Vice Roy of Area 11 and Princess of the Holy Britannian Empire, Cornelia li Britannia, knew that despite being sisters, she was inferior to Lulu. In terms of battle strategy and knightmare combat, she easily knew she was no match to the said sister. Why does she hate me so?! Cornelia dreaded. Out of all people to pick as a knight to spite me! She just had to choose that Eleven!

Cornelia was not asking much from her sister. Just pick a knight to protect her and they'd all be happy. Cornelia knew that Leloucia was held in high regard due to her military achievement and it was because of that her life was always at risk. Leloucia's life was at risk at the hands of the Empire's enemies who deemed her as a threat. There were also many who wanted her sister dead because of the influence she had amassed.

Now I'm stuck here as a Vice Roy. Cornelia sighed. Why did I even expect things to go my way in the first place.

"And thus…. We have to take action to eliminate the Japan Liberation Front and cease the biggest rebellion group. We have recently received an anonymous tip that their base is located at Narita" A duke continued as he rambled on. "Your thoughts, Princess Cornelia?"

Cornelia was pulled out of her thoughts and answered "Carry on"

"The Japan Liberation Front has been confirmed to have Burais. Pseudo glasgows with modifications. Narita mountain is also a difficult place to launch an attack in as there are probably fortresses within the mountain armed with cannons and other weaponry they might possibly have."

"I say we launch a surprise raid and end this once and for all!" Another duke exclaimed.

"Can I speak?" A melodious voice called out. It was Leloucia.

"Of course your Highness!" The duke who gave explanations instantly agreed. It would not do good to not let a princess speak. Especially when the said princess is an expert at warfare.

"Judging by the landscape of the mountain I could say that we are at a disadvantage" Leloucia started. "With one attack over half of our forces could be eliminated"

"Impossible! There's no way such a thing could happen your highness" The duke said.

"Oh it is. Never think something is impossible. Isn't that right Lloyd?" Leloucia asked the Earl.

Normally Lloyd would not be allowed in such a meeting but Leloucia had gone ahead of things to include the Earl in the meeting. After all, who better than Lloyd when it came to technicalities.

"Hmmmm. That depends your highness" Lloyd answered with a grin.

"Let's say…. Someone artificially induces a hydrovolcanic eruption?" Leloucia suggested

"That's….." Lloyd stuttered. "Impossible…." At that the dukes smiled. "Unless of course they were able to get a hold of Rakshata's radiant wave technology. If they did, then what you are suggesting is highly possible"

"Of course that idea would be plausible if the radiant wave was at the top of the mountain" Leloucia continued. "If we plant some people in advance then we can avoid such a thing. Another matter I would like to bring up is Kyoto."

"Kyoto?" Cornelia asked. She was not familiar with the workings here in Area 11.

"A group of old rich men sister. They back multiple resistance groups. They are the most likely source of the JLF for their burais" Leloucia answered. "Of course, I'm well aware that without them the economy would cease to collapse. Which is why I would like to deal with that matter another time."

"So when do we attack Narita?" Cornelia asked.

"If it's alright with you Princess, perhaps in 2 days?"


"What about attacks from the outside?" Leloucia asked.

"No need to worry princess. As the operation begins we will block off all roads."

"If that is all meeting adjourned." Cornelia declared.

"Please your Highness at least let me inspect that Knightmare!" Lloyd pleaded.

"Lloyd behave yourself!" Lloyd's assistant, Marielle reprimanded.

Perfect. He's falling right into my trap Leloucia thought. Leloucia turned to the Earl and said "Perhaps a bargain?"

"Bargain?" Lloyd asked

"You will give me all the data on the Lancelot and I will let you inspect the Gekka"

"Ugh…. I'm not sure I can do that" Lloyd said reluctantly. "Prince Schneizel would be mad if I did that"

"Oh it can be our little secret" Leloucia promised. "Besides you won't be telling anyone, right Marielle?"

"Yes. Of course, Your Highness" Marielle instantly answered.

"Ok then! Let's go!" Lloyd said with enthusiasm. Although he had to give up data on the Lancelot, he would be able to inspect the Gekka. Besides, aside from Suzaku, there wasn't anyone else capable of handling the Lancelot.

Like taking candy from a baby. And I didn't even have to geass him. Looks like things will be going faster than expected.

