This will be my second try at this, seeing as I couldn't do this correctly the first time. I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians nor do I own the Marvel Universe

Chapter 1


Hey, you remember those days where you would play hero and always win, saving the world in your backyard? Being a hero isn't as great as you thought. My name is Agent Jackson, also known as Night Spider, the younger brother to the Black Widow. I work for SHEILD. No I'm not stupid; it's an acronym for Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division. I bet you know me as Peruses Jackson, son of Poseidon. Defeater of Giants, Titans, Monsters, Holder of the sky, bearer of the Achilles curse, Member of the prophecy of seven, and major seaweed brain, but something changed and I was banished from the entire Greco-roman world.

(Flashback) 2 months after the war was over.

I was walking in oscorp with Peter and Harry. Peter wanted to take a picture of Mary Jane, the girl of his dreams. As he was taking a picture, a spider crawled onto me and bit me. I didn't think too much of it until I got home. As mom was coming in the door, I shot a web at her by accident. After that, I found out I had new powers and trained all year with them, and turns out Peter got bit too. His name is Spider-man. Mine is the Night Spider.

(Time skip) Back at camp half-blood.

I walked over the hill and heard cheering. I ran over the hill to see Piper and Reyna glaring at a couple kissing while holding a bloodied sword. "What's going on here?" I asked. It immediately got quiet. Then the couple stops making out and I see its Annabeth and Jason. Jason smirks at me and says, "So the traitor returns. As the God of Heroes, I banish you from all things Greco-Roman." My father came and glared at me. "You are a disgrace to the Olympians. I, Poseidon God of the Sea, hereby disown Peruses Jackson." Hey proclaimed, and then flashed away. If that's how you feel, then fine. As I ran, I pulled off all my clothes till I was in my Night Spider uniform and swung away, never to return. Or so I thought.

(Flashback over)

Now, I'm swinging from web to web to the hellicarrier. When I got there, Director Fury was already waiting for me. "Sir, is there a problem?" I asked him wondering why he isn't spying on stark, making sure he doesn't hack any SHEILD files. "Thor just came back from Asgard. It seems that the Norse god of the underworld is going to try to destroy the Olympians, who I didn't know till now you were the son of one." He said with no emotion. I just glared at him, and told him, "I was banished and disowned, betrayed by my family. Do you know how that feels, Mr. Super spy. The Olympians can kiss my naturally tan ass, if they think I'll help them in another war. Director Fury, I mean no disrespect, but didn't you let Thor handle the problem with the dark elves here not even 2 months ago as all the realms were in line. I also remember that Loki is on the loose. Not to mention, that we don't have the resources for another war yet." Suddenly a bright flash appeared in front of us. I knew exactly who it was. Director Fury on the other hand pulled out a gun and aimed it at the person. "Agent Jackson, Do you know this person?" He asked with the gun still trained on the woman if front of us. I glared at the woman. She still looked the same, even after five years. "Unfortunately I do. The perks of being a god, never aging. So, Director Fury, you've met Thor, the Norse god of thunder. Meet Annabeth Chase, Minor Goddess of Wisdom and Knowledge.

Well I think I'm off to a good start. Send reviews to tell me if it's good or not. Peace out