Notice: Christmas Story set after 5x04 in a Penny-less Universe (you know, no Nurse Penny). Also Finn isn't dead, he shows up in later chapters. Oh, and they still have a year in school after the Klaine engagement happened. So yeah I guess this is AU. Rated T for language, violence & adult themes in later chapters.

Suggestion: When reading this fic you shouldn't be stressed. It's a Christmas FF! Make yourself a cup of tea or a hot chocolate or any other treat, put on some Christmas music if you like that and cuddle up in a blanket! Relax, enjoy.

Your Secret Admirer

November 24th, Sunday: 31 days until Christmas

Mission: Make Blaine* fall in lov with Sam Evans

Sam drew a few hearts on the page of his notebook and also reindeers because they needed to be there. Then he read over his text, wrote 'Way to Suxes' under it and bit his lip.

This mission wasn't an easy one. First of all: It had to be subtle. If he was too obvious and failed it would destroy everything. So he had to be like a Secret Cupid and if Blaine wouldn't love him back everything would just stay the way things were.

Second problem: Just half a year ago Blaine had proposed to his boyfriend and had gotten the big yes. Meaning they were an engaged happy couple that Sam didn't want to tear apart. Okay, theoretically they had to break up if Blaine decided to be with Sam but… well.

The third issue he was facing was… How? How did one make someone like one? Sam had serenaded some girls before but things had never ended very well. Last year for example he had apocalypse-married Brittany. This year he couldn't use the ending of the world as an excuse to ask Blaine out because the world wasn't ending again as far as Sam knew. Wow, wouldn't it be really convenient if the radio announced a meteor was racing towards the earth and would destroy it on Christmas and Sam and Blaine would have to make their last days on earth count?

Sam sighed. This would most likely not happen. He put down the pen and threw a side glance to his English book. But homework had to wait a few more minutes.

He opened his Laptop and tipped 'how fall in lov' into the Google search bar and chose on the third suggestion 'how fall in love with someone'.

Yes! WikiHow had good tips!

Huh, the site was really long. But no one ever said this mission was easy. Sam grasped his notebook and pen and started taking notes.

November 25th, Monday: 30 days until Christmas

"I trust you guys with not doping the cookies, you hear me?", Mr Schue said.

Sam looked up from his notebook and frowned. Cookies with dope? Or had Mr Schue said something else?

But everybody else looked as baffled as he was. Ryder put his hand into the air.

"Why would we –"

"It's because of what happened a few years ago", Blaine interrupted him. He sat in the front row and turned around. Sam caught his eyes for a moment and his pulse sped up rapidly.

"Glee club had a baking sell and they put pot into the muffins. Kurt told me about it."

Kurt. Shit, yeah. The rival. More or less because Sam wasn't real competition for him. He looked at his notes with cookies ideas (chocolate, cinnamon, orange) and gulped. Why would Blaine ever love him if he had Kurt? No way. That little crush his best friend had had on Sam was long gone and it hadn't meant anything except that Blaine had missed Kurt.

"I wonder where Marley is", Ryder said.

Sam looked up and realised Glee club had been dismissed. Everybody was up and strolling towards the doors. Sam's eyes followed Blaine until he was gone, then he turned to his friend.

"I bet it's because of Jake. I hope she is okay and I hope she'll help me with the baking", Ryder said.

Sam got his bag and put it over his shoulder. With his notebook jammed under his arm he walked out of the choir room and only half listened Ryder talking about Marley. But it didn't matter since Ryder soon left to go home and Sam headed towards detention. Last night he had spent pretty much time on that site about love and fallen asleep over it and when Mr Mosby had asked for his English homework today Sam had been tempted to smash his own head.

But detention was only a small price to pay for knowing everything about falling in love and keeping the spark alive. Not that Sam knew how to put it in action but… he'd figure something out.

"Sam! Where are you going?"

Sam took a deep breath. His fingers clenched around his notebook as he turned around and looked into the most beautiful eyes on this planet.

"Detention. I didn't do my homework", he said.

"Oh. I am going to look for cookie recipes…", Blaine said. He put a hand around the strap of his bag and shrugged.

"Yeah, yeah, totally", Sam quickly said. Blaine's eyebrows rose questioningly so Sam added: "I already have some ideas. We will bake together, right? Blam baking session?"

"Of course. Well, I'll tell you tomorrow about the recipes and then we can set a date."

"Yes, a date is good!"

Blaine nodded and was about to turn around. He hesitated though and moved a step closer. With a hushed voice he said: "Sam, if you have troubles with your homework you can call me anytime, you know that, right?"

"Okay." Sam nodded, his throat a bit dry. This fell under the category 'making him feel like your hero' and also 'don't hide your flaws'. Blaine knew his flaws and had supported Sam very often but he probably didn't realise how much it meant to Sam. He should say something. Like now.

"Alright then. See you tomorrow", Blaine said.

Sam nodded again, smiled and waved and watched Blaine go away.

Well, there was always next time.

Detention was led by Mr Douglas, his geography teacher. Blessing in disguise, it was! Mr Douglas did what he always did: He gave them a task and then hid behind a newspaper as if he was sick of seeing his students. As long as you kept your conversation with your neighbour quiet he wouldn't say anything.

