There's Something I Need (To Tell You)

Chapter 1

Ok, So me and my dear friend Mee-Hala had this nice little one shot planned for you guys, and then it just got a bit meddled so we sat down and came up with something we thought was really great. I hope you guys like it. As your reading please keep in mind that this is her brain child. She is responsible for all the major awesome this is going to be. So if you're enjoying this just keep that in mind.

Disclaimer: do not know or own, and please don't make me repeat this

"You what?!" Naruto screamed. He was pacing the room back and forth while his boyfriend sat calmly on the bed, refusing to look at him.

"I said I switched your birth control with sugar pills." Sasuke mumbled to the floor. Naruto stopped pacing to glare at him. Sasuke felt the heat of the stare on him, but didn't, for the first time in his life, have the nerve to look up.

"I heard you, you stupid bastard! I mean, what do you mean?" Sasuke let himself fall back on the bed, legs still on the floor. He covered his face with his hands as he spoke.

"A couple weeks ago I switched out the labels on the packages and popped a few out to make you think you were taking your normal pack."

"Are you completely batshit insane? What the fuck Sasuke?" Naruto stormed into the bathroom to retrieve his pills from the sink. He noticed that each of the tiny tabs were the same color, a pale pink, and that was not normal. He hadn't even noticed. He walked angrily back into the bedroom and threw the pack at Sasuke's head. It bounced off the hands that were still covering his face. "What the fuck is going on with you Sasuke?"

"There's nothing going on with me."

"Like hell there isn't! What the fuck! What the hell were you thinking? Do I even need to ask about the condoms? Please tell me what the fuck is going on in that head of yours."

"I think it's pretty obvious what I was thinking." The hands came away from the face and finally Sasuke was able to glare back into the blue eyes that he had been avoiding.

"Don't you dare get defensive on me! You don't get to do that. This is all your fault."

"All my fault? I'm not fighting with you, so just stop. I'm too happy to fight. This is an awesome thing. We're going to have a baby. How are you not excited?"

"Not excited? Sasuke, we've been over all of this. Too many times. I'm seventeen. I'm not even done high school yet, and you went behind my back and did...this, and you didn't even talk to me. Since when don't you talk to me?" Naruto ran a hand through his hair. The fight gone from him he fell back onto the bed next to Sasuke. He tried to take a few deep breaths. He suddenly felt very tired.

"We did talk about this. You always said you wanted kids."

"I didn't mean like right now. We've only been together a year." Sasuke felt slapped.

"That's a bit harsh. I thought you and me could handle anything."

"I thought we could too. I thought we were as close as two people could be, but at some point you apparently stopped talking to me."

"It wasn't like that Naruto."

"Then what was it like Sasuke?"

"I just...we're so happy, and I love you so much. I just wanted that one thing that would make it absolutely perfect."

"I'm not enough for you? For even just a little while longer.?"

"This was going to be more of you, not a replacement of you. I can't help myself for wanting that."

"This is really that important to you?"


"Then you should have just told me. Not pull...this shit."

"I'm sorry. I honestly have no clue what I was thinking. I just couldn't help myself. I couldn't tell you about it, not yet, but I couldn't just do nothing about it either. So I just...went."

"I think you should leave." Naruto whispered.

"What?" Sasuke half sat up to look over at his boyfriend.

"I'm serious. I want you to go."


"I I don't want to be anywhere near you. I don't want to talk to you, and I don't want to see you." Naruto kept his face covered. He didn't want to look at Sasuke. He'd probably kill him, but that didn't stop him from crying silently into the protection of his palms.

"Please don't make me leave Naruto. I love you. We just need to cool off and talk this out."

"No. No more talking. I'd done talking to you. Just go. Leave me alone. It's over."


"I'm serious. You're manipulative, and cruel, and I don't want that anywhere near me. I don't want to be with you. Get out!"


"Yes!" Naruto sat up and kicked Sasuke off the bed. "Get the fuck up, and leave. Don't bother calling me."

"I'll be back in a few days when you cool off." Sasuke grabbed his bag from beside the bed. He went to the door to put on his shoes.

