Hello everyone! So with things beginning to open, I just wanted to ask everyone to please be careful! Wear your mask if you have to go out in public. Wash your hands when you get home or really any chance you may please remember to social distance! Disinfect anything you may get from the store, don't stand close to others.

Thank you and enjoy the chapter!

Rin could feel something warm wrapped around her side. She heard a small drum under her ear. Not for the life of her could she think of where the drum could be coming from, but it was very soothing. It made her demon purr. That was a first, she hadn't heard her purr before. She stretched her arm out and felt something hard under the palm of her hand. It felt very warm, and soft. That is until it started to move up and down softly and rhythmically. What the hell is this? She started to move her hand down when something grabbed her hand. She opened her eyes and was met with a pair of golden eyes staring back at her. That's when it all came back to her. All of the nights events, the girl from her original time, the wolf demons, and then finding him. Her mate. Her eyes casted down to his shoulder and saw the mark she had left. Sesshomaru let her hand go and moved some hair from her face looking down at the mark he had left on her. With them mated they were now linked, mentally if they wanted and emotionally. That they had no control over, so he could feel her confusion and small panic. Rin looked back up at him and couldn't help but feel a slight relief, which in turn relieved Sesshomaru. Now she wouldn't be so alone, all these years after her master's death she had felt like she was drowning. All the loneliness of not being able to befriend anyone was something that she loathed, yet it was very necessary. Should anyone find out who she was there could be dire consequences, but having this demon as her mate she could be in company. But first she would have to wait for sometime and find out who he really is. What if he was someone who would use her, use her gift for evil. She didn't want that, but she could feel in her soul that he wouldn't do anything to harm her. She then felt him purr shaking her slightly. It was so soothing and she couldn't help but notice he was sexy as hell. She laid her head back down on his chest and wanted to live in the moment, never wanting it to end.

Sesshomaru had known she was processing things, and not wanting to scare his new beautiful mate decided to let her process, that is until he began to feel her panic rise. He did what any mate would do and soothed her. He began to purr and felt relieved when she put her head down on his chest, relaxing. He knew they couldn't stay there all day though. His idiotic brother was close by and kami knew how long it would take Jaken to find him. But he wanted to stay there just a little longer. Rin lifted herself a bit, leaning on her arm and smiled sweetly at him, "Hi" never had he heard just a beautiful voice. A beautiful voice for a beautiful mate, he knew he would fall for her every day. "Hello mate." Rin was not one for pet names or things like that. She also felt she needed to hear him say her name, "My name is Rin. I mean that way you don't have to only call me mate." Sesshomaru gave a small rare smile and tucked some hair behind her ear. Sesshomaru spoke, "Rin. I am..." "LORD SESSHOMARU! WHERE ARE YOU!?"

Damn that little green imp. Looking around quickly Sesshomaru saw a small cave behind the waterfall. He picked up his mate and took them there. He leaned her against the wall and he stood in front of her, face to face. Well more her face to his neck. "Sesshomaru. So that's your name." He looked down and saw her sweetly looking up at him. She could feel his erection growing, and her arousal as well. Stretching on her tiptoes and wrapping her arms around his neck she kissed him hungrily. Sesshomaru obliged her by kissing back.

"LORD SESSHOMARU! Why did he just leave. He always leaves me. Have I not been a faithful servant for years now? I deserve some respect." Jaken walked into the clearing sulking with Ah-Un behind him. Being so lost in his thoughts he didn't pay attention next thing he knew he was face first on the ground, "Oof! What the..'' he had tripped over someone's clothing, but who's? Jaken looked around and saw more clothing, he then recognized some of the articles of clothing. They belonged to Lord Sesshomaru! "Uhh'' he heard a small sound but didn't know where it came from. Not thinking logically Jaken began to panic. Oh no! What if Lord Sesshomaru is injured?! He then heard a deep voice groan, and it sounded just like Lord Sesshomaru's. Oh my he is injured! Where could he be! He needs my help! Running around panic stricken he couldn't find anything, so he decided to listen for him again. At first he didn't hear anything, but after a few seconds he heard a small moan again. He looked in the direction of the waterfall and knew he had found him. Running towards the waterfall he screeched, "Lord Sesshomaru! I am coming to help you my lord!" He didn't make it very far before he felt himself being lifted in the air. "Yo dweeb. Where do you think you're going?" Jaken looked up and saw it was Inuyasha who had grabbed him. "Put me down this instant! My lord is in need of my help!" Inuyasha dropped him and narrowed his eyes. "And why would Lord Fluffy pants need your help? What is he up to?" " His name is Lord Sesshomaru and that's none of your business half-breed! I don't answer to you!" He yelled, stomping his foot. Just then a small moan was heard again. Inuyasha's ears perked. He knew what that sound was. Inuyasha looked around and found Sesshoamru's clothes along with Rin's. Oh Kami, he had come looking for that girl at Kagome's persistence since he could still smell her scent nearby. She wanted him to make sure that Rin was ok. But it seems he found out she was just fine, more than fine. "Lord Sesshomaru! I'm on my way!" Seeing Jaken was about to literally run in on Sesshomaru in the throws, Inuyasha felt a bit of sympathy. A jackass he may be, but he was still his brother. Sesshomaru actually hadn't been bothersome for some time and he was starting to feel a bit sorry for him being alone. All he had was this toad and Ah-Un. Also if Jaken were to find him then he would definitely end up seeing something. The thought alone made him want to throw up his breakfast. He grabbed Jaken by the back of his shirt again and started to walk away, Ah-Un in toe. "What is the meaning of this!? My lord needs my help! Let me go right now!" "Yeah. I don't think he needs your help for this."