Cecile Croomy never would have thought she would make it this far in her scientific career. Not being a noble, she thought she would just end up as an assistant for a certain Earl. Luck seemed to favor her though when Princess Leloucia had asked her to join her team of researchers and scientists. Now she was head of the Princess' Knightmare Development Project. Of course, she sometimes worked with Rakshata but that didn't deter her. The princess was the one who was eagerly awaiting the completion of her energy research. She would definitely not fail the princess. So here she was in an underground facility hidden from society. The princess was very particular when it came to secrecy.

"Cecile, I got the data from the Lancelot" Leloucia said over the live video call. "I will be expecting you to start working on the Tristan and Mordred. And the other projects as well"

"Yes of course Your Highness!" Cecile promised. "We will begin right away!"

"By the way has Rakshata finished working on 'that'?"

"Yes your highness. It will only be a matter of time"

"Good. I'm looking forward to good news"

With that, the transmission ended.

"Looks like I'm going to be busy. Not that I'd have it any other way" Cecile said with a smile

"Everything is going according to plan Cornelia. The preparations have been made and we are right on schedule" Leloucia reported.

"Thank you sister. Will you perhaps decide to grace the battlefield with your presence?"

"Oh no. I will be staying at the G-1 to provide logistical support. Should the need rise however, I shall ask Suzaku to come to your aid right away"

"That brings up another question Leloucia. Why DID you choose that Eleven? Surely there's more to it than your spite of me forcing you to take a knight"

"Maybe because….." Leloucia started. The longing in her voice and melancholy in her face was undeniable. "I have feelings for him"

"Leloucia! You know how it is! You cannot be with a number!"

"Just kidding~" Leloucia responded with a grin. "I never would have thought you'd fall for that one"

"Please don't joke about that. It's not good for my health"

"Oh don't worry about that"

"Going back to the ambush. How do you think we'll fare?"

"Things will definitely not be easy Cornelia" Leloucia answered honestly. "The Japan Liberation front has three powerful weapons that they can use against us"

Cornelia raised her eyebrows as if asking Leloucia to continue.

"The first would be the landscape. A sword can kill a man but strategy can dispose of an army. The second is the burais. While nothing compared to your Gloucesters they are simply better than our Sutherlands"

"And the third?"

"Kyoshiro Todoh. The miracle worker or so they say. The one who was able to make a shift in the war without a single knightmare. And now, he most likely has a custom burai to go with his skills. Not to mention the Four Holy Swords. Though I don't think we have to worry about the swords. Todoh is practically the only good one"

"You look like you have something else to say"

"I want you to capture him alive. He's more useful alive than dead"

"I'll see what I can do"

"Zero, are we really going through with this?" Ohgi asked.

"Cornelia's forces are among the finest Britannia has to offer. Not to mention the Black Princess. If we're to defeat them we will need everything we can get."

"Wouldn't it be better if we worked with the Japan Liberation Front?"

"What's that Ohgi? Don't you believe in me anymore?"

"What are you talking about?! I was the one who asked you to be our leader wasn't I?"

"Then do as I say. We will make a difference in this battle yet." Zero replied firmly. "Is Kallen ready with the Guren?"

"Yes. We only have to wait for your signal"

"Well then… commence the operation!" Cornelia growled from her Gloucester.

"Yes. Your highness!" Her soldiers responded.

"Looks like the battle is beginning Cornelia" Leloucia communicated from the G-1. "The other nobles don't seem to trust my hunch despite Lloyd's support. But I hope you, Guilford and Darlton stay away on the areas I've marked. If ever the worst does happen…. I know you'll be safe"

"I know I know… just stay safe there as well"

"I don't think anyone is going to mind a G-1 Base Cornelia. But thanks. Now I'm sure you have things to attend to so I'll stop the call here" With that Leloucia cut off the communication.

"You the Japan Liberation Front; You whose time has left behind; You who have forgotten basic human decency; You and your dream of a bygone golden age shall fall and rot to nothingness"

With that Cornelia charged in to the Burai scouts.

"Cornelia!" The scouts in their Burai exclaimed as they began shooting at her Gloucester.

Cornelia was easily able to dodge the bullets by making her Gloucester leap and she destroyed the 2 Burais by piercing them using her lance. She saw more Burais charging towards her.

"Princess Cornelia get back you're in danger there!" Guilford urged.

"Guilford, don't treat me as though I'm another one of your women"

She moved to meet the Burais charging towards her. Guilford and other men at her back ready to support her. Let's just hope they have better things to offer

Andreas Dalton was left to survey the mountain searching for where the base was. "The enemies…. What are we calling them again?"

"Burais sir" A soldier responded.

"Right. They're rather like pseudo glasgows so be careful"

"Yes sir!"

They battled some Burais along the way but it wasn't anything they couldn't handle.