"Don't you dare come near me." Sasuke said nothing. He simply made to leave. "Oh and Sasuke?" Naruto called after him. Sasuke looked back with that blank look on his face. "I hope it was worth it." Sasuke simply shut the door behind him.

As he calmly left the apartment building, and made his way to his car, Sasuke thought long and hard about what he had done, how he had gotten there, and why he was in no way uncertain that he could fix this. This was just a bump for them. They would get passed it. Naruto still loved him. He would forgive him...wouldn't he? When he had the chance to calm down? Of course he would. Sasuke debated sending Naruto a text telling him he loved him, but left it alone. Naruto knew he loved him. He really just needed a bit of space right now, and Sasuke would let him have him. Then he'd go back to see him, they would fight some more, make up, and everything would be perfect. Naruto loved him course he did. In this whole mess Sasuke had made, it would be impossible for Naruto not to see just how much he loved him...right?


A sixteen year old Sasuke looked happily through the window of the nursery. His first niece had just been born. He hadn't seen her yet, but Itachi told him to watch the nursery window. She would stay in there while her mother slept, and after that she could come out and Sasuke would get to hold her.

Sasuke had never spent much time around children before, unless you counted when he was one, and he had certainly never so much as seen a baby. What was he supposed to do with a niece? Surely she wouldn't be able to do much at first, but what about when she was older? What were uncles responsible for? Did he her with homework? No. That didn't make sense. Either way he would eventually find out.

"So which one is she?" He asked his brother.

"She's...that one." Itachi pointed to the small pink bundle on the far side of the room.

"She's...really tiny." He was slightly surprised at the size of the child. Itachi's wife looked like an over inflated balloon by the end of her pregnancy.

"I know right." Sasuke watched his brother. Itachi had a small smile on his face, and his gaze never left the child on the other side of the glass. Every so often a small sigh of what could only be contentment would leave his lips.

"What's it like?" He asked. "Having a kid?"

"I honestly don't know yet." Itachi answered, that look of awe still plastered on his face.

"How do you feel?" Sasuke tried to interpret the emotions coming off of his brother. It was an unknown to him, and he wanted to understand it.

"Happy." Itachi admitted. "Tired, and kind of nervous, but mostly, just happy. I never got that whole love at first sight thing, but yeah, I get it."

"That sounds... overwhelming." Sasuke did not think it sounded very pleasant, to have such an overload of emotion like that.

"Oh it is, but it's good. It's like your whole world just folds in on itself and you're left with this one thing that means more to you than anything you've ever known, and you get to share it with the one person that you love the most. Yeah, it even brings me to my knees. I feel like a fool right now."

"That was very...insightful."

"Tease me all you like Sasuke, I don't care right now."

"I'm just trying to understand how you're feeling."

"It's hard to explain. You'll know. Someday you'll be where I'm standing and it will all make sense.

A few hours later and they were all back in the hospital room.

"So what did you name her?" Sasuke indicated the small child being cuddled by it's mother.

"Kiko." She said "You want to hold her Sasuke?"

"I don't know if that's a good idea. I've never held a baby before. I'll probably drop her."

"It's not that hard. Come here." Itachi took the baby from his wife and walked her over to Sasuke. He awkwardly received the bundle. It felt limp in his arms, and he struggled for a moment to keep a tight grip. Itachi inclined his elbow to where it needed to be and then let the child rest on Sasuke. It wiggled in his arms. He sent a panicked look to Itachi. "It's fine. She wiggles. She's wide awake. You're fine." Sasuke looked down, and indeed the baby was awake. Her wide black eyes were open and looking directly at Sasuke. She seemed to almost be taking in his image, trying to formulate an identity in her mind. She gave a small yawn at the exertion and Sasuke felt his heart drop.

"She's beautiful." He said, carefully using one hand to hold onto her tiny one.

"Thank you." Sasuke gazed down at his niece fondly. He felt as though a small part of him understood what Itachi meant about instantly knowing someone was important to you. This tiny, sweet, little girl was forever bonded to him by blood. She was so small, so delicate. He'd never let anything hurt her.


