A/N: So…in the midst of studying biochem, this idea just popped up and I couldn't resist the urge to write it...didn't proofread at all, so please, do not pay attention to grammar and details. lol

Disclaimer: Standard applied…too lazy to come up with creative ways to put it.

Chapter 1. You weren't There

"Megumi, you're always working so hard," Kaoru whined to her roommate, whom she had barely seen in the last two months," I never get to hang out with you anymore."

"After my biochem test, tanuki-chan, and then we can go for the movies or something." Megumi smiled affectionately at her blue-eyed roommate, using her nickname. She had met Kaoru during a run-a-thon for diabetes and the two became fast friends despite their age difference. Megumi was in her first year as a graduate student in the toxicology program and applying for medical school at the same time while Kaoru was still a happy undergraduate in her junior year working on Journalism and English.

Kaoru pouted for a moment and then beamed, "That'd be great! Misao has been talking about this movie that was coming out!"

Misao was their other roommate, barely a freshman and cannot decide what she wants to study. Although she and Karou were the same age, Kaoru was a few years ahead because she had skipped two years of elementary school.

As Megumi was about to reply, her cell phone rang. Frowning at the unknown number, she hesitated before picking up.


"….Hi, Megumi." A masculine voice sounded through the phone cord. Just the mere sound made her tremble, an effect she cannot believe he still had over her after all those years.

"What do you want?" She asked, using all her willpower to steady her voice.

"You." The answer was simple and to the point, just the way she remembered him to be.

Megumi took one glance at Kaoru, who was looking at her with curious eyes. Almost out of instinct, she started to speak Japanese, something she hasn't done since he left.

"Why do you want me back? You weren't there when I needed you. Why do you want me back?" She asked, the Japanese words rolling off her tongue in a strange way that was almost soothing.

"I love you."

"It's too late," Megumi replied, looking down at her left hand, "You're too late." With that, she hung up because she knew that no matter what he said, she was going to start crying.

"Megumi," Kaoru rose from the sofa with concern written over her face," Are you okay?"

"Of course," She tried to reply in her usual brisk ways," Why wouldn't I be?"

"Because," Kaoru said quietly," You're crying."

So…first chapter…yes, it was weird, didn't seem like Megumi to cry…buuut…oh well :P

Leave some comments and let me know what you think! I have somewhat of an idea of how to continue this story, but at the same time, am totally lost, so any suggestion would be greatly appreciated!