AN: Oh gods... Sorry, guys. Crappy evening for me. Feels. Many, many feels. I apologize. But it was this or hurting myself. It's not like I won't regret both later on once it all sinks in.


All I want is for you to notice me.. Matthew thought as he watched his family from the midway point of the stairs. He had stopped on the way up to his room and glanced back, his first mistake.

He loved them, he honestly did. But they didn't notice him. He could be gone and they wouldn't notice, he bet.

At that thought, his eyes finally teared up and he dashed the rest of the way up the stairs to his room. He got his phone out, leaning against the door, and shakily dialed a number he knew by heart by now, putting the device that was acting as his main lifeline in that moment to his ear.

"Please pick up..."he whispered as the tears fell. He didn't know what he would do if he didn't get an answer.

Just as that thought entered his mind, the sound of his boyfriend's voice filtered through the speaker. But, Matthew realized with a soft sob, it was only his voicemail.

"Hallo. You've reached the awesome Gilbert. Leave a message, ja?"

Matthew didn't wait for the tone, he hung up and slid down the door to where he was sitting against it.

Things didn't settle much after that for Matthew. He had to manage a whole weekend with his family.

First thing Monday when they got back to school, Gilbert found the Canadian curled in on himself outside in the cool autumn morning air. The Prussian grinned and moved to wrap his arms around Matthew from behind, but he was pushed away.

"Mattie? What's wrong?"Gilbert asked once it sunk in that something was really the matter with his boyfriend, who was normally very happy to see him.

Matthew shook his head silently, glancing down at the ground.

Gilbert did a quick sweeping glance of his boyfriend. It was enough for him to notice the way that Matthew held the ends of his jacket sleeves in a death grip, the fact that his eyes were swollen and dull and that he was having to bite at his lower lip to keep it from trembling.

"Matthew.."Gilbert said. "What happened?"

Matthew let out a low sob and shook his head.

Gilbert frowned in concern. He had never once scene Matthew cry, never break. He moved to draw him into a gentle hug and this time met no resistance. "It was your family again, wasn't it? They started ignoring you again, huh?"
Matthew nodded weakly.

"Why didn't you call?"

Matthew gave a bitter laugh through his tears. "I did."he mumbled. "You didn't answer. Again."

Gilbert sighed. "I'm sorry."he said quietly. Then something finally clicked. "Mattie, let me see your arms."

Matthew shook his head, moving from the hug that Gilbert had him wrapped in.

Gilbert gave him a look. "Le'me see."he said again.

Matthew gave him a searching glance before he huffed, but he made no move to wipe the tears away or push his sleeves up.

Instead, Gilbert reached over and pulled his sleeves up. He sighed when he saw the angry red marks. "This has to stop somehow.."he mumbled. "You'll end up killing yourself one of these days."

"And?"Matthew asked. "Not like anyone would notice or care."

Gilbert glowered. "Excuse you."he said in response. "I would. I care about you. Mattie, I love you, you know this."

Matthew met his eyes and finally reached up to dry his eyes. "Really..? You mean it..?"
Gilbert gave him a soft smile in return. "Of course I mean it."he said in response. "Ich liebe dich."

Matthew managed a soft smile for the first time within the last several days. "Je t'aime."he said in response.
"Good."Gilbert said softly, grinning. He leaned down and stole a soft kiss before he pulled back and grabbed Matthew's hands. " thing...this?"he added, holding Matthew's hands up so that Matthew himself could see the cuts. "It can't happen again. I don't like seeing you hurt, Birdie."

Matthew nodded. "I know. I'm sorry."

Gilbert shrugged. "That's okay. I get it."he mumbled before kissing the cuts softly.

Matthew laughed quietly. "What are you doing?"
Gilbert smiled up at Matthew. "An old tradition I have with Ludwig..if he got hurt as a kid, I'd kiss the would to make sure he knew he was loved no matter what. I'm going to do the same. Besides...the scars that will show up once these heal? Battle scars. Everyone has some, in some way."

Matthew smiled faintly. "You are such an idiot sometimes."

Gilbert shrugged. "I'm your idiot, though."