Sasuke was seventeen when Kiko turned one. She was a walking, almost talking, spoiled monster, and Sasuke loved her to as many pieces as he could imagine. If there was ever an Uchiha who demanded to have their way, it was Kiko, and to make things worse for Itachi's poor wife, both him and Sasuke simply encouraged the behavior, much in the way that they had been spoiled as children. When her daddy wasn't giving into every wish that a one year old could come up with at home, Sasuke was constantly bestowing expensive, and often noisy, gifts upon the toddler. Sasuke had instantly stuck himself to the little girl's happiness, and gave her anything she wanted. Today was her birthday, and Sasuke was sure to overdo it. Hopefully it wasn't another pony. The raven almost barged into the Uchiha kitchen that morning.

"I have brought the cake." He announced.

"Oh good. How did it turn out?" Hisa asked.

"Perfect, and I brought a gift for the birthday girl." Sasuke pulled a much smaller cake box from behind his back.

"What is it?" She asked.

"It's a smash cake. I got her a little one to smash up so she doesn't mess up the nice big one."

"Sasuke, I love you. It's brilliant." That dealt with that problem. Kiko was most certainly going to want to smash something.

"Where is the birthday girl?"

"Watching tv. I didn't want her getting tired too early."

"It's ok. I'll keep her up. She can nap tomorrow. She'll be far too distracted today." He left to make his way to the living room and find the tiny monster. He clapped his hands and got on his knees at the edge of the room. The clap caught her attention and Kiko's eyes lit up upon seeing her uncle. Abandoning her toys and tv for his attention, she ran to him. Wrapping her up into a huge hug he lifted her off the ground and spun her. She giggled happily and clung to him.

"Luv S'ke" She mumbled into his shoulder.

"Aww. I love you too munchkin. I missed you." He sat her up in his arms and carried her aimlessly around the house. "I hear that today is someone's birthday." She said nothing, still too young to react to much, but had an excited look in her eyes. "Uncle Sasuke brought you lots of gifts. Would you like one now?"

"Don't you dare start giving her presents yet!" Came shouted from the kitchen.

"Awww. C'mon His. One won't hurt her. I brought plenty more."

"Fine. One...a small one!" Came the huffed response.

"Yay." Sasuke whispered in the child's ear, and she clapped happily along. He set her down and pulled a small box from the pile he had earlier brought in from his car. He helped her take off the wrapping paper, but let her fight with the box a little.

"Help!" She begged, pushing the box to him. He opened the lid and let her reach down inside for the present. She extracted the small top, and looked at it curiously. Sasuke took it from her, to flip a switch on, but quickly returned int when she started to whine. He set it down on the floor in front of her and spun it. The top lit up with bright neon lights that flashed and flickered. She squealed happily and picked the top up, trying to put it in her mouth. Sasuke simply laughed. He left her in front of the tv to play with her gift and he returned to the kitchen.

"Was it at least a quiet gift?" Hisa asked.

"It was a light up top. Don't worry."

"Thank goodness for that."

"So what is all left to do? Can I help at all?"

"I'm all set actually." The doorbell rang. "Hold that thought. I may need your help after all." Hisa looked out the window. "Yeah. The guests are going to start coming now. Could you get that while I head off the baby. She will go for the door, but I need to get her upstairs to bathe."

"Go. I can handle this. want everyone out back?" He asked.

"Yes. Please. Thank you." Hisa hurried off the find her mobile toddler. He heard Kiko try to fight off the idea of a bath at the same time he heard the doorbell ring again. He headed for it. Opening the door almost left Sasuke speechless. He had not expected the person on the other side of the door to shake him so abruptly. He was blonde, his hair in spikes,but slightly longer so that it almost layed flat in the back and down the sides, with blue eyes that looked right into Sasuke's. He had on jeans, a t-shirt, and a pair of headphones dangling from his neck. He couldn't have been more than fifteen or sixteen. Sasuke had seen attractive men before, he was seventeen after all, and he had even dated a few of them at this point, but he had never been so instantly struck by someone's looks. The kid was obviously young, but tall, easily five-ten, slightly thin, but broad shouldered.

