Dislcaimer: Full disclaimer in chapter 1.

This is the final chapter!


Chapter 32: The End of War

The rest of the war went by quickly. Many lives were lost and massive amount of damage had been done in many areas through out Middle Earth. Many fields had been burned or ravished and the farmers are unsure where to start to fix up their crops.

However, the people were not depressed. In fact, they were filled with joy, happiness, and hope. After all, the true King of Gondor has returned to the throne. This knowledge brightened the lives of all the people through out Middle Earth. A beautiful coronation signified this event and it also represented a new age to begin.

As for the Fellowship, they became very close, especially Legolas and Gimli. They were all saddened when Boromir was killed by the Uruk-hai. Faramir, Boromir's brother, was saddened by his death, but he felt that he had to take his brother's place in the Fellowship..

Aragorn became King and married the love of his life, Arwen, Daughter of Lord Elrond. They lived happily together and Arwen gladly helped out her husband whenever he needed. Several years after they were married, they had a son named Eldarion. This child brought much joy in the kingdom as well as some annoying pranks.

The Hobbits returned to the Shire and lived there in peace for quite a long time before Frodo made his final journey across the Western Sea with his Uncle Bilbo. Merry, Pippin and Sam were all very sad but they continue to live the rest of their lives in the Shire doing what they could to make everyone's lives a little better.

Gandalf had an interesting adventure. When he left the Fellowship right before they faced the King of Agmar, he had gone to talk with Saurumon just north of Rohan. Talks did not go over well and the old wizard became Sarumon's prisoner. Gandalf managed to escape but he spent a long time recovering from the injuries and psychological damaged he had received. When he finally was able to rejoin the war, Gandalf had been transformed into the White Wizard.

Gimli was a very happy Dwarf, even if he was made fun at the fact that his closest friend was an Elf. He returned home and helped fix the damage that was done while he had been away. After many months of work, Gimli was finally able to travel to Ithilien and Gondor to see his two friends. Aragorn didn't have much time for adventures anymore, but Legolas was always up for one. He always looked for any excuse to get away from his responsibilities.

Legolas was finally able to return home after so long. His home was just like he remembered. When he reached the palace, the King was waiting for him in the courtyard. The young Elf didn't care what people thought, but he began to cry as soon as he saw his father. Father and Son embraced for the first time in a long time. Thranduil didn't want to let go, but he reluctantly did when he felt Legolas wiggling to let him know that he wanted him to. The two spent many days catching up on time that they hadn't had in 11 years. Unfortunately, Legolas stilled suffered from nightmares but they diminished over time and with the help of his father and friends. Sooner than he liked, Legolas finally had to watch his own father board a ship bound for the Grey Havens. He was very upset, but he had made a promise that he wouldn't leave until Aragorn had passed on to Mandos's Hall. He continued his work in Ithilien as well as Gondor whenever Aragorn asked for his help. He went on adventures with Gimli until the Dwarf was finally unable to make any more journeys. When the two finally passed, Legolas made a small boat that carried him to the Grey Havens. He was the very last Elf to make the journey. He knew that Middle Earth would be alright, but he missed his friends dearly and knew that he would never see them again.


Another story completed. Thanks for reading and being patient. I hope everyone has a good Thanksgiving tomorrow. Someone asked if there would be a sequel to this story. As of right now, I am unsure. I will see what my creative mind can come up with. There will be a break as I work on another story. I hope to see some of you on my next story, if not then I hope to see you on my next Lord of the Rings story. Please let me know what you thought of the story. Any comments or questions are welcome. See ya'll next time! *SaphirePearl*