[ AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is an introduction. Future chapters will be much longer. I look forward to reading your thoughts and opinions, if you have any. :) ]

Luke Skywalker entered the blown hatch of Tantive IV and strode past fallen storm troopers. Smoke and sulfur polluted the air. He turned a corner where rebel corpses lay. A squadron waited at the end of the corridor and moved aside as their cloaked commander neared. The ship's captain stood with his hands behind his head.

"You intercepted classified Imperial data," Luke said. "Where did you store it?"

He shook his head. "There's a mistake. We're on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan."

Luke raised a gloved hand and slowly closed it into a fist. The captain fell to his knees and gripped his chest.

"Come again, Captain?"

"I swear. We're sanctioned by the Galactic Senate." The fist closed fully and the captain fell over. Blood seeped from his mouth.

"Find the data," Luke said to his subordinates. "Arrest all passengers."

Princess Leia Organa took a humble posture and voice as the astromech began to record. "This message is for General Obi-Wan Kenobi, hailed Jedi Knight of the Old Republic, who served my father in the Clone Wars. The Rebellion desperately requires your help."

Footsteps sounded at the entrance to the maintenance hall. She backed out of sight, grabbed her blaster and peeked through a gap in the pipes to see who had come. A man about her age of nineteen halted midway down the hall to stare at the astromech. A metallic rod was clipped to his belt. The woman held her breath and readied her trigger finger. He stepped forward. She crouched deeper in shadow. Her recording then played meters away.

"Kenobi is dead," The stranger in black said. "I watched Darth Vader slay him on the planet below, thirteen years ago. You may step out, Your Highness. You are now my prisoner."