"Hi." Sasuke snapped out of his thoughts from the sound.. How long had he been staring? A few seconds? A minute? He really hoped not.

"Sorry. Hi. I'm a little out of it. Niece's first birthday. Big deal."

"Yeah. I get that a lot. Your niece? You must be Sasuke."

"Yeah. How did you know? Have we met before? I'm sorry if I've forgotten."

"Nah. I'm Kiko's babysitter. Hisa talks about you from time to time. It's mostly to complain about your gifts though." Naruto spoke easily. He seemed social enough to Sasuke. Sasuke, usually not one to be left searching, was finding it hard to produce a conversation with this attractive boy. He had a light, slightly higher pitched voice, that seemed to roll smoothly when he spoke. He stood straight, and didn't seem a bit bothered by their slightly awkward interaction. Sasuke looked into his bright blue eyes. They were so clear, and he found himself staring again. Naruto broke his concentration once more.

"So...can I come in?"

"Yeah. Sorry. I'm just...yeah. We're out back I think. Um...The porch maybe."

"Ok. Let me just go grab a few things." Sasuke nodded and watched as the blonde walked away. Sasuke would be lying if he didn't at least admit that the kid had a very nice ass. Interesting. He would have to see where this went. He continued to watch as Naruto brought through the house, and then out onto the patio, several gift wrapped packages. He began to stack them neatly on the table next to the gifts that were already placed there. If the blonde minded the company he said nothing. Not one to make things harder than they had to be, or to not have his hands on something he wanted longer than necessary, Sasuke took the initiative.

"Would you be offended if I told you that I find you extremely attractive?" He asked bluntly. Naruto stopped in his movements to look at him. He seemed only slightly surprised at the unhesitating honesty, but hid it well, inclining Sasuke to believe that this was not the first time Naruto had been approached in such a manner. He seemed to ponder on the question for a moment before responding.

"No. I don't think I would be." Sasuke immediately, and admittedly slightly arrogantly, deduced that this meant the smoking hot blonde was single, and he ran with it, determined to have this boy for his own. He had no worries about succeeding where others had obviously failed. For now he changed the subject. He sat down at a table and grabbed a drink out of the cooler next to it. He pulled out a second and offered it to the blonde, who took it with a thank you.

"So you're Kiko's nanny?" He asked.

"I babysit her yes. I wouldn't go so far as to say nanny though. Just a night or two each week so Tachi and Hisa can go out for dinner and..."stuff""

"Tachi?" Naruto laughed.

"Yeah. Call him Tachi baby sometime. Drives him crazy."

"My brother lets you call him 'Tachi Baby'?" Sasuke was taken aback slightly. Itachi did not let many people get away with much. Especially when they worked for him. Surprised, but pleasantly, Sasuke let himself relax a bit into their conversation. Naruto seemed so easy to talk to. So open, and...Sasuke could not find a word for what he was trying to describe, but decided he would spend more time with this boy until he figured it out. He absorbed and filed the new sensation into his brain, determined to understand it like he did anything else. It was a good sensation. He knew that much.

"Ah. Let is such a strong word, but yeah. He kind of does. I'm still alive right?" Naruto leaned close into Sasuke, bringing his mouth only millimeters from his ear, and Sasuke felt a hot shiver run down his back when he felt warm breath hit it. Naruto spoke quietly, making him listen. "I secretly think he likes it. I think I caught him smiling once." Naruto pulled back to a normal distance and playfully put a finger to his own lips, indicating he had just shared a huge secret. Sasuke simply smiled. Naruto regarded him curiously. "You don't talk much do you?" He asked.

"Honestly? Most days I'm pretty hard to shut up. Calm yes, but quiet, not so much." Sasuke answered. Naruto hmmmed a bit. "What?" Sasuke asked. He had never felt so off guard under another person's gaze, never cared what anyone thought of his behavior, or cared if they even thought about it. For some reason though he really cared what this boy thought of him. Was quiet bad? If it was he would get up and scream immediately.

"You just strike me as the strong silent type. It never occurred to me you might me the strong and hype type. That must be fun."

