(A/N This is my twentieth story. Before this was posted I had, 203 chapters in my stories, 75442 words in my stories, 258 reviews on my stories, 141 favorites on my stories, 186 follows on my stories, 17 people following me, and 17 people who have favorited me. You have no idea how long it took me to get those numbers.)

Hestia liked to sit and tend the flames. She didn't get many visitors, but that didn't bother her. Many days she would sit at the fire of Camp Half-Blood and watch.

One day, Hestia sat tending the flames. She watched a young boy come towards her.

"Can I sit here?" The little boy asked.

"Of course." Hestia had replied. "All are welcome at my hearth."

"My name's Nico." The boy said. "What's yours?"

"I am Hestia." She said. "Goddess of the Hearth."

"Awesome!" Nico said, then he frowned. "You don't have a card."

"A card?" Hestia asked him.

"Mythomagic card." Nico said. "It's a game I play. Every monster and god has a card. So why don't you?"

"I like to… how do you say it? Sit on the sidelines."

"Well, that's cool," He said.

Hestia smiled.

"So why are you at a demigod camp?" Nico asked.

"I like to tend the flames here." She said.

"That's cool," Nico said. "Why isn't anyone else talking to you?"

"Most never stop to talk. Everyone rushes about. No time for family."

"Family?" Nico asked.

"We are all related in one way or another,"

"That's cool. To have people that are family."

"All families fight, but that doesn't mean they care any less."

"Bianca just left," Nico muttered. "She didn't even ask me. Now she's on a quest and…"

"Good luck, Nico Di Angelo," Hestia said.

"Thank you, lady"

And with that Nico stood up and walked away.

Hestia smiled.

(A/N I hope you enjoyed it. Go read the Author's note at the top if you haven't already because that note took hard work. Review.)