Hi. So this is my newest fic. I won't be updating for a few weeks but I wanted to put up chapter one to see whether or not it's any good. So let me know in the reviews :) I don't own these fab characters (I wish) the marvellous Cassandra Clare does.

I land with a thump. My feet sinking into mud and, seeing as it is me and not someone great like Izzy, I topple over and land in a muddy, ugly, ungraceful heap of ginger hair and heavy gear. Knowing my luck, it would have been impossible for my gear not to all fall off. So, of course, it does. My stuff flies everywhere, getting covered in a layer of mud and grass. I scramble to my feet, mud dripping of my body. I stand up and look around. Cold wind bites through me, chilling me to the very bone, despite my thick clothing. It tangles my hair into an untameable bird's nest of matted, curly hair. My eyes are drawn to the deep rolling hills. I have absolutely no clue where in the hell I am. I seem to be standing on the top of a hill, dark clouds cover the sky and I'm sure if I don't get out of the way soon the heavens will open.

I feel a faint drizzle smack my face, I sweep my hands over my forehead trying to clear my vision. Desperately trying to figure out where I am. I love Magnus and all but recently he has been sending me to the most random places. I don't know if it's because of his marital problems or if it's another reason but somehow he manages to send me to the oddest places. Usually I have my stele with me and I just portal myself back home but I can't see it anywhere. I look down at my belt, it's not there, it's not in my pocket, my hand, behind my ear or in my sock. I check in the puddle, pushing my hands into the mud, holding back a bout of nausea at the awful squelching noises. I feel around, my hands bumping into rocks and clumps of grass. I can't feel my stele anywhere. I stand back up and wipe my hands on my trousers, disgusted by my brown nails. The rain is getting heavier and my hair is starting to stick to my head in what must be a very ugly fashion. I pull my phone out my pocket and turn it on. No bars. Christ this is not my day. I head of in another direction, trying to find signal. Even one bar will do. I come to a stop when I notice that the road is completely covered in water. In the middle it looks taller than me. Not that it's very hard. I turn around and walk back, trying to remember if Magnus showed any signs of not being on the ball today.

"HEY DUCKY!" Magnus screeched as I walked into his apartment, planting two big fat kisses on either side of my cheeks.

"Hey Maggy!" I answered back. "How's life?"

"Fabulous and sparkly as always, darling!" He said with a wink. " You want a cuppa?"

"Sure thing, dar-ling." I sang. We walked through to the kitchen, the light from his floor-ceiling windows bouncing off the sparkly floor. Magnus' magenta socks are in a bright contrast to the dazzling white socks. Today he has on navy tight trousers with a sailor shirt. Magnus' outfits practically scream gay. If he wasn't one of the most respected warlocks I'm sure he might be bullied for his looks. But no one would cross Magnus, not with the dad he has or the social position he holds. I peered through to the huge living room only to see the left-overs from last night's party, streamers hung from the ceiling and sparkles cover the whole carpet.

"I hope you've got someone to clean that for you." I said, nodding towards the other room.

"Who needs a cleaner when you've got me?" He winked, his right cat eyes sparkling humour. "Coffee or tea?"

"Coffee please, Maggy."

"One sugar?"

"Please." I nodded back. He handed me my mug, a mug covered in glittery paint, commissioned by Maggy painted by me. I took a sip of my coffee, relishing at the caffeine and sugar.

"So," He asked. "Where to?"

"Rome. Alec wants me to meet him."

"Do you know when he is coming back?"

"Shouldn't you?"

"He still isn't happy with me. I lost his ring."

"MAGNUS! By the angel, how did you manage that?"

"I'm not sure. I think it might have been a fairy. You know what they're like."

"All too much, yes." They sat in a silence, both thinking about the people they loved. Clary hadn't seen Jace in years, not since he had ran away. That's why Magnus called her Ducky, because Jace seemed as scared of me as he was of ducks.

"Okay. Well time to go." I stood up, picking up my gear.

"Okay. I'll see you soon?"

"Of course." I saw the shimmer of the portal before me and felt my stomach lurch as I got sucked into it. Spinning madly until I hit the floor.

