A Christmas to Remember

"Okay, dearie," Rumple said to his collie, who was lying by his feet, chewing on her smoked pig ear. "Let's pick a name for you." He reached into the hat where all of the family had placed names for the puppy, stirring it gently. Then he plucked one from the hat and unfolded it. "Hello there, Freya," he announced. "That's fitting, seeing as Freya was the Norse goddess of beauty, love, gold, and war." He bent and stroked the dog's head, and she licked his hand.

"Papa, did you name her yet?" asked Alina, coming into the living room, munching on a cookie.

"Yes, dearie. Meet Freya," Rumple said, and gestured to the puppy.

"That's a good name, Papa," Alina said approvingly. "Freya was a powerful goddess, both a warrior and a sorceress, she had a chariot drawn by two cats, and a shapeshifting falcon cloak, and the golden necklace Brisengamen. She also has some of the slain warriors come to her at her hall as a reward. And she was the patron of lovers and gold."

"Right you are, dearie."

Jimmy stared at her while examining the pictures he'd taken already on his camera. "How do you remember all of that?"

"She's like an encyclopedia, Jimmy. Takes after her mama," answered Rumple, smiling fondly at his offspring.

"I take after both of you," Alina corrected, and then she went and hugged Rumple.

Jimmy watched the father and daughter moment from the couch, thinking that he'd never seen a family so affectionate before. His own mother wasn't too much for hugs and kisses, and his dad used to hug him as a small child, but once past age ten, deemed him too old for such things. But the Golds, it seemed, hugged each other no matter how old they were. It was something Jimmy found he missed, oddly enough.

He snapped a picture of the two of them, thinking that it was these quiet moments that seemed to resonate within him the most . . . perhaps because there really hadn't been any that he could recall these past years. Blood, revenge, and hate. He'd been steeped in it until he nearly choked, and it was only now that he was starting to see the world through a different perspective . . . and why he treasured the camera Gold had given him.

He scrolled through the pictures again, wondering what the day would bring on this most unusual holiday.


The Charmings arrived back at the house around one o'clock, because now the roads were safe to drive on, as the plow crews had worked ceaselessly to clear them.

Jimmy opened the door to find Regina and a spotted puppy on the doorstep. He knelt to pet the puppy, who jumped all over him and licked him. "Hey! You're just like a speckled pig we had once on the island," he laughed as the dog's wet tongue caressed his cheek.

Regina, wearing her little purple cap and a new white coat, glowered at him. "She ain't a pig, she's a princess, you silly boy! What are you, dumb? Now lemme in, it's freezin'!"

Jimmy looked up from petting the dog. "Who do you think you are, the queen?"

"I'm a princess!" she declared.

"One with a Royal Attitude," he snorted, standing up and letting her and the dog in the house.

Princess' paws scrabbled on the hardwood floor as she raced into the foyer, sniffing curiously.

Freya, who was sitting beside Belle and Rumple on the couch, pricked her ears and jumped off to investigate.

"Unca Rumple!" Regina shrilled. "Lookit my new puppy!"

Rumple came out of the living room just as Freya raced up to Princess and yipped at her, puzzled. "Merry Christmas, Regina! And will you look at that! A Dalmatian puppy just like Pongo."

"Yup. Only her name's Princess."

"That's a good name for her, dearie," he said approvingly. He also thought the black and white dog fitting to show the light and dark sides of the former Evil Queen.

"What's your puppy's name?" she asked then.

"Freya," he answered, looking over at the two small canines.

The puppies were sniffing and circling each other. Then all at once they jumped at each other and started wrestling on the floor. Princess chewed Freya's tail and Freya chewed the Dalmatian's ear.

"Aww! They're playing!" Snow cooed as she came in the door with a tray. "Merry Christmas, Rumple!"

"Merry Christmas, dearie!" he greeted, going to take the tray from her just as the two puppies started racing around them and almost knocked Snow over.