"'s okay. I guess?" Sasuke wasn't quite sure what to say to that.

"Hey. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude. I'm enjoying talking to you. Really" Those bright blue eyes. They looked so genuine when they apologized.

"It's fine. You're right. I'm not usually so quiet. I'm not quite sure what's different today."

"Is it me? I'm boring you aren't I?"

"Not at all. Quite the opposite. I find you fascinating."

"Fascinating? Please do tell." Naruto looked almost happy, and he all but plopped down in a chair next to Sasuke, pulling it close to the raven. Much closer, Sasuke noticed, than the formal personal space bubble allowed by most people who had only just met.

"I don't know. You just do. You seem relatively comfortable in social situations, but seem to completely ignore socially acceptable space bubbles, which isn't at all common to be found in someone younger. You work for my brother, but you seem to have a personal relationship with him that allows for teasing, which I can't honestly say I've seen before, and you enjoy children. That tells me that you're young at heart and have a lot of patience, although you seem slightly like you've had too much caffeine. You still work for him so I can assume that you may be a bit of a hot head, but you're honest and good at what you do, or he would have killed you already. I'm not sure what kind of situation puts a person in a place to acquire that unique combination of those particular attributes and I find it...fascinating."

"Wow. I take it back. You can talk. You seem very, analytical. You got all of that just from a few minutes of polite conversation?" He asked.

"Yes. Was I wrong?" Sasuke asked.

"Not by much. I mean. I did have some coffee, but I'm kind of hyper, yeah. That's a nice little gift you have there Sasuke. Can you read everyone like that?"

"Pretty much, but so can my brother so he must not think you're so bad." Naruto bit his lip shyly and moved a bit closer."

"What else can you read from me, Sasuke." Sasuke could have swore he heard Naruto's voice drop just an octave lower, and draw out his name for just an extra second. He wanted to shake, blush, or giggle, but stayed supremely calm.

"I...don't know. I'd have to spend more time with you. Naruto?"


"I find you extremely attractive."

"Thank you."

"Go out with me on Friday night?"

"Go? Where?"

"Anywhere. You pick. Just say you'll go. I need to see you again." Naruto seemed to consider, but not for long enough for him to actually imply he didn't already know his answer. Sasuke could clearly see the bright spark in Naruto's eyes when he answered.

"Okay. I'll go." Sasuke smiled. He reached across Naruto and Sasuke took the cell phone that Naruto had set on the table and used it to dial his own number, saving it with his name afterward. He slid the phone suggestively into Naruto's back pocket. Using the maneuver to pull Naruto close, effectively pulling them both up into a standing position, Sasuke brought their lips together firmly. He heard and felt Naruto take an especially deep breath before kissing him back. Sasuke ran his tongue across Naruto's lip before pulling away.

"I have to go now. Party and all. Call me later if I can't find you." He whispered against Naruto's cheek. Naruto simply nodded. Sasuke kissed him quickly once more before leaving to go back inside the house.

Naruto had called him at the end of the party. They talked for a while by Sasuke's car. The details of the party were quickly forgotten when Sasuke admitted that he couldn't keep his eyes off of Naruto the entire time. Naruto seemed to find his blunt honesty a turn on. His confession had rewarded him with an armful of the sexy boy. He was sixteen Sasuke had found out. He didn't feel like such a pervert now that he knew there was only a year's difference in their ages. He leaned Naruto back against the door of his car as he slipped a tongue into his mouth. Naruto moaned at the roughness, pushing his own tongue back on Sasuke greedily. To him Sasuke tasted so sweet. His words grabbed at Naruto, and his kisses made Naruto cling. Naruto raised a leg to run it up Sasuke's hip, and he found it grabbed and held there, wrapped around Sasuke's waist. The couple made out heatedly for a long time. Eventually Sasuke had to pull himself away. He let Naruto's leg fall gently, and placed his hands on either side of Naruto's head. He gazed into the blue eyes that had been driving him crazy all night.

"You have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen in my life." He whispered.

"And you are extremely smooth, but thank you." Sasuke just gazed at him, taking a hand and tucking an out of place lock of hair back behind Naruto's ear.