And here we are. I don't think Magnus seems any weirder than usual. Emphasis on the usual. I come to a stop when I notice that I am back at my landing spot. The clouds are starting to clear and the cold sunlight is blinding my eyes. I place my hand on my forehead, attempting to block the blinding light. In the far distance I see an old house and a phone box. Maybe I should go there? It seems like my only option. I steel myself for the walk and head on my way, the cold air almost freezing my hair. I walk for what feels like hours before I reach the phone box. The door is so rusted its almost falling off and ivy has grown up and inside the box. I open the door, wincing at the squeals of the metal. I look at the foreign machine inside. Shoot. It takes mundane money. I don't even know where I am, let alone the currency they use here. I frantically press buttons on the machine, breathing a sigh of relief when I hear the change pop out. I shove the weird money into the slot and pick up the phone.

"You have two minutes." A robotic voice tells me. I punch in Izzy and Si's phone number as quickly as possible.

"Beep, beep, beep." Finally my phone call is processed.

"Hey, who is this?" I hear a crackly Izzy.

"Hey, it's me, Clary."

"Oh. Hey Clare Bear. Where are you? I thought you were going to Rome?"

"Yeah. Me too. Magnus got it wrong."

"What?! Again!?"


"That's so weird! Where are you this time?"

"I have no inkling."

"Why don't you portal home?"

"I lost my stele."

"Seriously Clary?" I can hear the laughter in her voice.

"Yes." I sigh.

"Christ. Well you'll have to find out or we can't teleport you home."

"I know." I said defeated.

"Well. See you on the other side."

"Tell Si hi for me?"

"Tell him yourself!" I heard the shuffling of phones.

"Hey Fray."

"Hey Si."

"What's going on?"

"I'm lost again."

"Seriously Fray. We need you here for the wedding."

"I know. What's the issue?"

"The ceremony."

"Well, I'll think about it."

"Okay, well I hope we see you soon Fray. I miss your social airs and graces."

"Okay Si. See you soon?"


So, no help there then. I'm going to have to make my own way out of this. I muster up all my courage. I've been through far worse than this anyway, right? I set off on foot, yet again, following the road through the hills. The weather sucks and my hair has grown out into a full cloud of red curly hair. My poor pale ginger skin is also ten times paler than usual due to the cold. My mind wanders as I walk. I wonder how nice it would be to draw the countryside, I wonder if I have the right colours to do so. I think of my colours and paper back at home, my hands pining for the sensation of drawing. I think of my wall, covered in my art work. I smile as I think of Luke and my mother's shop, they quite often sell my art work.

I look up and see an old building in front of me. A tall dark castle, blending in with the grey sky. My heart sinks as I realise it's a ruin. No one would live here. The back turret is crumbling to its very base; trees grow through the windows, the bricks and the ground. I turn to go on my way, heading down the road when I spot something out the corner of my eye. A tall lit tower. I turn around to stare back at the building. Staring hard at it. I squint my eyes and imagine peeling away layers of reality. My eyes widen as I see something new. I see a tall golden building. Towering before my eyes. The turrets are lit by candlelight, the path to the door covered in a golden glow. I find this strange, I've never had to try so hard to see past a glamour before.

I walk up to the door, grateful for the light. My whole body is shivering from the cold. I stand on the big door and read the sign on the castle.

Welsh Institute

Wales then. I wonder why Maggy sent me here. I place my hands on the door, waiting for it to admit me. I hear the familiar sounds of the door unlocking itself. On admittance I notice that there is yet another door. Christ, How much protection does one Institute need? The room is lit by witchlight, the warm glow casting soft shadows on the grey bricks. I still feel chilled to the bone. I walk towards the second door, wanting to be admitted into somewhere warm. I place my hands on the door and wait for the noise. Two minutes later and still nothing. I look up at the knocker. Here goes. I knock on the large brass knocker. What feels like five minutes later the door opens.

"Welcome to the Herondale Institu-"

I look up into the eyes of an angel. An angel with golden eyes, golden hair and the sexiest mouth I have ever seen.

"Welcome to Wales, Clarissa Fray."

"Hello Jace."

Let me know what you think! If you can think of a better name let me know, this is so hard to name. If you want follow me on twitter TheMortalLlama.

Thanks Duckies, see you soon!