Just a Myth

"If you were a god, how would you like being called a myth, an old story to explain lightning? What if I told you, Perseus Jackson," Chiron said. "That someday people would call you a myth, just created to explain how little boys can get over losing their mothers?"

Chiron watched the little boy shuffle onto the deck, closely followed by his satyr protector. Greg, he thought the satyr's name was.

"My name is Chiron," He told the small child. "Immortal trainer of heroes."

The child sniffled sadly. "I don't want to be a hero. I want my mom back."

"What's your name, child?" He asked the small boy.

"I'm Peter," He said. "Peter Johnson."

Chiron blinked, not sure if he had heard correctly. "Where is your mother, Peter?"

"She's dead." Peter said.

"Greg," Chiron said, hoping he had the name correct. "Have you ever heard the story of Percy Jackson?"

"I remember it vaguely." The satyr said. "Why?"

He turned to look at Peter. "Once there was a twelve year old boy named Percy Jackson. He came up that very hill, fighting a Minotaur. Percy was accused of stealing Zeus's lightning bolt and went on a quest to find it. Percy knew that this quest was to stop a civil war, to appease his father and uncle, but that wasn't why he went on his quest to the underworld." Chiron paused remembering that summer. "He went to save his mother, who had been taken by Hades. I'm not saying you can get your mother back Peter, but remember that you will continue to live."

Greg smiled a little.

"Thank you for the story," Peter said. "But that's just a story. It won't bring my mom back, it won't help me. Percy Jackson is just a myth to help little boys get over losing their mothers. It doesn't really help though."

Chiron gave the boy a sad smile.

Percy Jackson had only died two hundred years ago, yet demigods believed in him, less and less.

-Four years later-

Chiron had been told Peter Johnson was back from his quest. The sixteen year old, Son of Poseidon was a natural leader. This was his second quest.

Chiron listened as Peter told his story at campfire.

"Alison and I went down to the Underworld to ask some of the souls about it. There I met someone I doubt I will ever forget." Peter took a breath. "He was a brother of mine, who died two hundred years ago. His name was Percy Jackson."

Chiron was sure he had heard Peter wrong.

Peter turned to address him. "Chiron, all these years, I thought that story was nothing more than that. A story. I was wrong."

Chiron nodded. "I truly am not surprised. One of the first things I said to Percy, once he knew he was a demigod, was that someday people would call him a myth. A story to help little boys get over losing their mother."

Peter smiled, "Percy Jackson was many things, but he is more than just a myth."