A/U: Just to clarify, TLH never happened. Piper was found by camp Half-blood eairlier than in the books along with Leo. It's been a year since the events from TLO. This is basically an AU for how the Greeks and Romans meet.

Chapter 1: Once upon a time

Piper burst through the school doors, running as fast as she could towards her first class. The hallways were empty because everyone was in class. And she was late again. Three minutes later she rushed in Mr. Williams' classroom panting slightly while clutching the strap of her bag.

''I'm glad you could join us Miss Mclean. Although with a ten-minute delay.'' Her English teacher exclaimed dryly, making some of her classmates chuckled.

Piper's eyes secretly scanned the room before she saw him. Her lips formed a scowl seeing his bright smile.

''I'm sorry Mr. William, won't happen again.'' She apologized, lowering her head to look more regretful and guilty.

''Mhmm, I hear this for the third time this week.'' He said while writing something on a small piece of paper. ''Detention after classes. Now take your seat quietly.'' He passed her the note.

She quickly crumbled it inside her bag while walking towards the only empty seat. She tried to control her anger while searching for her English book. Detention in the last day of school? Come on, couldn't he cut her some slacks? It wasn't like it was her fault anyway; the stupid harpy almost knocked her out for gods' sake! What was she supposed to do, run away? Yeah right, good luck with that. Maybe she should have led it to the school. Her mortal teachers would have just loved it! (note the sarcasm, please).

Piper silently counted the days until she could go back to Camp Half-blood.

A folded piece of paper was pushed in her hand from behind and she gripped it tightly, turning forward and putting her book on the desk. She pretended listening carefully to the teacher for a few seconds before curiosity got the best of her and she unfolded the paper under the desk. She had to concentrate before the letters stopped smearing and she could somehow read the note. Stupid dyslexia.

What happened? Do you want a company in detention (though only you could get in detention on the last day of school). ;)-J.

She smiled, her previously bad mood gone. He had that effect on her. But she had to stop daydreaming and answer him. The question was what to say? She clearly couldn't say the truth. Mortals didn't know about her world and he would probably think she was nuts if she told him the truth.

I slept in. And you are willing to ruin your good record just for me?-P.

She waited for the teacher to turn towards the board before throwing lightly the note behind her shoulder. She heard his low chuckle behind her. The response came a few seconds later.

I can make an exception for you.-J.

Piper shook her head and managed to tuck the note in her jeans' pocket before the teacher arrived at their side.

''Do you have something to share with us Mr. Grace? Maybe you can entertain not only Miss Mclean but the rest of the class too.'' Mr. Williams asked fixing him with a stern look.

''No, not at all sir. I just asked her for a pencil.'' He said innocently and Piper had to stop herself from laughing.

''Then it won't be any difficulty for you to answer my question.''

Silence filled the room before Jason admitted that he hadn't heard the question. The teacher gave him a detention slip and continued rambling about the authors and books they had to read in the summer break.

The bell finally announced the end of the class and everyone hurried to exit the room.

''Slept in again, huh.'' Jason chuckled while walking with Piper to their lockers, her hand in his. ''Well, at least you are well-rested.''

''Yeah right.'' She grumbled but quickly added. ''You didn't need to get in detention too you know.''

''It wasn't intentional, I swear! Williams is too boring to listen.'' Jason raised both his hands up in surrender and it was Piper's turn to chuckle.

''That you got right.'' She shook her head but something caught her eye and she stopped abruptly. ''Is that blood on your shirt? Are you hurt?''

Jason glanced at the edge of his purple shirt and Piper thought she saw panic in his eyes before he smiled at her again, tugging them to continue walking.

''I decided to make my own breakfast this morning. Guess it didn't turn that well, huh.'' He chuckled a little stiffly which made her to narrow her eyes at him.

