Note: The first of my series of one-shots that are unrelated/related to each other and taking place across different realities featuring Peter Pan and his one true love, my oc, Sybelle. Each one-shot will have a slight theme. If you are re-reading this chapter, you will note that I changed Pan's cursed name from Colin to Peter. When I first wrote this chapter and planned Meetings and Greetings (BTW I really don't like that title) there was no official word what he's true name was. Once I did find out his name, I used it in all future chapters that I wrote.

Someone noted to him in a review for Meetings and Greetings that I shouldn't use the name Malcolm because it makes you think of a 40 year old. Well, some of the chapters are set before he ever become Pan and some have him cursed. Prince Charming ran around being called Prince James (though that wasn't his true name) before he was cursed. After the curse, he was called David. In all fairness, I think that if Pan was cursed there would be a strong chance that he could be called Malcolm. But these words, of how Malcolm makes you think of an older man, made me think of a new one-shot. I may or may not have one up about a 40 something year old Malcolm and a teenager Sybelle. Yes, it would be kind of weird and not seem fitting for them, but it would be funny and different. I don't want all my one-shots to feel the same. So, different is something I look into.

Lonely Heart

It wasn't like Sybelle hadn't gone through this before. In fact, she was very much use to being treated like an object. Still, they had to be either stupid or very brave to kidnap her. Her older brother would have their heads for this. The Wolf brothers wouldn't get away with taking her. She bit down on hr gag. She hated being used like this. It wasn't even fair. She didn't even like her brother.

"Mr. Gold will be sure to pay us big." The youngest one laughed out.

"Don't be stupid." The middle brother sneered. "This isn't about the money."

She glared at the oldest of the three. She hoped that they weren't dumb enough to believe that they could get away with killing her. Death may not have been a bad thing. She was tired of living the life she had. No one wanted to talk to her. They feared her brother too much to even pass her a pen. Books were her only friend. When her brother had Lacy, the two had talked about books all the time and things had been better. That was a long time ago. The teenage girl bowed her head.

She couldn't be bothered to try anymore. She closed her eyes and thought back. Had she ever had a happy moment? Had she ever had a real friend? She was pulled out of her thoughts when she felt finger tips against her ties. Someone was helping her. Peter?

He place a finger over his lips. He was saving her. That didn't make sense. Her brother Richard hated him, even called Peter Pan because he believed Peter was like Pandora. He would do nothing good in the world but bring chaos and unhappiness. Richard thought that Pan and his boys were lost. Sybelle guessed that was why Peter called his gang the Lost Boys. It was his way of mocking the older man.

When her hands were untied, she pulled off the gag and helped him untie her feet. The Wolf brothers hadn't tied her very tightly. They may wanted to get back at Mr. Gold, but they weren't totally insane. They knew that there was a chance she could escape and if she escaped unharmed, it meant they wouldn't be hurt too badly.

"What are you doing here?" She whispered as he helped her up from her chair.

"I heard you had a date with Gray Wolf." Pan stated as he looked around the room. They seemed to be alone. "And I know your brother burned them badly just a few weeks ago." Sybelle's cheek flushed with embarrassment. She hadn't known that. She looked down at herself and crossed her arms over her chest. She was wearing a tight black, short dress with high heels and a black choker. She looked like she was going out on a hot date.

"I hadn't known." She whispered as she rubbed her arms. "My brother hadn't said anything..."

"I gathered." Peter said as he grabbed her hand and forcefully pulled her towards the exit. "We should be going."

Sybelle followed, because she hadn't any other way not. If she stayed, she could have faced death. If she want with Peter, she knew he wouldn't kill her. He would tease her, maybe even ransom her off, but he wouldn't kill her.

"What did he do?" Sybelle asked as Peter opened a small window that was big enough for them to crawl through.

"He wouldn't give them more money for there mother." Peter said before slipping through sideways.. The other side of had a bit of a drop. It was best for him to go first. Sybelle stared at the window and her dress. She was wearing the wrong kind of clothes for this. Her dress was too tight to do what Peter did. She huffed as she tried to slide out feet first. She was sure that she was going to bust her ass. To her surprise, Peter helped her slide through gently.

"I imagine that they blame her death on my brother." She whispered softly as Peter eased her to the ground.

"Yea," He agreed as he gazed into her eyes. He could tell that she wasn't upset at being kidnapped. If she was brought home safely, she most likely wouldn't even tell her brother that something bad happened to her. It pained him to watch her be so forgiving and kindhearted to people that didn't deserve it.