"Heavens!" Snow gasped and then David's arm was around her, holding her up.

"I told you we should've gotten her a bird, hon," said her husband.

"C'mere, Princess!" shrieked Regina. "Lemme take you leash off!"

But Princess was having too much fun with her collie friend and just ignored the child, running about the foyer with the red leash trailing behind her.

Regina grabbed it and was promptly dragged along. "Hey! Stop it!" she yelped.

Jimmy almost had a seizure laughing right there at the chaos. He was laughing so much he almost couldn't use his camera.

"Mate, what's all the commotion?" asked Jack, coming downstairs. His eyes bugged out when he saw the two puppies and Regina being hauled along after them on her behind.

"It reminds me of our house after Will and Beth's kids visited last time, dearie," Rhea said, chuckling. "With their parrot and the kinkajou."

"Yeah, I felt like I was in the jungle. And that bird tried to bite my ear off to get my earring!" her husband remarked.

"Hey, I'm getting tangled up here!" Charming cried, as the puppy train wound about his boots.

"Rumple! Do something!" Snow gasped as her husband almost fell against her.

Rumple snapped his fingers and the leash vanished in a puff of smoke . . . to reappear hanging over a chair in the kitchen.

"All right, I think you all need to go outside in the yard and play," he announced, and as Freya ran past him trying to herd Princess he scooped her up.

His collie gave a puzzled yip and he smirked and said, "It's better outside, dearie. And if you have an accident, no one will care."

Jimmy corralled Princess and then they all brought the puppies outside, along with Regina, and watched them romping all over in the snow.

Jimmy took more pictures of the little girl and the two puppies, getting some great shots.

"You like that camera, do you?" Gold observed.

"Uh, yes, sir, Mr. Gold!" the teenager answered, lowering it after his last photo.

"Jimmy, you can call me Rumple," Gold began.

"Uncle Rumple," Will corrected. "Show some respect."

Jimmy gave the younger Sparrow a snort and rather rude gesture. "I know how to show respect, Sparrow!"

"Boys!" Rumple frowned at them. "This is Christmas, now no quarreling. Or else your camera and your compass are mine."

That dire threat made both boys quit glowering.

"Okay, Uncle Rumple," Will said.

"Aye, sir," Jimmy replied, for Rumple was the captain of this house, and to be obeyed without question.

"Why don't you two go outside and play with the dogs and Regina?" suggested Jack. "Have a snowball fight or something?"

"You game, Sparrow?" asked Jimmy, handing his precious camera over to Rumple.

"Always, Hook. Let's do it," Will said.

The two got on their coats and scarves and gloves and ran outside, pelting each other with snowballs as they did so.

"That was a good idea, Jack," Rhea said, coming to stand next to her husband.

"They need to let off some steam, love. Like a pot boiling over. And better with snow than steel, aye?"

"Of course," she agreed, then laughed when Freya ran inbetween her son's feet and made him fall over.

As they watched the kids and puppies playing, Belle and Snow began laying out the appetizers for dinner. "So when's Alice coming?" asked Snow as she uncovered her tray of bruschetta with goat cheese on toasted slices of Italian bread.

"She should be here any minute, I think. They were coming with Jeff's hat," Belle said.

No sooner were the words out of her mouth, then there was a purple and green vortex out on the lawn and then Jeff, Alice, and Grace all jumped out of the hat spinning around. Their arms were full of boxes and bags.

Jimmy was so startled he let Will peg him with two snowballs. "Whoa! A portal jumper!"

Jeff picked up his hat and dusted it off. "Hello! You must be Rumple's nephews, right?"

"I'd say so, hon, since that one looks like Rumple cloned," Alice said.

She held out a hand for Will to shake. "I'm Alice Carstairs. I used to be your uncle's housekeeper and cook before the curse broke."

"Pleased to meet you. I'm Will Sparrow," said Will. "And he's Bae's little brother, not mine."

Alice's jaw dropped. "You mean . . . that's Jimmy Hook?"

