What up you guys? Here's the next part of Isabelle's Adventure, which I hope you like. And here's where Marcus comes in, and starts trying to woo Isabelle.

Isabelle: That better not happen. If it does, I will put you in a spiked barrel and make you roll down a hill. (Looking Dead Serious.)

*Gulps* N...No it doesn't, you don't have to worry about that.

(Cue Chapter 4)

Last time, on Isabelle's Adventure.


"HER MAGIC MUST HAVE BEEN RESISTING THE BLOCKS, AND WHEN OUR FOREIGN MAGIC ENTERED HER BODY, IT GAVE HER MAGIC THE POWER TO RIP THROUGH THE BLOCKS BY THEMSELVES!" One of the other goblins yelled, but that was quickly drowned out by my next scream, as my scar burst open, and a heavy black mist flew out, causing black blood to flow down my face. Finally, everything went still, and I took sobbing gasps of breath, as the pain finally went away.

"Is...it...over?" I managed to get out, and the goblins nodded. I sighed, before everything went black.


When I next woke up, I was in a completely white bed. I reached for my glasses, but blinked, when I realized that I was seeing perfectly without them. One of the goblins that I now noticed was in the room rushed over to my bedside with a clipboard that I figured had my chart on it..

"How are you feeling Miss Potter?" She asked.

"Honestly, I feel much better than I would normally feel in the Hospital Wing at Hogwarts. And before, I hadn't noticed it, but now I feel like I as carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders, and someone took it from me, making me feel so much lighter." I told the goblin nurse, who nodded.

"That's to be expected. Your magic was fighting against the soul shard inside of you, as well as the blocks on your magic, creating the pressure that you felt, and when our foreign goblin magic entered your body, your magic manipulated ours into helping it in overpowering the blocks and expelling the horcrux, which shattered the blocks and killed the horcrux," She explained, looking at my chart. "Now it seems like everything is in order concerning your recovery, but you will have to be in a wheelchair until you leave us. Of course, even though your magic did help your recovery, you will end up having to take nutrient potions over the next few weeks, due to the malnutrition you suffered from in our childhood. Also, due to the fact that your meeting with Lord Ragnok was cut short, you will be meeting with him again. Actually, you're about to go back to meet Lord Ragnok, as he requested your presence as soon as you woke up," Here, the goblin stopped, before going over to the side and pulling out a wheelchair. Rolling it over to my bed, she snapped her fingers, and I started to float out of my bed, before being moved over to my wheelchair, and was gently lowered into it. She wheeled me out of the infirmary, and we started down the hallway.

*A few Minutes later*

"Mistress Potter, how nice it is to see that you've made a wonderful recovery." Lord Ragnok spoke aswe entered his office. The nurse bowed down low, then left, probably to give him and I some privacy.

"Well, it is nice to be injury free Lord Ragnok," I said, but he cut me off almost immediately.

"Yes, yes, now although I would like to chat with you, today is all about business. For the first matter, you have a letter." He said, swinging his chair around to where I could see Hedwig sitting on an owl perch just behind him. She flew over to my shoulder, before she started preening my hair with her beak, hooting, barking and clicking her beak all at the same time, before sticking out her leg to make me take the reply from Marcus, making me laugh since it was so good to see her.

"Hey Hedwig, how was the flying?" I asked, untying the letter. She hooted and barked, bobbing her head down every now and then, gesturing to the letter. Getting what she wanted me to do, I unfolded the envelope it was in, before tearing it open and grabbing the letter inside with shaky hands.

"Dear Isabelle,

It's me, Marcus! My family and I have been fine, and my mom said it's okay for you to come live with us. But why didn't you tell me that you were a witch?! Wait a minute, I forgot about the Statute of Secrecy. You probably thought I was a mundane, didn't you? Well, I'm close to a mundane. I'm a Hedge-Wizard. In case you don't know, since you're from backwards England, (no offense, but England is way too behind in the times.), a Hedge-Wizard is a person with some magic, more than a squib, but less than the average wizard or witch. But anyways, come as quickly as you can. My family will be in the airport holding up a sign with your name on it, (Don't worry, the sign will be in English.). Just send a reply back whenever you leave for the airport.


