Secret of the Items

Kura: New chapter.

Sakura: Hope you like it.

Chapter 3

After class, The Guardians and Pitch were confronted by Malik and his friends.

"Hey guys," Jack smiled, "what's-" He was cut off. By Joey.

"So you guys, never, not even once, played duel monsters?" Joey asked in shock. Jack rubbed the back of his head nervously.

"Uh...nope." He admitted.

"Well then-"

"You uave no idea what you're missing!" A female voice called. Everyone looked around, but they saw no one.

"Up here, you morons!" Another female voice said. They looked up. Sure enough, up in a tree, were Kura and Sakura. Kura smiled as she laid herself on the branch she was perched on.

"How about a demo?" She rolled off the branch and landed on her feet. "Sakura was challenged by some idiot. We were just about to meet him in the park. How about it?" The group below looked at each other. Jack shrugged, not really minding. Aster didn't care if they went or not, and the others were curious as the game was played.

"¡SI! ¡VAMANOS COMPADRES!" Kura cheered, oddly enough, in Spanish. She skipped out. Sakura sighed and followed her at a much calmer pace. The trio of 'darks' as Yami, Bakura and Mariku were called, followed. Their respected lovers hitching a ride on their backs. The walk to the park was uneventful. Except for Pitch's new friends...

a bunch of pigeons who perched on his body. Kura looked at him and giggled while Yami shuddered. He remembered that horrific day...

oh Ra he had hoped the pigeons would gauge his eyes out during that...

date of horror.* He shuddered and Yugi patted his shoulders sympathetically.

"Finally!" A male voice snapped. He had a buzz cut, dull brown eyes and, an obviously fake, tan. "I thought littly Miss Cherry Dark had given up." Sakura's eyes twitched and she walked over.

"Wrong person baka...but whatever..." She slapped her deck into her duel disk. The other guy smirked and did the same thing with his own deck and duel disk. Both stared at each othet, swung their arms, and cried:



*reference to Yami's 'date' with Tea in season 2.