She slowly left his arms to look around. They were by the woods. That made sense. The brothers loved to hunt. She tried to think how far from town they were. It was a good hours walk and she didn't see any cars. Blinking, she wondered how Peter knew where to find her and how he got there. She could feel him looking at her. It bothered her. She started down a path that she believed would take her to town. She didn't have the right kind of shoes to dare go through the woods.

Peter followed her. He kept behind her as if he feared her reaction if he tried to get closer. Sybelle, by nature, knew that something wasn't right here. Peter had never been this way to anyone, not even his crew. After half an hour, she couldn't hold in her feelings. She couldn't make sense of what was going on.

He watched as she rubbed her arms. The night was cold and she hadn't been wearing much. He could only imagine how cold she must have felt. He paused to take off his leather jacket. She didn't seem to notice that he wasn't behind her, because when he placed his coat on her shoulders she started freaking out.

"Stop it!" She screamed as she stopped walking. "Stop it! Stop it!"

"What? Following you?" Peter sneered out. "Cuz this is the only way back to town."

"No, this." She waved a hand between them. "I can't stand this. I don't understand it." She cried out. He wasn't sure what she was talking about at first. Was she telling him to stop helping her?

"I'm sorry." Peter sounded confused. "You what me to stop helping you."

"Yes!" She shouted. "I want you to act normal." She sighed as rubbed her arms under his jacket.

"I am acting normal." He stated in an upset tone. "But you wouldn't know that because you never bother to grace those lower than you with your time." This caused Sybelel to feel confused.

"I've no idea what you're talking about." She said as she eyed him coldly. "That's not how I behave at all." She didn't like how he was talking to her.

"Isn't it?" He questioned. She started to storm off, but he caught her arm. "Just admit it. You've always looked down on me. Ever since we were kids."

"That's not true." She yelled out as she tried to pull away from him. He was starting to hurt her.

"It is." He shouted. "Why else would be so cold all the time?"

"Because it's better than letting you use me again." Sybelle didn't mean to tell him that. It just slipped out of her mouth. He seemed just as shock as she was. His grab loosened and she ripped her arm away. He hadn't realized how much he had hurt her.

"I-" He tried to tell her that he was sorry, but it wouldn't come out.

"Just take me home." She sighed out. "I just want to go home."


They hadn't spoke after that. Once they had stepped into town, she went one way and he went the other. It wasn't until she unlocked her front door that she realized she forgot to give him back his jacket. She was thankful to find that her brother was in bed. She wasn't in the mood to speak with him. She slowly peeled out of her shoes and climbed the stairs.

She tossed the jacket onto her large blue pink covered bed. She gazed at it as she touched her choker. It had been the one he bought her when they had been whatever they had been. Her heart wanted to say girlfriend, boyfriend, but her mind corrected her. He had been using her. They weren't really together. She snorted as she tore off her necklace. The action broke off the clasp, but right now she didn't care. She stomped over to her bed and put the necklace in an inside pocket.

It was the only thing she had from their time together and she didn't want it around anymore. She felt stupid for even wearing it again. She doubted that he even noticed she had it on. She felt a piece of paper in the pocket and against her better judgment pulled it out. She blinked a few times. It wasn't a piece of paper, but a photo folded over.

Her heart skipped a beat. It was a photo of them together by a lake. She was beaming and he was looking at her. She hadn't even known he was looking at her. It made her what to rethink what they had, what she wrote off as a game. She didn't want to doubt herself and her feelings anymore. She didn't what to believe those silly thoughts of love again.

Instead, she sat on the bed staring at the picture. She recalled the day it was taken. It was hot that summer. She had mentioned in passing that she was going to swim and was shocked to find Pan, with a handful of others, there. Lou had called out to her to take a photo and she smiled brightly. She felt at home with the boys. They didn't treat her like some kind of monster. She missed them a great and hoped they missed her too. She hoped they hadn't been playing her too.

"It's not nice to look through others things." Peter's voice broke her out of her thoughts.

"Pan!" She shouted as she fell out of her bed. "What are-? How did-" Why are you here?" She hissed out.

"I came for my jacket." He frowned. He didn't like when she called him Pan. It was normally a sign she was deeply upset with him. "You need to lock your window."

"Or cut my tree down." Sybelle sighed out as she stood up and handed him his picture. She went to close the window. She couldn't believe him. "You know breaking in is a crime."

"Yea, I know." He said as he looked at the photo.