"Jones, ma'am. Hook's just a nickname," Jimmy corrected, and also shook the blonde's hand.

"Looks like you've got a story or two to tell," she remarked, nodding. Then she looked over at the two puppies and Regina, who were being hugged and fussed over by Grace and said, "Lord love a duck! It's like Animal Farm over here! Well, I'd better get this food in the house before it all gets cold! Hey, Mr. G, I brought dinner! Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas, Alice!" Rumple called and then he whisked the packages into the house and hugged his former employee.

"Don't you look all cozy?" she laughed, upon seeing his casual attire, which was a sweater and jeans and his fuzzy slippers.

"Regina gave them to me," he laughed.

"And I'll bet they go good with my pajamas," Alice teased. She kissed his cheek, then moved on to embrace Belle. "God, girlfriend, you look like you're ready to explode! When are those kids due again?"

"January 15th," Belle answered.

"Thank God, right? Merry Christmas!" Alice grinned.

"Alice, you didn't have to cook all this . . ." Belle began, eyeing the food with shock.

"Sure I did! It's my Christmas present to you all," she answered.

"And I can't wait to taste it!" Snow said, and then hugged Jeff.

"It's phenomenal, knowing Alice," said Charming.

Alina came into the room then with her present for Grace in a small shopping bag. She hugged and kissed Alice and Jeff enthusiastically before looking around for her friend.

"She's outside, honey," Alice pointed. "With the dog pack and that imp Regina."

Just then Grace entered the kitchen. "Alina! Merry Christmas!" She hugged her best friend.

"Merry Christmas to you too!" Alina laughed and then handed Grace the shopping bag. "I hope you like it."

"I hope you like mine too," Grace said, and handed her a small box.

Alina opened her present, finding it a set of beautiful pearl studs set in gold. "Grace, they're beautiful!"

"Mama and I made them from oysters we sent away for," Grace said. She showed Alina her hand. "See? I've got a ring." Then she opened her present, a lovely hand knitted scarf in rainbow colors. "Ooh! It's awesome! You make it yourself?"

"Yeah and it took forever, cause I can't knit as fast as Papa," her friend laughed.

Grace draped it over her red top. "Love it! Where's Henry?"

"He's on his way here," Alina said. "Did you meet our new puppy, Freya?"

"Yup, she's adorable!"

"Henry got her for Papa for Christmas," Alina told her friend. They moved over to eat some of Alice's spanokopita and discuss their various Christmas gifts.

At that precise moment, the front door opened and Henry, Emma, and Bae walked in with a fruit basket.

"It smells incredible in here!" Emma said, sniffing.

"That's right. 'Cause it's Alice's Restaurant!" Bae joked as they entered the kitchen.

"I said she ought to open one," Jeff grinned as he hugged Bae. "But then I'd never see her, because she'd be cooking 24/7."

Henry approached Grace with a box in his hands. "Hey, Merry Christmas!"

"Thanks!" she smiled at him and handed him a Christmas bag.

"Wow! A hand-woven halter for Arion!" he exclaimed. "That's awesome!"

"A jewelry box!" Grace cried upon opening hers. "With a bunny on it like mine!"

"Now you can put your ring in it," Alina said.

The three friends went and grabbed plates and filled them with appetizers, then took some iced teas out of the fridge and went upstairs to Alina's room to play on her game system.

"I should have brought my new X-Box," Henry said, as they went up the staircase. "But Dad wouldn't let me. But that's okay. We haven't finished Resident Evil 3 yet."

As they went into Alina's room, they heard Alice exclaiming over the large queen-sized afghan that Rumple had knitted for her and Jeff and the chef's hat that Belle had embroidered for her, which said #1 Smokin' Sassy Lady in pink letters with hearts surrounding it.

"I'm putting it on right now, darlin'!" she grinned at her best friend, and did so.

"And we're going to be all comfy and cozy in this tonight, right, Alice?" Jeff said with a wink.

