Back after a long hiatus, and glad to be, too! Chapters will be longer in the future, but for right now, this one is short and sweet. Enjoy!

-Symphonic Madness

It was a quaint night at the Fire Nation royal palace, and Zuko was waking up to the sound of his six month-old daughter, Ursa, screaming and crying for reasons her father was sure to find out soon enough. He dragged himself out of bed, but noticed something odd.

Mai's side of the bed was empty save for neatly made sheets and a small note.


I have decided that I cannot take the pressures of being the wife of a ruler any longer. Our daughter hates me, and I feel it is best I leave. Trying to find me will be useless. By now, I am somewhere far away from here. Give Ursa my love, for I am never coming back.


P.S. The crown is on the nightstand. Give it to someone who wants that kind of power.

Zuko fell to his knees. He couldn't believe it. The love of his life had just up and left without any sort of warning. But as his daughter wreaked havoc on the ears of the palace occupants, he remembered he had to be strong for her. He didn't let himself cry. He just stood, and walked to the crib where his daughter was waiting. Her tiny fists were opening and closing in an attempt to get the Firelord to pick her up.

"Shhhh," he coos. "It's alright. I'm here. Mommy may not be here anymore, but I always will be. No matter what."

It's then that the true nature of his being alone sinks in. Zuko holds his daughter close to him, and lets a few tears slide down his cheeks. He needs help. Ursa needs a female figure in her life. Zuko doesn't know anything about raising a daughter alone. But he does know of one person who might just be willing to help.
