A/N:/ Hi all, Kurama's Dragon here, I got permission to repost and continue this fic from StormNinja. Actually he's my friend in real life so I get juicy tidbits.

Hiccup the Dawn Fury

Summary: when Stoick refused to listen to Hiccup and threw Hiccup across the grand hall in his quest to find and eradicate the dragons nest, it made something snap in Hiccup . . . Now join Hiccup and Toothless as they embark on their quest WARNING! This fic contains YAOI if you don't like it then don't read it. Flames will be used against you

"Dad will you listen to me, please will you listen to me just this one time?" Hiccup pleaded hanging off his father's arm.

Stoick threw Hiccup across the hall.

"So you've thrown your lot in with Them have you?" Stoick mocked his son, "Your not my son, you're that Night Fury's WHORE!" Stoick spat disgusted with his so-called son spinning on his heals Stoick strode out of the hall his heels clicking on the polished granite floor.

Hiccup could take a lot of ridicule but his dad had broke his last rope to the human race

'Am I really no better than the dragons?' Hiccup thought to himself, using the pillar to pull himself up off the floor, 'No its the other way around, it is the HUMANS that are to blame' Hiccup released a rock-shattering roar, as he then proceed to rip the two stone doors off their hinges, the Vikings that saw Hiccup in the entrance where so scared they shit themselves in fear.

Stoick, Toothless, and all of Hiccups friends felt the roar. The different reactions where unexpected to say the least, Stoick was to far gone to notice this, Hiccups friends feared that Toothless had eaten Hiccup and quickly ran to the great hall.

Toothless' reaction was the most violent by far, he felt the magic that had been infused in that roar, 'That amount of magic would kill just about any dragon; the only dragon that had an equal level of power was The Queen herself. Toothless felt the magic imbue him with strength, Toothless wasted no time destroying the cage that had held him and quickly located the source of magic. 'No!' toothless thought mortified finding the epicenter of the magic infused roar, arriving at the town square Toothless found His Hiccup at the entrance of the Grand Hall, Toothless speed towards his bonded*, landing on front of the doorway Toothless spoke "Hiccup my bonded* jump in the saddle we must leave Berk, it is no longer safe." Hiccup just nodded hopping on Toothless' back. Toothless launched himself up before heading in the direction of the setting sun.

Astrid arrived to see Toothless fly in to the sun and she released a cry of anger, hatred, and loss


*One week after Hiccup's Departure*

Astrid looked over the still smoldering remains of the village, soon after Hiccup had left in the back of that, . . .that beast the other dragons had raided the village, this raid was unlike any other, the dragons didn't take any livestock or food like the other raids, this raid was like the whole wrath of Valhalla had come crashing down on them. All of the Vikings fought bravely but for every dragon the killed there where three more to take the dead ones place. That day was organized slaughter. In the after math of the battle Astrid found her caretakers had died in a fire, it was soon after that Stoick had Denounce Hiccup as his heir and announced Astrid as the new heir.

Even after a week the Village was barely back on its feet hopefully tomorrow would help the village regain some lost morale.

"Astrid," Stoick yelled up to her, she was currently situated on the roof, "I wanted to talk to you, before tomorrow morning." Astrid leaped off the roof, preformed a forward roll and landed on the ground in a three point crouch with a dull thunk then continued her roll to diffuse the rest of her momentum, Astrid's mind continued to follow the tangent it had started, even though he was banished from the village of Berk Hiccup was still useful, in the arena, she had watched and learned from Hiccup, she learned that the long grain sweet grass that grew in various places on the isle of Berk had the same effect on dragons as catnip had on cats. She had also figured out that the yellow backed eel produced the effect of a phobia when a dragon caught sight of it using its eyes or otherwise and as such Astrid had taken to keeping a handful of "dragon nip" and an eel on or near her person at all times.

"Astrid I'm talking to you." Stoick said impatiently.

"Oh sorry chief " Astrid said returning to reality, "What did you want to tell me?"

"So Astrid tomorrow's the day." Stoick said gazing towards the sun as it fell over the horizon taking the last few rays of warmth with it, "I wish you luck in your battle tomorrow, my daughter." Astrid allowed a smile to grace her lips, she truly felt at home

"Thanks . . . Dad." Astrid followed her fathers lumbering form into the house; tomorrow was going to be a busy day.

A/N: OK that is it for chapter one, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter

KEY: *in Dragon culture you have multiple levels of relationships, there are:

Friends: this indicates that the Dragons/Humans spend some time together.

Bonded: These dragons/ Humans spend most of their time together because one needs the other to survive

Courted: these Dragons/Humans spend most of their time together and are pursuing a romantic relationship with each other.

Mated: These Dragons/Humans have passed the courting stage and are now pursuing a family

And finally Eternals: this term refers to MATED Humans/Dragons that are perfect for each other in every way, it is said that when one Eternal is killed the other one can feel it where-ever they are and loose all drive to continue living.