A/N: First fanfic, woohoo! Go easy on me, k? Anyways, post initiation with no war. FourTris' first Christmas together. Originally a one shot, now being written in multiple parts. Hopefully chapter two will be up later today (11/29/2013). If anything seems like it doesn't fit the book, let me know. I don't have my copy of Divergent at hand and it's been a good while since I've read it. Let me know what you think, beautiful people. Drop me a line if you'd like. Kthanksbye. ~chrissym453

A FourTris Christmas

Being Abnegation, holidays, like birthdays, were considered self-indulgent and, therefore, frowned upon.

But I'm not Abnegation anymore.

I'm Dauntless.

After Initiation, Tobias and I moved in together. Christina and Will got engaged, Lynn and Marlene professed their love of each other and have been going steady for quite a while now. Shauna and Zeke eloped, and Uriah is being… well, Uriah.

Growing up in the Prior household and praying before meals, I had a basic understanding of what Christmas meant and all, I had just never celebrated it. Of course, Christina wouldn't let that stand for very long.

"I can't BELIEVE you've never celebrated CHRISTMAS! Oh my god, Tris, it's like you lived in a cave of grey depression for sixteen years!" Oh, Christina.

"It wasn't that bad, Chris, it's not like all of the other Abnegation families celebrated it or anything. We didn't have anything to compare our lack of a holiday to."

"Well, as your best friend it is my duty to ensure that you have the best first Christmas ever. Go get Four, you're going to get a tree."

"Why do we need a tree? Can't we just… draw one or something?"

"No. Just… no. Go get Four."

"Fine, fine," I reluctantly state, putting my hands up in mock defense. I guess I'm off to find Tobias.

Tobias was found hiding out in our apartment. It was very easy to convince him to leave so we could pick out a tree, apparently he loves Christmas. Who would've thought that the Dauntless legend would love Christmas this much?

Now we walk hand-in-hand through the hallways of the compound, following in Christina's lead as she rambles on about decorations and the best stores in the Pit to get them.

After a few minutes of walking, we make it to the tree shop and Tobias' eyes light up like those of a child in a candy store. It kind of scares me how excited he is about Christmas.

"I'll let you guys go browse for whatever tree you want, I need to go tell Will I just found our tree and make him come get it. I love Christmas!" I'd say Christina's too excited about this, as well, but she's always this way.

"Bye, Chris," I call after her retreating form, as Tobias tugs on my arm, clearly anxious to find a tree.

"Hurry up, I want to find a tree, Tris!"

"Geez, Four, calm down, the trees aren't going anywhere."

Tobias mumbles something under his breath that comes out a little incoherent, but it sounded something like, "Not if someone finds it first."

As we walk through the rows of trees, the overwhelming yet pleasant scent of fir trees mixed with the smell of Tobias invades my nostrils. Maybe this tree thing isn't such a bad deal.

Tobias stops dead in his tracks, almost causing me to fall over. I glance at his face with a slight scowl, but that quickly disappears as I see the look of pure glee etched into his features. Glancing in the direction of his stare, I understand why he looks so pleased.

Just a few feet in front of us stands a tree just a couple of inches taller than Tobias, with the base of it at least three feet wide. The dark green of its branches seems to have an ethereal glow under the warm, white lights lining the shop. A few of the branches still have pinecones attached, making it even more charming. Before I know it, Tobias is telling me to stay here while he goes to buy it from the shop keeper.

Mere moments after waiting, Tobias comes back and gently lifts up the tree, making it seem to weigh less than a feather. The concentration on his face is evident as he carefully carries it back to the apartment, wary of any branches that could be knocked off in the process. Once we reach the apartment, I open the door and Tobias tells me that the tree stand is in a red tub stuffed into the storage closet.

After about ten minutes, the tree is set up in our room, looking quite baron from a lack of decorations and lights. We decide now would probably be a food time to go back to the Pit and pick up some decorations.

On the way to the Pit, we discuss what colors we should have in ornaments.

"Black. Definitely black. Silver. Black and silver," Tobias states, combining the Abnegation roots with the Dauntless classics, I see.

"Black, silver, white, and a few icy blue ornaments for a hint of color," I concur. Tobias nods his head in agreement and we walk into one of the many shops decorated for Christmas.

After a few minutes of browsing the shelves of Christmas decorations, we have made our final decisions: black, silver, and white glass balls with icy blue icicles for the color pop, all which will be encompassed in the warm, golden glow of white fairy lights.

As we head to the checkout, Tobias remembers we need a tree topper. We head back through the store to find toppers, when I spot the perfect one: a white snowflake illuminated by white lights with icy blue and shimmering silver detailing. Tobias retrieves the topper and we once again trek to the checkout and then back home.

A/N2: Hope you guys enjoyed it! I'm thinking we might have to have a Peter entrance. What do you think, throw in the Grinch or let the fluff be fluff? Happy belated Thanksgiving to my fellow 'Muricans, and to all of the other readers, happy weekend! I'm off to clean and ingest copious amounts of turkey and chocolate cake (a Dauntless cake recipe, btw. I can message it to you if you want, just let me know). Thanks for reading and review if you'd please! I won't set a minimum update on reviews, but the more the merrier! Goodbye, beautiful people! ~chrissym453