"Sir, after careful analysis we have concluded that the location of the JLF Base is that lodge located near the top of the mountain"

"I believe the proper word for this situation is bingo. Send the signal fire to inform Princess Cornelia"

Meanwhile, Cornelia just finished fighting another batch of Burais before seeing Dalton's signal.

"Is that…. Darlton?"

"So that's where the enemy's base has located?" Guilford asked at the last part.

"Right. We'll be securing our position here."

"Are you sure about this?"

"I don't need to steal achievements from my subordinates. Send the reserve force to back up Darlton. Looks like he'll be getting another medal."


"And soon any resistance remaining in Area 11" Darlton started.

"Will soon be finished" Cornelia continued.

"Right! The preparations have now been completed! Resistance Force! Prepare to move out!" Zero ordered.

"Damn it we have no choice!" Some guy exclaimed

"I don't wanna die!"

"We'll make a miracle happen!"

"Yeah we'll have Zero with us!"

"We the Resistance Force are going to launch a surprise attack on the Britannians from the summit of the mountain. Per my instructions you will charge down towards Point 3. Our breakthrough route will be open by the Guren Mk-II." Zero then opened his line with Kallens. "Kallen, use penetrating Electro Number III. Settle things with one blow"

"Got it" Kallen replied. "Output confirmed. Wave Surgers level ready and holding" Kallen breathed a sigh of relief as the Guren's silver claw heated up. "Activating Gauntlet now!"

Leloucia dreaded the feeling. This ominous feeling meant that something was happening right now. Something big.

And right she was… something was indeed happening.

In the JLF Base

"Ugh what's happening!" General Katase growled as he felt the ground shake and rumble.

In the battlefield

"Is this an earthquake? At a time like this?! ARRGGGHHH" were the last words of a JLF soldier.

"What the hell!" Darlton exclaimed as his forces were getting wiped out.

G-1 Base

"What's happening!" Leloucia demanded as she saw the marker on their units.

"Impossible how could a landslide come out of nowhere"

"Alex and Darlton's Units are getting wiped out!"


"Climb! Get to higher ground!" Darlton urged his soldiers who were not so lucky. Thank goodness I heeded Princess Leloucia's warning. At least the damage on the forces were minimized.

With Cornelia

"Status report!" Cornelia demanded.

"We're still trying to confirm"

"Your highness, pull back you're in danger there!" Guilford shouted to his princess.

"I don't care. Forget about me. Find out about Darlton and where's Alex?!"

With the Britannian Special Forces

"Oh my at this rate they'll be swept all the way to the bottom" Lloyd said amused.

"These heat readings are abnormal! Do you believe a hydro volcanic eruption can be artificially induced?"Marielle asked.

"Impossible! Unless of course someone's used Rakshata's Radiant wave surger" Lloyd answered with a shrug.Exactly the same as what the Princess asked me about in that meeting

"Has something happened?" Suzaku asked. He was here with the Britannian Special Forces because Leloucia had asked him to stay here with the Lancelot in case something unexpected occurred.

"Uhuh. But it has nothing to do with us so just relax and continue waiting. Besides, your princess hasn't given you an order or anything now did she?"

With Cornelia

"New enemy forces confirmed coming in from the rear. Karias' unit is moving to engage them."

"Hoping to take advantage of all the confusion are they? Quite brilliant" Cornelia complimented.

"Emergency call from Karias' Unit. More Burais are coming. Apparently they're not from the JLF. They call themselves the Resistance Force"

"What?!" Cornelia demanded. "They think can they just waltz in and do whatever they want? Persistent cockroaches" She seethed.

"Emergency report! Karias' Unit has been wiped out!"


"Cornelia!" Leloucia's call rang throughout the chaos. "New enemy forces have been confirmed. If my hunch is correct you won't be able to fight the source of the landslide on your own. I'm sending Suzaku in"

"Yes. Thank you Leloucia" She was doubtful at first but now she knew she shouldn't question Leloucia's decisions. I should have followed her advice in the first place. Now I've lost more people than I should have.

With the Britannian Special Forces

"Lloyd" Leloucia's called out to him in a video call.

"Yes princess?"

"I'll need you to deploy the Lancelot. Cornelia needs assistance. The enemy most likely has some powerful weapons or knightmare to be able to do this much damage. Suzaku… please protect my sister"

"Yes. Your Highness!"

"I thought I told you to call me lulu? Well, we'll fix that later for now I need you by Cornelia's side as soon as possible"

Cornelia's G-1 Base

"I'm heading out to battle" Leloucia declared.

