Hey everyone I've decided to let go of the ponds and give Clara a chance so I'm currently watching the rest of season 7 after TATM which I cried so badly for. Any way this is gonna be the 'Forget Me Not' series if I continue it. Now I'm gonna add the what if scenario and I know River/Doctor fans will hate me but this is my imagination, I will in no way detract from her memory because even though I don t like the pairing much I think they can be really cute at times so...

No I don't own 'Doctor Who?'

Let the story begin...


Clara was gathering the empty tankards form the tables and I was standing at the door waiting for her to come so we could go outside to talk because she was going back to the mansion to look after the kids. And in doing so she was dragging me along because the kids loved our stories, I wasn't so sure about this but I wouldn't leave my sister alone it was a lifelong thing a vow of sorts. Together or not at all. We lived by it and did everything together. So we would be leaving soon and we were discussing the play time activities for the children.

"Come on then." Clara says walking passed me, I sigh and follow her out the door carefully closing it behind me.

"So what ar- my god that s..." I say looking at the toothy snowman, it looked vicious. suddenly a man walks passed us with a top hat and a suit. He didn't look half bad but a little broody but definitely good looking. "Did you make this snowman?" Clara wonders to the man, I sigh

"Don t be rude." I admonish, she rolls her eyes at me,

"No." the man says as he continues walking away. I didn't like talking to strangers but I didn't like people being anti-social.

"Well, who did? Because it wasn't there a second ago. It just appeared, from nowhere." I say my voice taking on the same edge as Clara and the kids liked to call the secret voice. The man then turns back and walks to the snowman and looks at it.

"Maybe its snow that fell before. Maybe it remembers how to make snowmen." the man explains, it sounded ridiculous in theory but with the voice he said it in, I didn't know if I could trust my judgment , he just seemed so sure his voice full of conviction.

"What, snow that can remember? That's silly." Clara said with a voice full of humour, I couldn't voice my thoughts it would draw attention.

"What's wrong with silly?" The man asked with a raised eyebrows,

"Nothing. Still talking to you, ain't I?" Clara states with a cockiness in her voice I knew would sooner or later bring her trouble. Then I notice the silence and look at the man to see him looking back at me with a questioning gaze, and then i realised he wanted me to answer his questions,

"It's not silly it's just a little bit unbelievable, but that doesn't mean it's not true." I answer still looking into his eyes my voice just barely above a whisper, his eyes looked so lonely, old and in pain.

"What's your names?" the man asks,

"Clara." my sister answers,

"Rogue." I say after in that same quiet voice,

"Nice name. Clara. Yours is unique, Rogue. You should definitely keep them. Goodbye!" he says walking around the corner, Clara follows him around the corner,

"Clara!" I call with an exasperated sigh, following her, sometimes this vow is more like a chore than a promise. She was so impulsive but that s what I get for worrying so much.

"Oi! Where are you going? I thought we was just getting acquainted. Those were the days." she shouts after him, but he continues to leave, Clara goes to return but I had the urge to follow him so I follow impulse for once instead of being the safe calm one and continue to follow grabbing Clara's hand and dragging her along, chasing after the carriage "What s got you running after him then?" Clara calls as we run,

"I don t know just a feeling." I call back. Picking up the pace we catch up to the back of the carriage and I jump landing lightly on my feet just on the coach side out of sight and pull Clara up before I climb onto the roof where the hatch is.

"They'll never be able to find me again. They don't even have the name. Doctor. What two words?" We hear his voice, Clara opens the hatch in the roof and puts her head through,

"Doctor?" she questions and I put my head through next to hers and ask the next question,

"Doctor who?" I ask, and then he looks surprised and slightly annoyed that we had seemed to be able to follow the carriage. What we didn't expect was for the carriage to be pulled over so when it was I jumped down and Clara followed, he stepped out of the carriage and stepped towards us, the coachmen grabbed Clara and I snapped at him.

"Unhand my sister." my voice full of venom, Clara looked surprised because I hadn't used that voice in years but the last time it had seemed to work as the man had backed off, before I had the chance to lunge at the small man I was grabbed around the waist and arm in a strong grip, looking over my shoulder I glare at the man known as 'Doctor.' "Get your hands off me you asshole." I spat, he looked mildly surprised, probably at my language and change in demeanour, but all the same he pulled me to the carriage and ushered me in, even though he was firm in his grip he was gentle in how he pushed me into the carriage and shut the door locking it from the outside with something that made a buzzing sound. I looked at him through the glass window and glare.

"Did he just lock us in?!" Clara demands in outrage, and through gritted teeth I answer with a short sharp.

"Yes." she looks at me with concern and puts her arm around me rubbing my shoulder trying to sooth the rage I felt. Sometimes I would lose control, and if I did so in this carriage then I would probably break the window and cause myself and Clara injury I take a few deep breaths and slowly calm down as she continues to rub small circles on my arm.


Clara had lost her patience and was now banging against the side of the door rocking the carriage, I had been calmly waiting as I knew being angry would only result in pointless injuries. So I looked out the window to see what the two men were doing, they were talking but I could only see the 'doctor's' lips moving as the small man had his back to me. it seemed to me that the manservant was talking.

"This snow is new. Possibly alien. When you find something brand new in the world, something you've never seen before, what's the next thing you look for?" the doctor could have said, the manservant said something and the doctor didn't look impressed but shook his head,

"A profit. That's Victorian values for you." he said and then he turned his back saying, the manservant said something more from what I could tell from the movement of his shoulders, and then the doctor turned around and asked what seemed to be a 'why?' and the manservant then replied again or so it seemed.

"It's none of our business." doctor replied to him,

"Permission granted." the doctor said with what looked like a sigh.

"Let us out!" Clara shouted breaking my concentration, I sigh at her, Honestly...

"Clara cut it out it's not like they listened before what s going to make them now?" I question before looking out of the window again meeting the doctors gaze before he looked back at the manservant.

"Thank you, Strax. And if ever I'm in need of advice from a psychotic potato dwarf, you'll certainly be the first to know." The doctor said to the... Strax. strange name. Anyway Strax seemed to answer and Clara shouted again,

"Let us out!" She banged against the door knocking me into the door and hitting my head disorienting me a bit. I let out a groan and seem to black out for a minute or two.

Doctor's P.O.V

The girl Clara seemed pretty violent and Rogue was the more reserved but defiantly knew how to deal damage, but that last knock of the carriage seemed bad and from what I could see Rogue had hit her head,

"It is not our problem. Over a thousand years of saving the universe, Strax, you know the one thing I learned? The universe doesn't care." Everyone was gone, Amy, Rory... River...

"In this cab. Oi, Doctor! Let us out! Are you listening to me?" Clara shouted, I sigh

"Now, we have a problem of our own to worry about." I say heading towards the carriage and unlocking it.

"Let us out! Oi!" She shouted again, opening the door i see Clara looking livid and Rogue seemed to be knocked out, at least partly,

"Don't worry. No one's going to hurt you. Well can t speak for your sister, you did hurt her first." I say pulling the sonic and scanning the unconscious girl, I wince concussion, must have been a hard slam.

"What is that thing?" she asks, she completely ignored her sister and asked what Strax was...

"Silence, boy!" Strax ordered, I roll my eyes,

"That's Strax. And as you can see, he's easily confused." I snap emphasising the confused part of that sentence,

"Silence, girl." he corrected making a point to actually say the girl part before turning to me, "Sorry, lad."

"Sontaran. Clone warrior race. Factory produced, whole legions at a time. Two genders is a bit further than he can count." I explain still looking at Rogue as she had yet to come around,

"Sir, do not discuss my reproductive cycle in front of enemy girls. It's embarrassing." Strax requested, I sigh poking fun as I did so little now.

"Typical middle child of six million." Looking at Rogue properly she was actually a very pretty girl, long brown hair with natural blonde highlights, not that bleach blonde stuff but a nice shiny yellow that stood out just enough to give her an ethereal look, pink pouty lips, a heart shaped face and a beauty mark at the corner of her right eye. Beautiful and cute but not overly doll like.

"Who are you?" Clara asked knocking me from my observation, I look at her she was almost the same, brown eyes mature shape face brown eyes and normal pouty lips, I didn't want to compare but I thought she was slightly less pretty than rogue but I shouldn't be judging then.

