So, here's my last chapter to this story. I'm sorry that this last chapter took so long but it took me a while to come up with a nice ending. Hope you like it and thanks again for the great reviews. They kept me going! Enjoy!

When they entered Deeks' apartment Kensi sighed relieved, she instantly felt better being in this familiar place. She looked around for any changes but she couldn't find any which was a good thing.

"Nothing really changed around here," she said as if it were a surprise.

"No, it just felt empty without you here," he admitted.

She smiled at him sweetly.
"What do you wanna do now?" Deeks asked her still not sure about what's right and what's wrong at the moment.

"I would like to take a shower first," she answered.

"Sure, I'll go grab some take-out then," he said happy that she felt so at ease here.

"NO," she said suddenly, panic in her voice. "I mean… could we order pizza or something?"

He went over to her encircling her waist with his arms. He smiled seeing right through her.
"You know, I'm not going anywhere," he reassured her. "That's my place after all," he added teasingly.


"But if you feel better then we can order pizza, too. As long as I get something to eat 'cause I'm starving."

"Okay," she repeated. "I'll go take that shower now but I need you to… ehm… could you borrow me some clothes?"

"Sure, go ahead and get yourself a shirt or whatever you want."

"Thanks," she said softly placing a light kiss on his cheek before she turned to go to the bathroom.

Never in a million had he thought or dared to hope that she would come back and be like this. She was so open about what she wanted, she touched and even kissed him without thinking about it. He was impressed, surprised but most of all happy about this development. If she had made up her mind about their thing while she had been gone and it resulted in her being like this he would gladly go along with it. It was all he ever wanted. He had still hated the past three months without her but this now felt good and right.

He smiled happily before he grabbed the phone off the coffee table.
"Hey Kensi, what do you wanna have?" he yelled in the direction of his bedroom. He could hear her rummage around in his dresser drawers.

"Just get me the usual," she yelled back. Moments later he heard the bathroom door close.

When Kensi came out of the bathroom half an hour later she was dressed in one of his LAPD shirts and some sweatpants, her hair was still wet from the shower. She plopped down on the couch next to Deeks who had been watching TV. Two pizza boxes sat on the coffee table next to a six-pack of beer.

"You feel better now?" Deeks asked her.

"Yes, much better and I didn't know I was hungry until I smelled the pizza out here."

They ate in silence for some minutes just enjoying the moment of being back together.
"So, how have you been these past months," Deeks asked eventually.

"I can't tell you anything about the mission." She decided to go with the safe version. She wasn't sure what to say about how she really had been, apart from the mission. But as usual he didn't let her go.

"I'm not talking about the mission, Kens. I know, you can't tell me anything and to be honest, I don't really care either. I want to know how you have been. I mean, after all that happened before your departure." He was nervous because even though her actions so far should kind of reassure him but he didn't know what she would tell him.

"Not good… I missed the team… my normal work," she looked down at her hands and added quietly, "most of all I missed you. What about you?"

She wanted to hear his answer even though she was afraid to hear it. She had told him she wanted to go to his place and he hadn't refused but there was still this little voice in her head that unsettled her.

"Well, if I were you I wouldn't talk to Sam and Callen about it. I think I drove them a little crazy." He talked around the core as well.

"What do you mean by that?"

'Okay, here you go, one of us has to start being honest' he thought. He took a deep breath as if he was supposed to jump of a cliff.
"I was miserable without you," he started. "I didn't function properly without you by my side. It got a little better though when I slept at your place." That got her attention instantly. He actually didn't want to say this aloud.

"You did what?" she asked disbelieving.

Now he had had to tell her everything.
"Well, about two weeks after you were… gone… we had a case involving a little boy that got to me somehow. Usually, you would have been there for me. We would talk about it and you would make me feel better. But you weren't there so I somehow ended up at your place that night. I hope you're not mad at me?" He looked at her then but all he could see were her beautiful eyes filled with unshed tears.

"Of course, I'm not mad. I'm just sorry, I wasn't there for you." Again, she simply hated Granger for what he did to her, to them.

"Don't be, it wasn't your fault. You didn't have a choice." She just nodded still feeling bad for him. "At least I could go to your place for comfort. You had nowhere to go, did you?" Someone to go to, he really wanted to ask.

"No, I was mostly alone with my thoughts. But this also made me realize some things." 'Now comes the tough part,' he thought. "I can't do this anymore." She said and his world started crumbling around him. She didn't want this, didn't want them. He almost didn't hear what else she said. "I cannot pretend that there isn't something between us anymore. I missed you so much it hurt. I cannot pretend you're just my partner anymore. I want so much more. I really hated this morning after our night together. I wanted to do everything right the next evening but then I had to go and it hurt not being able to tell you everything."

Did she really just say all this?
"You can tell me now," he said. He needed to hear it from her.

"I want… you. I want us to be together. I want to be with you every day, every night. I know I'm an emotional wreck and I have no idea why you put up with me but…"

"Because I love you," he interrupted her.

"What?" She had been honest with him and she had told him everything he always wanted to hear so now it was his turn.

"You are the most amazing person I have ever met. You are tough and understanding, beautiful and independent, strong and gentle… not to mention hot as hell. You're the sexiest woman on the planet and it drives me crazy how much I love you but not being able to show you," he talked so fast and his heart raced but he added the last words so softly, she could hardly hear it. "I love you Kensi."

She flew into his arms and their lips met in a passionate and hungry kiss. He pulled her even closer to him and lay back so that she was lying on top of him. They kissed passionately for some minutes the silence only interrupted by their moans. Her hands found their way into his hair while his hands roamed over her back. They pulled apart slightly to catch their breaths watching each other with a smile.

"I love you, too and I really, really missed you," she stated.

"I missed you, too Fern and you have no idea how good it feels to have you back like this." He motioned between them indicating their more than intimate position.

"You know how this would feel even better?" she asked her voice sounding seductive all of a sudden.

'God, this woman with her sexy voice will be my undoing one day', he thought.

"I think, I have an idea or two," he answered leaving it open what he meant. He was curious what she had in mind.

"Me too," she said before getting off of him and standing up. She smiled down at him and extended her hand to help him up. "Take me to bed and I'll show you," she told him.

Deeks didn't need any more invitation. He smiled happily before he picked her up in his arms and carried her to the bedroom.

A long while later they were lying in bed. Deeks was on his back with Kensi cuddled into his side, her head on his shoulder. She stroked his bare chest loving the feeling of their naked skin touching.

"So, what about your frozen lake now?" he asked absentmindedly stroking her bare back.

"I think it's more like the Caribbean Sea now," she captured his mouth in another breathtaking kiss and he couldn't help the moan that escaped. He pulled her on top of him in a fluid motion.

"Sounds good to me. What do you think about a vacation there?" he asked after the thought had suddenly crossed his mind.

"Mmh, you and me, a beach cabin and room service? Sounds like heaven."

The end.

That's it guys! Hope you liked it 'til the end?! Maybe I'll do a fluffy one-shot with their vacation.