One And Only, Chapter One

Aria had all her life planned since she came back from her year out in Iceland. She was back with her friends and writing her daily journal. But what happens when a one and only, Ezra Fitz, comes into her life... and her class. Will they fall for each other against the rules and rumors of society?


'You never know when your life is about to change forever until you wake up one morning and you know everything will be different, better, and you know you won't be able to go back to how things were before even if you tried.'

Edited - 04/02/16

It was 6:45 and I was running late for my first teaching class. Having slept less than five hours, my body was against the idea of functioning properly. The nerves of the night before had made me end up with a couple of empty beers and insomnia. Not really wanting to screw up on the first day, I got up from bed instantly getting tangled with the sheets and falling awkwardly to the cold floor.

"Shit" I cursed as I untangled myself from all the mess. I ran my hands through my hair and stood up throwing the sheets back to the bed. Relax, I thought to myself before starting to get ready.

By 7:15, I was already dressed with my bag prepared and all my lesson plans in it. I looked one last time at my reflection in the mirror deciding I was okay for my first day. I got my car keys and headed downstairs, closing the door of 3B behind me. I hopped into the car and started the engine after making a mental note of grabbing a cup of coffee before stepping into first period.

I had ten minutes to get there; I was lucky my apartment wasn't very far away and that there wasn't much traffic in this town anyway. When I crossed over to the high school street, a girl walking to my right caught my eye. She was a real beauty. She was not very tall but at the same time she was slim, with defined curves for her age and had a perfectly shoulder-length curled brown hair. A book in hand while walking to high school made me overthink the situation more than I should've. She just looked so different than the posh girl prototype we had those days, with their phones in one hand and the purse in the other just in case they had to buy new expensive, and If I may add useless, clothes.

It was the first time in a long time that I saw a teenage girl read a book that wasn't or 50 Shades of Grey or Twilight. She was a far cry from usual. Wearing a casual red dress and a denim jacket on top of it with black boots was enough to make her look exquisite. I couldn't describe with words what I thought about her, I had this feeling of wanting to know more stirring deep inside me. Maybe it was my writer's curiosity about everything, but the feeling was there. The feeling of wanting to run my hands through her long hair and...

And then realized what I was thinking. And it was inappropriate. I stopped my thoughts in track. For god's sake, she was probably just sixteen or seventeen and the most important part, she was a student, where I was teaching. Rule number one: no students, I reminded myself. As I pulled my car into the reserved spot I had in the parking lot, I lost sight of her small body, disappearing into Rosewood's High halls.

I grabbed all of the things I needed and looked at my watch. 7:25, the class should have started right now. As I thought this the bell rang. Just in time. Beating my own personal record in preparing a coffee, the kind you can actually drink, and after finding the door that lead to the class which would be mine all year, I breathed in deeply and stepped inside.

"Good morning everyone, I'm sorry I'm late but I had a problem getting here because of the traffic" I lied not wanting to give my new students the bad impression of their teacher falling asleep on the first day. Everyone moved to their seats loudly as I left all my stuff in the desk next to the coffee I had prepared minutes before. I got a piece of chalk and wrote my name on the board in big capital letters. I could hear all the gossiping and whispering about me and the "he's very cute and young" comments that made me smirk for myself. On the other hand, ignoring all the whispers, the boys talked about the new football coach and all the girls they had flirted with during summer. I guess time never actually changed high school students and their perfect structured society.

And then I turned around. That was when everything changed, just in a matter of seconds. I couldn't help but stare. There was just one girl that wasn't gossiping with the rest. The, beautiful, girl sitting one row away from the window. She hadn't looked up since I had come in, she kept writing without stop in this old-looking journal.

I realized I must have been gazing for a while when I couldn't hear the whispers anymore. Everyone had suddenly stopped talking and were now looking at me. Here came the nerves.

"Umm... as I said before I'm really sorry I was late. My name is Mr. Fitz and I am your new English teacher this year." I said looking around the class, my eyes stopping one quick second more when I reached her. She hadn't looked up yet, and I wanted, so bad, to see her eyes. Rule one Fitz, I remembered.