"It doesn't matter because you're about to forget that you and I ever met." I say, I had to do this, I would prolong my existence, the question will never be asked. Not if I had my way.

"We'll need the worm." I say to Strax and he turns,

"Sir." and heads off to get the worm, memory worm nice little thing when you want to forget.

"You'll need the what? The worm? What worm?" Clara questioned frantically with panic and slight fear, meanwhile her sister still hadn't moved and she hadn't even seemed to noticed.

"Don't worry, it won't hurt, but one touch on your bare skin and you lose the last hour of your memory." I explain bluntly, Strax returned without the worm, "Where is it?" I ask, but i knew what had happened,

"Where's what, sir?" Strax asks, I sigh and resist the urge to pinch the bridge of my nose this was tiring...

"I sent you to get the memory worm." I explain slowly

"Did you? When? Who's he? What are we doing here? Look, it's been snowing!" he says excitedly,

"You didn't use the gauntlets, did you?" I ask, i knew the answer but I was just occupying time, it was nice to be in the presence of humans that were curious but I had to make sure I didn't get attached,

"Why would I need the gauntlets? Do you want me to get the memory worm?" he asked, I wanted to actually pull my hair out, I don t think all of his brain made the return trip when he was brought back. I was frustrated and could have said smoothing very not nice so I settled for,

"You." and muttering some stuff under my breath in a different language. After a few minutes I pulled Clara out of the Carriage and stuck her in the corner before turning back to Rogue and grabbing her hand she seemed to snap her head up but her eyes were unseeing "easy come on, slowly." she seemed to gain back her sight as I gently led her from the carriage and over to her sister, after a second of Clara talking she had a slap on the arm,

"OW what was that for?" she asked, Rogue pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes which I noticed were Sky blue with rings of grey around them.

"I told you to stop, multiple times and you ignored me and now because of yo-" she cut off as she swayed, and I steadied her,

"Easy you've got a concussion try not to strain yourself for a while." I say before going to stand by Strax...


Rogue's P.O.V

Strax had climbed under the carriage and I kept glancing at the doctor, he may have been blunt but he was caring behind all the hurt and bitterness.

"Well, can you see it?" the doctor called knocking me from my inner musings about him.

"I think I can hear it." He responds and I giggle with Clara, and I whisper

"How can he hear he doesn't have ears." The doctor looks over at us and speaks to us for the first time in about five maybe ten minutes.

"Oi, don't try to run away. Stay where you are." he says, his voice stern and commanding, it sounded like an order and it made me wonder what he must have endured to have become like this.

"Why would we run? We know what's going to happen next and it's funny." Clara explains, and I whisper in explanation, as I sigh,

"Together or not at all." I see him finch slightly and the pain in his eyes increases tenfold, I look down unable to look at the pain that was so raw.

"What's funny?" the doctor asks trying to distract himself obviously and I had to say that he must have had practice on hiding his emotions behind a mask.

"Well, your little pal, for a start. He's an ugly little fella, isn't he?" She says so rudely, I sigh and elbow her

"Rude." I snap and she rolls her eyes, it wasn't my fault, I was maybe a year older and our parents had died, I grew up so she had the chance at a childhood, I was more over protective and more mannered because I became more like our mother.

"Maybe. He gave his life for a friend of mine once." He walked toward us saying this towering over us and I couldn't help but look him over again, he seemed so skinny but then again I've learned to not judge by appearance,

"Then how come he's alive?" I ask curiously, "I mean if he gave his life then that should mean he's dead so how can he be alive?" I continue explaining my question and probably Clara's as she was nodding her head along with me.

"Another friend of mine brought him back." he said before speaking very loudly, "I'm not sure all his brains made the return trip!" I giggle at that and look back at the man and see that he does have ears but they're more like elf ears...

"Neither am I." Clara comments, I sigh,

"I give up with you." she gave me a smirk and I looked back at her with a raised eyebrow, and then turn to look at the doctor to see him looking at us softly, or... I think it's just me I shake my head and look down.

"I can see it." Strax the, uh Clara called it a Sontaran sounds weird but then again this whole day is weird.

"Ooo! Can you reach it? Have you got it?!" the doctor asks excitedly, I look at him,

"What sort of name is Doctor, I'm not saying it's not your name but really Doctor you have got to have been asked that a load of times I know I would have asked and I have but if I didn't I would probably die from the questions running around my head, and breath, sorry I don t usually babble but for some reason I am, that must be your fault you seem like you were a babbler." Clara was looking at me in shock,

"You haven't talked that much in one sentence unless you were scolding me." she said her voice matching her face I look at her an shrug.

"Got what, sir?" Strax asked, he touched the worm, I walk over to the carriage and pick up a large pair of gloves,

"Are the gauntlets he's supposed to use?" I ask innocently holding them in front of the doctor s face. He looks just exasperated and I can t help but feel bad for him I had him the gauntlets and go to stand by Clara again.

"Sir, emergency! I think I've been run over by a cab." I burst out laughing as Strax says this, the doctor sighs tells him to get up and uses the gauntlets to get the worm. Clara explained vaguely what the memory worm did and I had expressed my protests and was ignored by them. After a few minutes of struggling on the doctor's part he pulled out a large grotesque worm, white and had two things that looked like fangs. As I said grotesque and in another word disgusting.

"There you go." he said struggling to get the worm back in the bottle whilst not letting it bite him, wonder what happens when it bites you if touching it could memory? "One touch and you lose about an hour of your memory. Let it bite you and you could lose decades." Hmm that doesn't sound good considering we are only around 20, we'd be babies again, well at least in mind. He finally puts it in the jar and looks back at us "And you're still not trying to run."

"I don't understand how the snowman built itself." I said with another shrug,

"We'll run once you've explained." Clara said at the same time.

"Clara and Rogue who?" he asks

"Doctor who?" Clara counters the doctor smirks,

"Oh, dangerous question." he says turning back to the worm.

"What's wrong with dangerous?" I ask with a raised eyebrow, I could be fun at times, he looks back and I can see something in his expression but can t make it out, I hear a strange noise and go to look around the corner.

"The snow emits a low level telepathic field." The doctor rambled on, I froze, the snowman was back,

"Clara, come here," I say she does and sees the snowman,

"My snowman." she whispers,

"Our snowman." I correct her, she looks at me and I give a tense smile.

"It seems to reflect people's thoughts and memories and because it's unusual, somehow it carries a previous shape and-" he carried on explaining, I sigh and grab his arm turning him to the snow man,

"No, Doctor. Our snowman." Clara repeats

"Ah! Interesting." he says as we all approach it. "Well, were you both thinking about it?" he asks still looking at the snowman,

"Yes." we answer simultaneously, suddenly another one appears and then another, I grew tense at each one. This wasn't good...

"Well, stop." he says grabbing our hands and dragging us in the opposite direction but another snowman is blocking our path. "Clara, Rogue stop thinking about the snowmen!" he orders but then the nearest snowman breaths snowflakes at us and I pull Clara back and the doctor in turn pushes me behind him effectively blocking Clara and myself. "Get down! Clara, Rogue listen to me. The snow's feeding off your thoughts." he explained and then it clicked.

"I don't understand." Clara states, the doctor opens his mouth to break it down but I had to know if I was right,

"Wait, you said a minute ago that it had a telepathic field so, if it's telepathic, it's taking the form of what we're thinking. The more we think about the snowmen the more they appear, feeding off of our thoughts, so the only logical thing to do is-"

"Imagine them melting." the doctor and I say at the same time, he was looking at me in awe but continues with the sentence "Picture it. Picture them melted!" he urges and I think of water and Clara must have as well because the next thing I know we're splashed with freezing cold water making me gasp and shiver "Well, very good. Very, very good. Ha!" he says like a giddy school boy

"Is that going to happen again?" Clara asks,

"Well, if it does, you know what to do about it." he explains but then I speak up,

"B-but you want us t-to forget-t." pointing out his goal. He seems to deflate and grabs us by the arms pulling us towards the carriage again.

"Don't come looking for me. Forget about me. You understand?" he says pushing us in though he didn't close the door, I was shivering more but I was a little more sensitive to the cold than Clara.

"What about the snow? Shouldn't we be warning people?" Clara and I ask at the same time causing amusement to spark briefly in his eyes before it was replaced with bitterness.

