AN - I wasn't going to write another chapter of this, but hey, since everyone asked (and I just happened to watch another SG1 music video) here's the same story from Jarods POV.

Angel's Fall

Her Eyes,

Do they always widen like that?

Does she think I don't notice?

Or worse that I don't care?

I love her.

I have since we were children.

Sydney was the first to guess,

Alex was the second.

Does she know?

Does she care?

She's beautiful - not just her looks.

She has the manor of a fallen angel.

A Soul that's too world-weary and a heart that's too heavy.

Is she crying? Oh God -she is.

I hate it when she cries, not because she's showing emotion.

Not because it makes her seem weak.

I hate it when she cries because I can't hold her close to me.

Can't offer her the comfort that I want so badly to give her.

When I was young, when I didn't know who I was I found my identity in her.

When I couldn't live life, I contented myself with the knowledge that she did.

I always wanted to see her fly free of the Centre.

I've always wanted to see her soar to heaven the way she was meant to.

The way her mother always wanted her to.

I wonder if she knows how often I've watched her.

How many times I risked capture just so I could watch her sleep.

Just so I could stand at a distance wishing I could wipe away her tears, yet always knowing that I couldn't.

I wanted to hold her when he dearest Daddy wouldn't.

To give her the comfort she always searched for in the wrong places.

I wonder if she knows why she never found it.

Is love always this difficult? This painful?

I could take my freedom.

Does she even realize how easily I could escape right now?

Does she know that her tears are the only tings holding me here just now?

I want to take her hands in mine; for once I want to touch her without her pulling back.

To be able to communicate and connect with her the way we did as children.

Before, whenever I found hope, it was in her smile.

Whenever I felt faith, it was in Catharine Parker and her daughter.

I never even trusted Sydney that much.

She's made me hurt until I could feel anything but the pain.

Made me love so that I couldn't see anything but her.

She's started crying again.

So I'll offer the same Comfort Sydney used to offer me.

Lord, if there's a God out there, please don't let her pull away from me.

I can feel her tears fall onto my hand, and for once she doesn't push me away.

For once she lets me see the Angel that's fallen.

Her eyes are so wide.

So open, and now I know.

I love her.

But I'm not the only one in love.

I know that she loves me too.

"Go." She uncuffs my wrists.

She wants me to go?

She want's to leave her here?

Oh… she thinks I won't come back.

She thinks that if I leave, it'll be good bye.

Is that why she's chased me all these years?

Because she's afraid of saying goodbye?

"I said go."

Why won't she look at me?

Why can't she just let me see those clear beautiful of her eyes of hers?

Why won't she give me the chance to tell her that I'll come back?

"Go Jarod, and don't ever turn back."

She's crying again, but I know that this time, her tears are not for me to see.

I'll go.

I'll take the freedom she offers me.

And I'll hold close the love I now know she feels.

But I will turn back.

Not for the Centere,

Not for my past here.

I'll turn back,

For her love,

For her soul.

I'll turn back, but only for my Angel.

After all,

Even Angels Fall.