
I just remembered a chapter doesn't have to be long to be a good chapter!

Disclaimers: Sadly I don't own Diabolik Lovers! STANDARD DISCLAIMERS APPLIED!


A human.

It was annoying to see this weak and pathetic human capture my attention. Her blood, sweeter than anything I've drank before called out to our kind.


Pancakes never ceased to amuse me with her struggles. It was addicting, hypnotic and just something I wanted.

I wanted her to struggle against me.

Fight me.

Beg me.

Submit to me.

I wanted nothing more than to place my mark all over her soft, pale skin. I wanted others to see who she belonged to. I wanted others to know that she was mine and that they couldn't have her.

Her blood.

Her mind.

Her body.

They were simply mine.

She was like this little pet that I wanted nothing more but to keep. Perhaps keep her locked up in my room, or better yet in a cage where I could admire her from. Sweet little Yui bound to me didn't sound bad at all.

It was adorable, really. The way she obliged to make me some Takoyaki and asking me to help her clean the equipment's used humored me. But the first time I tasted her blood that day in the school's kitchen was immensely satisfying.

The scared look on her face was etched in my mind. She was terrified of me. Terrified of getting her blood sucked and I was thrilled about it. So thrilled that I couldn't help myself to taste the blood pumping inside her body.

Her throes against me was a delight. The ache she felt from my fangs was a pleasure. She was just so delicious.

"You are such a disgrace. I never dreamed of you doing this in school." A voice stopped me from enjoying my prey.

"Damn it, Reiji. I was just getting to the best part." I retorted annoyance laced my voice.

"Be responsible and make sure she gets home." He reminded, closed the lights and then he was gone.

How dare he disturb the great 'Ore-sama' from her festive meal? He was an idiot if he thought I would leave Pancakes alone. I wouldn't want any of them to have her anyway.


Watching her sleep away was so boring. Why did humans have to sleep anyway? She was so defenseless. Unaware of the danger around her. She was like-

"Hey there, you awake?" I asked, watching her try to sit up quickly and scoot away from me.

"St-Stay away. Why are you doing this?" She asked, voice trembling.

"You still haven't gotten it through your head," I answered, annoyed at her slow pick-up. Picking her up in my arms felt weird. She felt perfect in my arms for some reason. I walked in front of the pool in my room, glancing down at her form in my arms. She was looking at the water, a confused and frightened look appeared on her features.

"You are at the mercy of Yours Truly. Stop quibbling over every little thing I do!" I warned her before throwing her in the pool. I watched as she scrabble in the water.

She clearly didn't know what to do because she couldn't swim, like I did when I was little. That annoying bitch of a mother I had watched me struggle in the pond when I was little. All because she was busy being a slut to our stupid uncle not even batting an eye at how her son was drowning.

The faint whisper of help me snapped me out of my thoughts. My body started moving on its own towards her. She was human and she could clearly die from drowning. And I didn't want that.

Swimming towards her, reaching out to her limp and floating body was easy. She was barely conscious when I reached her. Something about her serene face attracted me, but I wanted her to be alive.

Humans called it "mouth-to-mouth". However, I simply called it a kiss. Her lips were softer than her skin, I wanted to nibble on it. Absurd as it sounds, I really wanted to. But when her eyes opened and I saw the dazed look in them, I was lost.

I wanted to rip her clothes off but opted to slide her uniform away to reveal her shoulders. Softly kissing the vein on her shoulder, I dragged my lips to where her shoulders and neck met and then bit down. The scent of her blood wafted in the water and then I knew.

Rising to the surface, her body clung onto mine. She coughed out the water, weak and limp against me.

"Please make it stop." She begged.

"You're hopeless."

I settled her down on the floor, tossing her a towel. My eyes caught her touching her lips as I walked away. I just knew it.

She was solely mine.


Maya's shout out corner!

memo1: I am going to make an Amnesia and Mystic Messenger and of course it's not a crossover. And just for some heads up the characters are Shin, Toma, Jumin and Saeyoung. Be sure to catch it!


Please Support my other story 'His Obsession: The Remake'

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