HI! This is a Fai x OC fanfic. I do not own Tsubasa or the characters, or these worlds. But I do own my OC and her world. Enjoy!

Warning: Later Chapters will include spoilers for the manga. This fanfic might be slightly more violent than the original version, for example, Fai might get more injured than he does in the series.

Actually, I can promise you that will happen. Torture for characters should be expected. :D

A woman in a fancy, colorful kimono lay on her side on a small sofa. Long, black hair fell over her shoulders and past her mischievously smiling face. A young boy with cat-like crimson and blue eyes walked in front of her. "Can I ask, just what do you find so amusing?"

This question just made her smile wider. She answered simply, "She's coming." Her red eyes didn't stray from the door.

He followed her line of sight, but didn't see anything out of the ordinary. He asked again, "Are you expecting someone?"

She nodded and said enigmatically, "Their journey may have just started, but it's about to get crazier and more dangerous than they ever expected. Friendships will be tested, lives will be put in danger, and even lost."

The boy's eyes widened as he shouted, "You're talking about Syaoran, and the rest of the group, aren't you! Do you really think they can handle all of these hardships?"

The woman lifted her hand, which seemed to cause the house to glow. "That depends on how strong their bonds are. It will be hard, with the way his pawn is. He puts them all in danger. But there's another one joining them. She's one of those special cases. Time to travel, Watanuki."

'You just wait, Fei Wang. I may have found the one to heal your pawn of his darkness. I know you two better than you think. Not only that, but I must help this lost soul discover her fate. It's time for me to play my own piece in our little chess game.'

"Leave me alone, Allen!" A girl with pale, blonde hair walked quickly down the sidewalk of a city. A boy about her age, 17, with brown hair pulled back in a short ponytail ran behind her, backpack slung over his shoulder.

The boy, Allen, called after her, "Wait! Vilara! You can't just leave like that. Where would you go?" Vilara stopped, allowing her friend to catch up to her.

He tried to look at her, but her face remained hidden by almost silver bangs, she hesitated, but answered, "I'll find my brother."

Allen gritted his teeth and gripped her shoulders, turning the girl to face him. He closed his coal black eyes and said harshly, "Elliot is at college at least a hundred miles away. You have no way of getting there. Besides, this is his last year, and it's almost summer. Can't you last that long?"

Two ice blue eyes glared up at him, them softened. Vilara shrugged out of his grip and looked at him. She was silent, then smiled at him. "Sorry, Al. You've been the only one there for me since Elliot left. And you've been my only friend since third grade. This isn't the way to thank you."

She hugged him lightly then leaned against the wall. Allen stood next to her and answered gently, "It's fine. But, one request. Don't smile if you don't feel like it. You shouldn't hide how you truly feel. You always have that stupid façade of yours."

Vilara smiled at him. "Thanks. I'll meet you back at school. I need to be alone for just a little bit." He nodded and walked away, waving goodbye. She walked in the opposite direction. Past fancy houses, mansions, apartments, restaurants, anything that you could think of.

Except for one. A wooden fence that was at least eight feet tall surrounded it. Within an open gate were stone steps that led to a garden, then the patio of a house that you would find in Japan. She looked at it. It certainly stuck out from all the tall buildings and fancy houses, or apartments. It was too common.

Hello? Can you hear me?

Vilara jumped and looked around. Where was that voice coming from? It was a boy's voice...

You won't be able to see me. I'm somewhere else.

The girl kept glancing around. "Who are you?"

My name is Watanuki. The house you're in front of, you need to come inside.

Vilara tensed and stared at the door of the house. She asked uncertainly, "Why should I trust you?"

Please trust me, Vilara. You're needed somewhere. You're part of something very special. It will be an adventure, something new.

Her curiosity won. She walked slowly to the house, and stood on the patio. Should she really go in? Then, the door opened suddenly, startling her. She jumped backward, nearly falling, but a hand grabbed her arm, pulling her back. "Watch out!" the person yelled.

She looked at the boy who'd helped her. Vilara had recognized his voice. He had short black hair, and one crimson eye, one blue. He wore all black. A button up shirt, jeans, and boots. She flinched away. "Wait! Are you the one that was just talking to me? How and why did you do that?" she asked quietly. Now that she was face to face with this strange unsmiling boy, her shyness started kicking in.