Some students were already here, others just now arrived after their various clubs. Sam saw Marley sitting in the last row and quickly sat down beside her before the jock Azimio could.

"What are you doing here?", he whispered.

Marley shrugged without looking up from her textbook. "Mr Schue undid my suspension under the condition I went to detention every day the whole week."

"Okay and why weren't you in Glee?"

Now Marley looked up and frowned at him.

"Because my detention starts right after school. But I don't think I'll come back afterwards. I mean I got suspended for refusing to undress? And I don't want to see Jake again."

"Dude, it wasn't about the undressing! You said you would support us and then didn't!"

"Seriously, Sam? You, too?"

Sam narrowed his eyes. He didn't know why she had refused to wear a bikini, after all she seemed pretty skinny. But yeah, Mr Schues reaction had been a bit over the top.

He shrugged it off and opened his notebook.

"Wait, what about Jake?"

"Haven't you heard? We're through."

"Oh… I'm sorry."

She looked down again and only nodded.

For the occasion he and Blaine would bake Sam had a few questions he could ask him. For example about his childhood dreams. On WikiHow it had also been an advice to talk about Religion and Politics to get to know each other's believes. And it was a really good advice! They never talked about serious stuff. All they did was playing games, watching movies, eat and talk about school. Yes, it was good and not as shallow as it sounded but still they never reached ground breaking territory.

Sam had really good ideas for now. Just if he knew how serious Blaine was about Kurt… yeah, yeah, they were engaged but only because Blaine had been a little – okay, very – obsessive. He and Kurt hadn't dated before the proposal. And Kurt hadn't looked very happy during it, even a little overwhelmed. Maybe that's why he had said yes?

But this was about Blaine. He always claimed Kurt was his soul mate, the one and only true love of his life.

No, this wasn't hopeless at all.

"What's on your mind?"

Sam looked up.


"A sigh this deep usually means only one thing: a broken heart", Marley said. "I should know."

"Oh." Sam hadn't realised he had made any noises. Well, he might as well tell her.

"I just wonder about someone", he said. "I like them but I'm not sure if they can ever like me back. I mean they're in a relationship with someone else."

Marley gave him a pitiful look.

"That's a bummer. Relationships are really… Look at me and Jake. All the time I thought we had something really strong, you know? And then he goes and cheats with this… Cheerleader."

"Are you saying maybe their relationship isn't as strong as it looks?"

Marley frowned. "No, I was…"

"Hey, that's a great idea! I can send him anonymous notes just to see if he likes attention from anyone else at all or is grossed out by the fact someone could like him. Thanks, Marley!"

"Uhm… you're welcome?"

Sam waited until she read on and opened his notebook on the pages with the Blaine-mission-notes. He wrote 'lov letters', remembered that the website had spelled it 'love' with an e at the end, corrected it – and stopped in his tracks.

Damn. His dyslexia. Blaine would know it was him who sent the love notes just because of it. Never mind altering his penmanship. Blaine was the one who corrected Sam's homework most of the time and knew all of the usual spelling mistakes he made.

"Shit!" Sam closed the notebook somewhat too violently and sat back, crossing his arms. Mr Douglas peeked over his newspaper for a second and when no one made any noise went back to it.

"What now?", Marley asked.

"I'm too dumb for everything!"

"No, Sam, don't. You are very smart."

"Yeah? Then why can't I even spell the easiest things? How am I supposed to write anonymous stuff when my dyslexia gives me away?"

"Can't Blaine help you with that?"

Sam's cheek got all hot. He mumbled "No" and drew his notebook near to fumble it's pages.

"Oh… well… I could."

Sam shook his head. The last thing he needed was someone else reading his cheesy thoughts about Blaine. Or knowing who was the target of his attention for that matter. He should just give up or rather don't even start his mission. He should move on to someone who could love him back and stop crushing on boys who were engaged. He could go back to chasing girls; with them he had more chances. The fact that his first boy crush ever about two years ago hadn't led to anything but all of his girl crushes had at least superficially been returned was proof enough.

"Come on, Sam, let me help you with that."

Sam stopped maltreating his notebook and took a deep breath.


Marley gently nudged his shoulder.

"Because you look so unhappy I can't bear it. Plus I think you and Blaine would make a cute couple."

The heat in his cheeks was back and Sam threw a quick glance to Mr Douglas and Azimio and everybody around. Nobody was looking. But how could she… how dared she… and how did she even know?

"What?", was all he could utter.

Marley smiled for the first time today and leaned back in her chair, shrugging.

"Female intuition. Or am I wrong?"

Sam puckered his lips and went back to his notebook.

"It doesn't matter. He's with Kurt and I'm nothing."

"Don't say that! If I remember correctly some time ago a certain someone sang pretty obvious a Phil Collins love song to you."

"Yeah, to forget about Kurt", Sam mumbled. He got another nudge on his shoulder, this time somewhat harder.

"With this attitude you will go nowhere, that's right. Come one!"