Jaken began to thrash, but Inuyasha was not letting go.

"What are you talking about? Of course he needs my help!" "You really are dumb aren't you?" And continued on. He finally made it back to the camp still carrying Jaken. Kagome saw them and ran up to Inuyasha. "What's going on? What happened? And why do you have Jaken? Is Rin ok?" Inuyasha rolled his eyes and blushed, dropping Jaken again. "Oh yeah she's fine. Sesshomaru is making sure of that." Raising an eyebrow Kagome looked at Inuyasha "What do you mean?" She then heard Sango gasp and turn red, Miroku as well. And something clicked in Kagome's mind. She saw how everyone blushed and put two and two together. Blushing herself she put one hand on her cheek. "You mean?" "Oh yeah."

Jaken looked up at them and saw them both blushing. "What is the meaning of this Half-breed? What are you talking about? Lord Sesshomaru would never care for someone other than himself." Inuyasha cracked a smile and laughed so hard he had to hold his ribs, tears were streaming down his face. In between laughs he was gasping out, "Well *Gasp* now Rin *Gasp* will be helping him out. And vis a versa HAHAHA" After getting some air Inuyasha looked at Jaken. "What do you think happens when two people are hiding together with their clothes off?" Finally something clicked in Jaken's brain. His eyes dimmed a bit. The small groans he heard were not of pain, but pleasure, and the clothes he found on the ground. To think he almost ran in on Lord Sesshomaru. From sheer embarrassment Jaken thought he would faint,, and he did. Kagome gasped when she saw him faint, "Oh my. What's wrong with him?" Inuyasha snickered as he looked at Jaken's fainted form, "He heard them and thought Sesshomaru was in trouble. He almost ran in to "help" Sesshomaru." Kagome and Sango blushed an even deeper shade of red, Miroku snickered as well with Inuyasha.

Else were Sesshomaru and Rin were panting, Rin had her legs wrapped around Sesshomaru's waist, resting her head on his chest, her back leaning on the wall. Sesshomaru had his hands under her butt holding her up, against the wall, resting his head on the top of hers. He lifted his head bent down and kissed her, he let her down gently and backed away a little. Listening for Jaken and his idiot brother. Good, they were gone. He grabbed Rin by the hand and walked them out. He gently led her down into the water letting her sit on the shallow end. He pushed her upa bit and sat behind her, opening his legs to set her more comfortably. Rin leaned onto his chest and sighed. "So Sesshomaru, what now? Where do we go from here?" Rin asked worriedly. "You come with me. I am on the hunt for a half-demon Naraku as well as looking on how to extend my lands." "What lands?" Rin asked curiously? "I am lord of the Western lands. Now making you the Lady of the western lands." Rin's eyes widened at that. "Seriously? Lady of the Western lands? That's a lot of responsibility. How do you know I would be able to handle it?" With this information Rin really began to worry. She knew Sesshomaru was her mate and could feel it in her soul that she would die for him if she had to. What if someone were to find out she was the last elemental? They would try to make their lives impossible. They would constantly try to use her against Sesshomaru. She knew she could defend herself, but what if they managed to somehow get her? They would use her to make him do what they want. And if he feels even half of what she feels he would do everything without a second thought. I can't make him live like that. I don't want to. But I can't leave him either. It would kill me. What if I just tell him? Maybe he would be able to think about what it would mean to be with me. But what if he decides I wouldn't be worth the trouble and leaves me? I would die. Either way it seems I would most likely die. Well if I am gonna die, I may as well go down with a fight. I'll hide it as long as I can and hope no one finds out. Rin snuggled deeper into Sesshomaru's embrace and smiled, "I'll try not to embarrass you."

Sesshomaru felt relieved. He didn't think she would take to being Lady so well. They sat in the water for a few minutes more and decided to get out. Rin decided to get out first and Sesshomaru was not gonna complain. He got a very good view of her ass as she got up. He couldn't help himself but give her a good smack. Rin yelped and covered her butt. Glaring playfully at Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru watched her put on her clothes and decided to get out as well. Rin watched as he put his clothes on as well and when he went to put on his mokomoko Rin couldn't help herself. She walked closer to him and stroked it. It was so velvety soft, she'd never felt anything so soft in her life. She noticed Sesshomaru tensed a little and his eyes began to glow a light red. "Sesshomaru? What is this?" She couldn't help it, she had to know. "It is my mokomoko. It is part of my demon. When you stroke it, my demon wakes up and gets aware of your presence. So unless you want to take off your clothing again, I suggest you stop Rin." Rin hadn't noticed she was still stroking it. The only thing that was going through her mind was I want a mokomoko.

Alrighty! Well that's the chapter. I hope you liked it! I am trying to make them a little longer, so I apologize in advance if I end up posting a day late. But I will do my very best to not do that! Okey doke! I will see ya'll again next week!