"Not my problem." he says closing the door, I look him in the eyes through the window and hold his gaze hoping that I am giving the look of sorrow for him and not pity, his eyes are intense before he looks away, "Merry Christmas. Take them back where we found them." he says as he walks away, I shake my head and quietly open the door on the other side pulling Clara with me knowing she would have done the same, she was just as curious about him as I was.

"Sir." Strax says as he drives off leaving us behind, I grab her hand and pull her down the street following the doctor, to what seemed to be the park.


He jumped the railing and walks on whistling in the night acting innocent,

"What's got you interested?" Clara asks,

"Same as you and maybe another reason." I answer evasively still watching the doctor, he looks around seeing the coast is clear and jumps pulling down a ladder, Clara hides behind a tree and I stand to the side not looking suspicious, he was climbing the ladder and then vanishes, there was a clunk sound and the ladder rises and that to disappears. Clara rushes forward and jumps trying to grab the ladder, I knew she wouldn't grab it he was at least a foot taller than us. and then she tries again and gets it, I rush over and we climb up myself after Clara.

I find myself looking down as Clara does and waving with her at passers-by, but they don t see us or hear us apparently, I finally reach the top only to find the base of a spiral staircase.

"Hello invisible." Clara says, but I knew better there was no such thing as invisible, but there was such a thing as being cloaked and that s what I think it was. Listening closely I can hear footsteps above us.

"A cloaked staircase." I comment as the ladder retracts and we begin to climb the staircase, looking down I see all the rooftops, a really long way down, good job I'm not afraid of heights, right?


Reaching the top we see a Blue box that looks tattered but still beautiful all the same. We seemed to be standing on clouds but that couldn't be. Clara knocks on the Boxes door and hides around the side, I run to catch up keeping my mouth shut but glaring at her and then I heard the door open, I pull Clara further around the box not willing for us to be caught, and if i must admit it, it was a little fun...

"Hello? Hello? Hello?" he calls and I know he's going to circle the box I pull Clara again and push her towards the staircase and quickly follow after her, unaware of how she had dropped her shawl and my Anklet had come off. We rush back down the stairs and down the ladder getting back to the Rose & Crown. Back to work and then home to sleep, and this time I didn't feel content with this routine.


Waking up had been easy as I wasn't able to get much sleep because of the dreams of the Doctor, they plagued me and then there were different faces that I didn't know different personalities, and other people with him but he was always looking at me talking and keeping me close as though I was going to disappear, and for some reason I knew that would be the case... but I woke up and woke Clara, we dress and leave carrying our bags,

"Look at that. Must have thawed in the night." Clara says to me, the snow had Thawed but i had an uneasy feeling shaking it off and nodding absently, the Landlord had been following us out.

"I'm begging you, girls. I'm on my knees." he said, we turn to him,

"Elsie and Jane are back this afternoon, and we was only helping out." Clara says

"We've got my own work to get back to." I say with a sweet smile,

"What work? Why won't you ever tell us?" he asks, I continue to smile saying sweetly,

"You'd never believe us." I say as we walk off climbing into the carriage waiting for us. Clara draws down the blinds and we smirk at each other opening our bags and pulling out clothes to change into. By the time we reached Darkover house we were dressed and in proper lady clothes. Clara's being black whilst mine was a light bluish grey. Clara s hair piled on top of her head under a hat whilst I had mine down and flowing. we were polar opposites but we were the same personality wise even if I was slightly more polite outside of this job. As we step out we were greeted by Alice our voices prim and proper, it was a chore but we were paid well.

"Alice, how smart you look today." Clara said, I smile softly at her,

"Good morning Alice you look well." I say

"The governess' should enter by the back door, unless accompanied by the children." she says her voice was slightly monotone but we don't expect anything less from her. We smile and she in turn returns it quickly.

"And how are the children?" I ask

"Excited about tomorrow?" Clara inquires,

"Francesca, same as ever. Digby says he missed you every day. Captain Latimer wants to see you both." Alice informs. I nod and we go to walk in pausing just before the door turning to her we say in sync.

"Every day?"

"Twice on Saturdays." Alice responds, I giggle slightly and turn back to the door.

"That's better." I heard Clara say before walking to catch up with me.


Walking down the hall we reach Captain Latimers office after having dropped our stuff off in our rooms. We walk and knock on the door before entering

"Captain Latimer." Clara greets and I with a more politely spoken

"Captain Latimer, sir."

"Ah. Miss Montague, Miss Snow, (Couldn't think of anything at the time.) you're back." he says looking at the both of us.

"In time for Christmas." Clara says primly

"Apologies for our brief absence. Family illness is so unpredictable. You wanted to see us?" I answer, I had said that I was taken in by Clara's family but kept my last name as remembrance for my family.

"Francesca has been having nightmares." he says, this had perked my interest,

"That's strange, she's not one to usually have them." I muse

"Young girls often do." Clara said from her own experience, I was one of the lucky ones that hadn't suffered that part of childhood. Though I always did have an irrational fear of the dark.


"Almost every species in the universe has an irrational fear of the dark. But they're wrong. Cos it's not irrational." A voice says, but all i can see are shelves upon shelves of books.


"Every night this week, she says. Won't tell me about them." Latimer explains, and I had the doubt that he had talked to the poor girl.

"Perhaps if you asked her in the right way, there's no one she'd rather tell." Clara says softly, I stand and look out the window seeing the children.

"Children are not really my area of expertise." he says, I turn and face him,

"They are, however, your children. And you need to connect to the,m it gives a special bond between you." I speak adamantly, knowing it was out of place but true.

"You both have, if I may say, a remarkable amount of wisdom in these matters, for ones so very pretty, Miss Montague. Miss Snow. Young, I mean." he corrects and I can see why he made the mistake, he had the hots for my sister... or me but that wasn't likely.

"We'll see to the children now." We speak in sync and turn to leave out of the door I stop before exiting,

"You'll have to connect with them someday and that time is probably closer than you think." I say softly closing the door behind me.


I walk into the frosty grounds with Clara to see the children playing, Francesca was a long haired mousy brown girl with blue eyes and a red coat with a black hat, her brother Digby was a blonde haired boy with a blue boy s uniform, as they turn to run they spot us and run toward us.

"Miss Montague! Miss Snow!" Francesca shouts followed closely by her brother with,

"Miss Montague, Miss Snow you're back!" they sounded so excited and I couldn't help but let it warm my heart, I always had a soft spot for children.

"Ah, ah, ah!" Clara says shaking her finger at them, watching Clara act posh was always funny, but I remember when we had to watch how all the high class ladies acted, it was tedious and annoying.

"Good morning, Miss Snow, Miss Montague." Digby said politely, Whilst Clara had a soft spot for Francesca, I had a soft spot more for Digby, because he was younger.

"Good morning, Miss Montague, Miss Snow." Clara shakes Francesca s hand whilst I shake Digby's and then we switch hands

"Good morning, Francesca. Good morning, Digby." we say again in sync, it seemed to be happening a lot since... yesterday.

"Christmas Eve is the most thrilling day, don't you think? Now, what have you two been up to while we've been away?" I ask the kids knowing Clara was just as curious.

"I did seven drawings and we saw a dead cow." Digby said excitedly, I cringe back slightly but smile all the same whilst Clara seems to be out of sorts,

"Well, how exciting." she says finding the words after a few seconds I nod not wanting to lie but not wanting to say the truth.

"Do your secret voices." Digby asks, I look at Clara and put on a thinking face,

"Do you think we should?" I ask

"Well as long as no one's around." we each look left and right before bending down and whispering

"Allo, mates." the children giggle and I coax Digby into playing whilst Clara asks about Frannie's nightmares, they were sitting on the bench whilst Digby and I were playing a balancing game.

"They're not exactly nightmares. Just dreams." Frannie explains as I continue to walk and listen, wobbling a little.

"About our old governess. The one who died. She's haunting Frannie from beyond the grave." I look at him that sounded a little scary for a kid to dream about...

"Haven't you spoken to your father about this?" Clara asks, I look over and wait for the answer,

"You can't talk about things like that to Daddy." Frannie answers quietly,

"You could always try." I say just as softly, she looks at me and then back at Clara

"Do you want to see where she died?" he says hopping off of the edge, I nod my head and we set off, We went to the pond outside of the mansion and we walk around it I sit on the side,

"She fell in there, and then it froze. She was in the ice for days and days. I hated her. She was cross all the time. In Frannie's dream she's still down there, waiting to come back." Digby explains, I had heard stories of the old governess from Digby and she sounded horrid.

