Tis the Season Sherlock Holmes

AN: I love Christmas! So much so that my tree has been up since November 1. The holiday season is too short for me so I have to do all that I can to make it last as long as possible. So this is going to be a little Christmas two shot for Sherlock and Molly...I hope you all enjoy!

Sherlock frowned. "What do you mean she's not coming?"

"Sherlock why would she come? Did you forget how you treated her last Christmas party that we had? You were cruel and humiliated her in front of all of us."

"But I didn't know the gift was for me." Sherlock argued.

John sighed. "The gift is not the point Sherlock. You insulted her body and how she looked. And she looked beautiful."

"I did not insult her body or how she looked, though the bow in her hair was dreadful."

"You said she had tiny breasts and a small mouth." John said frowning

It was Sherlock's turn to frown. "No, I said she wore a dress trying to compensate for the size of her breasts. What's wrong with that? So she has small breasts? That doesn't mean that they are not attractive. I find her breasts quite lovely actually despite being small. They are perfectly shaped. I imagine that her breasts are creamy soft as is the rest of her skin. They would fit perfectly in my hands were I to cup them."

John stared at him with his mouth agape. When he didn't speak Sherlock became annoyed. "Oh alright, so what I said about her dress wasn't nice. But why do women chose horrible clothing to try and make up for what they feel that they lack? And most of the time they aren't even lacking what they think they are. They simply have a poor self image."

Sherlock waited for John to respond and continued in a huff when he said nothing. "Why can't women just be happy with the way they look? All women have something beautiful about them so why do they feel the need to hide behind ghastly clothing that fit completely incorrectly and ridiculously sized hair bows? She wore that dress hoping that it would accentuate her breasts when all the awful thing did was press her breasts nearly flat against her chest. And why she chose to wear red lipstick when her mouth is naturally pink is beyond me. Bright red lipstick just makes her mouth look smaller and it hides the fact that her lips are plump and pouty despite their small size."

Still John stared at him with his mouth agape. Sherlock's eyes narrowed. "And so what if I did think she had love on her mind? I felt sure that whoever she had her heart set on didn't deserve her and wasn't anywhere near good enough for her. How was I supposed to know that it was me? Besides, I couldn't in good conscious allow her to just run off with some half witted mallet head who couldn't appreciate her intelligence or her kindness."

John still did not speak.

"Bloody hell John what the devil is the matter with you? Quit staring at me with that ridiculous expression and for God's sake close your mouth." Sherlock snapped, plopping backward on the couch dramatically.

"You like her." John said softly.

"What?" Sherlock said still frowning. "Who?"

A large grin crossed John's face. "Molly…you like her."

"Well of course I bloody well like her. We work together; she's my friend isn't she?" Sherlock snapped while his face began to turn red.

"No Sherlock…you like her like her…as a man would a woman."

Sherlock swallowed hard. "Don't be absurd."

"Then why are you blushing and telling me how Molly's breasts would most likely fit in your hands? It's obvious you've given thought to her breasts or you wouldn't have noticed that much detail."

"Purely scientific." Sherlock sniffed. "I've also noticed that her bottom is perfectly shaped…like a heart…soft and round…and very very lovely…Oh God John what's wrong with me?"

John burst out laughing.

"Not helping you twit!" Sherlock snapped.

John struggled to stop laughing long enough to speak. "I'm sorry…it's just imagining you imagining Molly naked is hilarious."

Sherlock's face resembled a tomato. "Who said anything about imagining her naked?"

"Sherlock if you can give me an apt description of her breasts and bum and you've never actually seen them, I think it's safe to say you've spent time thinking about her naked."John pasued. "Or have you seen her naked?"

"Of course I haven't!" Sherlock groaned and pulled his knees into his chest, rolling onto his side with his back to John.

"Sherlock there's nothing wrong with thinking about Molly in that way. You're attracted to her."

"But I don't want to be." Sherlock whined. "I don't want to feel anything beyond friendship for her. It's not safe for her."

"What are your talking about? How is it not safe?"

"Because it's me!" Sherlock said releasing his knees and rolling onto his back. "You know who I am and how I am. I'll end up saying or doing something that will hurt her and I probably won't even know that I've done anything wrong or said anything wrong! And more importantly, I have many enemies John. You know that better than anyone. What if someone tries to hurt her to get to me like Moriarty did you?"

"Sherlock, Molly understands those risks and believe me, she understands you. I'm sure she is fully aware that were she to enter into a romantic relationship with you that you being you, would end up doing something stupid, childish, and utterly asinine…"

"Thanks" Sherlock interrupted with a scowl.

"You're welcome. "John said grinning widely. "And I'm sure she knows that not only will you do stupid things but that you will also say stupid things. But I think if she knew how you felt about her that she'd still be willing to give you a chance."

"But what if someone tries to hurt her?" Sherlock implored waving his hand dramatically in front of him.

"Sherlock, that may or may never happen again. And if it does, I'm sure that you will do all that you can to protect her, but don't you think that it's her choice to make? Don't you think she should be given the chance to make that decision?"

Sherlock groaned again, hiding his face with his hands.

"Besides Sherlock, this is the season of love and of sharing things with the people that mean the most to you. This is the perfect time for you to tell her that you have feelings for her." John said.

"How can I tell her if she won't come to my party?" Sherlock said petulantly removing his hands from his face.

John sighed and rolled his eyes. "Perhaps if you went to her and apologized again for how you treated her last year. Maybe if you told her that it would mean a great deal to you if she were to come to our Christmas party, I'm sure she'd change her mind."

Slowly Sherlock rolled over onto his side facing John and looked at him. "Do you think so?"

"Yes Sherlock I do. And it wouldn't hurt if you got her a gift." John added.

"How should I know what to buy for a woman?" Sherlock said frowning.

"I can help you Sherlock."

"I don't want your help."

"Fine, Greg can help you." John said patiently.

"I want it to be something special." Sherlock said perking up and sitting up right.

"Good, it needs to be special for all the shite you've put her through. And it wouldn't hurt if it was very expensive."

"Of course it will be expensive and in excellent taste. Who do you think you're talking too?" Sherlock sniffed.

"Well you had better get a move on because the party is in three days and she gave me a resounding no when I asked her to come." John said.


Please review and let me know what you thought! Hugs!