She opened the door to the dusty box filled house. Flicking the light on she looked at the house that had been her home from birth until age five. "I can't believe I'm here again." She turned as her husband carried some of their boxes into the house.

"Are you going to be ok Mer?"

"Well I don't really have any choice do I? I mean we're here we're going to start work at Seattle grace tomorrow we just went to that overtly boring cocktail party and my mom is here we don't have a choice."

" Yeah well that cocktail party was funny that guy keep hitting on you. As for the other part. We always have a choice." He put the box down and swept her off her feet sitting her on the sheet covered couch. We can put the house on the market we can go to Mount Sini we can let your mother's lawyers take on her care we have choices."

"No I have to stay but I'm sorry that you have to stay because of me."

"Hey no." he lifted her chin so she was looking in his eyes. ""I love you I married you and I'd follow you to the end of the earth be that Seattle or New York Boston or California."

"Even though we're so close to Iowa."

"Yes I'll admit I don't like being so close to Iowa but it happens and Settle Grace is a good hospital as any if not better to be an intern at.

"You're right." She sighed snuggling into him. "I love you." She kissed him wrapping her arms around him as he Laid her back against the couch. Boxes littered around them and the house bare of many essentials they made love a way to escape their coming realitys.

"Alex wake up." Meredith groaned throwing a pillow at his head.

"What's going on?"

"What's going on is that we're going to be late for our first day and what don't you want to be as an intern late for your first day."

Alex looked over at the clock. "Shit ok Shower now." He swooped her up in his arms and hurried her up the stairs stripping her and him in record time and starting the shower. "In you go." She giggled as she stepped under the hot spray.

"I remember when we used to do this when we were running late for exams."

"Yeah well now we have big people jobs so lets chop." Alex jumped out of the shower pulling Meredith with him and shutting the water off. They were out of the house in minuets and on their way to their first day of surgical interns at Seattle Grace hospital.

"I can't believe we have different residents." Alex grumbled as they pulled into the hospital.

"I'm sure we'll still see each other." Meredith checked her watch "And if we run we'll still catch the end of the chief's speech. Racing across the parking lot they were able to sneak into the end of Chief Richard Webbers speech to the interns.

"I have the Nazi who do you have?" Meredith looked over at a brunette that she was sure she'd met the night before.

"The Nazi."

"You have the Nazi so do I." Meredith looked over at the guy who had been flirting with her the night before. "George O'Malley we met last night at the mixer."

"I remember." She locked eyes with Alex across the locker room as George started to ramble.

"Stevens, Yang, O'Malley, Grey." A man with a clip board called out.

"Bailey?" Christina asked.

"At the end of the hall."

"That's the Nazi I was expecting someone taller." Christina said.

"I have five rules learn to live by them." The interns followed bailey across the hospital.

"Excuse me but you said five that was only four." Meredith said.

"Rule number five when I run you run." Bailey snatched her pager off her waist band and went running.

"You know what I hate I hate Beauty pageant queens." Meredith grumbled.

"Why?" Alex bit into his burger.

"Because I'm stuck with one and I'm dodging the Chief or should I say Daddy freaking dearest." Meredith grumbled. She had found out that Richard Webber was really her father only a few months before when she's stumbled on correspondents between Ellis and Richard for them days of there internship. "Well at least that explains why Thatcher never wanted anything to do with me." Meredith stabbed at her salad.

"You still kept the name Grey." Alex pointed out.

"Of course I did what else was I supposed to do it was still my name after all I'm not giving up every part of myself just because I've discovered Ellis Grey's deep dark secret." Meredith sneered. She looked over at the table with the other interns who were staring at her wide eyed. "Oh great they've figured out who mommy is." Getting up she tossed out the rest of the food. "I'll see you later."

"Yeah just remember if you run into the chief killing him isn't ok." Alex smirked trying to lighten the mood all she did was scowl at him. She stopped as Doctor Burke walked past her. She flipped around and slumped into her chair.

"I can't believe that George O'Malley just got the first surgery un freaking believable. Now I'm really out of here." She stormed off towards Katie Bryce's room.