"Everything else has thawed, but this pond is still frozen." Clara muses looking at it. I look at it and see something shaping itself and I look at Clara the memory running through my head

"The snow is feeding off your thoughts. The more you think about the snowmen, the more they appear." I had said, could this be a similar situation, it seemed Clara thought so as she sits Frannie beside her.

"Frannie, this is important. You dream about her. What do you dream?" she asks, I sit on her other side

"She's cross with me. She says I've been bad, and she's going to come out of the pond and punish me." she says her voice so small it breaks my heart to hear it.

"When?" I ask softly, this couldn't be good. It didn't feel right, like the snowman...

"She said she'd come back for Christmas. Tonight." I tense my shoulders at this and look into the pond, we had to find the doctor.

"I think Frannie's gone mad, don't you? I think she needs a doctor." Digby says, I look at him and smile,

"She's not gone mad Digby, but you are right she does need a doctor, just not the one you re thinking of." surely he would help children.


"Doctor! Doctor!" Clara shouted as she tried to jump for the ladder, she was drawing attention to herself whilst I stood to the side.

"What's she looking at?" A man said as Clara was shouting.

"She's asking for a doctor." Another man says as Clara began jumping... Drawing a crowd.

"Doctor!" She persists, suddenly there was a woman beside me,

"Now then, that's enough noise. We don't want to attract attention, do we?" She says I shake my head and mutter

"Too late."

"I'm looking for the Doctor. Do you know about him? The Doctor?" Clara rambles, I look at the woman with a slight hope in my eyes she had to...

"Doctor who?" She asked, I sighed she wasn't telling the truth... We had then been convinced to follow her I did so without hesitation but Clara hesitated before I grabbed her hand.


We had been led to a house and the we saw Strax,

"Hello again Strax." I greet,

"Do not attempt to escape or you will be obliterated! May I take your coats?" I look at him strangely before handing him my clock Clara doing the same, we were led through the house to a room filled with exotic greenery, there sitting in a peacock chair was a creature, a female by the looks of her dress, drinking from a cup.

"Sit." Jenny as I had learned pointing to the chairs, I took a seat after Clara, when the woman began talking.

"There are two refreshments in your world the colour of red wine. This is not red wine." I cringe, if it wasn't red wine then was it... blood?

"Madame Vastra will ask you questions. You will confine yourselves to single word responses. One word only, do you understand?" Jenny asked. i nod,

"Why?" Clara asked.

"Truth is singular. Lies are words, words, words. You met the Doctor, didn't you?" she questioned,

"Yes." Clara and I answered.

"And now you've come looking for him again. Why?" Vastra inquired,

"Take your time. One word only." Jenny reminded,

"Curiosity." Clara said, I on the other hand had said


"About?" she queried.

"Snow." We said at the same time.

"And about him?"

"Yes." Clara said instantly myself hesitantly,

"What do you want from him?" Vastra questioned once more,

"Help." we said again in the same time.

"Why?" Vastra demanded,

"Danger." I had said this time slightly before my sister.

"Why would he help you?"

"Kindness." Clara says without hesitation, I however do not answer.

"The Doctor is not kind." Vastra said adamantly,

"No?" Clara inquired. I simply raised an eyebrow.

"No. The Doctor doesn't help people. Not anyone, not ever. He stands above this world and doesn't interfere in the affairs of its inhabitants. He is not your salvation, nor your protector. Do you understand what I am saying to you?" Vastra asks again, this time Clara looks at me with helpless eyes, so I say what comes to my head,

"Words." my voice hard and challenging, I see her glance at jenny and see her nod slightly.

"He was different once, a long time ago. Kind, yes. A hero, even. A saver of worlds. But he suffered losses which hurt him. Now he prefers isolation to the possibility of pain's return. Kindly choose a word to indicate your understanding of this."

"Man." Clara had said,

"Loss." I answered quietly sorrow in my voice for the man that had obviously lost so much in his life, even if he was a good man...

"We are the Doctor's friends." I raise my eyebrow at that, then why let him isolate himself? "We assist him in his isolation but that does not mean we approve of it. So, a test for you. Give me a message for the Doctor. Tell him all about the snow and what fresh danger you believe it presents, and above all, explain why he should help you. But do it in one word." Clara is lost and i know that she hasn t a word to say. "You're thinking it is impossible that such a word exists, or that you could even find it. Let's see if the gods are with you." she says sitting back in her chair. I open my mouth...


3rd Person.

A telephone rings inside a blue box where there is little light and the doctor sits reading. He sighs and answers it.

"Yes? What? I'm trying to read." He snaps,

"Miss Clara and Miss Rogue and there concerns about the snow." was her only words, it was the voice of Vastra,

In her home...

"I gave them the one word test." she explains

"That's always pointless. What did they say? Well? Well?" he says impatiently,

"Miss Clara said Pond. Miss Rogue however said, Children..."


the doctor takes off his glasses and looks at them remembering, Amelia Pond


Red hair and a voice he hadn't heard in so long,

"You couldn't just stand there and watch children cry."



"Strax has already suggested where to start investigating." Vastra says from the phone knocking him from memories.


We had long since returned to Darkover house, having read the children a story and returned to my room to talk about what could happen,

I hear a voice from outside that sounded like the doctors.

"Oi! Shut up. You're not clever or funny and you've got tiny little legs!" he shouted as I looked out the window I saw the doctor standing his back to us watching the short man that had to be Strax walk away. I hold a candle to the window and look at him as he turns around seeing the light and looking up. he sees me and I wave slowly, he hesitates before waving back. I motion for him to come up and he flounders pointing at himself and then back at my window a few times before turning his back and motioning his hands like he was talking to himself.

"After a few seconds he puts his hand up and shows five fingers saying that he would be five minutes, but he looked as though he wasn't meant to say that.

I leave my window and Clara and I head to the children s room to make sure they are okay, myself telling her the doctor would be up in five minutes.


"Am I going to have the nightmare tonight?" Francesca asks as she gets into bed, we had found them playing quietly when we had walked in.

"Definitely not." Clara said as i shook my head helping Digby into bed as well.

"How do you know?" Frannie asks,

"Because someone's coming to help." we say with a smile so far it had been three minutes,

"Who?" Frannie questions curiously

"You wouldn't believe us if we told you." Clara said,

"Is it one of your stories? Your definitely true ones?" She asks looking at us as we sat down on the beds,

"Ha! All our stories are true." I say,

"Like how you were born behind the clock face of Big Ben?" Digby asks,

"Because I am very good at being on time. Aren't I?" I ask, he nods his head as does his sister,

"And you invented fish." Frannie says to Clara,

"Because I dislike swimming alone." Clara reasoned, I always found that one funny.

"So what's this one?" Digby asks eagerly

"Well remember I said that she needed to see a doctor but not the one you thought of?" I question from when we were told about the nightmare, he nods

"There's a man called the Doctor. He lives on a cloud in the sky," Clara continued from where I left off before I joined her again

"And all he does, all day every day, is to stop all the children in the world ever having bad dreams." and for some reason I knew that he would but, I had a sense of dread filling my stomach...

"I've been having bad dreams." Frannie said

"Well he has to go all over the world but he came into town today and i think he's going to help you." I say tapping her nose, she giggles and I smile.

"And as a matter of fact, he's right here." Clara informs, he wasn't though I knew it, it had only been four minutes, so who was opening the door?

"Aren't you, Doctor?" Clara asks, I however shake my head,

"That s not the doctor sister." I say, and to prove my point a woman made of ice comes through the door and the children scream.

"Bloomin' hell!" Clara shouts in her accent, I drop my posture and pull Digby away from his bed over to the window where Frannie and Clara were,

"The children have been very naughty." The ice woman speaks shrilly

"Get back. Now. Quickly." Clara commands the children,

"They can t Clara Bloody hell we're at the end of the room." I say my accent coming out.

"You're both doing your other voice." Digby says, I grab his hand

"Yes love, did you notice?" Clara says, I snap at her

"Clara it is really not the time."

