angel: Hello! It's been a while hasn't it? How's quarantine treating everyone? For me there's way too much time on my hands so i decided to come back to some of my fanfics and i am so glad i did because what in the HELL is my writing? I think i was 13/14 at the time i wrote this and holy crap, a major re edit needs to happen and well, here it is! Thank you all for the patience and there SHOULD be more chapters (since we all got time). I don't know when uploads will be but i'll try to do at least once a week. Anyway i'm babbling, on with it!~

i do not own anything besides the plot

Major trigger warning for self harm, thoughts and attempt of suicide, and eating disorders Do not read ahead if you are not comfortable with any of this

Prologue:Hiccups POV

2 years ago

"Hiccup! Get your ass out of bed! You can't afford to be late again!" I heard my father's voice through the door.

I groaned as I dragged myself out of and walked over to the attached bathroom, sometimes you gotta love being the mayor's son, but only sometimes. I looked at myself in the mirror, tired green eyes, sunken face, pale skin littered with freckles, and messy brown hair. I sighed and ran my hands through my hair and brushed my teeth before i went back in my room to get dressed.

I walked over to my dresser and stopped and looked at the picture above it, a thin, but relatively fit woman with long brown hair in two braids and striking blue eyes. This is my mother, Valka, she disappeared when i was a baby. My father blames me for her disappearance… i don't know if i believe him or not. I sighed and got dressed, putting on my green hoodie with BERK on the front and brown pants, i kept my sleeves low to hide the scars and bruising. Some of the scars are from me, but most are from my father.

Speaking of my father, i opened the door to see him about to pound on my door again, his hard green eyes staring down at me as i exit the door, his long reddish-brown hair put back in a braid and his long beard laying full on top of his suit-clad chest. This is Stoick Haddock, President and founder of Haddock Industries where no one trades, sells, or raises live stock or weaponry anywhere finer.

….I hate that slogan.

"Get your ass out to Gobber's car," He said, frighteningly calm, "Because if i take you I'll be running late and i can't have that. So go. Now."

I picked up my book bag by the door frame and moved past him. "Yes, sir, I'm sorry."

I walked out of my house and saw the black Kia Van in the driveway and ran over to the passenger door, getting in, buckling, and sighing heavily.

"So, what's the damage today?" Gobber is a bigger man with a long braided mustache, bushy blonde eyebrows, and a bold head. He had a prosthetic on his left arm and right leg, both being completely accidental in my father's factory a long time ago. Gobber still worked there but now was the head of the plant, pretty much making him Stoick's right hand man. I talked to him about a few of the… events my father and i'll have but i never told him about the physical abuse. I'm afraid of what he would say to Stoick.

"Oh the usual," i shrugged as he pulled out of the driveway and headed toward Berk High School. "You can't afford to be late."

"You know he's looking out for you on that one." Gobber nodded, "And last night?"

Last night was a regular premiere at my house, Stoick Gets Drunk and Screams and Abuses His Son Show. New bandages had to be used on my chest and stomach after he went to bed, and after i had to clean up the shards.

"Dad got drunk, i stayed in my room." I lied.

"Ah…" Gobber nodded, he knew when i lied, he knew when something had happened. Even though i never told him about the abuse, i knew that he could guess or at least figure it out for himself.

We drove in silence for the rest of the trip, neither of us knowing how to fill the silence. When Gobber turned in front of the school i stiffened when i saw the five people i so did not want to see. Fishlegs, a big kid with scrawny legs, his blonde hair sticking out under a hat on his head, his real name is Fred, but because of his physical appearance that's what he likes to go by instead. Ruffnut and Tuffnut, blonde twins that share one brain cell, both of them quit thin with long blonde hair, ruffnut, or Rachel, having her hair in two braids, while Tuffnut, or Timothy, with his hair straight. They got these names by being ruff and tuff when they were younger and it kinda just stuck. Snoutlout, or Simon, with shaggy brown hair and a permanent scowl on his face, he's my amazing cousin, so pretty much he's been at my throat since we were kids. He got his name because one day he sneezed a huge snot rocket on the principle and it stuck. Then there's Astrid, she was never really given a nickname, i never knew if that was a good or bad thing. Her blonde hair in a braid down her back and her sharp blue eyes looking bored as Snotlout is trying to woo her for the millionth time. She always tried to show how better she was than me, i don't really know what i ever did to her really… or to any of them.

I sighed and Gobber looked in the direction i was. "I could give them a lesson on livestock if you wanna sneak in?"

I gave a small laugh, "As much as that's tempting, i rather not."

"Alright," he patted me on the shoulder and i had to hold back a wince, "Well that offer is always open. Have a good day kiddo."

I gave him a nod and got out of the car, swinging my bag carefully over my shoulder and headed to the front door, trying not to make eye contact with the five.

"Oh look who finally showed up!" I sighed as i heard Tuffnut yell. "The big business screw up!"

'They can't just leave me alone for one day?' I ignored them and went to walk inside.

"Hey homo brain!" i tightened my grip on my strap as i heard Ruffnut, "You heard my brother talking to you."