But soon she relaxed because this was Jason and he had no reasons to lie to her. If someone was keeping secrets in their relationship it was her. Sometimes she felt guilty for not telling him the truth. They were together for more than nine months now and she had considered telling him a few times. But the possibility of loosing him because he thought she was crazy was unthinkable. And so she was stuck.

''You have Math next, right? Jason's voice brought her out of her reverie.

''Yeah, why?'' she turned to smile at him.

''Just checking.'' He shrugged and they stopped, having reached their lockers.

Just as she was collecting her stuff from her locker and closing it she heard Jason mutter something under his breath.

''I guess you have French?'' she asked him, trying really hard not to laugh at his pout.

French was probably the only subject that Jason had really big difficulties at. It was funny, because Piper was natural at it, the only subject on which she got A's while for Jason, French was the only subject he had C's. With his A's Piper found it hard to believe that he was dyslexic too.

''Tell me again, why did you choose French?'' she asked, her voice unable to hide her amusement.

''Because I find Spanish even worse.'' He grumbled, shutting the locker's door forcefully.

''I have to agree on this one.'' She admitted, remembering her best friend from camp Leo who half of the time speaks Spanish.

''Okay, see you at lunch then.'' He sighed again and before she could answer he locked his lips with hers.

As always the strange electricity shocked her when he touched her, momentarily paralyzing her mind. She couldn't quite explain it but the feeling was there every time their skin touched. That's how she knew it was him every time he tried to take her by surprise, hugging her from behind. Which was actually good because she could flip him just as Annabeth had taught her. Her instincts always kicked in.

''Se ya Pikachu.'' She mumbled on his lips when they broke apart.

He mock-glared at her because of the nickname but she could still see the amusement in his eyes. They always gave him away. He finally sighed, giving up pretending to be angry and gave her a chaste kiss before they separated to reach their classes.

During Math Piper's mind was preoccupied with thoughts about camp and this school. She found that despite being excited as usual to go back, this time there was something or rather someone to keep her thoughts returning to San Francisco. She was going to miss Jason so much.

''How much time do we have again?'' Jason asked as they were comfortably huddled in her back-porch swing the same afternoon. She was surprised by his willingness to spend the afternoon with her; usually he hurried to go home after school because his family was very strict about curfews and such. Piper didn't question him, knowing he didn't like talking about it.

''Another hour I think.'' She said, shifting a little in her seat between his legs to be able to look him in the eyes. ''You know that I don't mind if you have to go home, right? It's not like we'll never see each other again.'' She chuckled and he smiled back, tightening his grip on her waist.

''Yeah but still, three months aren't like three days.'' He admitted, putting his chin atop her head.

Piper turned forward too, smiling to herself.

''You sound like you're gonna miss me.''

''New York Pipes, it's in the other side of the country.'' He answered. She could feel how his body tensed and gripped the hand she was playing with until now.

''Hey, it's gonna be okay.'' She said, not sure why was he suddenly so serious. ''We'll talk through the phone right?''

''Yeah, I know it's just that…I don't like New York and you being there…what if something happens to you? I mean, it's a big city and all. Bad things happen.''

Piper frowned but didn't turn to him. She couldn't tell him that New York was the safest place on earth for her. He would probably never understand and she felt the guilt built up in her again.

''Don't worry Jase, my summer camp is…well-protected. And I can take care of myself.'' She reassured him, turning slightly to kiss him on the lips. ''But I still find it cute that you care.'' She smiled. ''I'll miss you too.''

Finally he smiled too. They shifted a little so now they were face to face, their foreheads touching.

They stayed like that, chatting for nothing and everything, sharing a few kisses and even a rather feverish make-out session. And before they knew it her father was calling her to get going.

''See you in a few months.'' She sighed smiling a little sadly at him before they kissed. ''You'll call?''

''Don't ever doubt it Pipes.'' He grinned at her while she climbed the car.

In that moment she wished she could see him soon.

A\N: Well, welcome dear readers who decided to give this a shot. Thanks and please leave a review with your opinion. See you again soon with the next chapter (of course, if you want)!