"Naughty, naughty children." Ice governess speaks again,

"Run!" Clara shouts, we ran passed the ice woman and I lock the door as Clara takes the children.

"What do we do?" Digby shouts in panic,

"Frannie, Frannie, imagine her melting." Clara says frantically,

"What?" Francesca asks, I kneel down by her and cup her face

"Honey I need you to imagine it melting, then she'll go away." I say soothingly,

"I can't!" Frannie cries

"I'm getting impatient!" The voice sounds and I scoff

"That really isn't going to help." and just then she forces the adjoining door open,

"You have been very naughty!" Icy as I have dubbed her shouts, I cringe as it sounds like nails scraping a chalk board.

"What about the man? You said the man was here, the cloud man." Digby says looking at me,

"Well, he's not, is he?" Clara exclaims,

"He will be because i know he would never let children down." I say softly as I hit Clara's arm.

"Where's the Doctor?" He asks again,

"I don't know!" Clara shouts,

"Clara enough." I snap at her,

"Doctor? Doctor? Doctor who?" A punch puppet asks, and I can t help but smile. It holds a metal stick at Icy and she shatters.

"That's the way to do it." the doctor says his head popping out from behind a curtain. Punch the puppet kisses the doctor and I giggle at him as he pushes the puppet away "Oi. Ow."

"Where did she go? Will she come back?" Frannie asks frightened.

"No, don't worry. She's currently draining through your carpet. New setting. Anti-freeze. And you're very welcome, by the way." he explains and I softly say,

"Thanks, but you really shouldn't jinx things." he looks at me and for some reason his jaw drops, I look at him tilting my head to the left and he blushes slightly.

"I'm very grateful. I knew you'd come." Clara sighs, I cough out the word 'Liar.' and she stands on my toes.

"No, you didn't, because I don't. Because this isn't the sort of thing I do any more. Next time you're in trouble, don't expect me to" he says pointing at us before he gets distracted by the mirror and his reflection.

"What is it? What's wrong?" Clara asks, but i see him looking at his bow tie,

"Is now really the time?" I ask

"Sorry, it's just. Didn't know I'd put it on." he says straightening his bow tie and I see the sadness in his eyes again. I look at the window because I was getting cold and see them frosting over, "Old habits" He stated,

"It's cooler." Clara says and he smiles,

"Yeah, it is, isn't it? It is very cool. Bow ties are cool." he blabbers, I roll my eyes,

"While I am inclined to agree with you that it does suit you she doesn't mean that, the room is getting colder than it should be." I answer for my sister seeing that she's getting annoyed. A bulge forms in the carpet.

"She's coming back!" Digby cries out and I pull him into a hug quickly calming him before letting go and holding his hand tightly,

"What's she going to do? Is she going to punish me?" Frannie asks terrified, poor girl.

"Err, err, she's learnt not to melt. Of course, she's not really a governess, she's just a beast. She's going to eat you. Run." he explains before we actually do run. We ran down the stairs and captain Latimers is walking towards us,

"Children, what is the expla-" he cuts off at the sight of the doctor, "Who the devil are you? What are you doing in my house?" He demanded

"It's okay. I am your governess' gentleman friend, This one." he says pulling me close as I was the closest of myself and my sister "And we've just been upstairs kissing!" I come up short at that and look at him in disbelief, does he not realise I could lose my job for that comment? Clara had just sniggered, and I sent a glare her way. Alice runs in

"Captain Latimer. In the garden, there's snowmen! And they're just growing out of nowhere, all by themselves. Look!" she says frantically, the doorbell rings and Alice runs to answer it. the next thing I hear is Alice's scream as she runs back to us, only to run into Strax.

"This dwelling is under attack. Remain calm, human scum." I smirk at that because even though I have met him three times that seemed to be a thing he would defiantly say, Alice gave another scream and falls in a dead faint.

"So, any questions?" the doctor asks, before I could answer captain Latimer looks at me with something akin to disappointment, there goes my job...

"You have a gentleman friend?" he questions and at the disappointment in his voice I flounder, he couldn't mean... no, I sigh and look down.

"Vastra, what's happening?" The doctor says leaving me to look out of the window.

"The snow is highly localised, and on this occasion not naturally occurring." She explains as she removes her cloak and I see the sword on her shoulder.

"It's coming out of that cab parked by the gates." Jenny points out, I run and look out seeing indeed there is a cab,

"Sir, one pulver grenade would blow these snowmen to smithereens." Strax says, I look at him and then the doctor,

"Are his race always this violent and dumb?" I query, the doctor smirks,

"Sontaran and yes they are soldier race and they only fight so they generally resort to violence with whatever species he is fighting. They're made of snow, Strax. They're already smithereens. See, Clara, Rogue? Our friend s again." he says, I sigh, that s our cover blown.

"Clara? Who's Clara? Or Rogue for that matter?" Latimer asks I raise my hand,

"Well sir, I'm Rogue and this is my sister Clara." I say.

"Your current governess' are in reality former barmaids called Clara, and Rogue." I stuck my tongue out at him and refrain from saying a few choice word in front of the children.

"That's the way to do it!" Icy says,

"Meanwhile your previous governess is now a living ice sculpture impersonating Mister Punch. Jenny, what have you got?" the doctor calls Jenny throws a little ball that creates a force field thing at the top of the stairs.

"That should hold it." Jenny answers,

"Sir, this room. One observational window on the line of attack and one defendable entrance." The Sontaran says, it's such a strange word...

"Right, everyone in there. Now. Move it. You, carry her." the doctor said the last part to someone as he pointed to Alice, Clara runs in but I stay behind.

"Nice to see you off your cloud and engaging again." Vastra says to the doctor.

"I'm not engaging again, I'm under attack." the doctor contradicts.

"You missed this, didn't you?" Vastra asks, so he did this most days that would be fun. The governess bashes against the force field again. The doctor points to her with the metal thing,

"Shut up." he says, causing me to giggle, he looks at me, "I told you to go in there." he said exasperated, I shrug

"Curiosity's a bitch." I answer letting my accent come through and his eyes seem to light up. He grabs my hand and we go into the room everyone is waiting in.


"Strax, how long have we got?" the doctor asks seeming in his element and judging from what Vastra had said he was and he seemed happy.

"They're not going to attack. They made no attempt to conceal their arrival. An attack force would never abandon surprise so easily, and they're clearly in a defence formation." As he answers his question the doctor smiles and only gets bigger, it suited him, he shouldn't be lonely.

"Way, aye, aye. Well done, Straxie. Still got it, buddy." the doctor exclaims rubbing his hands together before kissing Strax on the head and rubbing his head with his fist.

"Sir, please do not noogie me during combat prep." Strax requests

"So there's something here they want." Vastra deducts, I nod my head

"The ice woman." Clara says,

"I like to call her Icy at the moment much better and shorter to say." I comment

"Exactly." The doctor replies

"Why's she so important?" Jenny questions, then I remember what Frannie had said,

"Frannie said that she couldn't picture it melting, and then when the doctor broke her to pieces she came back, but snowmen, well it s easy to melt them isn't it?" I ask looking at everyone and Jenny and Vastra look at me with a smile.

"Of course. Because she's a perfect duplication of human DNA in ice crystal form. The ultimate fusion of snow and humanity. To live here, the snow needs to evolve and she's the blueprint. She's what they need to become. When the snow melted last night, did the pond?" He asked looking at us.

"No." Clara and I said simultaneously,

"We keep on doing that." I say to her with a slight smile.

"Living ice that will never melt. If the snow gets hold of that creature on the stairs, it will learn to make more of them. It will build an army of ice. And it will be the last day of humanity on this planet." The doctor said grimly I rub my temples I was getting a headache and the dread still hadn't decreased in my stomach. the suddenly the doorbell rings and the doctor clicks his neck. "Stay here." he orders, I look at Clara and grin, we turn and follow him out of the door missing the knowing smiles on Vastra's and Jenny's face. Clara closes the door behind us.

"Oi, I told you to stay in there." he said his voice trying to hide how much fun he was having.

"Oh, we didn't listen." I answer,

"You do that a lot." He tells us, and then he pulled out my anklet from his pocket, "Is this yours? I told you to go home and forget about me." the anklet was an Amethyst and silver one it was our mothers.