I looked over at the five and rolled my eyes and before i could retort i heard a voice come up behind me. "Really? I thought he was talking about himself. How did that wonderful small business turn out for you guys, Ruff and Tuff?"

I turned around a smiled at the knew comer, a tall guy with long dark hair that ended at his shoulder blades, piercing green eyes, pale skin, he was wearing a long sleeve purple shirt, black pants and a leather vest. This is Toothless, or Terry, he got his nickname back when we were four, he walked up in front of everyone during show and tell, and showed everyone that he got 6 teeth pulled at once at his dentist office out of town and everyone called him toothless since then.

"That business was legit and you have no proof it wasn't!" Tuffnut defended, when i turned back to them his hands were clenched tight.

"Does, stink bombing Meatlug's house and blaming it on barf and belch ring a bell? Cause i do, so you have no argument. Bye." toothless tugged on my sleeve and we both walked into school with a pair of fuming twins cursing behind us.

"Thanks toothless, you're the best bud." i smiled at him. As we walked down the halls.

"It's no problem. I like messing with them because they mess with you too damn much." he huffed. Toothless has pretty much been my only friend since i can remember, we've been through thick and thin as cliche as that sounds. He knows about what my father does, and what i do to myself… so he's pretty protective.

"I know… still, i appreciate it a lot." We headed up the stairs and too my locker, i opened it and started to get my stuff for the first four periods of the day.

I heard a beep and toothless pulled his phone out before cursing at himself. "Shit, sorry dude i gotta get to my English class, i need help with this new essay. I'll see ya."

"See ya," I watched him start to walk away before i felt two hands on each of my sleeves pull my arms up and pull my sweatshirt completely off. My eyes widened but before i could do anything i there was a gasp.

"What the fuck hiccup?" i heard Snotlout say before i was forcibly turned around.

"Hiccup…" I saw the shocked looks of Snotlout, Astrid, Fishlegs, Ruffnut, and Tuffnut, before toothless swiftly stepped in front of me.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" i heard him yell as i started to hyperventilate, i saw all of the students around us stop and stare at me. I saw everything as a poorly done slow mow as i fell back and everything went black.

I woke up to fluorescent lights and a pain in the back of my head, i slowly sat up and noticed i was in the nurses' office. "Why am i…?" I looked over and saw the nurse coming in the doorway.

"Hiccup!" she was a buff brunette, she walked over and sat at the chair beside me. "I'm so glad you're awake. You fell pretty hard."

'Fell?' my eyes widened as i realized my hoodie wasn't on and the memories of earlier came rushing in.

"Hiccup… i…" she had pity in her eyes, and i don't want that right now. "The principal and your father wants to see you…"

My blood ran cold, stoick is here, stoick knows what he did, what i've done. I nodded, "May I at least have my hoodie please?" The nurse nodded and handed me my hoodie, I quickly put it on. "Thank you."

She nodded and stood up, she helped me off the cot and walked with me down to the principal's office, she didn't say anything, and for once i was happy with this silence. When we got to the door it was already opened, inside was my father at one chair in front of the nice oak desk and a huge leather chair where a small elderly woman with long gray hair sat, Principal Gothi. I went inside and the nurse closed the door behind me, I quickly sat in the chair next to my father.

"Hiccup," Gothi's voice was soft. "We have told your father of the events that happened today. And there has been a decision."

I sunk in my chair, did they know i didn't purposely do most of my injuries? "Decision?"

My father spoke up, "You are going to be getting help son." The way he said that, there was no concern, or at least nothing that felt genuine.

"Yes," Gothi continued. "Your father is very worried about you, and i can speak for the student body that they want you well. So, you will be going to an institution that can help you."

'Like hell they do.' I looked at her in a sort of plea, "And if I don't want to go?"

My father stood up. "This is not a negotiation son. The car is packed, the call has been made, and they will be happy to have you, hiccup. You're going and that's final."

I looked down, knowing that i can't argue with him. "Can i at least say goodbye to Terry Fury?"

"He's already waiting at your car for you."

My father and i walked out of the school and i saw toothless staring down at his shoes by our car, i walked up to him. "Hey…."

He looked up at me and hugged me tightly, "Stay safe and come back soon okay?"

I felt the tears coming but i didn't want to start crying now. "I will…" We parted and gave each other one last smile before i got in the car, looking back at toothless while my father started driving off.

"Hiccup," He said, his voice as cold as ever.

I looked toward the road, "Yes sir."

"Under no circumstances," He began, saying the words that are going to keep me silent for possibly the rest of my life. "Are you to tell anyone there how you got those bruises and cuts. You tell them you did it to yourself. Because you know how much that will ruin our family name, son. You know it will be your fault if this gets out. So keep your mouth shut, and you will keep seeing the light of tomorrow. Am. I. Understood?"

I knew his threat was real, i lowered my head as i spoke the last words that would seal this fate i've chosen for myself as we head towards my new home, my new life. "Understood, sir."

Angel: So, it is currently 3:30 in the MORNING, i really do hope you guys like the re-do, i feel like this at least fills a few holes than when i first started. Let me know how you guys liked it! there will be surprises and possible polls later on. Thank you again and look forward to the next chapter!