Marcus Masaru Damon"

"YES! THANK YOU EVERY DEITY THAT I KNOW ABOUT! I HAVE A TICKET OUT OF THIS HELLHOLE!" At that time, I knew it was inappropriate to do that, but I didn't care. I could finally leave England. Although I was a little bit shocked that Marcus was a Hedge-Wizard.

"I see that you're excited about something your friend said, but we really must get down to business," Lord Ragnok insisted. I cleared my throat, and sat back down.

"Thank you for the reminder. Now, I have a few questions. Would it be possible for me to change my name both magically and physically, and if it is possible, then can you merge all of my accounts into one under my new name so that way no one cold get access into my account? Also, would it be possible for the heirlooms that I have here in the bank to be shrunken down into charms, and then put onto an unbreakable charm bracelet? But can the medallion be put onto a necklace? And if I do manage to get a new account, would you please be it's manager? I need to know that it would be cared for by someone that I trusted. Plus, would it be possible to get a credit card, checkbook, and wallet linked to the account, so that way I could use it in the muggle world?" I asked, not knowing whether or not this could be done. If it could, then the first thing I would do is go to a Hot Topic and buy a new wardrobe.

"Madame Potter, not only is it possible for all of these things to be done, but they can also be done quickly. I will also gladly be your account manager. You just need to come up with a new name and then most of what you requested can be completed in five minutes," Lord Ragnok said, and I grinned, knowing that everything was coming together.

"Isabelle Aria Evans." I said, after a little bit of thinking.

"Why that?" Lord Ragnok asked, curious.

"Isabelle because I don't want to change my name, Aria because I like to listen to musical Arias, and Evans because of my grandparents," I listed off. Ragnok nodded, then slid some parchment in front of me, as well as a blood quill.

"In order to change your name both Magically and Physically, you have to sign your previous name, and then the name that you want for yourself, while also flaring your magic when you sign the second name. And I'll take care of the rest." He explained. I slowly picked up the quill, and with a nod from Ragnok signed my two names. After a brief moment of pain, and a flash of bright light, I stared at the parchment that not only filled itself up with information, but also duplicated itself as a normal stack of paper, a golden Credit card, checkbook, and wallet, the medallion on a cord so I could wear it, and a silver bracelet with charms on it.

"Thank you so much Lord Ragnok for everything, but I have to go now. I really need a new wardrobe, plus there's the fact that I want to catch my plane today." I said.

"Any time Lady Potter, any time." Lord Ragnok said, and I got up from the wheelchair. Grabbing my messenger bag, I pulled out my dad's invisibility cloak and threw it on after holding out my arm for Hedwig to land on. Once I made sure it was secure, I exited Gringotts and walked out of the alleyway and into muggle london. Once I made it onto an abandoned street, I pulled out my wand, and held it out with my wand arm. Suddenly, a familiar triple-decker, violently purple bus was on the street with a bang. A familiar conductor in a purple uniform stepped off of the bus, and spoke loudly, saying the words I was familiar with by now.

"Welcome to the Knight Bus, emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard. Just stick out your wand hand, step on board, and we can take you anywhere you want to go. My name is Stan Shunpike, and I will be your conductor today," Stan said, before noticing who he was talking too, "Blimey, well if i' isn' li'le Izzy Po'er. Where you needin' to go this time?"

"Hi Stan, I need to go to the closest muggle mall, as fast as you can go," I said, paying him the standard fare as I climbed on.

"Did choo 'ere tha' Ernie? As fas' as we can go!" Stan yelled in glee, hopping on. We sped off with a bang, going as fast as a rocket. I took out a quill, some ink in a bottle, and some parchment, and I started writing a letter on my messenger bag.