"Yes." I answer holding out my hand as he dropped it into my hand I rest my foot on a nearby stool and pull my dress up to my knee placing the anklet on my right ankle. "Thank you." I say looking at him, he was blushing and looking at me, i raise an eyebrow "What." and then I look where he is and he's eyeing my leg, I push the dress down and smirk at him, "Like the view did you." he coughs and looks away.

"It's why you like us." Clara said resuming our conversation before that little interruption.

"Who said I like you two?" The doctor asks sceptically, with that Clara grabs his face and kisses him, he struggles and tries to get away, but the she lets go and steps back,

"I think you just did." Clara said breathlessly, I giggle

"You kissed me. And how does that prove I like Rogue?" he demanded, I stop at that wanting to hear the answer.

"You blushed. Twice in my sister's case." she said smirking I blush at that.

"And we just." he says floundering before say "Shut up." straightening his bow tie and going to the door and opening it. His face becomes dark from what I can see and I peer over his shoulder.

"Release her to us. You have five minutes." Was all Doctor Simeon said before he turned away, and the doctor closed the door, he whirled around making me lose my balance as I had been on my tip toes, he caught my hand to steady me and then I saw a flirty mischievous look in his eye,

"What no kiss?" he asks, I blush and then smirk,

"Nah you looked pretty awkward there." I say with a wink, he pulls my fingers to his mouth and kisses them,

"A shame to be sure." he says with a sigh as he lets my fingers fall from his hand. "We need to get her out of here but keep her away from them." he says seriously again.

"How?" Clara asks. The doctor takes an umbrella and leans on it.

"With this. Do I always have to state the obvious?" He says in a snarky tone as we set off.

"Those creatures outside, what are they?" He asks as we pass him and he grabs my hand,

"No danger to you, as long as I get that thing out of here. You, in there, now." he says tugging my hand from Latimers and pulling me along. He takes out that metal thing again and aims it at the force field,

"What is that?" I ask,

"Sonic Screwdriver." he answers, okay then.

"What are you doing?" Clara questions this time.

"Between you and me, I can't wait to find out." he replies with a grin and then when he pressed the button the field appeared behind us...

"Right, if you look after everyone here, then I can. Clara! Rogue!" he exclaims

"Doctor." we say again in sync, it was getting annoying. Icy went to grab us but we all ducked and ran up the stairs.

"That was stupid." The doctor said,

"You were stupid, too." Clara retorted,

"That was fun." I say just after earning a strange look from Clara.

"I'm allowed. I'm good at stupid. And it was fun." he shouted as we ran from icy.

"That's the way to do it!" The ice block said,

"Why does she keep saying that?" Clara asks,

"Mimicking" I answer remembering the doctor's explanation.

"Mirroring. Random mirroring. We need to get on the roof." the doctor corrected.

"This way!" Clara said taking the lead as I grabbed his hand and ran after her.

"No, I do the hand grabbing. That's my job. That's always me!" he shouts like a child.

"Hush." I say over my shoulder and he pouts.


"Come on, quickly!" he said climbing out of the window Clara following and getting stuck "What are you doing?" the doctor questions

"My bustle is stuck." Clara said, I sigh and move behind her and before the doctor can ask I push and she falls out with a loud 'OW!' I jump out after her not getting stuck but the ice block chasing us grabbed my wrist and I felt cold instantly.

"Fuck." I shout and I turn to try and get her to let go, I felt a snap through my hand and let out a strangled gasp, the doctor was pulling my waist and my wrist was either broken or sprained. Either way it hurt. After I was free I clutch my hand and bite my lip tasting blood, the doctor went to grab it but I looked back at Icy.

"Now, what's the plan?" Clara asks ignoring my injury as she knew I would want her to.

"Who said I've got a plan?" he shouted

"Course you've got a plan. You took that." she says pointing to the umbrella.

"Maybe I'm an idiot." the doctor defended, well I don t know would it be defending if he called himself an idiot?

"You re not an idiot you re a brilliant clever stupid man, but not an idiot." I defend him, he threw me the umbrella and I caught it with my good hand

"Are you?" he asked as he did this "If I've got a plan, what is it? You both tell me." he challenged and then I look up,

"That's the way to do it!" Icy's voice said

"Is this a test?" Clara asked.

"Yes." The doctor answered with another smirk.

"What will it do to us?" Clara questions

"Kill us." The doctor and I say simultaneously

"That's the way to do it!" I look at the ice again and it turns to snow getting out of the window,

"So, come on then. Plan. Do I have one?" he urged us

"Oh, we know what your plan is. we knew straight away." Clara said as I toss her the umbrella,

"No, you didn't." he said "She might of?" he pointed at me.

"Course I did." Clara fires back,

"Show me." he demands again,

"Why should I?" Clara inquires,

"Because we'll be dead in under thirty seconds. Do I have a plan?" he fired back bluntly,

"If we'd been escaping, we'd be climbing down the building." she explains

"If we'd been hiding, we'd be on the other side of the roof." I continue her line of thought.

"But no, we're standing right here." she finished and I knew she knew what I did.

"So?" he asks,

"So!" she reaches up with the umbrella and pulls the ladder down. The snow was reforming into ice on the roof.

"After you." Clara offered,

"After you." the doctor repeated.

"After you, we're wearing dresses. Eyes front, soldier!" Clara informed and he looked struck at that.

"My eyes are always front!" he said climbing the ladder, I look at Clara and we look up,

"Ours aren't." we say sweetly, he pauses and looks down at us as we smile,

"Stop it." he commands before climbing again, I grab the ladder,

"No." we said again in sync, as I climbed I heard Clara talking, but I was cringing at the pain in my wrist from climbing. "I understand you're the previous governess. I regret to inform you the position is taken. Goodnight." she had said in a posh voice, I reach the top as she taps the ladder and she rises as the doctor looks at my wrist much to my protest.

"So you can move your cloud? You can control it?" Clara asks as she reaches the top and we start to climb the stairs myself first then the doctor and Clara last, he turns to face her,

"No. No one can control clouds, that would be silly. The wind, a little bit." he says before climbing the stairs again, "OH I can see why my eyes are front now." he said and I felt eyes on me, I turn to look at him over the shoulder, and see him looking down, he was staring at my ass,

"Like it?" I ask swaying my hips, Clara bursts out laughing, and he stutters again, I only continue walking.

"She's following us." Clara says, I run back down next to her to see she is indeed following,

"That's the idea." he said on the other side of Clara "Keep her away from the snow. So. Barmaids or governess', which is it?" he asks,

"That thing is after us, and you want a chat?" Clara shouts in disbelief,

"Well, we can't chat after we've been horribly killed, can we?" he mocks, I sigh and answer the question.

"Well it was governess until you told my boss we were kissing upstairs, I'll most likely be a barmaid again, not sure about Clara though she may still have a chance."

"How did we get up so high so quick?" Clara wonders, I look over the side to see she was right we were really high up and we had only been climbing for about a minute and a half.

"Clever staircase. It's taller on the inside." the doctor answers ushering me to move again. We made it to the top and as Clara climbed through he used the sonic and the clouds blocked the stairs.

"What am I standing on, what's this made of?" my sister asks,

"Super dense water vapour. Should keep her trapped for the moment." he answers shortly


"Do you actually live up here on a cloud, in a box?" Clara questioned, I roll my eyes

"I have done for a long time now." he answers, and I wonder just how long,

"Are you an alien?" I ask

"Yes, are you alright with that." I nod,

"Only explanation." I say absentmindedly.

"Blimey, you really know how to sulk, don't you?" Clara teased,

"I'm not sulking." he answered and by his character I found that hard to believe.

"You live in a box!" She pointed out as though that mad an argument against him.

"That's no more a box than you are a governess." he stated and he sounded again like a child.

"Oh, spoken like a man. You know, you're the same as all the rest. Sweet little Clara, works at the Rose And Crown, ideas above her station." she rants and I sigh rubbing my temples,

"Clara do me a favour and shut up, i have a headache and you re not helping." i flinch as i press to hard against my wrist.

"Well, for your information, I'm not sweet on the inside, and I'm certainly not..." she trailed off as the doctor turned on the light, it had symbols that looked strangely like something I had drawn when I was a child, all the circles I mean.

"Little." She finishes and I snort, obviously not.

"It's called the TARDIS. It can travel anywhere in time and space. And it's mine." he said possessively and I would be to if I had one.

