*Removes snorkel and goggles*

Hi guys!

Our adventure under the sea has come to an end and now we must venture to where my first ever story was set: France! lol

This isn't a chapter, as I'm sure most of you know, but a memo so to speak to let ya'll know that Beauty and The Beast is fresh out of the oven! I can't wait to get started on that story, it's one of my personal favorites and I have so many ideas for it. I'll warn you that the first chapter is probably not what you're expecting but that's what you guys like about me right? That I add my own twist on things? Lol. It is a SuFin story, this time my favored Gerita will be sitting this one out. Maybe somewhere in the background, shocker I know. But in their defense they do have a story all to themselves that I am still working on.

If SuFin isn't your cup of tea, I will be posting The El Dorado Spamano fic afterwards so hopefully I'll catch ya then =3.

I'd like to thank each and every single one of you who have supported me with the Little Merman series. You have no idea the joy I get from every follow, every favorite, every review I received. Although some of you, if not most, are writers as well so you must know the feeling. It's awesome isn't it? I love you guys.

Onward to the new story!

~Until Next Time

PS- Lol after answering reviews, I felt like I was punching tickets to the next show. Like get five punch outs in a row and you get a prize ^_^ haha silly. huh?

VivaAmerica: I did use that song as inspiration =3 Given their long life spans (Merfolk are creations of Mama Levi after all and the Kirkland brother's are literally Poseidon's grandchildren making them like demigods or something) I figured that they would live well into the industrialization era and that wouldn't be good for them. So I drew inspiration from Atlantis where the statues encase the city with that shield ^_^ I hope you enjoy Beauty and The Beast. Looking forward in seeing ya there! Also, thank you for being my fan =3 lol

zoewinter1: Oh gosh! I can't believe I got them confused lol. But yes, I think Russia would make a cute Kristoff ^_^ Thank you for your support, I hope you enjoy the next story =) See you there!

aycee-san: Thank you, I'm glad you thought so. =3 I'm sorry for the pollution T_T but I needed a reason to make Arthur decide between land and sea without having the option of jumping back and forth. I hope you enjoy Beauty and The Beast ^_^ I look forward in sharing that adventure with you =3

pastaadict: That's what I like to hear! It seriously worried me that maybe some of you might have lost interest because it took me so long to get the final chapter out. But then bam! You go and tell me that it was worth the wait =3 I hope I do SuFin justice. It's my personal mission to make their romance fluffy but still stick to the story.

Random Reviewer: *cyber hug* I'm sorry I made you kinda cry. Part of me wondered if I should let Arthur and his family stay on land because that was what he wanted when he was younger but then I realize that he would die way before his brothers and friends and I didn't want that. And then I figured well, what about Matthew and Gilbert? Elizabeta? Aw heck, just let them all be merfolk. Life is better under the sea lol. Anyway thank you so much for the review. I'm glad you enjoyed the first one as well. I look forward in hearing from you in my next story to come ^_^ Shine Bright Like A Doistu!

Marshal Thompson: I'm really touched that you think so =3 I'll keep writing as long as the people still want it lol Thank you so much for you support =)

Little sopheria: It's ok, I think you did great! I'm glad you enjoyed the series. There were times, many times, when I questioned whether the choices I made as an author for the characters were the right ones. But then the feedback I would get after publishing, much like yours, more often than not would put my fears to rest. That being said, thank you so much for your kind words. It is a relief to hear that I did a good job especially when it comes to our childhood treasures and our favorite nations =3

Sandra DeNite: I love that you loved it and I love you for reading it till the end ^_^