"But your highness!"

"No buts. At the moment Cornelia is having trouble with both the JLF and this so called Resistance Force. I'll stay on the lookout. Todoh the Miracle Worker will most likely try to ambush Cornelia from behind. I will have to deal with them myself" She said the last part grimly.

With Cornelia

Oh she was definitely regretting things now. Damn it! She was having a difficult time fighting of the waves of Burais now that she suffered major losses. Not to mention the red Knightmare with the unusual claw. That thing is dangerous. In that one instant where she was caught off guard she didn't notice that the red Knightmare got near her.

"Your Highness!" Guilford shouted with panic.

The red Knightmare wasn't able to damage her though because in front of her was a white Knightmare. The Lancelot.

The clash between the two Seventh Generation Knightmare frames began.

With Leloucia

Looks like I won't have to wait much longer She thought as she saw 5 unusual knightmare frames from her Gekka's screen. This Gekka is definitely better than some Gloucester. Now to test it out on those custom Burais.

She charged towards the approaching Four Holy Swords and Todoh.

With Todoh

"Sir an unidentified knightmare is in front. It seems to be an enemy. It's charging towards us" Asahine reported.

"Very well then… Slash and Encircle!"

"Yes sir! By the name of the Four Holy Swords!" The four swords responded.

I would've thought they'd be more impressive considering the Black Emperor underwent such pains to get them to his side. They aren't worth it. And to think they had the nerve to betray him. Perhaps now is the time to avenge him? Leloucia thought with a smirk. I could probably beat them even if I was in a Sutherland, or Gloucester, or maybe even a Glasglow. They're pathetic.

The battle between the Burai Kais and the Gekka raged on in a deadly battle of a beautiful metal dance of blades.

Meanwhile Todoh was contemplating on what was happening. It's fast! Not just swiftly fast. The knightmare is moving so quickly it's as if it's leaving after images. It's not just the knightmare frame. It's obviously the pilot. Could it be a knight of the round?

I'm getting tired of this. The sword in Leloucia's hands instantly glowed pink signifying it was an MVS. Activating chaffsmoke. The dispensing system of the unit immediate released the smoke as the Gekka moved and with that, their vision limited. Leloucia quickly sliced the other five knightmares with ease.

In the battlefield with Kallen, Suzaku, and Cornelia

Cornelia dreaded this battle. Here she was stuck like a little duckling fighting more Burais. Even with her great skills she was no match for the red knightmare so here she was battling some mere fodder. Now she had to rely on Suzaku Kururugi for protection. Thankfully, Leloucia seemed to have been right in choosing the boy. He was at least a decent combatant.

Suzaku Kururugi was doing his best to fend off the red knightmare. It was as fast and with that gauntlet dangerous. He couldn't use the Varis Rifle as well considering the location.

Kallen Kozuki, Pilot of the Guren Mk-II was also having a difficult time. The white knightmare was fast. It had amazing speed and maneuverability like her Guren. Damn it! What's with that monster! She however received a message.

"Kallen. Retreat. Looks like things won't be going our way after all. Kyoshiro Todoh and the Four Holy Swords have been taken care of" Zero explained.

"What?! That can't be! There's no way someone could possibly defeat them!"

"Nevertheless, retreat at once"

"Yes!" Kallen replied. "All units retreat!"

Cornelia was surprised when she saw the enemy units retreating.

"Should I pursue them your highness?" Suzaku asked.

"No….. That's enough for now. At least we dealt considerable damage on the JLF and we're aware of the existence of another rebel group." Cornelia said. "All units return to Base immediately!" She roared.

Cornelia's G-1 Base

"I see things didn't go as planned, Cornelia" Leloucia assessed.

"Yes. Those incapable nobles! I'm going to make sure they lose their nobility" Cornelia swore with anger. "I should have trusted you instead of them"

"I see you did well protecting Cornelia, Suzaku" Leloucia said with a smile.

"Yes, lulu" Answered Suzaku.

Lulu? Cornelia thought. Since when did Leloucia allow anyone else aside from family call her that?

"Well. It was good that you didn't follow my plan Cornelia. Because of that, I was able to get something much more valuable than the JLF remnants who are basically useless by themselves"

Cornelia raised her eyebrows. "And that would be?"

"Bring in the prisoners!" Leloucia ordered.

The guards brought with them 5 people who were restricted and bound.

"Allow me to introduce, Todoh the Miracle worker and the Four Holy Swords" Leloucia said with a grin. "And now with them out of the way, it will only be a matter of time before all rebellion in Area 11 will be dealth with"