"Dear Marcus,

First and foremost, I'm sorry for my sloppy writing. I'm riding the Knight Bus right now, while writing the letter on my lumpy messenger bag. Secondly, it isn't Isabelle anymore. I am now Aria Bella Evans, my new name that I had to change at Gringotts. Finally, thank you and your mom so, so much for letting me live in Japan with you. Right now, I'm heading to the nearest mall so I can update my wardrobe, which should take an hour, and after that I'm heading to the airport so I can come to Japan. It's about 2:45 pm. as I'm writing this, but I don't know when I'm going to be landing at the airport in Japan due to the fact that I don't really know the time distance. I can't wait until we meet in person though, and would you please watch Hedwig for me until I get there? I don't want her flying there, and then back again, mostly because that would be cruel to her. Thanks.


Aria Bella Evans

I finished the letter just as we arrived, which only took a few minutes like always.

"Wow, must have been a shorter distance than I thought. Thanks Stan, Ernie," I said, hurriedly putting away my writing utensils, before hopping off, the Knight bus tearing away with a large bang. I walked over to a bench that was conveniently nearby, and let Hedwig hop onto the back.

"Okay Hedwig. I know the flight to Japan was the longest one you ever made, and it was extremely tiring, but I need you to make it for me one last time. After you make it, you won't have to fly for a long time, and that's only if you want to. Will you please do this for me girl?" I asked, holding out the letter I wrote, and Hedwig barked and nodded her head, before grabbing the letter. I smiled, pulling out my wand once more, and just like the last time, I cast the spell I made.

"Ut dixeritis Hedwig (1)." I chanted, and with a golden glow surrounding her, she took off, making a sonic boom as she did. Once I sent her off, I turned to the mall, and walked in, looking for the nearest directory.

*Scene Change*

A sun shines down on a seemingly unending field of grass, with trees here and there, and hardly a cloud in the sky. A breeze blew, making the leaves shake. Laying down in the cool shade of the was a red lizard-dragon, one or the other. It had red, bat-like ears, a strong looking tail, a muscular yet lithe build that was suited for running, paws with three fingers, each of which had long claws, and two clawed toes on his two feet, both of which had another claw coming out from the heel. It had black stripes on various parts of its body, as well as triangles. Out of nowhere, one of it's ears twitched, and it raised it's head up to look in the distance, opening it's eyes to reveal yellow eyes with small, reptilian slits, somehow holding a childlike innocence in them.

"She's here." It muttered, it's voice revealing that it was male, and he stood up, taking off like a bullet from a gun into the distance, where a portal made out of swirling gold data started to open, only to close as the dragon jumped into it.

*Scene Change*

It didn't take as long as I thought it would to get a new wardrobe. I managed to get a few awesome new t-shirts, along with some new pairs of pants, and some awesome black combat boots. The outfit I had on right now was blue. I had on a blue tank top with spaghetti straps, a blue jean jacket, and blue jeans, along with my mother's necklace that I had with me for forever with roses on the band, (I think that's what's it's called.), and a headband with some roses on it. After I finished buying my new wardrobe, I ended up taking the rest of my old clothes and burning them in an alleyway behind the mall, cackling with mad glee. That was when my magic started acting funky. I could feel it leaking out of my core into the air for some reason, but I could also tell it wouldn't do anything bad. Since I couldn't really do anything about it, due to my control over my core not being good enough, I shrugged, turning to head out of the alleyway, but a crashing sound behind me stopped me from moving away, so I spun around, expecting to see a stray animal or something. What I saw was shocking; a golden portal, made out of what appeared to be golden data particles, closing over a red reptilian creature, that stood up, looking over in my direction with a red and white device hanging around it's neck on a chord. I slowly took out my wand, unsure whether or not it was friendly, when it tackled me onto the ground for no apparent reason. Freezing up, I watched silently as it sniffed me, unaware of the reason of why it was doing what it was doing, when suddenly it cheered, and hugged me.