I almost killed my patient." Meredith slumped into a chair in the gallery. "She had been annoying me I didn't want to deal and she paged 911 I figured she just wanted the remote again but she was having a seizure and I froze I didn't know what to do and Bailey yelled at me not that I didn't deserve that because I did but still." She looked at Christina who was sitting beside her silently begging her to not say anything about her throwing up after the problems with Katie.

Alex squeezed her shoulder. As he turned to the other interns. "Who wants to bet he chokes fifty says he chokes."

Meredith turned and glared at him. "We are not betting on him. He is one of us maybe not the most competent one of us but still one of us." She turned back to watch the surgery holding her breath that he would make It through.

"007." Alex cackled behind her as George choked and Burke had to jump in.

"Alex." Meredith hissed.

"They are calling me 007." George wined

"They are not." Meredith and Christiana sighed.

"I heard them."

"George just stop." Meredith and the others grabbed their pagers as they went off. "Shepard what could he want."

They all crowded into the conference room. "Katie Bryce has something that I can't figure out so I'm going to give you an opportunity that Interns never get. If you can solve Katie's case then you can scrub in with me." All the interns grabbed a folder and started out.

"Want to work together?" Meredith looked over to see Christina

"Sure." Meredith shrugged as they settled themselves into the research Library.

"So what's the story between you and the Devil's spawn."

"Who?" Meredith looked up.

"Alex Karev."

"He's my husband." Meredith looked down at the files. "Everything looks normal here. All I know about this girl is her talent is Ribbons."

"Is that even a talent." Christina asked still trying to wrap her head around the fact that Meredith Grey and Alex Kerev were married.

"I guess." Meredith shrugged. "She said she fell well doing it."

"You know he called Izzy a nurse."

"Who what?" Meredith looked up.

"Your husband called Izzy a nurse when she corrected him."

"That's just Alex he's an ass sometimes." Meredith shrugged.

"Lovely." Christina said.

Meredith had a calculated look on her face. "She fell what if she had an Aneurism."

she went racing towards the elevator's Christina behind her. Doctor Shepard what if it's a burst Aneurism. She fell well she was doing her talent."

"That's 1 in a million." The doors closed and Meredith and Christina turned to leave.

"Doctor Grey Doctor Yang lets go."


"To see if she's one in a million."

"I'll be damed. It's there." He pointed to the aneurism. "Doctor Grey you're scrubbing in. Later today got it."

"I'll be there." Meredith clapped and turned to Christina who scowled.

"You only got that because of your last name."

"Really sure whatever." She stormed past and ended up seeing Alex beret a nurse. She was going to intercede when Doctor Webber stepped in. he asked what it could be and she froze she wasn't going to answer that she refused to answer that. Her eyes locked with his as she turned to leave. Alex walked up to her.

"Are you ok?"

"Fine and you need to stop being mean to nurses and don't call the female doctor's nurses got it."

"What ever." Alex rolled his eyes.

"I have to go to see mom later so I'll meet you at home I have surgery first."


"yeah me and Christina figured out what was wrong with Katie Bryce of course Christina is made I got it she said it's because of my last name which maybe it is but it's not my fault." Meredith was in a mood again.

Meredith sighed as she came out of the surgery. Sitting in a hard plastic chair she looked up as Christina sat next to her. "We don't have to do that thing where you say something then I say something then we cry."

"Yuck." Meredith said. Christina laughed and stood up. "Bye see you tomorrow."

"Yeah." Meredith sighed and racked her hands though her hair. She still had to go and see mommy dearest. She didn't want to be there. She walked into that nursing home with trepidation. She watched her mother stare out the window and she wondered if she'd make it through taking care of her mother.

"It's so draining." Meredith sighed sliding into bed next to Alex that night. "Seeing her hating her and still having to take care of her because she doesn't know right now and I can't be mad at her for something she doesn't know."

Alex kissed her on the forehead. "You're going to be ok babe."

"We're going to have to get roommates you know I thought maybe Izzy and George they need someplace to stay."

Alex scrunched up his face. "I guess." He snuggled her into his arms. "Get some sleep tomorrow will be another long day."

A/N this is my new story an Alex and Meredith and oh yeah added in the secret that Richard is Meredith's father which he doesn't know she knows yikes. Any please review but no flames if you don't like this pairing great but I don't need to hear it. I do reply to all reviews. And Guest reviews are accepted but flames guest reviews will be deleted.