"Behave, you reprobate!" Alice mock-scolded. "Don't make me get out the spoon!" She gave her husband a playful swat on the behind.

"Watch it, Jeff! She's fast with that wooden spoon," snickered Rumple.

"Uh huh. And he knows that all too well!" Alice smirked at him.

"Alice! Don't tell me you hit Rumple with that!" gasped Jeff.

"Oh, not when we were cursed . . . only after it, when he got me riled one day," she said, chuckling.

"I don't remember that," Belle remarked.

"That's cause you weren't there, sugah," Alice answered. "It was before you broke yourself out of the asylum."

Belle eyed her husband. "Rumple, what did you do?"

"Me? Dearie, why are you blaming me?" he objected.

"Because it's always the man's fault," muttered Jeff. "At least according to Alice."

"You've taught him well," Emma commented.

"Honey, he learned that the first month we were married," Alice grinned. Then she undid the foil on a pan of chicken with butter and garlic sauce and placed it in the oven to heat up, along with a pan of sautéed zucchini and sweet potatoes with pecans and maple syrup.

"Bae, you need to take notes," Emma told her husband.

"Notes about what?" he asked, puzzled as he'd just entered the kitchen.

Before Emma could answer, Jimmy, Will, Regina, and the two dogs came in.

Just as Nala was walking across the kitchen towards Rumple.

The black cat spun as Princess lurched towards her, her wet paws scrabbling for purchase on the tile floor. Her back arched and she hissed and growled in warning at the clumsy puppy.

Princess barked and went to sniff her, and got Nala's paw across her snout for her trouble.

Then the kitten hissed and ran into the living room.

"Aww! Nala, c'mere! She wants to be your friend!" Regina called.

The Dalmatian shook her head and bolted after the fleeing cat.

"Uh oh," Will muttered.

Freya perked up her ears and went to follow, but Rumple grabbed her collar and said, "No, Freya! No chasing Nala! Sit!"

The collie looked up at him, puzzled.

Rumple pressed a hand on her hindquarters until she sat, then praised her. "Good girl, Freya!"

Sounds of barking, hissing, and something falling sounded in the living room.

"Rumple, maybe you'd better . . ." Belle began.

"I know, dearie. Jimmy, hold Freya," he ordered.

Jimmy came and took the collie, just as Rumple blurred into his brown Abyssinian form and ran into the living room.

"I didn't know he could shift!" Jeff exclaimed.

"He's a sorcerer," Jimmy pointed out.

Rumplecat trotted into the midst of a very pointed war, where Nala was on top of the mantle and Princess was standing up and barking at her from the side of the fireplace.

Nala's fur was all on end, and she singsonged a warning to the puppy. Her green eyes were narrowed and her ears back against her head, her tail fluffed to twice its size.

Princess yapped at the cat. "Come and play!"

"With you?" hissed Nala angrily. "I'd sooner cough up a hairball, puppy! Now quit yapping at me, you ill-mannered mongrel!"

"I ain't no mutt! I'm from a champion line!" yipped Princess. Scardey-cat!"

"That' s enough, dearie! Leave Nala alone!" Rumplecat meowed, sauntering into the room.

Princess turned and got down, wagging her tail. "Another kitty! Hey, new kitty! Wanna play?" She then jumped at Rumplecat, her paws slapping the floor loudly.

Rumplecat found himself instinctively hissing and arching his back at the puppy. "Hey! Quit jumping! You're like a clumsy beast!"

Princess whuffed and shoved him with her nose hard.

"No! Sit!"

"Huh? You can't tell me what to do!" the Dalmatian barked.

"Can't I? Pup, this is my house!" the brown cat growled, his tail lashing. He peered around and saw his basket of yarn knocked over and Belle's book on the floor, as well as several ornaments. "You're just like your mistress . . . a disaster waiting to happen. Now be still and quit wrecking the place!"

