
The years have passed quickly for my little family. It seemed that all I did was blink and my babies were running around and driving Tobias and I crazy. Even though they're quite the little troublemakers, we love them to death as do pretty much everyone else. Although Elias and Serena are twins they look nothing alike which I'm sure they'll be happy about in the future. They just celebrated their sixth birthday in March and are excited to welcome a baby brother or sister in a few months as are Tobias and I.

Who knew all those years ago that the eight year old with dark blue eyes and dark hair and the six year old girl with the scraped knee would come so far together and find so much love together. I wouldn't trade my life for anything and I most definitely would never ever let go of my painfully attractive husband. I almost feel bad for little Serena though. She's had Tobias wrapped around her finger since the moment he laid eyes on her and he's not going to be willing to let go of his baby girl when she starts to grow up. Especially with as close as she is to Jackson already. I can't help but notice a similar friendship between them that Tobias and I had at their age. And Elias always seems far too eager to spend time with Arianna who is Christina and Will's daughter who is five. It's really amazing the way the life just keeps moving forward and things change but still seem to stay the same. Every night that I lay happy and safe in Tobias's arms I can't help but think that this is exactly the way life should be and I couldn't imagine it any other way.


I want to thank everyone who has waited three years for this story and I once again just want to apologize for leaving it alone for so long. Those who just discovered the story, Welcome! and I hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to review with thoughts and advice and I wish you the best. Also, let me know if there are any scenes (like mature content etc.) that you would like to see. Thank you again! ~ KB ~