The boy, believed to be Watanuki, simply nodded and took a few steps inside, motioning for her to follow. "Yes, I am Watanuki. You might not believe me, but it was… magic. Don't ask questions. Just please come with me. Someone wants to see you."

Vilara flinched again, but something told her to follow Watanuki. As they walked deeper into the house, she asked, "Who wants to see me? And, I didn't think magic existed…"

He didn't look at her. "It exists. But you just never knew about it because it's not used as much as it used to be. And, you've never traveled. So you've never really been exposed to many new things."

Watanuki walked behind a screen decorated with flowers. She followed him and stopped in her tracks. In front of her a woman sat on the ledge of an open window. Her waist-length black hair was pulled back into a ponytail, a few strands loose and falling past her shoulders. She wore a silk red dress that had red, purple, pink, and yellow flowers painted around it. Gold and silver chains beaded with various colors lay against her head and dress.

The boy stood beside the ledge and motioned to the lady. She turned her mischievous smile toward Vilara and said, "Welcome to my shop. I will grant your greatest wish. For a price of course."

She finished off the last sentence with a laugh. Instantly, she knew what this woman was talking about. Everyone at her high school had been talking about a magical shop in Japan that would give you your greatest desire, for a price. But, not a believer in magic, she'd just thought of it as a rumor someone made up to get attention, and forgot about it.

Vilara narrowed her eyes. "I've heard of this place. But I thought you could only find it in Japan. And it was just a myth."

The mysterious woman smiled and closed her eyes. "You'll find that there is no such thing as a "myth." My shop exists… between dimensions, you could say. It's everywhere, yet nowhere. Yes, usually, those whose wishes need granting come to the original space in Japan. But you're a special case."

The blonde haired girl gave her a confused look and shifted her position. "How am I special?"

"It's because of hitsuzen."


The lady sighed and smiled contentedly, "Yes. Fate. I know of everyone's wishes, whether they tell me or not. It's one of my powers as a witch. I choose to answer a special few who can't come to my shop on their own. If I think they're important. You're one of them."

Vilara turned away to leave, throwing the words over her shoulder, "My wish is one I can only grant on my own. Thank you, but I'm fine on my own."

As she started to walk away, the 'witch' stopped her by saying almost too quickly, "Your wish is to leave your home behind. I can make that happen for a price."

The teenager turned back around sharply and said, "I never said anything! How do you know that? What are you?"

The woman's crimson eyes were almost amused as she said, "I am the Dimensional Witch. You may call me Yuko. I can grant you this wish if you're willing to pay the price. You have a very special fate, Vilara. But a dangerous one. It is inevitable that you leave this world. I can send you away now, where you're least likely to get hurt on the way, or you can leave and you'll go away some other time. Where you might get killed."

Vilara bit her bottom lip as she thought. This woman, Yuko, could be tricking me. If she does somehow send me to another world, she could be sending me to my death! But, there really is no other way to escape… and for some reason… I trust her, and Watanuki. What am I getting myself into?

Finally, she asked uncertainly, "If I wished to leave… what would my price be?" she had nothing that valuable to give, nonetheless money.

Yuko smiled that famous mischievous smile again. But there was almost pity in her eyes. "Your price… is their memories."

"What do you mean, "their?""

The witch sighed again and explained, "I can send you away now, but if you ever end up back here, everyone you've ever interacted with, anyone who's ever thought of you for a second, their memories of you will disappear. Good, or bad memories, they will vanish. Every trace of you will be erased, it will be like you never existed."

Vilara shook her head. She would admit, she believed that Yuko could send her to another world, but she did not believe that this witch could erase memories. That, for sure, was impossible. But she would play along if it meant leaving. She would find her way back someday. To find Allen and Elliot. Then maybe they could come with her. "Deal. You can take away their memories, and send me away. I can travel through different worlds."

Yuko smiled happily yet sympathetically, "Alright. I can only send you to a world once. In this place, you will meet a group of four travelers who also wander dimensions with a 'Mokona.' You may travel with them."

With that, she lifted both her hands and layers of circles, triangle, and diamonds appeared beneath Vilara. She stood calmly, but was panicking inside. Was this the right thing? Were these travelers even safe to stay with? To trust?

Yet it was too late to back out. Within seconds, she and the circle had disappeared. Watanuki turned to Yuko and asked, "It will be dangerous for someone like her. And being the healer of that magician will not be safe. Are you sure she's the one?"

Yuko smiled once again. "It will be dangerous. And I wish her luck. But, yes, this is her fate."