Sam sighed and let go of all notebook destroying or lip chewing. It wouldn't hurt to at least write one note to see how Blaine reacted to a secret admirer. If he crumpled it and threw it away Sam could still make up a plan to get over him, right?

November 26th, Tuesday: 29 days until Christmas

Blaine really liked vanilla crescents and marzipan cookies. Kurt had sent him the recipe Carol had given him and from the times Blaine had eaten her pastries he knew it was good. He would suggest those cookies and see what Sam had on his mind but he was sure Sam wouldn't have anything against any cookies. They would agree on something fast and could maybe bake it today already. It had to be ready for Sunday since it was the first Advent and the school would host a Christmas fair.

"I really worry about Marley!" Ryder came to him when Blaine stood at his locker and searched for his Spanish book.

"Oh, hi, Ryder. Why?"

"Haven't you noticed? Yesterday she wasn't in Glee and when I texted her answers were very short and dismissing. She must be in so much pain because Jake cheated on her. Now I don't judge him nor do I defend him it's just Marley that…"

His voice trailed away when Blaine, in a move to close his locker door, noticed a pink envelope sticking to its slits. He took it and turned it around. His name was written on it in a very fancy handwriting. Blaine threw a glance around. Tina hadn't… no, she couldn't. She was over that, right? And her handwriting was different, anyway, though she of course could've disguised it on purpose. But what's the sense to that?

"…or not? Do you think I should ask her?", Ryder said.

Blaine looked up and nodded.

"Yeah. Do that."

"Oh, thanks! Such a good advice, my friend!" Ryder patted his shoulder and went away. But then Blaine saw Sam coming up and he quickly put the envelope into his bag.

"Hey, so, I have some ideas. Do you have time today?"

"For what?"

Blaine frowned. "Baking, Sam. Here, look, I printed it out…"

He gave the blond two sheets and glanced for a moment at the pink envelope as he closed his bag. What would it be about?

"Sounds yummy! And maybe some chocolate cookies?"

"That's not very Christmassy, don't you think?"

"What more Christmassy than chocolate? But if you don't like it, what about cinnamon?"

"Okay, why not. Vanilla crescents and cinnamon cookies then?"

"The die is cast!"

Sam held up a hand and Blaine hit it lightly.

"So… anything else?", Sam asked. Blaine took the recipes back and folded them.


"Nothing's going on?"

"No, Sam, what would be going on? Except school, that is."

Blaine went to his Spanish class but he couldn't stop wonder what the envelope held for him. Maybe he could read it during lunch break when he found a quiet place for it.

Blaine entered the library and immediately welcomed the quiet in this room. It was always a nice break from all that shouting going on in the school hallways. And the scent of books made it special, too, somewhat… magical. It was the unspoken promise to take him away to other worlds.

But now he didn't want to escape from earth. He went to the sport book's section (people who liked sports on this school wouldn't read about it and people who liked to read wouldn't chose sport books) and sat cross-legged down on the ground, his bag beside him.

There it was. Pink and trashy. It almost looked like a love letter. But it couldn't be. No one would write him a love letter. Well. Only way to find out was reading it.

"Dear Blaine. Your smile lights up my day whenever I see it. I just have to look into your sparkling eyes and the world is the most perfect place in the whole Universe. Forgive me that I can't reveal myself to you just yet but keep in mind: Your happiness is what my heart holds the dearest. Your secret admirer."

All Blaine heard was a loud heartbeat. He glanced around and realised it was his own. Was this a joke? Who would admire him from the distance? Could this be true?

He examined the letter. It had been printed but the writing on the envelope suggested it was a girl. Not that it mattered; he wouldn't let anything happen whether boy or girl. But it was such a nice gesture. He would like to thank the person who did this. He couldn't just take such compliments without showing his gratitude!

When he was back in the noisy hallways Blaine felt like walking on a cloud. Yes, okay, the letter had lightened up his spirits. There was nothing to it. But maybe he should tell Kurt just to be sure. This wasn't cheating… or was it?

Or… Blaine could return the letter. Then nobody could say he cheated! But how to return an anonymous letter?

"Dude, you look like you've seen a ghost."

Blaine came to a halt and turned to Jake who was at his locker.

"I didn't."

"Something's going on?"

"No, no… Just… Hey, so you and Marley…?"

Jake sighed. "I don't want to talk about it. I made the biggest mistake of my life and…" He shook his head and sighed again.

That's what cheating did with someone. Blaine would know. Oh, ouch. He laid a hand on Jake's back.

"Well, why did you do it?"

"I don't know, okay?" Jake loudly closed his locker and went away.

Okay then. Blaine shrugged to himself and twitched his fingers. If he threw the letter away that would make it right, too.

Blaine went into the boy's room and got the envelope out. As he held it over the bin he thought about those words. 'Your happiness is what my heart holds the dearest.' Who wrote stuff like that nowadays? It sounded like something Jane Austen would write. It sure was romantic.

But no. He had sworn to Kurt to be true until the end of his life. They would marry and have many children so what did it matter if some secret admirer now thought Blaine's eyes were sparkling? Well, good for them! But they should go and find their own soul mate because Blaine would stay with his!

He tore the letter into four pieces and threw it away.