"First of all, I want all of you to know I'm going to be part of the poetry club. If you want to join or if you have any question you are welcome to talk to me. Starting with the real class now" I continued and instantly everyone started talking again. Frustrating. "Silence guys, I'm not going to start with all the hard stuff, today is going to be something light so I can get to know you. I want you to write about yourself, what you like and what you look forward to learn in this class" I heard complaining and I couldn't stop myself from laughing. I already expected their laziness but I wasn't going to change the assignment; no chance. It would help me memorize names and even though I knew I couldn't be involved with a student and that she wasn't going to find me attractive, I had this curiosity about her... So the 'what you like' was really for me to know about her.

"It doesn't have to be very long, I'll collect it at the end of the class. Tomorrow we'll be starting 'To Kill A Mockingbird' so don't forget to bring the book." I sneaked a glance unconsciously at this girl that remained without a name yet. She was still writing and chewing on her pen, take small break to look out of the window. This made me think about so many things in which I shouldn't have been thinking. But, deep inside me I knew I couldn't stop whatever I was feeling. I wanted to get a taste of those lips and leave her bite marks on her neck to stop other guys staring at her, just like I was doing. I knew this was wrong but the anger I felt towards myself couldn't offset the pull I felt to her.

She had the book she was reading this morning next to her. A few strands of hair fell over her face and all I really wanted to do was to walk up to her, and place them behind her ear. Caress her cheek and run my thumb over that teasing bottom lip.

The ugly truth was that I couldn't think that way of her, and I had to find a way to stop. I slapped myself for another time that morning. I was so stupid. 'No, you are crazy for her' said a voice inside my head. Damn, It had just been a few minutes since I had met this girl and I was already hearing voices.

I handed the first row students some paper so they could pass them around and they could start with their task and went back to my desk to go through the checklist. Unlike other teachers, I was really good with names once I got to know the students, no matter how many I had and as I called them out, I started to memorize them.

"Aria Montgomery" I said. A smooth perfect-toned voice replied, and for the first time in all morning, I was able to stare into her eyes. They were gorgeous, and being her teacher or not wasn't changing me thinking that. Incredibly, beautiful hazel eyes. We held each other's gazes for what it seemed like ages but, obviously, they were seconds; neither of us wanting to break the contact by looking away, until I remembered my first rule. I saw her blush and I could see the hint of a smile forming in the corner of her lips. I continued down the list, fighting the urge to look back at Aria. Even her name was beautiful, it suited her.I sighed as I called the last student of the list, at least I could have a nice year dreaming about finding a girl like her. One that wasn't my student.

I grabbed my cup of coffee with both hands and spent five minutes staring at the wall not thinking about anything, until a knock on the door made me stop daydreaming. A tall boy appeared from the other side of the door. I stood up as he handed me a transfer class paper. Noel Kahn. As I read the paper, other boys and girls were saying hello to him… He seemed popular.

"Well Noel nice too meet you." I handed him a piece of paper and explained what he had to do and then he walked towards the seat that was behind Aria. She smiled at him as he stopped next to her and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. Too beautiful to be alone. I was still standing up and staring at them and then I realized I needed to move when I heard two girls, one of them being Aria talk.

"Hey Aria! Good catch, did you get laid already?" The blond girl, I think she was called Hanna, said to her as she winked at Aria. They looked close to each other not just formal friends. The way Aria called her when replying just confirmed I was right.

"Han!" Aria scolded her. "Shut up, really! No one got laid here" She chuckled as he heard Noel's friends reply with a "Too bad Noel". After that she went back to her writing.

A couple of minutes later I decided it was time to check on the students. Most of them were now talking to each other, and so was Noel but fortunately, not with Aria who was still writing. I started to walk down the opposite side from where she was. Most of the posh girls and athletes had just scribbled something down and there was just a few left that were still writing. I reached her desk and let myself stare for a second knowing Noel was too busy talking to actually pay attention to his teacher checking out his girlfriend. And as wrong as it sounded, I was checking her out.

"How are you doing?" She got startled at the sound of my voice beside her, causing her to drop her pen on the ground.

