NCIS: Los Angeles & Characters do not belong to me. The parts from Recovery and Frozen Lake do not belong to me.


This story starts out with Kensi and Deeks at Dinner at the end of recovery. I am going to put in my own idea about what happened after the end of Recover and then skip through most of Frozen Lake.

How I think things should turn out...



More than anything I wanted to ask Kensi out on a date, but I could never seem to find the words to actually ask her.

Things had really changed between us in the last couple of months since I kissed her on the hill and asked:

'How's that for communication?'

She had looked at me in surprise and then had left, because she had to stay with Michelle.

I wanted her to answer my question, but so much had happened since then and neither of us has really talked about it since.

The one night she came over to bring dinner and watch that movie at my apartment.

After a little talking she then asked me:

'What happens next?'

I told her it was a love story and that's what it's been to me from the beginning.

I have flirted and teased her from day one, because I have loved her from the moment I met her.

It's only been in the last year that things have been changing between us, but as much as I want to ask her out on an official date...I still can't find the words.

So today I made a plan...

I asked her a question I already know the answer to...


"Hey, uh, hey are you hungry?" I asked. "Oh yeah, what are you feeling?" Kensi replied. "Uh...I don't know...I was thinking, uh, you know...something like tacos maybe?" I asked and wondered if she would realize I was trying to ask her out.

"Perfect." Kensi told me with a smile. "Perfect..." I echoed as we left the Bullpen bumping shoulders and I began to wonder what would change between me and Kensi when she realized it was a nice restaurant I was taking her to.

I knew the perfect place to take her.


We had only been sitting down for a few minutes without a word since entering the restaurant, than I had to break the silence.

"What's wrong?" I asked and Kensi gave a sigh looking at me, before she answered.

"This is not exactly something" Kensi told me stating the obvious, but I didn't see a problem with that. "What are you talking about? This is the whole new Southwestern cuisine with a little French flair, huh, may not be taggers exactly, but like a Croque-Monsiuer has its origins in ham." I joked.

"You know what I'm talking about. This is nice...really nice." Kensi told me and I did, but I wanted to make sure we were on the same page.

I couldn't look at her; because I was afraid she would run if she knew what I really wanted.

"I know...I was thinking about stealing the plates." I joked, trying to use humor to once again deflect. "Deeks..." Kensi said with a sigh and closed her eyes for a moment.

I knew she wanted me to say something that wasn't a joke, but it was hard for me because I was afraid. Then I had a question and looked at her.

"Okay and that's a problem because?" I asked, because I had told her with the kiss on the hill how I felt about her and now she still didn't seem to get it. "Because once again you're trying to say something without actually saying it and it's driving me crazy." She told me.

I wanted to joke that I thought that I always drove her crazy, but what came out of my mouth instead was...

"I think you lost me." I said and she looked at me. "No, I don't think I did. I think you know exactly what I'm talking about." She told me and I wanted to make sure we were still talking about the same thing.

"Do I?" I asked her and that made her a little mad.

"Dammit, Deeks, You asked me on a date without asking me on a date. Now if this keeps going this way and we can't communicate...we've been over this and you never say what you mean...and if this is going to be the way it is. I don't know how it will ever w..." Kensi was saying before I had to stop her and admit what I really wanted.

So I finally came up with the courage to tell her the truth.

"I don't want to be here with you right now..." I stated and Kensi looked at me shocked and a little hurt.

"What?" She asked leaning back in her chair. "I want to be at my place right now...with you." I explained as she looked at me and I waited for her answer.

Kensi didn't say a word though as she threw her napkin on the table got up and walked past me on the way out of the restaurant

I wondered if I had made a mistake...if when I met her outside she wouldn't be there.

I finally told her what I wanted, something she had been hounding me to do for a few months now and she walked away.

Not long after Kensi left, I blew out a breath hoping things were good between Kensi and me, then I got up to leave.

All the time thinking how scared thinking I was about changing things between Kensi and me.



I stood beside Deeks car that he had started using when Hetty took away his motorcycle and tried to wrap my head around what had just happened inside the restaurant.

I had told him that once again he was telling me how he felt without actually telling me...then he finally told me what he wanted and now I was waiting for him.

I couldn't believe what was happening...Deeks had finally told me something he wanted.

He wanted both of us at his apartment tonight...I just hope we can talk some more about what we both want.

"Kens?" Deeks asked and I looked up from where I had been leaning on the trunk of his car.

"What, Deeks?" I asked him. "I know I told you in there I want to be with you at my apartment...what do you want?" Deeks asked and I was surprised. "I think we should go and talk more about what we both want." I said looking into his ocean blue eyes and for a moment I felt my heart stop.

"Okay, uh, did you want to talk at my apartment? Maybe grab some tacos on the way?" He asked seeming unsure. "As long as it's really tacos this time," I said as Deeks unlocked the doors to the car and we both got in. "Don't worry, Fern, it will be tacos this time." He told me with a smile and I smiled back.



On the way we had stopped for tacos, but he didn't want to talk while we ate. He was taking a very long time to eat his tacos and now that we were both was time to talk.