"I mean every word of it. You are unlike anything I have ever encountered, Naruto. I don't know why, but I just know I need to be near you."

"I understand. It's ok. I barely know you, but I'm so...drawn." Naruto looked away, apparently either embarrassed by the words, or angry at their lack of ability at explaining how he felt.

"Friday. Call me." Sasuke instructed.

"I'll call you." Naruto promised.

"Kiss me." Naruto kissed him again, his hands instantly reaching for Sasuke's hair. While the implied ending of their night may have called for a simple goodnight kiss, there was none of that to be had. Sasuke immediately returned to the heated embrace he had just tried to end. He couldn't get enough of Naruto. This time Naruto pulled away. He ducked quickly under Sasuke's arms and began to quickly walk away towards his own car. He walked backwards for a few steps, tossing his keys into the air playfully.

"Try not to miss me too much baby." He said and resumed his walk away.

"Like you could stop me."


And so it began. They hadn't been separate a single second they didn't have to be since then. While Naruto was still in his senior year of high school, he had his own apartment. It was paid for out of a trust his parents had set up for him, and he was happy to live on his own. Though Sasuke still lived with his parents, it was the same as being alone a lot of the time, and college didn't allow for him to worry about needing his own space yet. He had his privacy, and he had Naruto. What else did he need? In the past year Sasuke had learned to love more than he had in his entire life. Naruto had taken him by the heart strings and not let go. Sasuke was completely and irrevocable in love with him. Naruto never wasted his time with worries or insecurities. He never questioned if they moved too quickly. He was just as happy to be in love as Sasuke was. Their relationship was one hundred percent whole, real, and completely absent of the awkward stages that usually came with being with someone for an extended period of time. They didn't make a big deal over the fact that Naruto had given Sasuke his virginity on the first date, Sasuke had simply accepted it graciously and enjoyed the gift. Naruto didn't whine when it was gone. They didn't over analyze if it was okay for Sasuke to confess his never ending romantic love for Naruto after a week. Naruto didn't wonder if it was normal for him to feel the same way so soon either. They just were. Completely open, completely honest. It was refreshing for Sasuke to be with someone who fit him so well, and at the same time could help him have to much fun, something he had seriously been lacking and hadn't even realized. They had been together almost a year. They laughed, and cried, fought, and fucked with all the energy they had. It was almost blissfully exhausting, but it didn't matter because at night they slept together so they could start it all over again the next day.

Then it happened.

Sasuke was eighteen when he felt the pull for the first time. It was a tiny curiosity of niggle a few years earlier, but now, now...he could not deny that it was a full throttle, no holds barred, pull. It was Kiko's second birthday, and also his and Naruto's anniversary the following week. There was another party, though it was a bit more low key this year. Hisa had just had another baby. The infant was less than a month old. Another gorgeous little girl. Itachi would surely pray for a boy after this one. Sasuke held Chiyo close as he watched Naruto play with Kiko. They had a rather lively game of tag going, and the little girl was surprisingly fast. Naruto let her knock him down onto the ground so they could wrestle. Naruto was amazing with Sasuke's niece. He seemed to have so much more patience with her than he could manifest for anything else in his life, and was often the only one who had enough to deal with the little monster for long periods of time. Though Sasuke would never call Naruto childish, he might submit to saying he was indeed child-like. Sasuke loved the playfulness that came from Naruto. The boy never failed to make him smile. Kiko got up and ran towards the kitchen, no doubt looking for cake, and Naruto stood to brush himself off. He walked over to Sasuke.

