Alright guys, new chapter! And lucky for you, I am almost finished with the next chapter as well. It has been a little hard to write lately. I started a desk job and the last thing I want to do after a long day of sitting at the computer typing, is coming home and sitting at my computer and typing. Anyway. Hope you enjoy this one.

Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who.

Now the Doctor wasn't one to boast…well maybe he was…but he had been to a lot of weddings over his hundreds of years, and even more reception parties. Some were good, some were great, and some he didn't bother sticking around for. Keisha and Ben's reception scored about a four on his wedding reception scale. It was pleasant, not overly ambitious, the food was delightful, particularly the bananas, but it wasn't the best one the Doctor had ever been too. In fact, he probably wouldn't have spent much time at it if it weren't for Rose. She made it worthwhile, she made everything worthwhile.

He was seated with Rose, her mum, Bev, and two couples, Kristy and Mike, and the dreaded Melissa and her husband Robert. Bev and Jackie were in a conversation with Kristy and Mike about rather dull things, so Rose and the Doctor were stuck talking with the arch nemesis.

"So Bobby," the Doctor said with a big smile, "I hear you have your own business, what exactly do you do?"

The man frowned slightly, "I am a senior partner with a law firm, and it's Robert, if you will."

The Doctor made a face, "Why would you go by Robert when you can be Bob or Bobby…those are much more interesting. Though, since you are a lawyer, I am not surprised you go by the duller option."

Bob huffed, "because it's my name sir, and while we are on the subject, I would like to know yours. I feel uncomfortable calling you just Doctor, it is ridiculous when you are not even a medical doctor."

Rose quirked an eyebrow at the Doctor, interested in what his response would be. Usually he would say John Smith, but he already told Marissa that he went by Doctor because his name was too hard to pronounce so he needed to come up with something inventive.

"Go on Doctor," Rose smirked, "tell'em your name." She had every confidence in him that he would come up with something wonderfully outrageous.

"Alright, but I am warning you, most people butcher it, and I am very offended when they do."

"Sir," Marissa chimed in, "my husband and I are extremely well educated. I do not appreciate your assumption that we will be unable to pronounce your name."

The Doctor laughed, "Well then, here goes." He winked at Rose then announced, "My name is AnVkladinaklyuchtznavitrosppalwaquenvtpx." The Doctor leaned back in his chair with a smirk. "My parents had a diverse ancestry. They wanted to give me a name that would honor all cultures I was descended from."

Rose choked in her napkin, failing to hide her laugh. The looks on Marissa and Roberts faces were priceless.

"That is why everyone calls me Doctor. It was my parents' nickname for me growing up, apparently the first noise I made as a child sounded like 'doctor'. Anyway, I went by the title, and it was a huge influence on my career choice. Even if I am not a so called 'medical doctor'."

Robert looked like he was trying to mouth out the pronunciation, and Marissa just looked mad, like the Doctor was trying to humiliate her or something with his name.

"Come Robert," Marissa stood up suddenly, "let's go dance." She yanked him out of his chair and dragged him to the dance floor.

The Doctor turned to Rose with a smile. "How'd I do?"

Rose laughed again, "you look awfully pleased with yourself mister. Is that noise you made even a word?"

The Doctor leaned towards her, "Yep," he popped the 'p'. "Know what it means?"

Rose shook her head, "Course I don't."

"It's Trapterian, means Doctor."

That just made Rose laugh even harder. "Way to be creative Doctor."

"Weeell," the Doctor said as a smug confirmation of his creativeness.

Rose smiled at him then turned to look at the dance floor. With a sigh she said, "They look so cute and happy together," she nodded towards Ben and Keisha who were holding each other close and swaying to the music. "I am glad she stopped all the partying and dating. Ben must have really calmed her down."

"Secret to the perfect match," the Doctor said, "find someone who brings out the best in you and you in them."

Rose turned to the Doctor, "look at you, all romantic. How did you get so wise?"

The Doctor scratched the back of his head, something he did when he was nervous or uncomfortable. "Well, I mean, it's kind of like how we are, you have grown a lot since I meet you, and I have definitely changed since then too so…"

Rose blushed; she knew what he was saying, in his own way. It was the topic they never spoke of but was always present. She reached for his hand and gave it a squeeze. "Want to dance Doctor?"

He grinned, thankful for her understanding. One of the things that made him love her so much was how she just knew what to say and understood the things he was trying to say. "Lucky you Miss Tyler," they both stood up and he offered his arm to her, "this regeneration is much more nimble than the last." He led her onto the dance floor and gave her a twirl. "Think you can handle it?"

"Hell ya! You're on!"

They danced around and laughed for a good hour. Ben and Keisha joined them for a couple of dances, and the Doctor suddenly couldn't remember why he thought this reception only deserved a four. But then, as if the universe knew they were having too much fun, they were rudely interrupted.

"Oiy princess," came the slurred and angry voice of Jimmy Stone, "you didn't think I was done with ya, didja? Not after you clocked me! No one does that to the Stone!"

Jimmy came rushing through the crowd, barreling straight for Rose. She was so surprised that she stepped back, nearly tumbling into the Doctor. He caught her and moved her behind him. She could feel the rage starting to boil off of him.

Ben stepped in between the Doctor and Jimmy, shouting for Jimmy to stop, with little luck. Jimmy's fist smashed in to Ben's face, "outa my way, le'me at'er."

He tried to swing a punch at the Doctor, but the Doctor just moved his head, throwing Jimmy off balance. "I think we need to have a little talk Mr. Stone." The Doctor's voice was steely. He gripped Jimmy, who was still hollering insults, by the collar, then turned to Rose. "I will be right back Rose."

Rose watched the Doctor leave the room, dragging the very drunk Jimmy behind him. She knew by his voice that there was nothing she could say that would change whatever he was going to do to Jimmy, so she let them go. Rose turned to find Keisha and see if Ben was ok.

"Keisha," Rose said, "Ben, I am so sorry for everything that has happened."

Keisha was kneeling next to Ben, holding an ice bag to his face. Ben looked up at Rose, his eye turning blue, and said, "It's not your fault Rose, we should have known he wouldn't change, if anything, it is my fault for trusting him. I feel like a fool."

"No Ben," Keisha said, "you wanted to trust him, he was a friend. The only person at fault here is Jimmy, and this is NOT going to ruin our day. Now put that ice on your face, and in five minutes, we are going back on this dance floor and enjoying our reception."

Ben looked wide eyed at his new wife, "yes dear."

Next chapter is going to be the last one! It is always sad to end a story, but it is also very satisfying.