"But it's. Look at it, it's..." Clara jumbled out,

"Go on, say it. Most people do." he coaxes smugly, Clara runs out and I see her turn to the left but I continued to look around, Clara comes in and finally says

"It's smaller on the outside." his smile drops and I know that s not what he's expecting

"Okay, that is a first." he turns to me "Well?"

"Beautiful, but... Some things are familiar." I look at him and see his gaze is sharp

"Is it magic? Is it a machine?" Clara asked excitedly, but I felt the need to correct her,

"She, She's not an it, She's alive." again that gaze burns into me.

"She's a ship. How did you know." he asked,

"She felt like a she." I say evasively. "Besides female ships are temperamental..."

"A ship?" Clara questions again,

"Best ship in the universe." he said proudly.

"Is there a kitchen?"

"Or a music studio?" Clara and I ask.

"More first." he says,

"I don't know why I asked that. It's just, I like making souffle's." my sister explained and it was true she was really good at them now.

"I just like to sing, nothing like pouring your heart out through music." I say,

"Souffle's? Music?" he asks, like he knew something but couldn't figure it out.

"Why are you showing us all this?" Clara asked

"You followed me, remember? I didn't invite you." he explained defensively,

"You're nearly a foot taller than we are." I whisper causing him to stop and look back at me, "You could've reached the ladder without this. You took it for us. Why?" I ask motioning for Clara to give him the umbrella,

"I never know why. I only know who." he says walking over to us and pulling out two keys. He smiles as he places them in our hands and closes them around it, I'm not sure but his grip seemed longer than necessary.

"What's this?" I say looking at it.

"Me. Giving in." he says softly and I can hear the defeat in his voice, my eyes soften at his look,

"I don't know why I'm crying." Clara said and I knew that I was, but again not the why, the feeling was getting stronger.

"I do. Remember this. This right now, remember all of it. Because this is the day. This is the day. This is the day everything begins." he said looking between us, he steps to the big thing in the middle, but then i feel cold, turning around I see the governess grab Clara and pull her dropping the key.

"No!" I scream drawing the doctor's attention, as I run out after her

"Clara! Rogue! Girls!" I don t pay any attention I had to get to Clara,

"Get off of me!" she shouts as I lunge for Clara s hand

"Water vapour doesn't stop ice. I should've realised." The doctor rambled looking helpless,

"Let go of her!" I shout pulling with both hands no matter how much it hurt.

"Let her go. Let her go now! Now!" The doctor shouted

"Get off of me!" Clara continues to struggle.

"No. Clara!" I hear the doctor shout but I don t listen, the governess falls taking Clara and I with her, Me still holding Clara by the wrist but I stop falling and look up to see the doctor grabbing my hand with his, and he leans forward to much,

"NO! let go." I shout

"I won t!" he denied,

"I'm not killin' you as well, let go before you fall, this is too much weight, you can't hang on much longer, please." I beg seeing him grip my hand tighter.

"I'm not letting you die!" he shouted, but I knew he was going to fall, I relaxed my grip on his hand and I started to slip. "NO! Rogue, hang on, please I can't let you fall, you or Clara." I don't hang on and I whisper the only five words running through my head and then add a few more.

"Together, or not at all. You can t stop us falling. I'm sorry." as soon as the last two words left my mouth my hand slipped through his and Clara screamed, I was still keeping eye contact with him as I fell and he let out the most gut wrenching anguished scream,

"Nooooo!" I let go of Clara's and push myself slightly to the side so when we landed I wouldn't crush her, I clutched one hand to my chest and then it went Dark.


3rd person,

There were sounds of things hitting the floor outside, Vastra looked out of the window with jenny,

"What was that?" she asks, and Jenny looking out the window informs her of what a grim sight it is,

"It's Rogue, and Clara." was all she said

"Dear God. Oh, dear God. Where did they fall from? We have to get them inside. " Latimer says with the grief in his voice. Vastra's Tricorder goes off reading No life signs detected. They were dead...

"Those things will kill you." Vastra informs him,

"She's hurt." Latimer protested,

"She's dead." was Vastra's reply, then the sound of the TARDIS appearing sounded

"What is that? What is happening?" Latimer demanded still looking out the window at the bodies as the TARDIS materialises around the sister's.

"He's bringing them in." he was told,


The doctor stood at the console as he watched the bodies appear despair written across his face, taking off and landing in the house he lifted Clara up first and took her out laying her on one the makeshift bed in the middle of the room, after he turns and heads back into the TARDIS crouching down to pick Rogue up but stopped and brushed some of her hair away stuck in the past,


"What the hell are you doing!" he shouted as he say them on the edge of the building together,

"Changing the future. It's called marriage." Amy had replied with a calm voice not looking at him, keeping her eyes locked with Rory's they fell together off Winter Quay

"Amy! Amy!" he screamed leaning over the edge his hand stretched to reach for her, but it was too late, they were out of reach...


He shook his head stroking her face and picking her up, the fist that was clenched to her heart dropped and there was a clatter, looking down he saw the TARDIS key had fallen with her and she had held it even in death. He picked it up carefully and walked out with her, Latimer made to take her but the doctor strode past him ignoring him and laying her on the table smoothing her hair and placing the key in her hands, then finally he kissed her on the forehead looked over at Clara and headed back into the TARDIS. Without a word.

Rogue's P.O.V

at first it was dark and then i felt something warm on my face and something in my hand

"-they be alive now?" A voice asked, I couldn't remember who it was but I knew this person,

"This technology has capacities and abilities beyond anything your puny human mind could possibly understand. Try not to worry." another voice had said and I vaguely knew it, I met him a day ago or maybe two, S-Strak no, something along those lines though, and then I opened my eyes with two thoughts...

Clara and Doctor.



The doctor was scanning Ice crystals that had appeared in the TARDIS with the girls when Vastra walked in.

"Isn't the creature still a danger? It could reform." she said to the silent man,

"No, not in here." he said, and he was back to the man that he was before he had met the sisters that made him give in.

"Then you should be with Miss Clara. And Miss Rogue." she said softly, worried for her old friend.

"They're going to be fine. I know they are. She has to be." he said, not realising he had said she in the last sentence, but Vastra did, keeping it to herself as she thought it wise not to upset the man.

"Doctor, they're injuries are severe. That equipment will bring back anyone for a while, but long term-" she was cut off by the doctor

"It was my fault. I am responsible for what happened to Clara and Rogue. They were in my care." he snapped and just like that he was at the beginning of his mourning stage for the Ponds but with two completely different people, ones he had known for less than a week.

"What is the point of blaming yourself? Would she want you to?" she asked careful not to say any names to see his reaction, he sighed and his shoulders relaxed slightly,

"None. Because they're going to live. And Rogue wouldn't let me blame myself, it's who she is." he responded sighing.


The doctor stepped out of the TARDIS with a London underground box handing it to Jenny as it rattles he walks to Clara, I don't know why but I hurts me, I don't let it show as I grip what s in my hand tighter to my chest.

"Hey. Hello." he says smoothing her hair and leaning down to her, I let out a sigh and close my eyes and something else comes back.


I was in a room coral, it reminded me of, there was a man with spikey hair holding me to his chest,

"Please come back, please." I heard his broken sobs, I let out a breath and he pulls back like he was hit and looks at me, I look around and see lots of faces, the man holding me was very skinny and brown eyes with tear streaked eyes, "Don t you ever do that again, Rogue, I can't live without you. And then I'm hugged again, a single word leaving my mouth,

"Doctor." more was about to happen.


But I felt something cold press against my head snapping my eyes open, I see forest green ones looking back at me. He let out a sigh as he sags slightly,

"Don't do that again, I thought you died, again..." and I look at him properly it was so much like the dream I just had.

"I just closed my eyes." I said, he looked at me,

"You stopped breathing Rogue." I look at him surprise colouring my features,

"This won't keep us going for long you know." I whisper, I see pain flash in his eyes,

"You're going to make this, I promise, I don t want you saying something like that do you hear me. I want you to keep your eyes open, you me and your sister, we're gonna go traveling, all over the universe, anywhere, everywhere, you choose. It's gonna be amazing." he says his voice breaking, another dream hits me, I blink but my eyes don't open.