"Awww. So cute. Let me see her." Without waiting for a response, Naruto held his arms out and reached for the baby, easily taking her from Sasuke. "You are just so beautiful. You're a little princess aren't you? Gosh. If I just had about a dozen more of you then I might have enough. You're so sweet aren't you little Chiyo?" He cooed. Sasuke took in the sight with slightly wide eyes. Naruto standing there holding the baby, bouncing her just perfectly. She yawned and closed her eyes to sleep. Naruto kept talking to her in a whisper. Told her how beautiful and precious she was. Sasuke's heart just about melted in that second. Itachi had it so good. Sasuke had seen Naruto interact with Kiko a million times over the past year, and it was truly sweet, but it was nothing compared to the view he had of Naruto gently, and almost sedately coddling this newborn baby who would not react back to all the little gimmicks he had acquired with Kiko. The idea of Naruto holding their own child like that in the far future made Sasuke feel greedy. He wanted it. He wanted to feel this kind of intensity all the time. Wanted to feel this way everyday. He wanted this with Naruto. They had talked about it, and wanted it, but Naruto kept saying to wait a while. Just until school was sorted out. Sasuke knew he had to wait, but he hated it. He shouldn't have to live this way, vicariously through his brother. He refused to believe that there wasn't anything he and Naruto couldn't get through.

In the end Sasuke would admit that he had made a mistake when he switched the pills.

~present day- 2 hours earlier~

"Sasuke I need to talk to you." Naruto was assaulted at the door of his apartment.

"I missed you." Sasuke whispered in his ear before kissing him. Naruto let himself enjoy the kiss.

"I missed you too. Can we talk?" He asked. Sasuke cocked his head to the side curiously. He smiled. He bent down and kissed at Naruto's neck. Naruto didn't say anything, but he did tilt his head just slightly in invitation.

"Is it important, or can it wait?" Sasuke asked. He licked a short line down Naruto's neck, and then blew lightly on it.

"It's pretty important." Sasuke pulled back, frowned slightly, but pulled Naruto into the bedroom anyway. Instead of molesting him again, which Naruto had assumed once they reached the bed, instead Sasuke sat him down and grabbed his hand.

"What's up?" He asked.

"I honestly don't know how to tell you this." Sasuke's frown deepened. They never had communication issues.

"Just tell me. It's just that easy, remember."

"I'm pregnant." Sasuke blinked at him rapidly.

"You're pregnant?" Sasuke questioned.


"You took a test?"

"I took two."

"And you're...oh my god." Sasuke didn't know whether to pass out from shock, or jump up and down and shout.

"I don't know what happened. I am always so careful." Naruto looked away, a trace of shame, and plenty of concern and genuine upset present on his face. He looked almost...disappointed, if Sasuke had to find a word.

"This is amazing. I am officially having an amazing day." Sasuke let himself fall to the floor between Naruto's legs, and wrapped his arms tightly around him, pulling him close.

"Excuse me?" Naruto asked.

"You're pregnant, with my baby. Don't you think that's incredible?"

"What? Now? No. This isn't right. How can you be so happy?"

"How can you not be?" Sasuke countered.

"I just...I can't be invested in something like this right now. I have too many other things going on. I'm so young. I'm only seventeen. I'm not even done high school yet. Gah! Fuck. Stop smiling you bastard. This is extremely stressful right now."

"I'm sorry Naruto. I am insanely happy right now. You can't change that with your pitiful logic. God. I wonder if this is how Itachi felt." He bent down and pulled Naruto's shirt up, immediately placing dozens of soft kisses all over the flat skin, worshiping it, rubbing his cheek against the warm surface. He felt completely content, and all flushed up all at the same time. Sasuke marveled at the rush of emotions he was feeling. This was it. He was finally going to get to understand all of those things that had been nagging at him, begging him to understand the need he felt inside, even if he couldn't describe it. Naruto relaxed a bit in his hold.

"You're really excited about this aren't you?" He asked.

"Of course I am. This is you and me baby. Just like always. This is where we were always headed anyway. I know we can handle anything that gets thrown at us." Sasuke's flawless confidence never failed to ease Naruto. Feeling restless, Naruto removed himself from Sasuke's grasp and walked to the desk on the other side of the room, looking at a calendar.

"I just honestly have no clue how this happened. I'm always so careful with my pills. I never miss one." Sasuke scratched the back of his head thoughtfully as he watched Naruto begin to pace, deep in thought.

"Naruto. Would you say you feel more calm now?" He asked. Naruto thought for a moment.

"Yes. I think I feel a bit better."

