I couldn't resist, I'm making another Izaya/Kida fanfiction..along with some Shizuo/Kida :'] This one will be long too! I hope you all enjoy the first chapter...although Izaya really isn't in this chapter, but he will be there later on.

He had probably been sulking for a good hour and this was unusual for the blonde hair teen. Kida Masaomi rarely sulks. Rain dripped off from his blonde hair, silently falling onto the pavement. Luckily, he found shelter under an overhang of a shop. There were only a few people roaming the streets, with their umbrellas to protect them from the rain. It was close to dinner time, so most people were inside their homes in the warmth. His honey orbs stared out into the rain that was coming down pretty hard, before lowering his head onto his knees. He was crouched onto the ground, with his legs pressed up against him. He wasn't sure how he was going to face Mikado at school tomorrow.


He shuddered at the thought of his friend, before his hand tightened up into a fist. Izaya Orihara was to blame for the situation he was in. Of course that guy always screwed up his life. His mind kept playing the same scene over and over again inside his head.

Izaya's arm casually hung around Kida's shoulder as he pulled him close to his body. Mikado was standing in front of them awkwardly, unsure how to register this situation.

"Hm? Kida didn't tell you that he is madly in love with you?" Izaya had on a fake shock look in his expression, before sending Kida an apologetic look, which Kida knew all too well was all lies. "I'm so sorry that I blurted this all out…I thought you told me that Mikado heard your confession already."

The blonde was frozen in shock that he couldn't do anything, while Izaya kept talking on. "Masaomi told me so much about you, but I guess that isn't a shocker since he also told me about all the dirty things he wanted to do with you. Nn, isn't that right Kida-chan~? You told me how you wanted to kiss your dearly best friend and then bring him into bed and tell him how much you love him. How romantic~!"

"I-I'm sorry, but I'm dating Anri!" Mikado blurted out.

And then the scene vanished from his mind.

He wasn't sure who he should be angrier at. Izaya for being an asshole, like always..or the fact that Mikado is dating Anri. When did they start to date? He wasn't even sure, because it seemed like those two always kept secrets from him. He wasn't sure how Izaya knew that he was in love with his best friend. Then again, Izaya seemed to know basically everything.

Usually he would be furious that Izaya was messing everything up, but he couldn't focus on the black hair male. Right now his heart torn, it hurt to know that his best friend was dating Anri. It wasn't fair. He knew Mikado better than Anri. He understands Mikado, when he is upset or anger. So why can't he have Mikado? He was the one who loves him a lot, but now that he discovered Anri and Mikado dating…he wasn't sure that things would be normal again.

This sucks. Kida sighed as he lifted his head up and let it lean against the brick wall. The sound of footsteps echoed down the street as he heard them get closer, until his eyes caught sight of a pair of shoes that were a few inches away from him.

His sorrowful eyes glanced up to see who it was. It was a guy dressed in a bartender outfit, with messy blonde hair. The male was also dripping wet from the rain, his hair was completely soaked, which made it look like his hair was a bit darker than usual. "Fucking rain." The guy muttered, taking out his pack of cigarettes and pulling one out with his teeth.

Shizuo Heiwajima was standing a few inches away from him. What his luck was today.

Kida quickly scrambled up onto his feet as he saw the older blonde finally notice that he was there. Their eyes meet, before Shizuo spoke up. "Were you trying to sneak up on me?" The older male's body was tense, like he was ready to start a fight.

"N-no..I was here first…but I was about to leave!" Kida quickly stuttered out, praying that he would just be left alone. He certainly didn't want to die today.

Since the younger male didn't seem like he was going to attack him, Shizuo leaned his body against the wall as he lit his cigarette and inhaled the smoke, while his eyes curiously watched the younger teen. The teenager seemed to be anxious, but he could see the sadness written all over the blonde's face. The kid's cheeks were damp, he wondered if the other was crying.

"Oi, were you crying?" Shizuo asked as he blew out an air of smoke.

"Of course not! It's raining and my face got wet." He would have said more, but he certainly didn't want to say anything that got the older male anger. He awkwardly stood there for a few moments before he decided to leave. There was no point in hanging around here. He rather get wet from the rain then risk his life staying dry under an overhang with the strongest guy in Ikebukuro.

He shoved his hands into his pockets, getting ready to make a run for it.

"You better not leave or I'll knock you out damn good, so you won't be able to wake up for days."

Eh? Kida's bottom lip twitched as he froze in place. Was he seriously getting threatened not to leave? There was no way he could go against the male's orders so with a sigh he let himself lean against the wall also.

Shizuo inhaled more smoke deeply out of frustration, trying to get his mind off what he just done. Did he seriously invite the kid to stay with him? He wasn't sure why he wanted the teen to stay with him under the overhang, until his eyes snuck a peak over at the teen and then he understood. The younger blonde reminded him of a sad puppy and for some reason he didn't want him to be left alone. It would be like abandoning a defenseless puppy on the street, which he secretly didn't have the heart to do.

"What's your name?" Shizuo mumbled out.


"I said, tell me your name!" He said louder and sharper, which caused Kida to jump from intimidation.

"I-it's Kida Masaomi!"

Silence crept between them, as Kida's heart was racing. He wasn't sure if he could ever calm down being next to Shizuo. He heard many stories of the other basically destroying all these people in the city in unimaginable ways. He shuddered at the thought before closing his eyes, seeing the image of Mikado's face of shock and panic when Izaya was blurting out everything.

A small humorless laugh was let out from Kida, "I can't believe I was dumped before I even confessed.."

"Then just move on, since it obviously isn't going to work out." Shizuo dropped his cigarette onto the ground and used his foot to put out the smoke.

Talk about bluntness.

So that is the reason why the younger blonde seemed so depressed. Looks like his love life wasn't working out for him. Shizuo knew nothing about love; it wasn't like he gave a shit about it anyway. Everyone always just pissed him off, so there was no way he could make room for someone to love. But for some reason he felt bad for the younger male. The teen seemed so lost, he was sure the other probably loved this person a lot.

"Promise me you'll move on tomorrow." Shizuo, glanced over to Kida. If the blonde moved on, he won't look like a hurt puppy anymore..right? As long as he got reassured that the blonde will find someone else, then he could get the damn image of him being sad out of his head, because it was driving him crazy now.

"Ah..uhm..I don't-" Before Kida could finish his sentence, the taller male was already standing in front of the teen. He quickly placed his hands on the teen's shoulders tightly and pressed him more against the wall.

"You better promise me! I can't have damn teenagers love problems messing up my head. You shouldn't be worrying about someone who obviously doesn't need your fucking time."

Was this a way of Shizuo trying to comfort him? For some reason he wasn't afraid. They were only a few inches apart from each other, he could feel Shizuo's fingers tightening against his shoulders as he waited for an answer. Water droplets from Shizuo's hair dripped onto Kida's face and neck, the cold water dripped down his skin, making him shudder.

For some reason a laugh escaped the teen's lips as he smiled slightly. "Right, I'll try my best to find someone else." Of course he didn't believe a word that came out of his lips, but it was best to make Shizuo happy. Besides he was grateful that the older male seemed somewhat concerned about his well-being.

The teen's face shocked Shizuo that he released his grip and took a few steps back. When Kida smiled it seemed like he was radiating with warmth. It made something surge through him, but he wasn't exactly sure what it meant, but it pissed him off that he didn't understand.

For some reason he couldn't get the image of Kida smiling out of his head.