A/N: Hi everyone, sorry it's been a few days I've been really busy. I hope there isn't too many mistakes with this chapter... I had my work Christmas party last night so proofing this was a task. lol

Thank you to everyone who reviewed, I love hearing your thoughts.

Someone did mention that they think Katniss is moving too fast & she probably is. She's going to end up a little OOC in this because I wanted to play with the idea what they went into the arena where she was already discovering her feelings.

Chapter Three

I wake up to the feel of Peeta's lips in my hair; I smile groggily refusing to open my eyes.

I lay listening to his even breathing and the steady beat of his heart. I turn my face and press a kiss to his chest just above his heart.

"Morning." He whispers softly.

"Morning." I whisper back, my voice full of sleep.

"How did you sleep?" I ask as I run my fingers over the bags under his eyes.

"Fine." He sweeps some of my hair back and caresses my cheek.

"You're so beautiful when you sleep. You don't scowl at all." His tone is light and teasing but a scowl still makes its way to my face in protest.

I feel the rumbling of his chest from his laughter and I can't help but smile up at him.

"We should head down to breakfast." My stomach twists at the thought, the butterflies in my stomach leaving no room for food.

"We should. It could be our last meal for a while," I agree.

Peeta presses his lips to mine before standing up and exiting the room.

I lay there for a few moments trying to organise my thoughts before I pull myself from the bed and make my way to the bathroom.

I leave my room and follow the smell of the food slowing down when I hear two male voices talking urgently. I pause just out of site when I recognise one as Peeta's.

"You have to promise me, Haymitch." Peeta's voice is pleading.

"I still don't get it." Comes Haymitch's gruff response.

"Don't get what?" Peeta asks impatiently.

"What you see in her."

"I know she's your favourite. Don't bother denying it. Hey, my own mother thinks she will win. All I'm asking is that you do everything in your power to help that happen." My eyes widen as I realise exactly what Peeta is asking of Haymitch and I cruse myself for not thinking of it first.

A picture of Prim flashes in my mind and I close my eyes in pain.

Only one of us can make it out alive. And that's if we're lucky, we may both die in there.

"Are you sure?" Haymitch finally asks and it snaps my focus back to their conversation.

"Positive. I have no reason to live without her." His voice is so thick with emotion that I feel tears well in my eyes and my throat start to constrict.

I hear the sound of cutlery clinging against the table as I try to calm myself down.

Oh, Peeta.

"Promise me Haymitch." He presses the subject again.

"Alright, I promise."

I wait a few more minutes before making my presence known.

I take a seat next to Peeta feeling Haymitch's eyes burning holes in my head. I stare at the food before me deciding what would be safest in my angry stomach.

"Try the bread." Peeta whispers to me, sensing my discomfort.

I snap my eyes to meet his. Images flash through my mind of the day with the bread.

The day Peeta became 'the boy with the bread'.

Now, he's so much more and I didn't think that was possible. I already owe him too much.

I give him a small smile of thanks before reaching a shaking hand for the bread. I try to ignore Haymitch's watching eyes. I hate showing weakness.

I take a small bite of the bread before placing it on my plate, my hands falling back into my lap.

I jump in shock when I feel Peeta's warm hand slip into mine and give it a comforting squeeze.

I reach forward and place a desperate kiss on his lips before my brain has time to stop me.

I slip my hands from his and wrap them around his neck, my fingers running through his blonde hair.

I hear a clatter to my left and a shocked gasp come from the same direction.

Peeta pulls away chuckling as he looks over at Haymitch and the mess he's created.

I look down with a blush as Haymitch continues gaping like a fish at us.

"But-wha-how? I don't understand." Haymitch finally coughs out.

Neither of us respond.

"The last time I saw you both, Katniss was at your throat." He looks directly at Peeta.

"And now she's kissing you?"

"A lot can happen in one night." Peeta responds with a smile.

At the reminder of his injured hands I reach for them and pull them into my lap, feeling the guilt course through me again.

"I am sorry." I whisper to Peeta again.

"We've been over this Katniss. I forgive you. It's ok." Peeta pulls his hand from mine and uses it to tilt my head up forcing my eyes to meet his.

"But I've injured you and the games start today. I'm such an awful person." I hear Haymitch make a sound of agreement but Peeta ignores him.

"You're not an awful person. You don't see yourself clearly." Peeta whispers before placing his lips against mine.

"Yea, don't worry about his hand sweetheart. Portia will make sure they're fixed up before the games."

"It's time." Effie chimes as she walks into the room with a clap of her hands.

Cinna and Portia are close behind her and they all stop short when they see us.

"Did we interrupt something?" Cinna asks with a knowing look at me.

"Portia will you please make sure Peeta's hand is fixed up before the game?" My voice is soft but firm and my eyes bore into hers.

"Of course Katniss." She replies warmly.

"See, you have nothing to worry about." Peeta whispers soothingly.

"I wish you had eaten more." He tells me next giving my plate a small push closer to me.

I reach for the bread silently and eat a few more bites before pushing it down my throat and rinsing it down with a few sips of water.

"There." I tell him firmly, unsure how he even got me to eat anymore.

I'm normally too stubborn for that.

Peeta stands up and pulls me with him, my stomach clenches at the thought that Peeta and I will be separated shortly.

"Promise me we'll stay together." I whisper urgently, ignoring the other bodies in the room.

"I promise." He whispers running his thumb over my lip.

"We'll find each other straight away?" I question, closing the gap between our bodies loving the warmth his body can give me.

"I'll find you straight away." He leans down and connects our lips again.

I feel a sense of hysteria flow through me as I cling to him tighter.

I don't want to lose him.

Our kiss is intense and full of passion. My lungs are burning when we finally pull away to catch our breaths.

"I'll see you in there." He whispers against my lips before placing another chaste kiss there.

We finally turn around to see the shocked faces of Portia and Effie, and the all knowing face of Cinna.

"Don't step off the pedestal a moment too soon – they will blow you sky high. Don't go for the cornucopia – Katniss there will be a bow there. Forget it, it's too dangerous." Haymitch's eyes burn into mine.

I'm about to object when I catch a look of Peeta in the corner of my eyes. Finally, I nod in consent. I won't run for the bow.

"Good, the first bit is always a blood bath. Stay clear of that, put as much distance between it and you as you can. Find water, that's important."

The air is thick with tension as I stare straight ahead at the elevator doors.

"Any last advice?" Peeta asks finally.

"Stay alive." I inhale at Haymitch's advice as the elevator doors open to the room revealing a hovercraft.

A/N: Please review and let me know what you think :)

Thank you for reading.