"I guess you forgot that was in there." Sybelle said as she eyed it. She leaned onto the nearby wall.

"Do you really believe that?" He asked as he picked up his jacket.

"It's the only thing that makes sense." She stated in a low whisper. He shook his head and grabbed her by the wist when she thought he was going for the window. He pressed himself against her. She glared at him as he stared at her.

"You really think I didn't care about you, that it was all some kind of game." His voice was harsh, rough. He almost sounded broken.

"Wendy made it a point to tell me so." Sybelle choked out. Wendy, the girl he had dated before seeing her, had laughed and mocked her over it. Wendy had told her things that no one but Pan and her brother would have known. 'Pan's laughing behind your back. He tells me things about you after we have sex.'

"I don't know why you believed her over me." He seemed so sad.

"She knew things." Sybelle stated as she cried. "Things only you or my brother would know. If you didn't tell her, if you weren't really mocking me behind my back..." She couldn't finish. She couldn't even let the thought enter her mind. "Just go." She whispered through her tears. "Please."

"No." He whispered back as he took hold of her hands. He couldn't bring himself to leave her like this. "I can't leave you like this."

"Why not?" She cried softly as she looked anywhere but his face, his eyes.

"Because I love you." He whispered into her ear. She started sobbing into his shirt.

"No you don't." She cried harder into his chest. "You can't. You can't..." Because you don't even know me. She thought to herself. She shook her head. "Just go. Just leave." She begged.

He let her go and opened the window. She blinked through her tears as she watched him leave her. He had said he wouldn't. He had said he couldn't leave her like this, but there he was running away. It was just as he brother had said. Pan was a crowd and a lair. She brushed her tears away as she moved towards the window to lock it.

"Stupid." She hissed out in the lowest whisper. He was possibly the most brainless person she knew. How had she ever fallen in love with him? She shook her head as she tried to get ready for bed. She needed to forgot all about him. She wished she could rip out her heart. Wouldn't life be better with the emptiness rather than the hurt? There are moments when she could picture a beating heart in her heads, glowing red.

She stared at her hands as though a heart would appear in her hands. "She told me hearts were weakness, that queen of hearts." She whispered to no one. "But...she's not real." Tears steamed down her face. "Red glowing hearts aren't real. Magic isn't real." She whispered to herself as she let sleep wash over her. "His love isn't real..."


Sybelle awoke the next morning cursing the sun. She was quick to dress and ready herself for the day. She had a meeting with Dr. Hooper. She had things to tell him. He was the only one that didn't look at her like she was mad. Although, Sybelle reasoned he was the only one that knew her dark thoughts. They met early in the morning when no one would notice her comings and goings. She rushed to dress in jeans and a t-shirt. She hadn't time to fix her face.

Thump, thump, thump. Her brother frowned as she skipped steps. He thought it was unlady like to behave in such a manor. She greeted him with a tight smile and a shrug before waving off.

"I've work." She called out. "And I'm running late."

"Be back before dark." He called to her.

"I'll be back before ten." She shout back.


"Ten." She smiled as she turned to face him. "And I promise I won't take off for the rest of the month." She beamed as she reached the door.

"Ten it is." Mr. Gold nodded.

"Bye." She laughed as she rushed out and slammed the door. She was shocked to see someone at her door.

"That's not very lady like." Peter whispered.

"He'll kill you." Sybelle said as she rushed off the porch. He followed.

"I hoped you would be out first." He stated as he grabbed her arm.

"No, you knew I'd be out first." She hissed out. "Felix been watching me again."

"He never stopped." He smirked. "How'd you know?"

"I thought he stopped when he broke up." Sybelle felt stupid for not noticing.

"He did for a little bit." Peter corrected. "Or at least I told him to."

"And than you had him start up again?" Sybelle sighed. "I thought I was the crazy one."

"I told you that I won't leave you." He whispered as he pulled her close. "I meant that."

"I wish you wouldn't." She whispered back. "I can hear her mocking me even now." She seemed lost in thought.

"Just give me a chance." He was begging. Pan never begged. It wasn't like him.

"One chance." She cried out as she pushed away from him. "Just the one. Mess up and that's it."

"That's all I need." He seemed smug.

"And I'm not to be followed." She hissed out. "I'm not a child."

"No more following." Pan agreed. She started on her day again and he was quick to follow her.

"Don't follow me." She huffed out. "Go away. Talk later and shit."

"Right, Hooper thing." Peter remarked as he turned to go the other way. She made a mental note to found out how much he knew about her when she next saw him.