haven't left for work yet?" Jack's sister questioned.

"No I'm going in later." Jack didn't want to lie to his sister but it was better that way. He had been staying over at Bunny's to make it look like he was going to work in the evening. Really he's been spending most of his time with the tall Australian. Bunnymund never complained, and Jack was grateful for his friendship, and a place to hide.

"Mom hasn't taken her pills yet."

Jack wasn't surprised. "I'll take them to her once dinner is ready. How do you feel about spaghetti?"

Elizabeth smiled at her brother. "You know it's my favorite!"

"Your favorite? No way, I thought you loved spinach."

"Yeah right, you know I hate the stuff."

"No wonder there is still like a bizillion cans of spinach in the pantry." Jack ruffled his sister's hair and she slapped his hand away.

"You always mess with my hair, it never looks nice."

"Your hair always looks like a birds nest, I'm just adding flair." Jack responded with a flip of his wrist.

Jack looked at the TV and smiled at the cartoon. His sister was growing up but much like him she still loved cartoons. Jack in many ways had to grow up fast but he never let go of his childishness. He watched cartoons, vandalized fire hydrants on hot summer days and started snow ball fights when it was cold. He loved to see his sister smile, and was determined to give her the best childhood he could, even if it meant protecting her from their mother.

Jack made his way to the small kitchen, and put on an apron. The apartment had an open floor plan so Jack could still see his sister enjoying her cartoons. The kitchen was tiny and really there was only enough room for one person at a time. That was ok because Jack was the only one who ever did any cooking. He took out all of the ingredient to make spaghetti starting with the noodles. As he cooked he sighed and thought about his situation. He hoped that he'd find a job soon, he didn't like lying to his sister. Well he wasn't really lying as much as keeping the truth from her. Soon it would become evident that their money was running low, and then Lizzy would start asking questions. Jack only hoped that he'd find a job before then.

He ran a hand through his brown hair to try and clear all his negative thoughts, he wasn't one to be pessimistic.

"So where were you today?" Lizzy asked cheerfully and paused her DVD to give all her attention to her brother. Jack gave her a smile and tried to think of a lie to tell her, but before he could, she answered for him.

"Did you go on a date?"

Jack laughed openly, he had no time for dates. It was ridiculous that his sister even thought of this. Then again she was a preteen, all they ever thought about was romance and boy bands.

"No Lizzy, I did not go on a date, sorry to disappoint you."

"Are you sure, you've been spending a lot of time with Aster. Are you two going out?"

Jack sputter and spilled a little of the tomato sauce he was stirring. "Me and Bunny? Oh god no. What even gives you that idea?" Jack had never told his sister about his love for men. It's not something that came up in everyday conversation, and it really wasn't essential for her to know.

"You two hang out a LOT." She says with a wide grin and a suggestive tip of her head.

"We're friends! That's what friends do!"

"Yeah but he's the only person you hang out with."

"That's not true, I hang out with Mr. North too." Jack says defensively.

"You and Aster hang out with Mr. North together, that's pretty gay, Jack."

With that Jack jumped from the kitchen and on to the couch and started to tickle his sister. She laughed openly and loudly, pushing gently to get her brother off her. "Who's gay now?"

"Still you!"

"What makes you think that? I'm the most manly man you know."

"Yeah you're so manly in you apron, and when you're cleaning with manly pride."

"My point exactly!"

Lizzy shook her head and gave her brother a serious look. "You never dated anyone before…I thought maybe it was because you didn't like girls. The only person I ever see you with is Bunny, I didn't mean it in a bad way. If you are that's ok, you're still my brother."

The male brunet gave his sister a kiss on the forehead. "Thank you." With that he went back in the kitchen. His sister smiled and looked at him shyly.

"So…do you like girls? Why don't you date?"

Jack looked at her and felt a little uncomfortable. He didn't think he would be having this conversation with his sister any time soon. He didn't have time to date, and the only one who knew he was gay was Aster. With no time to date and being busy taking care of his family he thought it would be easy to hide his sexual orientation. He never thought his sister would have questions, or pay attention to his relationships…or lack there of.

"Is it because of me and mom?" Lizzy sound so guilty and sad it broke Jack's heart.

"No, of course not. No, I just don't have time."

Lizzy didn't look any less guilty and looked at her hands. "You're too busy because you're taking care of us."

"I'm taking care of you, because I love you. I love you more than anyone I would date."

"But you must be lonely. You never dated in high school either. I want you to be happy."

Jack smiled, leave it up to a young girl to think happiness lie solely in love and romance. "I am happy, and since you ask, no I don't like girls. Let's just eat ok?"

Jack gave the sauce one last stir and made two plates, one for his mother and one for his sister.

"Are you going to eat with me or do you have to go to work?"

"I'll eat with you, let me just get mom settled in first." He snatched up his mother's antidepressants and her plate and prepared for a fight.

His mother's room was dark, so dark that Jack tripped over something unseen. He managed to make his way to the nightstand without dropping anything. He turned on the lamp on the stand and his mother flinched at the brightness. Jack's mother pulled the cover over her and she morphed into a lump of tangles sheets. Jack picked up an empty glass from the side table and went to the attached bathroom to get his mother some water. He really wasn't up to trying to baby her into taking her pills.

"Mom, I got you some dinner."

"I'm not hungry."

Jack sighed and set down the glass of water. He looked around and saw that what he tripped over early was a pillow. Probably one thrown at Elizabeth when she had come in earlier. The blanket was tugged away from Jack's mother.