In front of me I see the same man as before and he's crying again, holding a blonde girl, and for some reason I run to her and drop to the floor tears running down my face as well,

"Is she going to be all right?" I hear a woman say, I look over and see it s a red head talking to the tanned girl, and she shakes her head.

"A new world. It's beautiful." The girl in the man's arms says, I reach forward and place my hand on her cheek and smooth it with my thumb.
"Jenny," he said

"Be strong now." I whisper my voice cracked with emotion.

"You need to hold on, do you hear me? We've got things to do, you, me, and your mum. Hey? Hey? We can go anywhere. Everywhere. You choose." he said rocking her slightly

"That sounds good." the girl Jenny, says faintly and a sob makes its way up my throat.

"You're our daughter, and we've only just got started. You're going to be great. Like your mum" he said nodding to me "You're going to be more than great. You're going to be amazing. You hear me? Jenny?" he asks, her eyes close and i break down she had died in his arms and I couldn't stop sobbing. He looks at me suddenly hope in his eyes "Two hearts. Two hearts. She's like me. If we wait. If we just wait." he said desperately and I found myself hoping against all odds that it was true.


My eyes open and I see the doctor knelt down at my side his shoulders shaking,

"Hey, come on you don't have to cry." I whisper and his head snaps up and her kisses my hand

"Stop doing this to me." he said his voice breaking.

"I don t know how." I whisper, "I try to keep my eyes open, but when I blinked they just wouldn't open. Vastra said you used to save the world, but you didn't want to be hurt anymore, so you stopped. Will you save it again?" I ask timidly unknowingly repeating Clara's request.

"If I do will you run away with me?" he asked, it sounded familiar but I didn't want to sink back into the haze and hurt him more.

"Always and forever." I say the words spilling out of my mouth before I could stop them, and I see his eyes looking far away like he was remembering. He stands up and straitens his bow tie, leaning down and kissing my forehead whispering that he would save the world. Grabbing the lunch box he went back into the TARDIS and making it disappear. I look to my left and see Clara looking over at me, moving my arm I found that it hurt a hell of a lot more than the sprained wrist on the other and I decided it must have been broken, I reach over and grab her hand entwining our fingers as she did the same, we said the one thing that had kept us together for all our lives.

"Together, or not at all." I smile at her in the most reassuring way possible.


After a while of being silent or rather everyone else being silent as I told the kids a story, Jenny shouted

"They're growing! The snowmen are growing!" my head snaps over to her, he is going to save the world he promised.

"What should we do?" Latimer asked


"No, you must fight. Hang on and fight, boys. You can do it." Strax said, I smile despite the situation,

"Still girls Strax." I whisper.

"Captain Latimer. Your children. They're afraid. Hold them." Clara told the father,

"It's not really my area." he answered

"It is now." Clara sighed as her eyes closed and a single tear strolled down her cheek. Outside I hear thunder and the snowstorm becomes a rain storm. Melting the snow.

I look at Clara and know I she should be dead, but like me she was holding on, our hands tightly joined, according to the device Strax was holding, my body was dead, but I wanted to see him again. He said we'd run away together to see everything. And the I hear that sound, his box. I see him step out and Strax talk to him.

"I'm sorry. There was nothing to be done. She has moment s only." and I see his face break, and along with it my heart shatters for him. He walks towards us and he looks at us.

"We saved the world, Clara, Rogue, you and me. We really, really did." he whispered with a forced smile.

"Are you going back to your cloud?" I laugh weakly as my sister says this but my eyes feel heavy.

"No more cloud. Not now." he said to her moving her hair out of her eye,

"Why not?" She asked

"It rained." he answers, and I give a smile at it.

"Run. Run, you clever boy. And remember." were my sisters last words as she passed on, then the clock struck midnight.

"It's Christmas. Christmas Day." Digby said, I smile,

"You know I'm glad I met you doctor." his head snaps to me and he's at my side in the next moment, "You said you'd save the world and you did... but I can't run away with you."

"Yes you can, you're still alive." he whispers, Strax hands him the device and the doctor looks at it, and then at me.

"I'm dead already, I wanted to see you one more time though. Come closer, please. I have one last request." he leaned in and with all my effort I sling my arm around his neck and pull him into a kiss, he doesn't struggle like he did Clara and as I pull back I pull him closer my head resting on his shoulder "Forget me, not." and the world was gone.


Doctor's P.O.V

"Forget me, not." her head fell back and her arm hung off the table open, showing the TARDIS key. I broke a little more inside and there wasn't much left to break, she had wanted to see me and had bypassed her body to do that. I let the tears fall as I sunk to my knees, I had lost two more people and each one just as heart-breaking as the last. But Rogue was special, I knew her all throughout my life, she was there from the beginning and each time I regenerated she tried to leave me, erasing my memories, but I would always find her and then I would remember, the last I had seen her was in America, before she disappeared without a trace leaving only my memories, and now she didn't remember me, and she had died with knowing me properly like she had before.


Captain Latimer stood by two grave stones with his children and the doctor further back.

"And what about the Intelligence? Melted with the snow?" Vastra asked,

"No, I shouldn't think so. It learned to survive beyond physical form." his voice was scratchy from the crying he had done.

"Well, we can't be in much danger from a disembodied Intelligence that thinks it can invade the world with snowmen." Jenny replied,

"Or that the London Underground is a key strategic weakness." Vastra retorted trying to lighten the doctors mood, it didn't work.

"The Great Intelligence. Rings a bell. The Great Intelligence." he had as he walked towards the grave with a dozen red Roses in hand, the Grave stones had already been carved and placed, reading Rogues it read

'Here Lies Rogue Oswin Oswald,

Loving sister Friend and Lover.

Born February 15th 1865

Died December 25th 1892

Together, or not at all.'

He placed the Red Roses on her grave and moved to Clara's it read,

'Clara Oswin Oswald

Loving sister and Friend

Born November 23rd 1866

Died December 24th 1892

Remember us for we shall meet again.'

"I never knew her name. Her full name. Either of their full names."

'Oswin Oswald. Junior Entertainment Manager, Starship Alaska.'

"Souffl girl. Oswin. It was her. Her sister." he said in shock,

'Run, you clever boy.' Oswin.

'Run, you clever boy.' Clara.

'And remember.' Oswin.

'And remember.' Clara.

"It was souffl girl again. I never saw her face the first time with the Daleks, but her voice, it was the same voice."

"Doctor?" Jenny called in confusion.

"The same woman, twice. And she died both times. The same woman!" he said jumping up,

"Doctor, please, what are you talking about?" Vastra asked impatient and confused, he turned to them.

"Something's going on. Something impossible, something. Right, you two stay here. Stay right here. Don't move an inch." he said running off.

"Are you coming back?" Vastra questioned,

"Shouldn't think so!" he shouted over his shoulder before running further,

"But where are you going?" Vastra again,

"To find them. To find Clara and Rogue. Ha ha ha!" he shouted in excitement as he ran off towards the TARDIS.

"But they're dead. What's he talking about, finding them?" Jenny asked her wife in confusion.

"I don't know, but perhaps the universe makes bargains after all." Vastra answered mysteriously.


Over a hundred years later in the same grave yard though it was completely overgrown.

"Where are you going?" a coloured girl shouted to her friends

"Short cut." A girl with brown hair called.

"Through there? I hate this place! Don't you think it's creepy?" the friend asked. Both girls turn back

"Nah. I don't believe in ghosts." One girl said with shoulder length brown hair, it was Clara, standing by her grave stone.

"It's not creepy either." the other said, her hair was waist length brown hair and natural blonde streaks, her eyes piercing blue, on her wrist was an Anklet obviously too big for her wrist, Amethyst and silver. A smile gracing her face, Rogue Snow Oswald Clara's elder sister A spark in her eye.


"Clara." he hit a switch "Oswin." and another "Oswald." and another, before running to the screen. "I'm coming to find you Rogue, Watch me run." he said as he set the TARDIS in motion.


In the same grave yard looking at the Grave stone that held Rogues name were a dozen red roses. a note attached to them, 'I could never forget.'


Well what do you think it took me two days to write, now let me know what you think should i continue this or leave it as a one shot, I will not be updating this one as regularly as my other two but they will have me busy, this will be a read and wait for the next chapter to appear.
Anyway, my new character, what do you think? let me know.

Shadow OUT!