"Master," Fi said, "The batteries in your Wii remote are nearly depleted."

"Wii remote? What in the name of the goddesses is that?" Link asked, swinging his sword aimlessly at the tall grass he was running through in Faron woods. He was gathering rupees so he could buy a new pouch from Beedle's shop. Last time he had walked in hoping to get it, he had been twelve rupees short. When he didn't buy anything, Beedle rudely dumped him out of the flying house through a trapdoor in the floor. Having no wish for that to happen again, Link was making sure he had plenty of rupees this time.

"I do not know, Master. I merely had the sudden compulsion to notify you," Fi answered as Link continued to slice the surrounding grass to pieces, "Maybe we should head back to the sky. You have been cutting grass for over an hour. I believe that you have a ninety-nine percent chance of having enough rupees already and you should really return to your mission soon. It is urgent that we find-" She stopped mid-sentence as the world froze around Link, his limbs clamping up as well.

Fi was stuck with her arms- if you could call them arms- wide, though he could only see a corner of one of them. The grass, his hair, and his hat were all stuck slightly angled from a breeze that had been blowing at them. Around him, everything suddenly dimmed slightly, as if he was looking through some sort of blackish fog.

"Wha- the world's gone all dim- I can't move!" Link panicked. The only thing he was able to move was his mouth- though thankfully he could still breathe as well. He balanced precariously on one foot as he desperately tried to move his unresponsive limbs that were stuck in mid-swing.

"Fi…? Fi! Can you help? Do you know what's going on?! Is it Ghirahim?! Fi?!" The green-clad hero tried to turn his head to see if Fi could still talk too, but his muscles still refused to work. He couldn't blink, either. His eyes started to water.

"What is going on? Anyone?!" Link tried shifting his body weight to make himself pitch forward, but his single balanced foot remained firmly planted on the ground.

"Fi?" he tried again, desperately trying to blink. What if he was stuck there forever? What was happening?!

All of a sudden, the lighting turned to normal, and Link stumbled forward a few steps, blinking furiously and rubbing his eyes.

"-Zelda as soon as possible," Fi finished her sentence, "Master? Is something wrong?"

"What was that?! Didn't you feel it?" Link asked, confused.

"Feel what, Master?" Fi asked.

"The world! It froze! And then it went all dim and stuff… I had no idea what was going on! Didn't you notice?" Link picked up his weapon from where it lay in the grass after he had dropped it to rub his eyes.

"…I did not. Master, are you alright?"

"Yeah… I'm fine, but it was really weird! I have no clue what happened… Hey, do you think it has anything to do with that 'Wii remote batteries being nearly depleted' stuff that you were talking about?" The confused hero sheathed his weapon.

"There is a fifty-five percent chance that is what it originated from. However, there are a number of things it could have been. The Imprisoned might have been trying to break the seal again, or Ghirahim trying to stop us in some new way, or-"

"I get the idea," Link interrupted, "I wonder what a 'batteries' is anyway, or a 'Wii remote'…"

"I have no idea, Master."