
The sound of glass shattering pierced the room, and shards of glass flew outwards following the empty husk of the dead dalek.

Kate, Osgood, Mcgillop and their doubles all gasped and braced themselves, shielding themselves from the sparks flying from the broken electronics.

Rose watched as her three Doctors marched out of the painting, slipping their sonics back into their jacket before stopping in front of the table the two Kates had come to parlay at.

Out of the corner of her eye, she could also see Clara step out cautiously, being careful not to step on any glass.

Rose herself gave a sigh of relief, happy that the event came out right, if the slightest thing had changed, their timing might not have been so great. Foreknowledge in these kind of events always had her on the edge of her seat out of worry. Because they hinged on specific things or thoughts at specific moments, there was always a ridiculously large chance of something going wrong.

"Hello," The war Doctor began.

"I'm The Doctor," The Tenth said.

"Sorry about the dalek." The Eleventh finished

"Also the showin' off" Clara murmured behind them.

Rose smirked, she'd been thinking the exact same thing.

After seeing how all this was going to end, she did feel satisfied, her Doctors would be safe. But she was still needed here as The Moments conscience, it was kind of disappointing actually, to find out that she hadn't really been brought here to rekindle her relationship with The Doctor. But she shouldn't have kept her hopes up anyway, she was only here as needed from the defence mechanism she'd set on The Moment centuries ago, nothing less and nothing more.

She was brought out of her reverie when the dalek sparked.

"Kate. Lethbridge. Stewart." The Eleventh said angrily, "What in the name of sanity are you doing!"

"The countdown can only be halted at my personal command. There's nothing you can do." Kate said plainly.

"Except make you both agree to halt it." The Tenth said, walking up to her.

"Not even for three of you." Kate said.

"You're about to murder millions of people." The War Doctor said.

"To save billions!" Kate shouted. "How many times have you made that calculation?

"Once." The Eleventh said quietly. "Turned me into the man I am now. I'm not even sure who that is any more."

There was a small silence before the Tenth continued for him.

"You tell yourself it's justified, but it's a lie. Because what I did that day was wrong. Just wrong."

Hearing the other two Doctors say that must have reminded the War Doctor of his decision, he'd turned around to look at me. I tried to keep a neutral expression of my face, instead of trying to comfort him and tell him it would all turn out fine, honestly that was rather difficult.

And it didn't look like I'd accomplished the right look anyway, because a split second later, he'd blanched and turned back to watch his two counterparts.

By this time, the two Doctors had strolled up to the edge of the table, facing the two Kates.

"And, because I got it wrong, I'm going to make you get it right." The Eleventh said.

They both reached beside them and spun a wheelie chair each to face the desk and plopped themselves down. They propped their feet up in sync, the right and then the left, and folded their arms.

"How?" Kate asked.

"Any second now, you're going to stop that countdown. Both of you, together." The Tenth said, pointing at each of the Kates.

"Then you're going to negotiate the most perfect treaty of all time." The Eleventh continued.

"Safeguards all round, completely fair on both sides." The Tenth piped, nodding in the Eleventh's direction.

"And the key to perfect negotiation?" The Eleventh said, tilting his head back for an answer from the Tenth.

The Tenth happily obliged and said, "Not knowing what side you're on."

Both Doctors, once again in sync, pushed off against the table and jumped out of their seats. They pulled out their sonics, flipping them before they started talking again.

"So, for the next few hours, until we decide to let you out-" The Eleventh said, a grin beginning to form.

"No one in this room will be able to remember if they're human-" The Tenth said, cutting in.

"Or Zygon." The Eleventh finished.

"Whoopsie daisy!" The Eleventh finally shouted with a smile.

The Tenth Doctor and the Eleventh jumped onto the table, once again in sync (Rose could only shake her head at their dramatics) and directed their sonics to the memory filter on the ceiling.

Even the War Doctor joined in, chuckling at his future selfs' antics.

For a while, the pairs of Kates, Osgoods and Mcgillops just looked befuddled.

The count down, flashing bright red blinked to a 9.


Rose crossed her fingers.


Everything that needed to happen next was hinged on the timing of the two Kates decision.


The two Kates stared at each other, panicked expressions reflected on each others faces.


"Cancel the detonation!" They shouted.

Rose breathed a sigh of relief, subconsciously, she must have slowed down time during the countdown. For a normal person, they would describe time to have slowed down during a fearful or exciting moment, but to them it's just a matter of perception. Herself though, could never experience time differently. She would always feel time passing as events passed per node on her own linear timeline.

If she felt that time was passing more slowly, it meant that she'd increased the spacing between nodes on her linear timeline. At one point, before her first death as an immortal being actually, she'd been so scared that she'd stopped time completely. It made for a wonderful view as she had just fallen off a cliff face.

But that was beside the point, she'd almost lost control of herself and stopped time this time, but she had to hold herself back, even she couldn't stop the Doctor from noticing if she had. And distracting the Doctor now would not be smart.

Reading the display on the screen, she stilled, cancelling the detonation with five seconds to spare, really was far too close. Even in the possibilities that she'd glanced at, the closest time was seventeen seconds. She'd thought everything was ruined when the two Doctors decided to perform their dramatics instead of just fiddling with the memory filter subtly.

Although she should've expected that, subtlety was never one of her Doctors strong points.



But truly, to burst into a rant like that at such a crucial time would always put someone on edge.

"Peace in our time" The Eleventh said, satisfied.

Hey again,

Here's the next chappie, hope you like it!

Thanks again, to everyone who followed and favourited me, it's still so unbelievable that people read what I write :)

However, as always special thanks go to skidney (Thanks so much for always saying it's awesome. You're awesome just for doing that!), Hotgirlow, MirrorFlower and DarkWind, The Guest (Who says they have an account but still reviewed as a guest? Come on, get your act together! ... jks :P Thanks for not killing me btw!).

Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!