"You old stick-in-the-mud! Tag! You're it!" the Dalmatian ignored his scolding and smacked at him with a paw.

Rumplecat hissed and snapped, "I said, enough!" Then he went and cuffed her smartly across the nose.

The puppy yipped and cringed. "Oww! That hurt!"

"Next time—listen to me," Rumplecat sighed, then he went and rubbed against the chastened puppy gently, purring. "Now, quit chasing Nala and play with Freya instead. And no chewing anything unless a person gives it to you first, understand?"

"Yes . . . err . . . what's your name?"

"Ahh . . . Rumplecat."

"Yes, Rumplecat," the puppy said with more respect in her tone.

"And if you need to relieve yourself, you go outside. Go to the door and bark. And don't wait till the last minute if you can help it. Got me?"

"Uh huh. There's an awful lot to remember!"

"If you forget . . . ask Nala. Now be good and go play."

With that, the brown cat blurred back into the five foot eight sorcerer in the Arran sweater and jeans.

Princess stared up at him and whined. "He's . . . got two legs!"

"Of course he does, pup! He's a magician! Duh!" Nala snorted.

Rumple shook his head and patted the Dalmatian before he turned to go back into the kitchen with the rest of the family. "Jimmy, let Freya go!" he called to the pirate.

Soon the collie bounded into the room, one ear flopped over. She trotted over to Rumple, tail wagging, and was promptly petted and flopped over on her side so he could rub her tummy.

An instant later she was up and tackling Princess to the floor.

As the two puppies raced about, playing, Regina came in with Jimmy, and Regina went and jumped around in the middle of the two dogs, giggling as they panted and licked her and jumped all over her.

Jimmy just smirked and took pictures.

"Having fun?" Gold queried.

The teenager nodded. "This is the most fun I've ever had on a holiday."

"And there's more to come," Gold informed him.

"Like what?"

"The dinner," he replied.

"Does it taste as good as it looks?"

"Just wait. Alice's cooking is like magic. You'll think you've died and gone to paradise."

Jimmy just nodded. He thought he was already there, in a house where no one was shouting, or swearing, or complaining. Where there were no men who drank rum and threw up all over the carpet, or others smoking a pipe and filling the air with its stench. And best of all, no mother demanding to know why they hadn't killed Rumplestiltskin yet.

Jimmy knew that if Milah could see him now, she'd probably beat him and throw him out of her house for a traitor . . . but he didn't feel like one. Instead he felt . . . happy, and that was something he'd never really felt before. He whistled an old sea chanty and went to find Bae, to see if he wanted to spar a little.


Bae, Jack, Will, David, and Jimmy all sparred amongst themselves downstairs in Gold's workroom in the basement. Jimmy found that Jack's and Will's style of fighting was very similar to his own, and Charming's was familiar too, but his brother's style was very different, having been trained here, in this world. But Bae's style, which favored quick and intricate patterns that relied more on stealth, swiftness, and precision rather than strength, was just as deadly.

And Bae was able to hold his own with David and Jack, both experienced fighters, and really more than that. His brother was a true master with the blade, and Jimmy was a bit in awe of him. So was Will, though Jimmy discovered that the navigator was no slouch with a blade, and when it came to using two daggers, Will was very very good.

The two sparred until they were tired, then Bae told them they should take a shower, and afterwards it was time for the family to gather in the dining room for dinner.

Rumple placed Princess and Freya in the kitchen, walling off a corner with magic so the puppies couldn't cause havoc during dinner, and placing their food and toys in there with them along with some newspapers.

Regina pouted and sulked. "Unca Rumple, I don't want her in there. It's like jail!"

"Dearie, it's just until we finish eating and have dessert. She'll be fine. Now let's go and enjoy all the good food Auntie Alice made. There's lasagna. And sweet potatoes with maple syrup. Honey ham. And leg of . . . err . .. sheep," he corrected himself before he said lamb, otherwise he feared Regina would stage another protest about eating meat or something like she did turkey.