"Good. There's something I need to tell you." Naruto glanced back down at the calendar again.

"What's up?"

"I switched your birth control with sugar pills." Sasuke whispered.

"You what?!" Naruto screamed. He was pacing the room back and forth while his boyfriend sat calmly on the bed, refusing to look at him.

"I said I switched your birth control with sugar pills." Sasuke mumbled to the floor. Naruto stopped pacing to glare at him. Sasuke felt the heat of the stare on him, but didn't, for the first time in his life, have the nerve to look up.

"I heard you, you stupid bastard! I mean, what do you mean?" Sasuke let himself fall back on the bed, legs still on the floor. He covered his face with his hands as he spoke.

"A couple weeks ago I switched out the labels on the packages and popped a few out to make you think you were taking your normal pack."

"Are you completely batshit insane? What the fuck Sasuke?" Naruto stormed into the bathroom to retrieve his pills from the sink. He noticed that each of the tiny tabs were the same color, a pale pink, and that was not normal. He hadn't even noticed. He walked angrily back into the bedroom and threw the pack at Sasuke's head. It bounced off the hands that were still covering his face. "What the fuck is going on with you Sasuke?"

"There's nothing going on with me."

"Like hell there isn't! What the fuck! What the hell were you thinking? Do I even need to ask about the condoms? Please tell me what the fuck is going on in that head of yours."

"I think it's pretty obvious what I was thinking." The hands came away from the face and finally Sasuke was able to glare back into the blue eyes that he had been avoiding.

"Don't you dare get defensive on me! You don't get to do that. This is all your fault."

"All my fault? I'm not fighting with you, so just stop. I'm too happy to fight. This is an awesome thing. We're going to have a baby. How are you not excited?"

"Not excited? Sasuke, we've been over all of this. Too many times. I'm seventeen. I'm not even done high school yet, and you went behind my back and did...this, and you didn't even talk to me. Since when don't you talk to me?" Naruto ran a hand through his hair. The fight gone from him he fell back onto the bed next to Sasuke. He tried to take a few deep breaths. He suddenly felt very tired.

"We did talk about this. You always said you wanted kids."

"I didn't mean like right now. We've only been together a year." Sasuke felt slapped.

"That's a bit harsh. I thought you and me could handle anything."

"I thought we could too. I thought we were as close as two people could be, but at some point you apparently stopped talking to me."

"It wasn't like that Naruto."

"Then what was it like Sasuke?"

"I just...we're so happy, and I love you so much. I just wanted that one thing that would make it absolutely perfect."

"I'm not enough for you? For even just a little while longer.?"

"This was going to be more of you, not a replacement of you. I can't help myself for wanting that."

"This is really that important to you?"


"Then you should have just told me. Not pull...this shit."

"I'm sorry. I honestly have no clue what I was thinking. I just couldn't help myself. I couldn't tell you about it, not yet, but I couldn't just do nothing about it either. So I just...went."

"I think you should leave." Naruto whispered.

"What?" Sasuke half sat up to look over at his boyfriend.

"I'm serious. I want you to go."


"I I don't want to be anywhere near you. I don't want to talk to you, and I don't want to see you." Naruto kept his face covered. He didn't want to look at Sasuke. He'd probably kill him, but that didn't stop him from crying silently into the protection of his palms.

"Please don't make me leave Naruto. I love you. We just need to cool off and talk this out."

"No. No more talking. I'd done talking to you. Just go. Leave me alone. It's over."


"I'm serious. You're manipulative, and cruel, and I don't want that anywhere near me. I don't want to be with you. Get out!"


"Yes!" Naruto sat up and kicked Sasuke off the bed. "Get the fuck up, and leave. Don't bother calling me."

"I'll be back in a few days when you cool off." Sasuke grabbed his bag from beside the bed. He went to the door to put on his shoes.

"Don't you dare come near me." Sasuke said nothing. He simply made to leave. "Oh and Sasuke?" Naruto called after him. Sasuke looked back with that blank look on his face. "I hope it was worth it." Sasuke simply shut the door behind him.

Ok. I hope you all enjoyed that. More to come soon. Let us know what you think.