"What are you?! Why are you doing this?!" I shouted, struggling to get free, causing it to recoil away from me, simultaneously letting go of me, running backwards into the wall, and looking like a kicked puppy, which made me want to coo at it.

"Does partner-mon not want Guilmon as her partner?" The creature that was apparently named Guilmon asked, a chord striking in my head as a part of the heritage test bounced to the front of my brain.

"Partners? Does that mean... you're a digimon?" I asked, getting a nod from Guilmon as confirmation.

"Yes. Guilmon is a special case. Guilmon was raised just to be partner-mon's partner." He explained.

"But how did you know that I was supposed to be your partner? In fact, how did you even find me in the first place?" I asked, my mind swimming with questions.

"I knew, because our souls are connected. We were destined to be partners, but Guilmon couldn't find partner-mon until a few days ago, and Guilmon couldn't reach partner-mon till now, because I couldn't find a way to get to partner-mon. And when I couldn't get to partner-mon when partner-mon was close, the energy partner-mon has made a gate for Guilmon to reach partner-mon." He explained with a grin on his face.

"Aria. My name is Aria." I said, both wanting him to stop calling me partner-mon, and to find out if he really was my partner. Reaching out with my magic, I channeled as much of it as I could control into my eyes, causing colors to become much more vibrant, and also revealing a red thread linking us together, which showed me he was telling the truth about our souls being connected. Well, if he really is supposed to be my partner, then I'm glad it's him, and not a digimon that was mean.

"Aria-mon. Aria-mon. Is Aria-mon okay?" Guilmon's voice cut into my thoughts, making me snap my head p and give him a grin.

"I'm fine Guilmon, just thinking. Listen, is there any way you can become smaller? I have to be somewhere, and if we're going to be partners, you'll have to come with me, and if people see you, then they might freak out because they've never seen someone like you." I told him. After I finished, he slipped the device off of his neck, and pushed it over to me with his nose.

"Hold the Digivice up to me, and press the button on the right." Guilmon said.

"Like this?" And with the press of a button, Guilmon dissolved into golden data particles and flew into the device, making the screen light up with a picture of his head in front of a green background.

"Just like that."

"Well that was easy. Thanks Guilmon." And with that, I was off to the airport, mentally thanking the gods-that-be that I had ordered my ticket in advance.

*At a secret base somewhere*

A loud siren was blaring, and red lights were flashing. The sounds of rapid typing on a computer keyboard could be heard, and a young man's voice shouted over the noise.

"Ma'am, we've picked up traces of a digimon, and it appears to be heading towards Sector 7." A woman's voice responded to the man's statement.

"Is there anyone close enough to that location to apprehend this digimon?"

"Only Allegra, Ma'am. Shall I send the apprehension order to her?"

"Go ahead, it's not like we have any others that we can send there with their mission being interrupted."

"Yes Ma'am!"

*At the Airport*

Isabelle's POV

"Geez, this place is huge!" I was spinning around in a circle, trying to take in the giant building that is the Heathrow Airport. "How exactly am I supposed to fly to Japan if I don't know where to go?"

"All you have to do is have your luggage go through baggage check, go through security, and then find the gate number that's on your ticket." A girl's voice answered.

"Well, I already went through the baggage check, I just can't figure out where security is." And then it registered in my mind that someone was actually talking to me. A girl with black hair was talking to me, wearing what looked like a purple police outfit. "Who exactly are you?"

"My name is Insanity Allegra, and I'm here to confiscate that digimon you're smuggling somewhere."

*End Chapter Four*

So yeah, my friend is Insanity Allegra, and while we were talking at the same time we were cowriting a story, I brought up the topic of stories, one thing led to another, and now she's a DATS member in the London branch. Hope you enjoy the chapter, and see you at the next update, which should be TMotCH, and maybe my Code Lyoko story.