Sarah Jane sat on her back porch swing crying quietly and rubbing her eight months pregnant stomach. She missed the Doctor more than she could stand and with her due date inching closer she couldn't help but feel lost. She let the memories she'd tried so hard to keep out flood her mind; memories of the day the Doctor left her in Scotland, memories of the day she discovered she was carrying his child and the dreadful day she'd signed the papers, giving her baby up for adoption.

She loved her child more than anything, but she knew this wasn't an appropriate situation to raise her in. She sniffled and caressed her bump, feeling her baby greet her with little kicks and squirms. She then turned her attention up to the night sky and stared at it for a long while. She couldn't help but wonder if the Doctor was up there in his TARDIS. "Doctor," she whispered, trying to hold back a sob.

"Doctor I don't know what to do. I need you," she cried, turning away from the sky above her. She couldn't hold back any longer and burst into heart wrenching sobs. By the time she'd finished she was shaking like a leaf and her head was pounding. Her fit had also caused the baby to kick like mad, which meant Sarah Jane wouldn't be getting to sleep anytime soon. "Shh it's alright sweetheart. Mummy's fine. She just misses daddy that's all," Sarah soothed.

When the baby's kicking didn't subside, she began singing softly and rocking back and forth on the swing. She yawned and soon enough she was asleep. All her worries dissolved until she awoke the next morning and they smacked into her again like a brick wall.