He kissed me softly and I kissed him back, until I comprehended what I was doing. I pulled away with wide eyes. My mouth dropped. What the hell was he thinking? What the hell was I thinking? O my gosh I just kissed Edward Cullen. I looked at him in shock and he was looking at me the same way. I just screwed up our relationship.

"Be-ella will y-ou ppplease go-o on a d-aate wi-th m-e" Edward stuttered out.

"I'm sorry Edward I can't do this right now. I do like you, I just don't feel ready for a relationship right now." I feel like a terrible person. I just kissed him and I'm saying no to his date. Mixed signals 101. He stared at me for a few minutes before he turned and walked to his car. I looked around and just noticed Emmet and Carsile staring at me in shock. I looked down and felt tears weal up in my eyes. I did the right thing and I knew it, but boy do I feel guilty. I felt arms rap around me. I looked up into the brown eyes of my brother.

"Shh Bells it's going to be okay." He whispered to me soothingly. I hope he's right.

"Come on Bells let go home" He said while pushing me a little towards the car. I chuckled while wiping away my tears and walked with him Carsile following slowly behind. As soon as my back hit the cushion seats to Carsile's car I was out.


"Belllla" Edward sang while holding me around the waist. I smiled and turned around and pecked his lips.

"Bella let's play a game" He whispered while brushing his lips against my ear.

"Okay what game?" I looked up at him curiously.

"Hide and go seek" He smiled at me, but his smile turned evil like it was mocking me. Then the scene changed. I was running through the woods, my feet bleeding from the rocks and sticks launching into them. I could hear my father's mocking voice.

"I'm going to find you, you can't hide Bella." I looked forward and saw Edward I ran straight to him.

"Edward Edward help me! he's here! Please!" I begged him "Please" He looked at me and chuckled.

"You should have said yes" He smirked at me and shoved me. I could feel myself falling down.

*end of dream*

I woke up to Alice shaking me.

"Bella are you okay?" She yelled at me wide eyed and worried.

"I'm okay, I'm okay" I repeated out loud to myself. "It was just a dream" I calmly said.