"Okay. Be good, Princess! You too, Freya!" the toddler waved at the two dogs, who were sprawled on the floor, half-asleep, and then took her uncle's hand and went into the dining room with them.

Rumple had magicked the table so everyone could sit at it without being cramped, and everyone had a small amount of Moscato di' Asti. Even Regina had a tiny glass with a tiny amount in it.

"Okay, everyone. Let's have a toast!" Belle said, picking up her glass, which had apple cider in it instead.

Rumple cleared his throat, then said, "I would like to say Merry Christmas and many more to everyone in this family, both old and new, and may this holiday season and new year be bright and blessed for all of us. To our family! Cheers!"

Everyone clinked their glasses together and drank.

Then they feasted upon all the amazing food Alice had made as her Christmas gift for them.

Jimmy had never tasted anything so good in his life. As Gold had said, the food was like paradise, and he ate until he was stuffed.

"Gods, this was so good!" he murmured, rubbing his stomach. "But now I feel like a stuffed goose." He grimaced a bit as his stomach now protested vigorously.

He huddled in his chair when everyone started clearing the table, cursing himself for a glutton, when he caught Mr. Gold's knowing look. Flushing, he looked at his hands.

Rumple knew that look, he'd seen it before on Bae as a boy and Regina as well. He went and leaned down and spoke into the youngster's ear, "Indigestion, dearie?"

"Uh . . ." the boy went red.

"Here," Gold gestured and a bottle of a familiar red cordial appeared in his hand. "Use this. It'll help settle your stomach, lad."

Jimmy took the cordial and hissed, "What's it do? Make you puke?"

"No. It helps you digest all that food. Without upsetting your system," Rumple informed him.

"Thanks . . . Uncle Rumple," the boy murmured, then uncorked the vial and drank it down.

After about five minutes, his stomach felt well enough for standing and helping the rest of them clear the table. Rumple's remedy worked like a charm and didn't make him sick the way his mother's usually did.

When everything was put away and straightened up, Rumple got out his Martin and they all gathered around and sang Christmas carols with him. He had a surprisingly good voice for being an untrained singer, and Belle, Alina, and Henry all harmonized together with him perfectly. They sang "Away in a Manger" together and then Rumple sang "O Holy Night".

Snow sang "Silent Night" with David, and then Bae and Emma sang along with Gold and Belle to "Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire."

Grace, Alina, Henry, and Regina sang, "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer", "Frosty", and "Jolly Old St. Nicholas."

Then Jack, Rhea, Jess, and Will sang "Midnight Star and Shadows", a song from Fairy Tale Land.

Jeff and Alice sang, "Jingle Bells" and "Winter Wonderland."

Jimmy even sang a carol with Bae, one he had heard many times on his iPod. It was called "Joy to the World", and though he wasn't the greatest singer, Bae's bass buoyed him up and Jimmy found he was having a wonderful time with his new family.

The delicate notes of the Martin guitar flowed around them, and it seemed for one moment that motes of violet magic danced in the air, settling with a sudden flicker among the red, green, and gold lights of the Christmas tree.

Rumple's fingers stilled upon the strings and he said, "Well, dearies, that's all for now."

Everyone clapped and then Regina ran and tried to climb up on Rumple's knee.

The sorcerer set his guitar aside and took the child on his lap.

"Unca Rumple," she began.

"Yes, dearie?"

"I gots somepin to say," she lisped, tilting her head and looking him straight in the eyes, giving him a gamin grin.

"What's that?"

"God bless us . . . everyone!"

Snow burst out laughing, followed by Emma, and soon they were all giggling. Jimmy didn't get why, but the laughter was infectious and he found himself chuckling along with the rest of the family, as dusk settled upon Storybrooke and a Christmas no one would ever forget.

A huge thank you and lots of hugs to everyone who has read, reviewed, favorited and followed this story! You all rock, dearies! Now who can't wait till the babies are born and would like a sequel with that?