"Jack, what are you doing?" She grumbled and reached for the blanket.

"You have to eat something and take your meds."

"Oh you know those don't work."

"Just take them, please." Jack took a seat on the edge of the bed, and his mother gave him a sad look. Jack leaned over and took her pills holding them out to her.

"Elizabeth came in today…"

"Yeah she told me. Here." His mother took her pills and Jack handed her water. She swallowed and looked at the water with forlorn eyes.

"She's so grown up." There was a light sob. "I missed it, I missed her growing up, and now she hates me."

"She doesn't hate you mom."

"She hardly talks to me." Jack refrained for pointing out that every time Elizabeth talked to her she would shoot down all the girls dreams and ambitions.

"She misses you." Jack missed her to. She's not the same mother anymore. She was always slightly depressed and Jack remembered being the only one who could make his mother laugh. Now he couldn't even manage to do that anymore. He reached out for his mother and brushed back her hair. She use to be so devoted, but ever since his dad died she just went downhill.

"But I'm right here, she just ignores me. Oh jack, you both do. I don't know why. What have I done to you?"

Jack felt guilty, but pushed it down. Almost every conversation he had with his mother made him feel guilty, but mainly sad.

"Nothing mom, you're a great mom. We love you."

His mothers' brown eyes looked up at him, glistening with unshed tears. She blinked and a lone drop trailed down her face before her shoulders started to shutter and she simply cried. Jack rubbed her shoulder and whispered a 'shushing' sound to try and sooth his mother.

"In the end you will both leave me, and I'll be alone." She cried hard, and loud and Jack cringed. He hoped Lizzy wouldn't come in to see what was wrong.

"It's ok mom, we could never leave you. You're stuck with us." Jack laughed dryly, knowing his mother wouldn't return the gesture. She did open her eyes and wipe her tears. She looked at her son for a moment and said nothing. "I made spaghetti."

She sat up and took the plat in her lap. "Thank you Jack."

Back in the living room Elizabeth had set up two TV trays. Jack smiled and made a plate form himself quickly before brining both into the living room.

"We should go to the public pool tomorrow!" Lizzy said with excitement. Jack was caught of guard not expecting that particular topic. He laughed though, and twirled his fork in the noodles.

"Sure, sound like fun." He needed to give his sister more attention. The girl had friend but no real way to get to them. Jack didn't own a car, they had sold the family car while his dad was in treatment to help pay the bills. Even if they had a car, they wouldn't be able to afford insurance now.

"Oh and I'll be starting school next month! We'll have to go shopping…you think I can get one new shirt?" Lizzy batted her eyes in hope that she would get what she wanted. Jack kept his smile even though he felt bad he couldn't provide for his sister.

"I don't know Lizzy, maybe not this year." Elizabeth's shoulders dropped but she nodded her head in understanding. She eats her food quietly.

"I'll get you a hair bow for that unruly mop though." Lizzy laughed and pushed her brother in the shoulder. She put another forkful of food in her mouth and then frowned.

"I guess you have to go to work now."

Jack didn't want to leave his sister, especially since she gave him such a miserable look. He took a couple of bites of his meal. He had to go. He couldn't stay with here and risk her knowing he didn't have a job. He was surprised she wasn't already suspicious about him going in late. He pushed back the TV tray and took his plate into the kitchen. Before he left he gave his sister a tight hug.

"We'll hang out tomorrow, promise." He whispered in her ear, and he got a kiss on the cheek for it. He snuck out of the apartment, making sure his sister wasn't behind him waving goodbye before knocking on Bunny's door.

The door opened promptly and Jack was greeted by his tall friend who'd already changed into his pajamas, which consisted of a tank top and boxers.

"You're becoming way too comfortable with me coming over."

"It's my flat." Bunny stepped aside and let the brunet in to his apartment. Jack immediately made himself comfortable on Bunny's beat up old couch. Bunny's apartment was just like any other bachelor pad, with worn out furniture and hardly any decoration. It was a comfortable second home to Jack, and he was happy his friend allowed him to come over so much. He was surprised they hadn't gotten on each other's nerves yet.

Aster sat down next to him giving him a faint smile. "How'd the job hunt go?"

Jack snatch up the blanket that had been his cozy friend earlier that day and pulled it over his head. "Uh."

"Really? That bad?"

"I don't have a resume. I totally should have jacked your laptop and typed one up before I left. It was so unprofessional. I doubt I'll hear back from that job."

"You didn't use your charms to get the job?"

"Oh I used charms. I was smiles all the way, but the guy was so cold and unimpressed, I don't think a pretty face can sway him."

"Well don't beat yourself up about it." Bunny got up and went to the kitchen table to uncover his laptop from a pile of bills. "We'll write you a resume right now so you have one in the future."

"Thanks Bunny." Jack rested his head on Aster's shoulder and watched the man start up his laptop. He thought about what his sister had said, about how she thought they were dating. He laughed to himself and gave Bunny a big grin.

"Lizzy thinks we're dating."

Aster laughed out loud and shoved Jack off his shoulder. Jack gave him a pout followed by a whine.

"But darling your shoulder was so comfy!" He teased.

"Oh Jack, you couldn't handle me even if you wanted to, mate."

"I couldn't handle you? Please you couldn't keep up with me."

A/N: Thank you for all the reviews, i love to hear from you.