"Do you always sneak up on your students like that?" She said while searching for it. I picked it up before she could and handed it to her receiving a 'thank you' smile. Our fingers brushed and I felt this spark of electricity run through my body. Questions started to pop up in my head. What was that? Did she feel it too? That question was answered as her face became a shade of pink darker due to the blushing.

"So, any questions?" I asked again not wanting to leave, wanting to feel that spark again. I looked around the room to check if anyone was paying attention to us.

"No Mister Fitz, I just finished but thank you anyway." I didn't want to leave, I wanted more. 'You want much more jerk' the voice inside my head said again.

"And what about that?" I said nodding in her journals direction.

"Oh this" she said getting it and running her hand through the cover. "It's nothing, just... mmm... ideas I write" she saw the questioning look on my face and continued "For short stories, nothing important"

"I would love to read them if you let me, I don't want to miss any historic piece of writing" I offered, wanting more that anything to read her thoughts. Her eyes expressed confusion on whether she should let me read them or not. I couldn't stop thinking she looked really cute when she frowned, her eyebrows forming a V in her forehead.

"Hey you don't need to show me, don't worry" I gave up. I smiled at her, not as welcoming as I did before and turned to leave. Before I could take more than two steps she called my name. I saw Noel turn to look at me, as so did the rest of the class for a moment. I turned around to face her aging, hands in my pockets. Our eyes met. Neither of us talking. She opened her mouth and then closed it again, lost for words. I could feel her losing herself in my eyes as I was in hers. I helped her by talking first so she could start.

"Yes, Aria?" I replied cold enough to seem like her teacher unlike a few minutes ago. She looked down as I walked closer again.

"I would like to join the poetry club if that's possible". I wasn't expecting that. More time with her. Great, I thought sarcastically. I could now be the whole year dreaming about finding a girl like her who wasn't in my class and did not have a boyfriend.

"I will write you down," I said as I gave her my best fake smile.

"And about my journal... it's not because I don't want you to read it... I just... I write for myself, you know, pers..." I cut her off not wanting her to think I really cared about not wanting me to read it. Why did it bother me so much?

"As I said, no problem. Not school stuff, not my business" I walked away leaving her with her mouth slightly opened. I sat down on my desk preparing the things for my next period. I had the urge to look at her. I slowly tilted my head up watching as she scribbled something furiously on her journal. She had probably felt my gaze on her because the next thing I saw were her hazel eyes that locked onto mine through her long dark lashes. I could read deception and... Was it sadness? I remained with my cold 'teacher' look but feeling hurt because of the distrust. 'What did you expect jerk, you know her for what? 20 minutes?' my subconscious said.

But on the other hand, it felt like I'd known her for years. Why did I feel this way? Was I...? Was I falling for this unexpected girl? I looked away as it felt as if I had been years staring into her eyes.

The bell rang ten minutes later. The students packed up and rushed out of the room. I could see Noel kiss Aria again as he left her to pack her books. I felt my heart crack a little at the sight of them kissing, but that was something I would have to get used to.

The students that had already rushed out had left their writings on their tables. I stood up, leaning against the front of my desk collecting some more and saying goodbye to students that still had some manners. Aria was one of the last to finish the packing up and the last to head out the room. She walked towards me and I gave her half a smile when she handed me her work. Our fingers brushed again giving me that spark of electricity. I gave up and completely smiled at her but my smile faded when she didn't look at me or say goodbye. I felt anger and deception.

"Goodbye Aria" I said before she had walked completely out of my class hoping she would turn around and say something. She didn't. Students from my second period class started to walk in while I was still staring at the door through which Aria had left a few minutes ago.

I had to be realistic, just as life, which wasn't always romantic. I liked this girl. And I knew eventually I would fall for her, it was something I couldn't stop. But I just screwed the chance of even being friends with her or at least a good teacher. Maybe it was for the best, after all, I was her teacher and I had to start behaving like one.

Everyone was already seated. I started my introduction just as I did an hour ago, but this time with memories of Aria running through my mind. I had tried to be cold with her, and discovered she could be cold too.

A/N: Well that was the first chapter :) let me know what you think!

Twitter: ohgodbomer