"Deeks, you said you wanted to be here tonight with me...why?" I asked. "I thought you would have already guessed." He joked with a smile.

I was about ready to get up and leave, because he was doing it again.

"Deeks..." I warned.


I took you to that restaurant tonight and yes I thought of it as a date, because I couldn't think of a way to ask you out. I was afraid if I asked you out on a real date...that you would run." Deeks admitted looking at me and I was shocked that he was actually saying what he meant.

We were finally getting somewhere.

"I've been trying to get you to tell me what you mean for months. What makes you think that if you asked me out I would run?" I asked him and Deeks looked away.

"It's something I noticed in the last couple of years that we've been partners.

You only go on one date with a guy...I didn't want there to be just one date between us.

What's happened in the past for both of us getting hurt didn't help either...I knew you were afraid I would hurt you by eventually leaving you and that's something I will never do, Kens. I've wanted there to be something more between us for a long time...even more after what happened with me getting tortured by Sidorov. It made me realize just how life can be...I want there to be a chance for us." Deeks explained and I was even more shocked.

At first I didn't know what to say, but I had finally gotten him to tell now it was my turn.

"I wish I could have stayed there at the warehouse with you and killed Sidorov the moment he came back to hurt you worse. I didn't want to leave you there, but I had to follow the plan. Then for weeks after you were rescued you wouldn't talk to me or anyone and it hurt. I thought that you hated me..." I told him and actually felt tears in sting my eyes as I remembered Deeks tied to the chair.

"I-I was confused and hurt. You had left me on the hill to go follow Michelle after I had kissed you and I wanted you to at least say something about the kiss before you left. Then you left me there in the warehouse...I thought I had been wrong when I kissed you and you didn't really feel..." Deeks began, but I had to correct his train of thought before he finished.

"I was shocked that you had kissed me, but I still had to follow Michelle and I thought we would talk about it later. You kissed me, Deeks...I wasn't sure what you meant by that kiss, because there were no words behind it other than what you said. You communicated through actions and not words. So tell me, Deeks...tell me what this has all been about." I said looking at him.

"I thought you knew, it's about...our 'thing', I-I've been in love with you since the day we met." He admitted, looking around the living room before finally looking into my eyes once more.

"What?" I asked for the second time that night unsure if I had heard what he had just said or if I was dreaming.

"I'm in love with you, Kensi Marie Blye and please don't run when I tell you this, but I want you to be my girlfriend." Deeks said looking into my eyes with such intensity of passion I was once again surprised, but I finally smiled because now we were on the same page.

"I think I might like that." I thought, but didn't know I had said the words out loud.

"Really, you want to be my girlfriend?" Deeks asked and I couldn't help, but be surprised at the words that had come from my mouth.

"Yeah, but you might have to be a little patient with me, okay?" I asked a little scared.

"Okay..." He said and then putting a hand on the side of my face he leaned over to kiss me and I felt myself kissing him back and wanting him...more than I had ever wanted any man.

Finally we pulled apart and looked at each other; he took my hands in his.

"That was...intense." I said and Deeks laughed. "What the kiss or the talk?" Deeks shot back.

"Both...I guess we need to work on communicating better, I just hope we can make this work. You don't know how long I've waited for you to stop not telling me how you felt and finally tell me." I said. "Hmmm...About four years?" He asked cocking his head to the side.

"I knew there was something..." I began. "A 'thing' between us," Deeks interrupted and I nodded. "From the beginning, but it was until the night I was playing cards with Astrid that it really hit me." I told him. "Why...what happened that night?" Deeks asked with a look of curiosity.

"Astrid asked me if I was in love with you and I couldn't answer wasn't long after that Hetty showed up and I left. When I got home all I could think about was how we have flirted and teased each other from the beginning. I knew the answer to Astrid's question, but that night I stated to think about it more." I admitted.


I knew what she was saying and I wanted to hear her say the words, but knew I would have to be patient.

Well, screw being patient, she was telling me to say what I I wanted to hear it from her.

"What answer did you come up with?" I asked quietly with her hands still in mine. "That I may have found Jason Wyler fishy, but I think I've been in love with Marty Deeks for a long time." Kensi admitted and I saw her face turn red as she looked down at our intertwined hands.

"You think you've been in love with me...or you know, Princess?" I pressed. "I know." Kensi said in a whisper that I almost didn't hear and that was it the words we had been trying for months to communicate to each other.

Taking one of my hands out of hers, I lifted her chin and kissed her lips for the second time. This time there was more intensity and passion; pretty soon I felt her arms around my neck and pulling me down on top of her.

I knew where things were headed and as much I wanted to stop...I was finding it hard, because it was like Kensi had a spell over me. Finally I was able to pull back a little and look into her eyes...

Her eyes showed desire and passion. I wanted to ask her if she was sure she wanted to do this so soon, but the words seemed stuck in my throat.

Though Kensi seemed to get the message and nodded as she pulled me down for another kiss, one of her hands leaving my neck and one of my hands slipped under her shirt...